Member Reviews

I really liked the prior book, so I had high hopes for this one. But a lot of the nerdy references just went over my head, and it moved much too slow for my taste.

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I love Marissa Meyer, and this book fits in well with her others! She has this way of adding magic (in most cases it's literally but also I mean it here figuratively). Jude was so easy to love.

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🦇 With a Little Luck Book Review 🦇

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

❓ #QOTD Do you believe in luck or fate? ❓

🦇 Jude is perfectly okay with sticking backstage or beyond the spotlight while his twin sister and friend take risks. It's easier to work at his parents' vinyl record store, act as the DM at D&D nights, and draw comics out of the limelight. Jude's luck in life changes when he finds a scarlet D20 die. Suddenly, he can do no wrong. He wins a pair of coveted concert tickets, asks out the most popular girl in school (who he's had a crush on forever), and even finds a record signed by Paul McCartney. What happens when his luck takes a turn for the worst? What happens when he realized that blessing could in fact be a curse?

💜 Disclaimer: I've been a long-time, heart-eyed fan of Marissa Meyer. I get weak for any writer who completes a project during NaNoWriMo, but Marissa Meyer's The Lunar Chronicles series (perhaps my most recommended book here) goes above and beyond. That being said, let's talk about Jude. Jude...sweet, sweet baby Jude. You idiot. You adorkable, nerdtastic little idiot. It's obvious where this is going from page one, bub, and you don't see it. I love you all the more for it, truly. Thank you for occasionally breaking the fourth wall and trusting you with your awkward, nerdy self. I loved every bit.

💜 Meyer flawlessly walks the line between magic and realism, making you question if Jude's D20 is controlling his fate or if it's all circumstance. The message ("Is it good luck. Is it bad?" "Perhaps.") behind this story is as complex as a 20-sided die. It's a message of controlling our own fate, of recognizing that our perception of a situation makes it a positive or negative experience. There's so much going on in this story, yet it's all seamlessly intertwined, much as multiple aspects of our lives are part of our vivid stories. Jude processing reality AND his current D&D campaign by creating a comic series (which we get to see!) was precious, but also incredibly realistic of a creative mind. Every member of Jude's found family is realistic, humanly flawed, each processing internal and exterior conflicts many of us have experienced in our teen years. Perhaps one of my favorites was Maya, the girl Jude has a long-time, unrequited crush on (why did I keep picturing Havana Rose Liu's Isabel from Bottoms? Just me???). No secondary character is wasted; they're all a part of Jude's story. Even watching an adult who seems perfectly confident and put together having an unrequited crush sends a message to Jude. It's never too late, so long as you take your shot.

🦇 I'm generally not a fan of love triangles, and it's quite obvious from the beginning that Jude and Ari are meant to be. So it's a little frustrating to watch him (not quite) date Maya. However, it's entirely realistic. Jude has to experience (not quite) dating Maya to realize he doesn't want to (really) date her. The way he processes it all is very mature but also sweet. It also makes his realization that he's been focused on the impossibility of Maya as a distraction from his true feelings all the sweeter.

🦇 Recommended to fans of Nicola Yoon, Rainbow Rowell, Danika Stone, Jenny Han, or the Just My Luck film (with McFly!...and Chris Pine). For all my fellow nerds (anyone who recognizes Firefly gets a cookie).

✨ The Vibes ✨
🎲 Young Adult Romance
🐉 Tons of Nerdtastic References
⚔️ A Little Magical Realism
💎 Lyrics and Comics
🧚‍♀️ Friends to Lovers
🏰 Found Family
🎲 Part of a Duology

🦇 Major thanks to the author and publisher for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

💬 Quotes
❝ I’ve got a decent imagination, which is almost as good as epic quests and true love. Imagination surpasses real life… what? Ninety percent of the time? Tell me I’m wrong. You’re the one with your nose in a book right now, so I know you agree with me, at least on some level. ❞

❝ “Luck is all about perspective…”
“And what you do with the opportunities you’re given.” ❞

❝ “I want to be with you,” I say. “On whatever quest or adventure we go on. I want to be with you. Always. All the time. And I hate that it took me so long to figure that out.” ❞

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I love Marissa Meyer and her books, but her contemporary romances fall short of her sci-fi and fantasy. However, I liked this story more than the previous one in this dualogy, probably because I couldn't stand the main character in the last book. Jude was definitely more tolerable.

I am not a fan of love triangles, but I just had to deal with it for this, because overall, it's a good book. And the DND references are fun! I love that the touch of magic came from a lucky d20 this time.

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I'm going to start by saying I almost DNF'd this book - not because I didn't like it or it wasn't interesting, but as a character I just wasn't as interested in Jude. That could be because overall he wasn't in the first book (Instant Karma) very much, but that was also to be expected because it was about his sister. To be honest, I also wasn't very interested in Maya either and figured why should I keep reading when I'm not invested in either the main character or his romantic interest?

That being said I'm so glad I kept reading, and I actually listened to some of the book in it's audiobook format and that was a delight - highly recommend. The background noises and the way the narrator told the story was so good and made me appreciate the story even more.

Sometimes friends to lovers is a hard trope because in most circumstances the characters don't change - they just become less oblivious and their eyes are opened to what's right in front of them. And for someone who is into a character driven story it's not always as appealing as some other popular tropes. This book did have a lot of character development though, I will give it credit there. Sometimes it was more on the part of the side characters, but still there also some self reflection on the part of the main character. I absolutely loved when Jude would break the 4th wall and talk to the audience, I don't think I've ever read a book where that happened and it was a nice touch. I also know very little about dungeons and dragons, but was still able to follow along and find the story enjoyable - so you don't need to be a diehard D&D fan to enjoy the story, but if you are I'm sure you'll enjoy it even more. However, I did love the nerdy references - while I don't play D&D I do participate in some other things that could be considered nerdy.

Thanks to #NetGalley for an advance copy of #WithaLittleLuck by Marissa Meyer to read and review.

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Jude has done a good job of surviving high school without any major issues. He has great friends, a job, and a relaxing hobby. He isn’t unhappy with his life, but when he finds a twenty-sided dice that appears to be giving him great luck … his life begins to change. He wins tickets to a concert and decides to ask out his long-time crush; she accepts! One of his drawings is accepted in a fanzine and he helps a friend become a finalist in a competition. Everything is wonderful until he loses the dice. His luck quickly vanishes and he is now faced with a life in upheaval. Can Jude make his own luck?

With a Little Luck is the second book in the Fortuna Beach duology. Although this is technically a sequel, readers do not need to have read the first book to enjoy it. There are spoilers for the first book in this one, though, so don’t read it first if you plan to go back to the original. Meyer has created a cast of characters I loved to spend time with and I hope she creates other “companion” novels with them. A fun escape for all underdog romance fans.

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This is a perfect romantic YA treat. I enjoyed revisiting the characters of Fortuna Beach--the Barnette family with all the Beatles references. Great plot and pace.

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Thanks to NetGalley for a ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I love Marissa Meyer books, and Instant Karma (the first book in this series) was a great read. I really liked this one too. Jude is an interesting kid that a lot of people can relate to easily. I liked Ari and Jude together, but I didn't love all of the deep longing and teenage angst in this one as much as some others. I love Meyers writing style and I'll always grab her books, but this one wasn't my favorite.

Jude is determined to fly under the radar. He just wants to draw comics, host D&D night with his friends, work at his parents’ vinyl record store, and escape high school as unscathed as possible. That is, until the night he finds himself inexplicably gifted with a bout of supernatural good luck.
Suddenly, everything Jude has ever wanted is within reach. His art is being published. He helps his friend’s song become a finalist in a songwriting competition. And he wins a pair of coveted concert tickets, which he can use to ask out the popular girl he’s been crushing on since elementary school.
But how long can Jude’s good fortune last? And why does he find himself thinking about Ari, his best friend since forever? If Jude has been dreaming of the wrong girl this whole time, does that mean he's doomed to be unlucky in love forever?
With a sprinkle of magic, this sweet beachside romance is perfect for fans of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and Love & Gelato, as well as anyone who has ever swooned over Marissa Meyer’s beloved characters.

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I confess: I love Marissa Meyer’s books. I had a hard time getting started with this one because it was so different from what I was accustomed to from her, but the story, the writing, the “realness” of the characters drew me in to what is a lovely, touching, realistic depiction of flawed young people who grow and learn that the world is more than you see at first glance. It’s a beautiful story about teens who wrestle with internal and external conflicts, and who love and support each other unconditionally.

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A fun second book in the Fortuna Beach series that features Prudence's twin brother, Jude. A geeky nerd who has held a long time crush on aspiring singer/songwriter Ari. Centered around his parent's record store, Jude finds himself in possession of a magical Dungeons and dragons di that brings him untold luck. The only problem is it can't quite help him achieve relationship success. If you enjoy YA stories with nerdy MCs, a touch of magical realism and books like Dungeons and drama by Kristy Boyce, this is one not to miss. Good on audio too narrated by Stacy Carolan. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital and audio copy in exchange for my honest review!

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“I want to be with you,” I say. “On whatever quest or adventure we go on. I want to be with you. Always. All the time. And I hate that it took me so long to figure that out.” 🥹🧡


Marissa Meyer is one of my all-time favorite authors, and receiving this ARC was a dream come true!!! She once again has crafted a hilarious, nerdy, and heartfelt novel. 😊

Jude is an amazing MMC because he is so compassionate about his interests and the ones he loves! His journey to becoming unapologetically himself was truly so touching to read. His struggles with fitting in reminded me of myself when I was in high school! His relationships with his family and friends are super wholesome too.

The best part of the book was all the incredible DnD-esque comic book drawings!!! I found myself captivated by them and how they enhanced the story. Also, some of my favorite tropes were present (friends-to-lovers, found family) and many sections made cry/smile at the same time! 🥲

All in all, With a Little Luck by @marissameyerauthor is a feel-good romance about the power of luckiness and never giving up on your dreams/hopes! 🥰🌴💿🎤

Thank you to @netgalley and @macmillanusa for the opportunity to read/review this ARC. 🤩📚❤️

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This was a very sweet YA read! The story is pretty much exactly the blurb, so don't read it if you want to be surprised I guess? But I loved the level of detail to each subplot, and the friends to lovers romance was very top tier 😭

-- ty to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy!

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I loved so much about this book! Jude, the main character, was easy to root for. I loved the relationship between Jude and his sisters and parents, and them all being named after Beatles songs was so fun! I really enjoyed the journey Jude took to learning to make his own luck in life, and I loved watching Ari blossom and her dreams coming true.

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With a Little Luck is an adorable, fun companion to Instant Karma about Pru’s brother, Jude. From the moment I met Jude in Instant Karma, I knew he deserved his own book. And I am so glad that Marissa Meyer not only wrote his story but gave him a well-written, fantastic story that did not disappoint.

I love the “lucky dice” concept and how it propels the plot forward and ties into Jude’s love life. It’s a great balance to Pru’s karmic powers. All the D&D and nerd culture references were perfect, and I love that this book also includes some of Jude’s comic book sketches (drawn by Chuck Gonzales). I am so here for more books that embrace the geek and nerd fandoms.

Jude himself is relatable and adorable and such a precious cinnamon roll. I love the sibling relationships between him and all of his sisters. I love that we get more of Pru and Quint post-Instant Karma. I love Maya and her character arc. I love Ari and her relationship with Jude. I love Jude’s revelations about his own life over the course of the story and just how Marissa Meyer flipped around stereotypes and tropes. Basically, I love this book.

With a Little Luck is warm and fluffy and made me laugh and feel a lot. It’s so well written and adorable and exactly the kind of companion novel I wanted for Jude. I hope Marissa considers writing more books about these characters.

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I'm a huge fan of the author and this book did not disappoint. This book was just adorable all the way around. It was heartwarming and enjoyable. The characters are wonderful and fun, and you can't help but cheer for them throughout the book. There's something charming and wonderful throughout this book that you can't help but enjoy. It's well-written with a solid story and enjoyable characters. A wonderful read and would highly recommend!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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"After being magically gifted with incredible luck, a boy discovers this gift just may be a curse when it comes to love, in this sweet romantic comedy by #1 New York Times-bestselling author Marissa Meyer.

Jude is determined to fly under the radar. He just wants to draw comics, host D and D night with his friends, work at his parents' vinyl record store, and escape high school as unscathed as possible. That is, until the night he finds himself inexplicably gifted with a bout of supernatural good luck.

Suddenly, everything Jude has ever wanted is within reach. His art is being published. He helps his friend's song become a finalist in a songwriting competition. And he wins a pair of coveted concert tickets, which he can use to ask out the popular girl he's been crushing on since elementary school.

But how long can Jude's good fortune last? And why does he find himself thinking about Ari, his best friend since forever? If Jude has been dreaming of the wrong girl this whole time, does that mean he's doomed to be unlucky in love forever?

With a sprinkle of magic, this sweet beachside romance is perfect for fans of To All the Boys I've Loved Before and Love and Gelato, as well as anyone who has ever swooned over Marissa Meyer's beloved characters."

Here for whatever Marissa Meyer writes. Always.

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I misunderstood the description of this book. I was under the impression that it was an adult romance. Apologies.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Marissa, and Feiwel & Friends for this e-ARC. It is on my radar to purchase a physical copy for myself and my classroom. I had a wonderful time reading it.

Although I had not read Instant Karma, I thoroughly enjoyed Fortuna Beach. For the first half of the book I felt as though our side characters were some of the best parts of the book, especially Ari. Which would make sense.
However, I feel as though Jude really got his stride and started being the leading man of his book about halfway through the book. Meyers does a wonderful job showcasing the mind of a teenage boy struggling through his emotions and thoughts surrounding love.
I enjoyed the fourth wall breaks and especially the inclusion of the comic art.

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I love Marissa Meyer. She is one of my favorite authors, so I was so excited to read her newest book, and I was not disappointed. I Jude and seeing him learn what real love is. Seeing a nerdy character get the girl and then learning that maybe this isn’t quite what he had in mind is lovely. I also love that Jude stayed true to himself throughout the book. He didn’t hide his love for dungeons and dragons, in fact he introduced it to the popular girl. This allowed her to realize that maybe it is okay to be popular and try new things. There is just such a lovely message throughout this book about embracing who you really are. I also enjoyed the comic sprinkled throughout.
Thank you so very much to Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group for allowing me to read an advance copy of this book. I am looking forward to recommending it really soon.

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5/5 stars!

Thank you Netgalley for the eARC!

Has Marissa Meyer ever failed to deliver a perfect, heartwarming romance? The answer is no. Absolutely not.

This book follows Jude, an artsy boy who plays D&D, loves his family and music, and is utterly in love with the popular girl at his school. One day, he stumbled across a twenty sided dice, and everything changes. (It’s a Marissa Meyer book, you didn’t think there’d be magic?). Suddenly, he has good luck. Like, really good luck. Signed posters, concert tickets, and a date with the girl he’s obsessed with level good luck.

It’s all going great until he starts to realize that everything he wanted…is maybe not what he actually wanted.

I absolutely adored this book. Jude is such a sweetheart, I loved him and his story was really fun to read. He’s sweet, kind, loving, and absolutely deserves the world. I loved his family, and his relationship with his sisters, it was so wholesome!

Also, I didn’t realize this was the second book and that the first was about his twin, Prudence. I’m reading that one now because I can’t get enough of this family!!

I liked that no one, not even the side characters, was unimportant. Everyone had a journey that we got to follow, from the popular girl to Jude’s nerdy friend group, to the superstar he meets along the way.

And I absolutely loved Ari, up and coming songwriter who is hopelessly in love with Jude. I loved the comics he drew that paralleled the story and how he comes to realize that his own art has been telling him something all along.

Overall, it’s a Marissa Meyer romance. You want to read it, trust me .

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