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Mislaid in Parts Half-Known is the ninth book in the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire. This portal fantasy series is made up of novellas that follow children that have gone through doors to other worlds. In some installments, we follow them while they are in their world and in other installments, we follow them when they return from their world and end up in Eleanor West’s school.

Some of the books in this series can be read out of order but I think in order to really understand this one, you need to have read the majority of the other books in this series. This book follows Antsy again and picks up pretty much exactly where the previous installment ended. I won’t go too much into the story so I won’t spoil anything but this book was beautifully written and insightful but also a little repetitive feeling and much slower moving.

What has proven true with this entire series is I prefer the even numbered installments because they are the ones that explore the fantastical worlds and the installment right before this one was one of my favorites in the entire series so I knew this one wouldn’t live up to that. This was still a good time. I love seeing the larger cast that we have met come together because it is always so interesting. I feel like this one had a good mix of fantasy elements in it as well.

I would highly recommend this series to anyone who loves books that feel like fairytales and portal fantasy. A lot of these books will really make you think about things in a new light and I love that feeling.

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This novel picks up where the last left off, with Antsy coming to Eleanor West’s School for Wayward Children. I liked Antsy, so I was happy to see her back so soon! In this installment, the resident mean girl of Eleanor West’s tries to exploit Antsy’s newfound superpower of being able to find anything and force her to find her door. But instead, she uses that superpower to escape with her new friends, and they go on a journey that takes them through various doors and worlds – including the shop that stole Antsy’s youth away.

I enjoyed this one, back at Eleanor’s with the whole gang but also gallivanting through the various worlds. We get a little bit of Kade backstory (though it hurt my heart a little) and Antsy gets some much-needed closure. It didn’t feel as cohesive as some of the previous novels in the series – but it did have dinosaurs! Four stars.

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Beautiful, quotable writing as always

It felt a little repetitive in the beginning because it was explaining how the school works all over again.

This one felt a little off. It was more an adventure created to wrap up a few characters stories rather than its own independent story and that made it feel kind of wooden in places.

It was nice to see the characters again though and I would continue reading whatever else comes out of this series.

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This series has been pretty up and down - it started off strong, then went downhill for a few books, and then started coming back up again. This book is one of the better ones in the series, though still not as good as the first few. I'm hoping the author can keep up this momentum though and finish off the series on a good note, whenever that may be.

This entry focuses on Antsy, who can find lost things. More specifically, she can find the thing every child in this series longs to find - the door back to their world. When a couple of students hope to exploit this by controlling Antsy, she flees along with a few other students who made appearance throughout the series. Along the way, she finds the door back to her world, and decides she needs to set things right once and for all.

If you haven't read the other books in this series, this one isn't going to make much sense. While a couple of them you could read without having read the others and still mostly understand what's going on, this one specifically focuses on events and characters from previous books, and you will be lost without having read them first. For a short while I considered giving up on this series. There were a couple of entries that were pretty terrible and made me feel like it wasn't going to get better. However, the last two entries have helped make up for it and I do plan on continuing for now. If you enjoy ya books with fantasy and a diverse set of characters, it is worth picking up. Just be aware that you may struggle with a few books along the way.

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I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley for my honest review.
This has quickly become my favorite series and I’m beyond grateful to have gotten to read this book early! So glad we were given the next part of Antsy’s story in this book. We got a glimpse into 2 worlds, one with DINOSAURS and the other I’m sure fans of this series will be super excited to see. Also love how this book really touches on childhood trauma and how it effects people. There are some amazingly powerful quotes throughout this book on the topic that made me cry. I highly recommend this book, although I would recommend at least reading book 8 before this one!

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Have we ever gotten two books, in a row, that follow the same protagonist? Lost in the Moment and Found, and Mislaid in Parts Half-Known really read like 2 halves of one story and I love it.

We are once again following Antsy as she learns how to survive at Eleanor Wests school, trying to make friends while being all too aware that she is a 9 year old in a teenagers body (thank you magical doors and your secret Cost).

But what happens when the kids at school find out that Antsy is able to find missing things.... and those things include their missing Doors?

We end up on a race through a few different Doors, all the while learning more about the Doors themselves while we follow Antsy on her quest back to the Store.

We get to visit 2 new worlds, and we have a lot of amazing quotes, which for me was I surprised how many came from Sumi (until Antsy points out that Sumi is a lot smarter than she pretends to be so i suppose I fell for the rouse too).

And yes, this book shows a glimpse into the world of Dinosaurs. I of course was beyond hyped for this - i am a Dinosaur girllll. While the Dinosaur World was not .... exactly what i would have wanted from a portal world (particularly based on the cover) I do think Seanan included in the right amount and right way. The way of these Worlds you can really only go 2 ways with Dinos-- make them sentient talking creatures which risks being Cheesy or them being the natural predators that they are and therefore unsafe for (most) humans to be living there - and thus we can't necessarily spend the whole book in there. She made the right decision and I think it works with this story incredibly well.

I really like the lore that was fleshed out further here, and the things that are slowly being set-up for what is probably an ending in the next few books (I don't want it to ever end but I can see the dominos falling in a way that makes sense)

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(Review scheduled to post on my blog on 12/24/23)

This is the one with dinosaurs! It's excellent, and if you've been enjoying the series so far you'll love this too. Antsy is trying to make it so no other kids get tricked out of their childhoods by unknowingly paying for too many doors, but this time she has some help from Kade, Sumi, and the others.

For a school where “No Quests” adorns the door, the students at the school for Wayward Children sure do get up to a lot of quests. A core group with a slowly shifting cast has been established as traveling to try and fix things on a semi-regular basis. In MISLAID IN PARTS HALF-KNOWN, some of the kids figure out that Antsy’s gift for finding lost things might let her find their doors... whereupon trouble ensues. Kade, Sumi, Cora, Emily, and Christopher travel with Antsy to try and set things right which were left broken when she fled the Store at the end of LOST IN THE MOMENT AND FOUND. The worldbuilding has been getting more complicated as they learn more about what's happening. Eleanor's assumptions about the students have started having more to do with her desire for Nonsense than their actual experiences, and it's getting to a point where it's affecting the room assignments. This continues several storylines which were begun earlier, creating what feels like an entirely new storyline through recombination of older threads, even though as each piece was something introduced earlier. This far into the series, that’s an excellent feeling, making the adventure feel both fresh and familiar even on a first read-through. A particular problem in the Store is both introduced and resolved, and several more tangles either arise or are addressed. As a story about nexuses and connections, it’s especially nice to reach a point where everything feels so connected to everything else that it’s a complicated tangle to explain the setup, which for me is one of the joys of a long-running series.

MISLAID IN PARTS HALF-KNOWN could partly make sense to someone who starts here, but if such a person wanted to jump in midway without starting at the beginning of the series, LOST IN THE MOMENT AND FOUND (the previous book) would be a much better entry point. That reader would find themselves knowing as much as Antsy does about what’s happening, which is a comprehensible perspective even if it misses earlier portions of the ongoing story. I particularly enjoyed some moments with Kade and Sumi (both separately and together). This felt like an ensemble cast in a way that earlier books didn't, and it's wonderful to be at the point in the series where the focus can smoothly shift between characters as needed.

This entry is great, don't miss it! This series is consistently excellent and I'm eager to read what happens next.

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I absolutely loved this book. I wasn't sure being 9th in the series if it was going to be as good as the beginning of the series but it really was.

In this story we focus on Antsy as she joins Eleanor West's School for Wayward Children but she finds herself going back to the Shop Where the Lost Things Go with her new friends. She's determined to make sure her 'replacement' is being told everything they need to know.

We hear from each of the children their views on if they would return to their doors and see how far they have come. There's even dinosaurs!

Would definitely recommend.

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Another great addition to the Wayward Children series. While not my favorite book in the series, it follows Antsy (who we met in the last book) and a cast of characters we know and love. I think this entry to the series is fun and whimsical while still providing some fantastic world building and a few satisfying conclusions. Can't wait for the next entry to the Wayward Children already!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Tor Publishing for giving me an arc of this in exchange for an honest review 💗

Unlike most of the other Wayward Children books, this one is a continuation of the one before. I’m glad Antsy’s story got an ending. I love how whimsical this series is and the magical worlds we get to explore with our quirky cast of characters. I appreciate the hard hitting topics that are sprinkled throughout these stories too.

This wasn’t my favorite in the series but I still really enjoyed it. It felt like a fun adventure and i love getting lost in these stories. I was excited that we got to experience a few different worlds with our main characters all together. I usually prefer the ‘standalone’ ones that follow one character as they find their door, but this one was still really fun and i did get that warm fuzzy feeling i often get with these books!

I really loved the way this book ended and I’ll forever be excited for new books in this series!

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I don’t stick through with many super long series. Inevitably I find they meander, and with no clear ending in sight I tend to give up. I had that issue with Seanan’s Incryptid series and I think I’ve reached that point with the Wayward Children. This is a direct sequel the previous book, following Antsy when she’s finally at the School, then as she returns to the Store/Nexus to resolve the issues she left hanging.

My biggest gripe with the series as it stands is that we haven’t had any resolution for our initial, what I would call, our main cast since Jack & Jill. Kade, Christopher, and Sumi are following along on quests that revolve around side characters that seem to appear for a purpose and simply disappear (return to their world). This story was exactly that. I am left wondering, what is the point of these last two books? The previous one felt heavy handed with the emotional manipulation and this one felt almost boring.

As I mentioned, we return to Antsy’s world for the bulk of any plot events. The cover depicts Stephanie’s world (who we met in a previous book), and it’s part of the tale very briefly. Sadly that means we see very little of a new world, or setting. We get very little when it comes to greater world or metaplot movement and it felt… dull.

Ultimately I am left wondering, could this have been two chapters in another book? There was little of impact, and what impact we had in the previous book (as the two have to be taken together) was in the end not needed. I’m also beginning to wonder, if going through doors is so common how is it none of these parents or guardians give a damn? Surely someone somewhere besides Eleanor understands. It makes me seriously question the continuity of this world. As a parent even if I didn't quite understand, I would never simply abandon my child in the way *nearly every child in this story is abandoned*. It boggles my mind.

2 Doors out of 5… meh

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This is the only installment where I wish I would've re-read the previous book. It took me a bit to find my footing with the characters and story, but once I did, I enjoyed it. I liked seeing more of Antsy's story and getting a more in-depth look at how the Doors work. You see the toll they take and the sacrifice that comes from using them. Antsy's connection with them is so interesting, and I liked getting glimpses into the new worlds that she and the rest of the gang traveled through. Based on the cover, I thought the dinosaur world would play more of a role, but it was still cool to see. The whole plot felt like filler, but it was a quick read, and I think fans of the series will enjoy it.

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What a wonderful book. I loved this series with my whole heart. Following Antsy further was exactly what I’d have hoped for in this latest edition. These characters are everything.

Thank you so much to the publisher and netgalley for my e-arc!

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Mislaid in Parts Half-Known is yet another gripping novella in the celebrated Wayward Children series, and it stands as a testament to McGuire's prowess in crafting a world that's as enchanting as it is poignant. This latest journey is not just another adventure; it's a deep dive into the heart of what makes us yearn for places that feel like they’ve been tailor-made for our souls.

Antsy, our protagonist, instantly won me over with her unique talent for finding—no, for unearthing—both the wondrous and the perilous. Seeing the world through her eyes is like walking through a door yourself, one that leads to realms of boundless curiosity and bittersweet discovery. And in this installment, her abilities take us on a quest that's rich with significance and heart.

This novella felt like a balance perfected, interweaving the familiar tapestry of the core group from Eleanor West's School with the refreshing focus of a singular narrative, giving us a potent, character-driven story. Learning more about the mechanics of the doors added layers to the already complex mythology, feeding my fascination and leaving me with a hunger for more.

But it was the exploration of the cycle of abuse that struck a chord with me. McGuire handles this theme with a delicate yet deliberate touch, portraying Vineta's manipulation of her charges and her own past victimhood with an empathetic nuance. Antsy's resilience and her resolve to break free from this cycle is a journey that's both harrowing and healing to witness.

This isn't just a novella; it's a mirror reflecting the often painful process of growth and the beauty of breaking free from chains we sometimes don't even realize are there. This story not only provided a satisfying narrative but also a space for cathartic reflection. Antsy's journey is one that lingers, like the echo of a door softly closing behind you, leaving you changed on the other side.

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I’m sobbing, I love this series, and I love these characters so so much! Every time I get to the next book, I think I know what to expect… But then I’m STILL surprised as I keep reading. I’m almost sad these are novellas, because I could read 400 page novels in all these worlds. At the school, even! But honestly, these bite size books are perfect, and they still contain SO MUCH amazing world building and character development.

I see there is a tenth installment coming at some point soon! I will wait as patiently as possible to return to this series. In the meantime, I will say this was probably one of my most favorite of the installments!!

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for this review copy. I loved it--I really like this series, and this was a good installment--tied up some loose ends from previous books, especially the last one. Probably made some more to tie up later too.

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Mislaid in Parts Half-Known is the newest installment in the Wayward Children series and a more direct follow up to Lost in the Moment and Found. We follow Antsy in this book as well as she starts at the Home for Wayward Children.

Lost in the Moment and Found was probably my favorite installment of the series so far so I was quite happy to return to Antsy so soon. It makes sense as Antsy's power of finding anything would stand out to the other students. Because if she can find anything, she could find everyone's door, couldn't she? Having to explain that doesn't quite work that way, isn't easy to students that are quite desperate. It would be hard to continue to navigate that power. Yet I'm still sad that her story is already at an end. I found Antsy a great character to follow.

It was interesting to go through various worlds. Kade's world for instance! Getting more on what he went through was a good thing to have. And going through a world with dinosaurs was really cool too.

Returning to the Shop Where the Lost Things Go was interesting because there should have been repurcussions after Antsy left. Yet Vineta seemed to have carried on just like before with a new girl. Learning more about Hudson's kind and Ansy's role to play in the shop was interesting. And it was a good wrap to Antsy's story. I'm just sad to not get her back.

There was also another wrap to someone else's story. And it really ups the anticipation because, does that mean that we will finally get more of a focus on Kade and Christopher?

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In which we learn, in no preferrential order, more about Kade, more about how (and why) Sumi can make sense, a further unraveling of Elly-Eleanor's ability to discern Doors, a rather logical explanation about Doors and what is (and isn't) required from them...

...and a bit about the Moors I should have realized but never did.

Eleanor West doesn't allow quests in her rules, but as our ever growing and changing band of questers finds, even if you aren't looking for adventures, sometimes adventure is necessary to protect those you love.

This series as a whole has always been about finding yourself, finding what it is about your life you are missing or need to make you Sure about your choice. What the series has been hinting at, but didn't make explicit until Antsy's book (book 8: Lost in the Moment and Found), was the TOLL levvied. Not that McGuire hasn't spent every book, both implicitly and explicitly, stating that these Travels the kids go on and the adventures they have, they have a price. In Lundy's book (Book 4: In an Absent Dream), as well as Lundy's explanation in Nancy's book (Book 1: Every Heart a Doorway), we get an idea that a Price is paid by some of the kids according to the Laws of the Door they find themself in.

We know for Christopher, when he goes home to his Skeleton Girl, his price for his Happily Ever After, for him to Belong, is to shed his flesh and blood. For Kade, his price to Belong in Prism was to be someone he never wanted to be. These are more extreme examples, but these are things the kids must be Sure of because this is the Price their Door requires. It was even something Nancy had to grapple with, in her own way, before she could return.

But these are not the only Prices. Antsy learned what the Price that all Doors require, but few ever really have to worry about (something Sumi explains quite well) because they only go through their Door a handful or two times. Barely anything is taken because barely anything happens in 3 days to make note of. And when your Door is asynchonistic to Earth anyhow, would you really notice if you grew three days older?

And now...well. We come to the reckoning as it were. We come to where Antsy explains it all out for everyone to understand and we see the consequences of that knowing. This feels more linear then the others, but that might be a little misleading as the last book was Antsy's and this one also was a bit Antsy's and a bit Cora's and a bit Sumi's.

Though I'm not sure how I feel about Christopher's casual acceptance that if he can't return to Mariposa and his Skeleton Girl he'll have a perfectly splendid career as a serial killer.

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My thanks to NetGalley for making an eARC of this book available to me.

The Wayward Children return, this time with no new kids, but with yet another great adventure that uncovers just a little more about how the Doors might work, and visits to a couple of worlds that we have seen before. This fascinating series continues to keep us enthralled and hoping for more.

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Another excellent addition to the Wayward Children series! I loved the new directions opened up in the storyline, as well as the time spent with both new and familiar characters. This book is not a place to start the series, but for those who've read all the previous books, Mislaid in Parts Half-Known will be a total treat.

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