Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book more than the first one. And it's all due to Odelle and Antonys romance, I loved these two together! This book follows Odelle, our main character, who is a double amputee and her life has constantly been about proving herself due to it. We also have Antony, who if you’ve read the first book now is one of the Smiths of the Eteria. He previously has rejected Odelles romantic advances, but in this book it all comes together.
Their romance was absolutely adorable, especially when Odelle was explaining the modern world to him, all his questions and everything had me gushing. It was so sweet. The forced proximity in this plays a huge part in establishing their romance since Odelle didn’t really want to be in the same room as him at first but had no choice due to the shadows. Odelle proves a lot in this book, to herself and others since she felt like she didn’t fit in with the Eteria and her sister Nora, but now she knows she does.
I hope we get more books on the Eteria, I love them so much! Thank you to Netgalley and City Owl Press for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This 2nd book in the series is even better than the first!! This has a disabled female main character and it doesn't stop her at all helping to defend her city from evil. Love the pace and the story line of this book. And I cannot wait for the next book!
I just reviewed Chaos and Crowns by S. C. Grayson. #ChaosandCrowns #NetGalley
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I kinda liked this one. The plot was good. It was thick and original. I like the whole secret society of sorcerers. The protagonists are differents , not too much cliché. It's refreshing to see. I liked Odelle, the main character. She was strong and with her head on her shoulders. But it was missing something for me and I wasn't a big fan of the writing. But it was good! I recommend it.

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Chaos and Crowns is the 2nd book in the Defender of the Light series and is the story of Odelle and Antony.

Odelle is a television reporter who we met in the first book in the series. Her sister Nora is a warrior involved in the Eteria battle but is now on a getaway with her love from book one. While Odelle is at a gala, she discovers a crown and catches a glimpse of the Shadow. She wants to help and seeks assistance from the Eteria to secure the crown before the shadow obtains it and she really wants to prove herself to herself as well as to Antony, who rejected her advances.

Antony is a blacksmith who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders and deals with his own insecurities. They team up to be warriors in their own way to fight against the Shadow.

I really loved the disability representation in this book. Odelle is a double amputee and is confident in herself while also wanting to prove herself to be useful even though she is not a warrior. I also loved the shadow vs light plot.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy romance and enjoys the dynamic between two souls who belong together.

This book was read as an ARC through NetGalley but all opinions are my own.

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