Member Reviews

I received a free ARC, and this review is voluntary.

Before the review, I wanted to say how over-the-moon this experience was for me. Ever since getting ensared by Gideon Falls, I've kept a close four eyes on anything Jeff Lemire related. I'm just so grateful to be given this opportunity.

An unnamed detective finds himself thrust into a case with implications beyond his understanding. Going through the motions, we catch glimpses of this world as it unfolds, but with each new sight more questions arise. As pieces on the board shift, the detective's understanding of the case is lost in the mystery of trying to solve it. As other characters join the fold, it simply produces more confusion. Things are not always as they appear, nor are they always as they seem in this world. Attempting to remove that barrier to allow us to know can prove fatal to the mind.

This plot is driven by the desire of the detective to find answers, even when he hasn't yet learned that some things are better left not knowing. Staying true to the cosmic element, the pages of each panel pop-out with these peculiar colors, the chroma of each an illumination. A story that combines detective fiction with the embracement of the absurd. It's in this madness we find ourselves, too, wondering if we are ready to know what we shouldn't.

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An interesting story of cosmic proportions. The story has great pacing and keeps up the action. It throws you in feet first, but unfolds in a way that fills you in without spelling it out for you. I couldn’t wait to see how it ended.

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I am a long time fan of both Jeff Lemire and Matt Kindt, who both turned to artist David Rubin in separate projects, Kindt for Ether, and Lemire for Sherlock Frankenstein and the Legion of Evil (and other Black Hammer world stuff). The three attest this is a three-way collab, so they invented it together. Okay, but the best thing about this one is the art, as the story feels kind of standard tec story with "cosmic" dimensions. Find the missing girl! Run frantically though Rubin's wildly inventive world, and add chase scenes! Cosmic noir, they call it, ok, sure, with plenty wildly colorful Rubinesque psychedelia, but there's a lot of back story and plot holes to fill here, boys. Or was I just distracted by the optical effects and lost my way on some strange trip of my own? Guess we will be slowing down in that second volume, huh?

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I received an advance review copy for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This story was not for me. It seemed like the longest epilogue ever and then never went anywhere. I like a little more substance and like to entertained, not bored.

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Two of my favorite creators, Lemire and Kindt, coming together to produce something so new and original. I loved the hardboiled futuristic story and look, I know elements of this one will stay with me. It's Blade Runner and Watchmen and yet completely not.

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I received and eARC from Image Comics via NetGalley.
Cosmic Detective is a short, gritty sci-fi mystery. Our detective falls down a dark and twisty rabbit hole while investigating the suspicious death of a god. This was a brilliantly bizarre mix of cosmic, cyperpunk, and Noir; I just wish it had a little more to it. There were lots of interesting ideas and concepts that could have been even more compelling if they had the space to be more fleshed out. Overall, a fun and quick read and I hope to find more sci-fi mysteries.

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Thanks NetGalley and Image Comics for this arc!

3.75/5 rounded up

This was interesting. The art was really cool and detailed, the colours super vibrant(except for the children's eyes, those creeped me out haha) The story was a little confusing at times, and like I get what they were doing with blocking out the name from the beginning but I feel it would've worked a lot better for my brain to just make up a fake word or alphabet for that specific word instead, I thought it was supposed to be some sort of censor not just something unpronounceable. The story was interesting, intriguing, but just ok to me.

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This was a really fun, futuristic detective graphic novel. The art style was absolutely divine. However I just don't think this will sell in our bookstore unfortunately.

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Good graphic novel, lots of action and some good story. I think they done a good job and the art is great.

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I enjoyed The Cosmic Detective! This was fun ride through a futuristic world. I wish it was a bit longer and fleshed put more of the world and story, but overall it was definitely worth the read. The artwork is fabulous and the pacing throughout the artwork is great.

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Cosmic Detective by Matt Kindt & Jeff Lemire is science fiction comic about a detective trying to figure out who killed a god and how it was done. This was really interesting, I think the art and the story came together to make one exciting comic.

Right away I noticed the really unique art, which was done by David Rubín, and I fell in love with the colors and the style. The story had it's common tropes, but I think the story was still interesting. I would read this again for a second time to see if I missed anything during my initial read, but I'm not sure if I'd read this a third time.

Overall, I really enjoyed this comic! I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a stand alone or if it's going to be a series, which is fine because I liked it for what it is. I'm giving this 4 out of 5 stars.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5 Stars

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the arc I received <a href="">[]</a>

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This was a quite complex storyline but it was nonetheless very enjoyable, artwork was truly on point. Gripping read.

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Artwork was great, loved the addition of things like the 'tap tap tap' and the way it was drawn to indicate sound. I felt like the story was missing something, sadly. I enjoyed the concept, but I feel like the storyline needed to be fleshed out a lot more, which I suppose shows that I enjoyed it enough to want more detail!
Thank you very much to Netgalley and the authors for the ARC, 3/5

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The art was great. Much more sci fi and craziness going on than I was expecting, but a great action packed story overall

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A wild ride is in store for those who embark on a journey with the Cosmic Detective as he investigates the death of a god. Interesting premise and amazing artwork. Check out this graphic novel for yourself.

**Thanks to NetGally and the publisher for an electronic ARC and the opportunity to provide feedback about this book.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Image Comics for this ARC.

This graphic novel caught my attention with its unique artwork, and after seeing that it is more mystery than crime I was confident this piece of media would open my eyes to the wonders of graphic novels.

All throughout, the art stayed spectacular with its noire atmosphere, frequently featuring long sequences of panels without any dialog that were so beautiful that i would just love to frame and hang them in my house.

Unfortunately, when any dialog took place it felt insincere, forcing the story quickly forward in unnatural directions. None of the characters were loveable due to the fact that we learned nothing about them aside from raw facts, and after they disappeared from the frame the main character seemed to quickly foget they ever existed.

The premise of a secret agency taking care of problems around unnatural or supernatural individuals is not new, but is one that most comic book readers like. I would have loved to learn more about them.

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Write a detective story, but make it a graphic novel, add in some comic horror, and make even the bad guys compelling. This book is GORGEOUS and interesting and fun. The artwork is stunning, and the use of color is fantastic. To emphasize action, there will be pages with lots of dark reds or dark blues, making for an emotional experience. Thank you NetGalley for letting me read this.

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Love Lemire, Kindt and Rubin on their own, but this did not feel like the sum of its parts being larger than the individual inputs.

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This book had very cool and interesting art. I loved the layouts, the way that the entire spreads had motion to them. The colors were so vibrant and luscious. However, the story was a bit disappointing. It started out promising, but then went in a direction that was simultaneously too bleak and more expected than I was hoping for. This one did not particularly speak to me.

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I enjoy the works by Jeff Lemire and Matt Kindt so when I Saw this I had to download. Good solid volume. I wonder if there is going to be a part two to this story.

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