Member Reviews

A beautifully drawn work that evokes the best of The Dresden Files. The world feels fleshed out, without getting caught up in describing every little detail. It assumes the reader is intelligent and allows us to follow along in the mystery. The content, both thematically and visual, is more mature, so some may want to be cautious in sharing it with young readers.

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I am not quite sure how to feel about this story. The basic premise is a Decetive attempting to solve the murder of a God-like being. I was not a huge fan of the overall art style, and the story confused me. The whole narrative felt a bit rushed overall and while I liked the ending, I do not think this was a story for me.

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I like Jeff Lemire’s work, for the most part.
I’ll have to admit, this one I didn’t care for at all.
The graphic novel centers around a detective trying to solve the death of a cosmic being.
Right from the first page, the artwork didn’t appeal to me. It didn’t really seem finished enough for me.
The overall look and feel of the characters and the world seemed off.
The story by Lemire just seemed rushed and haphazard.
I was never really invested in anything that was going on.
I’ll end this review on two positive notes.
1 – I did like the ending.
2 – I’ll still be interested in the next thing Lemire does.

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Lemire's love of homage is a double-edged sword. One side of that edge is blunt–he's usually doing too much, and as a result too many of his characters are flat. But it works here because...well, reasons you have to have to read to find out, but boil down to: noir. This is a detective story first, weird second, and an homage to Kirby third. It's entertaining but, like a lot of Lemire's works as he goes on, it makes you wonder if it would be different if he slowed down. The art probably does as much of the heavy lifting in this story as the writing if not more, and a lot of the dynamic choices are great.

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This graphic novel is beautifully illustrated.
I'm not sure I'd categorize this as a horror book though.

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The drawing and colors of this graphic novel are great. I admit I had a little trouble following the story at times, but overall the story was interesting. How he got to the morgue and some other things, was trippy. While I don't know if this story was truly for me, others are going to love it.

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I have enjoyed every book by Jeff Lemire. Even the DC comics ones, which are more normal than most of what he creates. So I crowdfunded this one, and I'm happy to see it finally in shops.

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A detective investigates the murder of a god-like being and winds up learning far more than he expected. The art is amazing and goes a long way in adding the perfect gritty feel and weirdness throughout. The actual story though was a bit rushed. Given the reveal I wanted a bit more exploration of the mystery because things arrive at the end rather quickly and easily, which kills the impact a bit.

Note: arc provided by the publisher via netgalley in exchange for honest review

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I liked the ending, but it jumped straight into the action. I wish it had a little more set-up/ordinary world, maybe the end of a case instead of going straight into the murder. Art is very gritty, which is the vibe of the story, so good job. Just not my type of story.

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This was beautifully strange.

"You're weird, Daddy."

The detective is having a bad time. When the body of an "unkillable" god appears, the detective has one week to solve the case. Can he solve the crime without losing what matters most?

I genuinely enjoyed this, the dialogue was quick and fun. Visuals were gritty and interesting. A vivid story with the colour palette to match. My only real complaint is wishing it was longer. I wanted to end to be a bit more impactful, but still a great experience.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley for a copy of this ARC. Absolutely anything Jeff Lemire touches is gold in my opinion. And this hits the mark; again. I loved this science fiction cyberpunk mystery thriller about a detective whose new case maybe more than he bargained for. Fantastic illustrations and storytelling with some great ideals about underground world dominance and pesky immortal beings. And so much more. Check it out ASAP.

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Not for the faint of heart, "Cosmic Detective" is a dark and hallucinogenic suspense tale follows an unnamed detective as he investigates the death of god-like being and uncovers uncomfortable truths about the very nature of existence. If Terry Gilliam, Ridley Scott, Timothy Leary and Franz Kafka collaborated on an episode of the "X-Files" the result would be similar to this book, - but probably not as weird. This book makes my brain hurt, - and it feels so good !

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Image Comics, for providing me with an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Wayyyy to trippy for me. Some cool ideas here or there, dialogue is solid, cool art too but the story becomes almost nonsensical as it goes on and by the half way point I was trying to find a single character I could latch on to but could not.

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I would like to thank the publisher and netgalley for providing me this arc in exchange for an honest review.
I really liked the art style. It felt "trippy"? But helped to immerse me in this world but unfortunately the story was disappointing especially how this story ended made everything pointless.

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The art is really cool but I feel like there wasn’t quite enough plot. So much happened, one thing after another, and I felt like it wasn’t always a logical next step. Definitely an interesting story for what it was.

I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I’m a pretty big fan of Lenore’s work, but this one just seemed to be lacking something. Lemire/Kindt seem to want to make a Moebius/Heavy Metal future-noir but it doesn’t pan out.

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I don’t dabble in adult comics/graphic novels much, but this was trippy! Loads of gorgeous colours, a fascinating world and some choice language (certainly different to kids books ha!). Great story though, and the spreads just had so much to look at!

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*****This review is in thanks to NetGalley for providing an advanced copy for review purposes *****
Cosmic Detective is written by Jeff Lemire and Matt Kindt with art by David Rubin.

This graphic novel is brought to you from the highly successfully Jeff Lemire the creator of the hit series Sweet Tooth (which is now a television series on Netflix), Black Hammer, Gideon Falls, and countless other hit series. If that didn’t park your interest also on writing duties is Matt Kindt the mastermind behind Mind Mgmt and Bang! just to mention a select few of their work with illustrations by David Rubin who’s art has been used in Rumble and Beowulf you couldn’t ask for a better team.

Cosmic Detective came to life through a very successful Kickstarter campaign raising over 150k in a matter of days.

Cosmic Detective follows an unnamed detective who is investigating the murder of a high profile person who was thought to be unkillable. Throughout the investigation the detective discovers the truth about his world and every question answered leads to more questions yet unanswered.

Cosmic Detective has great art for the type of story it is telling with great detail. You could look at the same page frame by frame everything and still find something new.

I seriously hope the story is continued beyond this graphic novel.

Cosmic Detective should be a must own for any comic book fan or for anyone who thoroughly enjoys a good mystery.

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First off my initial thoughts, before even reading the graphic novel, were that this was going to be a cyberpunk noir about a detective solving a case. It gave me the vibes of Blade Runner, Cyberpunk 2077, L.A. Noir and surprisingly the Hellboy comics. All of this made me interested in reading it and I can say for certain a lot of that was true.

The art style really showed the cyberpunk/noir vibes that the story was going for. It was so beautifully done. I would say it had a gritty but psychedelic vibe to it that gave the format an unsettling type of feeling while reading. It is one of my favorite art styles that I have seen in a long time. It really fit the story and gave it life. If they had gone for a different art style, I think it would have clashed with the story in general creating a weird mix of feelings or would have been too bland that the book would have fell flat.

The story itself was weird and chaotic while following that classic plot of a noir detective. The cosmic Lovecraftian elements really made this graphic novel stand out. I think this really showed the Hellboy vibes I was getting, which if you didn't know I am a diehard fan of. Especially when paired with the ending of the story and the secret organization aspect. One thing that I think was truly an interesting addition is that the detective has no name. He is only known as Detective or The Detective. Meaning and/or showing that anyone could be him/her and that this is an anonymous gig.

I think the ending is what fell flat for me because everything else was hitting what I was expecting out of the novel. I think this would have been better if it was truly going to be a series because the cliffhanger-ish/ambiguous ending was lackluster at best (I have no idea if it is or not but I have not seen anything that states otherwise). It did what it was meant to but it didn't fit with the rest of the story. The whole story was too fast-paced and left plot holes or areas where your questions were not answered. For me, if that is not done well then it becomes a let down and I feel dissatisfied with the work.

Overall, I think this book would work for anyone who enjoys those unknown endings, sci-fi horrors and/or cyberpunk vibes.

I would like to thank the Publisher (Image Comics) and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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Rendered in pretty stylish, energetic way, this graphic novel is a self-contained noir sci-fi story. I don't think it engaged with particularly novel themes, but it did so with style and dynamism in art storytelling that made the reading a fun experience. It's my second read by Jeff Lemire -- the first was Sentient, which I loved more because it was a more powerful story -- but on a graphic storytelling level, this was more engaging. It has a share of golden oldies nostalgia in it, bring to mind old school superheroes and some aesthetics from Back to the future.

Thanksto Netgalley for an arc of #CosmicDetective. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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