Member Reviews

#ABeantoDieFor #NetGalley is a fantastic book, the latest in the series by Tara Lush.
Lana Lewis is brewing up a fantastic cup of coffee while preparing to meet her boyfriend's family.
Lana is nervous about meeting Noah's mom and sister, so she's trying to figure out how to impress them.
Getting a plot at Peas On Earth, the local community garden seems like a good idea, especially since Lana has been thinking about growing her own coffee beans.
There's plenty of drama within the garden, and when Lana discovers a body in another plot, things begin to spin out of control.
This is a great series with strong characters that make each book worth reading at least twice.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy if this book.

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"A Bean to Die For" is Tara Lush's 4th book in the "Coffee Shop Mystery" series. I've really only read the first book in this series other than the ARC of this one I received from netgalley. This one makes me rethink not reading the 2nd and 3rd books yet. I will go back to those now.

The mystery was interesting, though it was fairly well solved before the big take down. I didn't mind that though. Overall, an enjoyable story. I will have to say, they wouldn't be the first to have a latte art machine in Florida. A certain mouse park in Florida has them everywhere.

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