Member Reviews

A beautifully bound book to record your family tree and miscellaneous information including names, celebrations, traditions and memories. It gives you space to create a personalised history which can be added to as appropriate and is a great way to keep all that family history information in one place. Thank you to Net Galley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

A great book for those wanting to start recording their family history. Designed in a way to be a great keepsake for recording memories.

The cover is beautiful and the content is well explained. This was such a good way to know a little bit more about my family.

This is an excellent guide to putting together your family tree. It provides sources to use to aide you in gathering the necessary information to create your tree.

I have done extensive genealogical research and made so many mistakes. If I had read the introduction to this book first then I would have saved myself a lot of trouble. The information is clear, concise and helpful.
I’m not quite sure why there is a separate family tree and ancestral chart which is different. The chart does include things not mentioned in the family tree, but it feels like a lot of extra work to re-write all the information and add extra.
It would be nice to have this book as a reference, since online trees are not set up in the same way. It is easier to have an overview with a book like this, with different sections (Immigration, “Our Homes,” Notable achievements, etc., even “Our pets”!). Some of these subjects can be easily overlooked so having these prompts could be very helpful. In my online tree I do include some fun extra information at times, but I don’t think I’ve ever written about someone’s pet.
This book would be a great gift for someone interested in starting their family tree, or even an experienced genealogist. I particularly appreciated the note that family includes many kinds of constellations, not just DNA connections. This book is something that could be a family heirloom with time.
Thanks NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for letting me read this in exchange for an honest review.

As someone who has long been interested in my family history and have complied a family tree online from various sources, I think a book like this is a precious piece information that should be kept and passed down through the generations. I so with my parents or grandparents have thought to start something like this to share with me and my siblings. Once the older members of the family pass on, the information they can tell you is lost. I was lucky enough to have both my grandmothers living well into their 90's and was able to sit with them an ask questions about their ancestors. But many don't get that chance.
Whilst it is great to use an online tree, to keep various information and documents stored like census results etc it is a costly and lengthy project. A book like this could be used as a summary to keep all the prominent and important information logged and recorded. the amount of times I am asked by a cousin about out family history and have to go online to look it up, if I had a book like this it would be something I could share or find easily. As well as having places for logging your family tree there also sections for family house addresses, hereditary illnesses. names and types of pets. Something things we wishes we knew about our ancestors.
Obviously, I can only look at the book in ebook format, but can see that it is vast and would be a great tool for anyone researching their family tree or wanting to start their own to hand down to future generations. The book looks beautifully illustrated from the front cover throughout.
One thing I will say is that this book appears to be made more for the American market, if there was a UK version I would definitely but it to use as a summary from all the works I have completed online. I still could use this format but there are certain works and phrases used that don't apply in the UK so it could be confusing.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an e-copy of this book.
This is an old-fashioned family tree book, the sort that will be passed down and cherished for generations and the sort that has been overtaken by on-line family trees. It is of course difficult to properly see and use the book as an e-book, but it looks beautifully produced and illustrated. It is packed full of opportunities to record not just the names and dates of ancestors but their events, memories, achievements and so much more. I think that anyone interested in their family history would love the process of completing this book.
It is aimed at US readers, and if there was a UK version I would definitely buy it.

This book really was helpful in giving me ideas to start my own family tree history. The pages are beautifully designed and pleasing to the eye. I would like to have this in print so I could send this to my daughter to get her started on her new family tree.

This was such a fun and cool book! I can't wait to fill it out with the history of our family and share it for generations to come!

A thoroughly and thoughtfully designed book to record one's genealogy and so much more! This is an extremely practical, time-saving, and stress-diminishing resource for anyone who would like to begin preserving their family's history and memories but does not know where to start. There is no doubt that when the pages of this book are filled, that it will become a priceless keepsake for a family's future descendants.

This is a lovely book that will be perfect for many. I have worked hard on my family tree, in part because my mother hid me from my father from when she divorced him when I was two until after his death when I was 17. I didn’t find his family until I was over 30 and missed out on that half of my heritage (they told me he never stopped searching for me and my name was his last word). I am pulled towards anything related to compiling family trees even though it is somewhat painful for me and most of the people who could give me this information on both sides are dead.
This book has the usual spaces for parents and grandparents and great grandparents and so forth, but it also has a lot of forms to fill out about your present family ~ pets you’ve had along with their characteristics, music your family liked, religious ceremonies, even a page to record models and years cars and bikes. It’s very, very detailed and it reminded me of filling out the world’s longest job application. There are forms to fill out every house you and your partner ever lived in, complete with street address. I moved every year of my childhood so that would take half a book for me and I have no idea about addresses and dates. So many of the forms just felt overwhelming to me, like filling out our favorite music events complete with genre, date of concert, favorite song or line, and how did it make you feel.
This is the sort of information that is probably fun for many people to think about and write out. Other elements are helpful like listing all family illnesses and maladies, religious events, etc. In some cases the information it asked for made me sad because I’ll never know, like my grandparents’ favorite things. Ultimately, it will be a treasured book for those looking to document their family tree with lots of details about their current partnership and life together to pass on these details to generations to come.
I read a temporary digital copy of this book for review.

I thought it was nice they kept it gender neutral with Partner, but for my family in specific, there wasn't enough space for siblings and uncles/aunts. Very pretty on the inside, the fonts chosen are beautiful. I might buy the hardcover when it comes out to gift it to my grandfather, he enjoys keeping track of our family tree

As someone who has recently spent time researching their unbalanced family tree, I found myself immediately clicking on this book. I truly wish this was something my parents or grandparents had filled out that could be passed on down the line. While research I've done online has lead me to learn tons of new names of potential relatives, addresses, schools, etc., they wouldn't allow me to learn family member's favorite hobbies, foods, sports, etc. that is provided by Morgan in Our Family Tree. She also provides pages that allow you to record illnesses and hereditary diseases. Visually, the book is also beautiful, from the cover to the design of the pages, and although I've viewed a digital copy, a hardcover print is bound to last a while through generations as this book is intended to be passed. As someone in their very early twenties who has lost a lot of family members, I'm left with a lot of questions, a lot of blank spots and blank family portraits on ancestry websites, and I truly cannot express how much I wish I had something like this passed down to me by my parents or grandparents. This goes beyond being just a book, it's a momento, an heirloom, and an incredibly important records book.

Morgan has done a fantastic job of creating relevant charts and journaling pages, with ways to bridge ones ancestry to an exhaustive and current chronicle. This is a joyful way to write essential record keeping which will turn into a most cherished heirloom

Beautiful cover and so many useful sections that I hadn't thought of before.
Research checklist
And in-depth sections.
An absolute treasure trove of information once filled. Also, a family stories gathering and also family history.
The font is beautiful and the pages seem like there will be a good paper quality used. That of course I can not tell by e format but it does appear it will be a great gift book for Family Geneology but mostly for family history.
I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher Quatro Publisher Group a WellFleet Press for the opportunity to read and review Our Family Tree by Sharon Leslie Morgan.

As a enthusiastic family historian I was very intrigued by what this book would have to offer. A beautiful keepsake to be filled in detailing your life and the lives of those before you. With handy charts and checklists pluse sections for favourite films,houses and pets it would make a wonderful family heirloom. What I didn't realise is its American based and I'm in the UK so parts aren't applicable to me but I would highly recommend to those who are. Would make a lovely Gift.