Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and Knopf for the eARC of this book.

2.5 stars rounded up

There There was such an impactful book for me, I loved it. Orange’s second novel didn’t quite strike the same chord, unfortunately. The pacing felt off to me, with the beginning 1/3 being very very slow, and picking up a bit as we went along. This meant it took me a long time to read which made it difficult to keep track of the family and their connections. The writing is wonderfully brutal and honest, as is to be expected from Orange. But the story itself didn’t hold me until the last section.

Difficult subject matter that ends up telling an important story of Native American erasure and disconnect from history, but the way in which this story was told just didn’t do it for me.

TW: genocide, description of killing, addiction, cancer, loss of a parent, suicidal ideation, residential schools, torture, overdose

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There's a lot to feel and process after reading this book. It was more hopeful than There, There and the second half takes place in the aftermath of the pow wow.

I've seen some reviewers complain about the disjointed narrative in the first part but that feels like a choice. So much was taken from the Native people, and the beginning is with a massacre, why would you want that to be your only history? The schools trying to take MORE and only successful when all of who you are as a native person is reduced to a memory, and then you become more and more distanced from the land and your people. That hole is filled with drink and drugs in these stories but the also the absolute belief that better is possible with the next generation. It's a story of that generational trauma, inflicted by the very people who still run the country today. And the second half seems more solid because it's rooted in the now, the reclaiming or attempting to figure out how to be Native in 2024. Or at least that's how I read it.

It's still heartbreaking but necessary and extremely well written.

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Wandering Stars is the necessary follow-up to Tommy Orange's There There.... the rest of the story and also the beginning of the story that just begged to be written. Thoroughly unique in its approach, Wandering Stars is both a prequel and a sequel., and you absolutely have to read There There for the storyline to make sense. Like There There, Wandering Stars is dark, but in the end, it is full of hope as well. When generational trauma and poor choices merge, there is a sense of despondency that just wraps your heart in a cold vice. It is about hitting bottom (emotional, physical, or both) and finding one's way out on one's own on one's own terms.

Tommy Orange has a way of writing that makes you question why you never thought of things in that way before. Wandering Stars makes you think about what puts someone on a path towards rock bottom and what it takes to not only survive but find even a small way to thrive in the ongoing struggle. Sometimes surviving is thriving when there is so much to wade through. In the end though, it is about returning to one's roots and appreciating your history and family even when you don't think to do so in your darkest moments.

Thank you to NetGalley and Knopf for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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Wandering Stars, a follow-up to Tommy Orange's 'There There', is a fascinating multi-generational story about transgenerational trauma. It starts in the 1800's and continues until present time in Oakland, California. The definition of trangenerational trauma from Wikipedia is "the psychological and physiological effects that the trauma experienced by people has on subsequent generations in that group". Physiological trauma can follow generations through a mother's alcohol consumption or alcoholism which causes Fetal Alcohol Effects and Fetal Alcohol syndrome. If the mother is an addict, it can be expected that her child will likely be cognitively and/or physiologically disabled. People of color, and in this case Native Americans, have had centuries of racism, abuse, separation from families of origin, and the early wars they fought to keep their land from the talons of the United States.

Tommy Oranges' Wandering Stars is about several generations of the Star family. We meet them in different moments in time - Opal, Victoria, Jackie, Orville, Sean, and more, I first met Orville in 'There There' when he got shot at a Native American powwow. He is now recuperating from his gun shot wound and diagnosed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. He finds that he likes his opioid pain medication so much that he becomes addicted to it. His adoptive father Tom, a retired pharmacist, has made a new life for himself as a drug dealer, often providing Orville with the Percocet or other Opioids that he needs in order to numb his physical and psychological pain.

Orville has faced racism his whole life. His stint in roller hockey ended with one of the players intentionally harming him and breaking his back. As he recovers, he tries very hard to find out who he is and what it means to be a person of many races - Native American, Black, and Caucasian. He attempts to fit in and make himself 'whiter' but he is trapped in a cycle of hate and violence that will follow him from the past.

This novel about the Star family is poetic and intense. Pain, angst, addiction, violence and self-hatred are internalized in the characters. There is also a true recognition of pride and the power of the generations that went before. I often wondered if the author had lived through some of the events he describes. I enjoyed this book very much but, in my opinion, it didn't quite come up to 'There There'. Some of the dialogue felt stilted and somewhat forced and the narrative lagged in parts. Despite this, 'Wandering Stars' is a novel I would recommend. I'd encourage readers to read 'There There' prior to 'Wandering Stars' if possible. It helps as an introduction to the characters and events spoken about.

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The writing is really good - Tommy Orange clearly is a great storyteller. But I'm struggling to figure out why this didn't work as well for me as There There did. I think it might be in part because I had a hard time at points with the pacing. There were certain moments where I was hooked and then others where I felt like it was dragging.

I don't think you need to have read There There to pick this up - but it does add helpful context.

** I received an e-ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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If you have read Tommy Orange’s debut novel There, There, you will find a back-story, a family history, in his second novel, Wandering Stars. Spanning at least 150 years between the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre and the near present, Orange’s Wandering Stars brings a multi -generational family to life on the pages. Beginning with a boy eventually adopting the name Jude Star, who survived the massacre as well as time at Fort Mason in Florida and soon moving on to Jude Star’s son Charles Star, sent to Carlisle Indian School, the novel makes its way through the Native occupation of Alcatraz Island in the late 1960s to early 1970s , on to the days of online education, DNA testing for genealogical purposes, and more.

Dedicated to all those who have “survived or not survived” addiction, Wandering Stars also depicts generations of drug addiction—whether peyote intended for ceremonial purposes or physician-prescribed opioids to alleviate pain. Although each character has his or her individual story, many face similar addictions. Add to that the shared heritage dating back to the Sand Creek Massacre, and one might classify Wandering Stars along with other recent novels depicting generational trauma.

Tommy Orange has also done his historical research. Wandering Stars should appeal to many historical fiction readers. They will learn about the Native contingent in Teddy Roosevelt’s inaugural parade and encounter a quotation from Roosevelt in which he counts the Sand Creek Massacre as “as righteous and beneficial a deed as ever took place on the frontier.” Most readers are likely to meet Richard Henry Pratt for the first time—the man in charge of Fort Mason and later of Carlisle Indian School, who devoted himself to trying to turn his charges into darker-skinned “white” men and women, boys and girls. They will also encounter a captivating chapter in which Pratt grapples with his sense of failure but determines to place the blame elsewhere.

Orange divides Wandering Stars into three parts—“Before,” “Aftermath,” and “Futures,” each subdivided into chapters. Taken as a whole, Wandering Stars provides a context for There, There but can easily be read without having first read the debut novel. Most of all, Wandering Stars helps non-Native readers better understand Native history and challenges, the latter at least in part brought on by that history—by a national effort to erase a culture and the damage that such a history can inflict.

Talk of literature, the importance of stories, and the desire to write popped up again and again. Certainly, Orange’s characters have stories to tell.

Thanks to NetGalley and Alfred A. Knopf for the advance reader e-galley of this highly recommended second novel by Tommy Orange.

Shared on GoodReads and Barnes and Noble.

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Thank you to #NetGalley and to A..A. Knopf Publishing for sending along this novel in exchange for an honest review. The only regret I experienced while reading it was that I had neglected to reread Tommy Orange's first novel -- "There There" -- in advance.

"Wandering Stars" is Orange's powerful and loosely related follow up to his debut (at least in relation to the second half of this new release) and its scope was stunning.

I read this carefully with the intention of providing a thoughtful review, and was immediately swept up in the historical account of Native American displacement and generational trauma, beginning with the Sand Creek massacre and moving through subsequent decades via the ancestors of Charles Star (a survivor of the massacre). The first half of the book is about Star's legacy, and offspring, and the written account he left behind, The experiences, loves, losses, and heartbreak of these characters passed along through future generations, until the novel arrives in the modern day to pick up on the Red Feather family featured in "There There." The transition is seamless and satisfying, the grandmothers - Opal and Jacque - carried forward into the second half of the book, as guardians of Orvil, Loother, and Lony Red Feather. Tommy Orange included a detailed family chart at the beginning of the novel which was an excellent resource for reorienting to characters and how they interrelated.

The novel was heartbreaking and uplifting, incredibly educational and unlike anything I can remember in its arrangement (almost moving from a prequel to a sequel to Orange's (incredible) debut. Looking forward to rereading There There AND this new release back to back. Absolutely wonderful!!!

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Thank you to Knopf for a copy of Wandering Stars via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, out now!

Literary/Historical Fiction. Starting from the Sand Creek Massacre of 1964, we follow survivor Star and the generations that come after him. From making his way with a fellow survivor to being sent to prison and then working his own land, to his son being sent to Carlisle Indian Industrial School to “kill the Indian but save the man”, to his descendants Orvil, Lony, and Luther who survived the shooting at the Pow Wow in modern day Oakland. In the aftermath of being shot, Orvil struggles with life, addiction, and identity in ways that will rock his family and changed them all forever.

This started very slow for me and didn’t really draw me in until it dove into where Orange’s first book “There There” left off. The chapters felt very disjointed at first because of the time jumps and character POV changes, but this could have been intentional to highlight how Native Americans have been mistreated and systemically have had their culture dismantled over the last few hundred years. Orange’s portrayal of addiction throughout the book and how hard it is to break the cycles of addiction after generations is heartbreaking and real. It’s a very heavy book and definitely not one you can fly through, but it was beautifully written and (unfortunately) told from a POV that has been overlooked for much of American history,

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The first half of this book was slow. There are two very distinct acts to this book. The first half is a dedication to the history of a family of Cheyenne people, suffering through addiction, among many other trials and tribulations. It finally leads to the second half, which is the modern day story of the most recent generations, also suffering from addiciton, especially after one of the grandsons is shot while dancing at a powwow and is prescribed drugs for the pain.

This story is beautiful and contemplative, a bit hard to read. However, the depiction of family dynamics while suffering through the disease of addiction over generations was incredibly engaging. If I'd given up after the first half, I wouldn't have enjoyed the beauty of the end of the book! I annotated many quotes, which I never do, because of the beauty of the author's words.

I recommend to those who enjoy generational tales and familial drama, with the trigger warning of addiction.

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Much thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an e-arc of this novel.

<i>Wandering Stars</i> is a beautiful literary constellation, a hybrid prequel and sequel to the author's debut novel, <i>There, There</i>. The book opens with Star, a young survivor of the Sand Creek Massacre, as he navigates a world so unlike the one he was born into. A world where he is forced to learn English and practice Christianity. A world where the motto is that in order to save the man, you must kill the Indian. From there, we follow his lineage, down to young Orvil Redfeather, who is healing from the aftermath of events at the end of <i>There, There</i>.

This is a much quieter novel. <i>There, There</i> was propulsive in the way it created tension as the reader hurdles towards a brutal, horrific climax. <i>Wandering Stars</i> is more introspective and reflective. The plot, quite literally, wanders. The characters are stuck in this ebb and flow of time, thinking about the past and the future and the way everything is connected and broken. We see the consequences of colonialism in the way memory and tradition and family was impacted, and, most harrowingly, the way that this has led to generations of addiction and self harm.

This is a heavy novel. I saw so much of my history in these pages that I frequently had to put it down to sit with what I had read. I loved being back with the characters from the first book, especially Opal Victoria Bear Shield, but the pain and the hurt and the harm that is in this book is a lot. There was one character's POV, Sean Price, that I didn't particularly care for--mainly because I just wanted to spend time with the family and the characters I already loved.

Though this novel deals with addiction and colonization and violence, it's a book about love and wanting to connect to our past and our people. It's about surviving, even when all of the odds are stacked against you, and it's about surviving through love and community.

It's beautiful. It's heartbreaking. Orange's writing is poignant and cutting and cerebral. Sometimes it talks around what it's talking about, not because it wants to confuse the reader, but because sometimes the language we have been taught fails us. It doesn't get at what we want it to get at, so we have to approach it differently.

It's a book I already want to reread, but need to take some time away from for a while.

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Wandering Stars serves as a prequel and sequel to Orange's debut effort, There There. While I think having read that novel first would have enriched my understanding of some of the characters in Wandering Stars, I didn't feel like I was in the dark at any point. It should go without saying that Tommy Orange's writing is brilliant and daring - he seamlessly shifts between characters and point of views. He is able to write tersely when needed, while at the same time able to slip into a stream of consciousness-style narrative that demands your full attention.

The novel concerns itself with the Star family - beginning in the 1800s and bringing itself to modern day. Over the 200 year saga of the Star family, the reader is confronted with accounts of the massacres, relocation, and assimilation wrought upon them and brought to understand the impact of these events - both short-term and long-term. It's interesting to see parallel consequences play out - addiction in particular, but also the loss of identity and a connection to someplace to call "home", and subsequent search to reclaim it.

The theme of identity and home was most interesting to me, and I thought the contrast between the ending of the first character introduced in the novel, Jude Star, and the final character, Lony Red Feather. When Jude exits the story, he is grappling with an act he's just committed and knows he must go, uncertain if he will return. In the final chapter of the book, which is from Lony's perspective, he's been away from his home and family for some time, uncertain if he would ever return. At one point though, he states "I want to come home. That I even have one took me a long time being away to know." While not the most profound connection, I thought the two narratives paralleled nicely, and left me feeling like the story, and in a way the entire Star family, had found some sort of redemption.

My only foible with this novel is the decision to make the cast of characters, and the timeline dedicated to them, so grand. I certainly understand the reasoning behind it, that some stories require the full scope, but I found myself wishing the story dedicated more time to the characters I found most interesting - in this case, Orvil and Lony.

Thank you to Knopf and Netgalley for the ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Tommy Orange for giving me an advance copy. My opinions are honest and my own.

After reading There There in 2020 I was so excited to see that Tommy Orange was coming out with a new book. I prefer going into books blind, and I was excited to see a reappearance of some of the cast from There There. Wandering Stars is a devastating look at the generational trauma of one family line beginning with the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864 and ending post-COVID-19. Each of the characters we meet in the first part have their own distinct personality and path in life, but they are all connected by blood and the struggle to survive in a country that wants to get rid of the "Indian problem" altogether. There are not extraordinary people, but they all have their own stories to tell.

Readers of There There will undoubtably enjoy Tommy Orange's sophomore novel. I enjoyed the varying writing styles in Part 1 and seeing the different depictions of addiction and addiction treatment in Part 2 and 3. I have already recommended this book to my friends and family, and can't wait to read what Tommy Orange comes up with next!

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Wandering Stars is a muti generational story starting with The Sand Creek Massacre where 100's of Cheyenne tribal members had mercilessly perished. Then on to the forced reeducation of Native Americans headed by Richard H Pratt. "Kill the Indian in him and save the man" Pratt strove to assimilate Native Americans into white American society. These consequential events have profound effects on future generations which Tommy Orange so eloquently portrays and what it means to be an Indian. I could feel the sense of responsibility in the characters as they struggle to make sense of their culture.

I was thrilled to see characters from There, There emerge. Orvil's struggles with addiction, identity, and familial responsibility catapulted Wandering Stars to my favorite book of the year. I highly recommend!

Thanks to NetGalley and Knopf for an advance copy.

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Tommy Orange is a gifted writer and after you finish his books, the stories stay with you for a while. Having said that, I don't enjoy his books as much as I wish I did. Wandering Stars revisits many of the characters from There There and like the previous books, there are many characters and stories woven together. The book tackles heavy topics of addiction, trauma, and puts a focus on the atrocities committed against Native Americans. I would say this is an important read, but not one that I particularly enjoyed.

Thank you to Knopf, Pantheon, Vintage, and Anchor and NetGalley for this ARC.

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I went into this book without reading Tommy Orange's previous book, There There. While this was a powerful read I struggled to keep the large number of characters separate. In the end, I understood how all of the characters connected and everything made sense but I do think that reading There There first would have made a difference in how I interpreted the early events in this book. Overall, it was a great read and really gave me a lot of information to reflect on.

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It is hard to believe how Tommy Orange write so beautifully about such horrifying things, but here he is again. Continuing the family saga started in There There but going even further back in time, Orange describes the many past atrocities that got Opal and her family to the point in time where Orvil and Lony were involved in the latest tragedy to befall the family. While Wandering Stars is sometimes hard to read, it is also filled with hope as the family works to heal and I still adore Opal the most. A huge thank you to Knopf, NetGalley, and Tommy Orange for sharing an early ARC in exchange for my honest opinion. 4.5 stars

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(Thanks @aaknopf @prhaudio #gifted.) My journey reading 𝗪𝗔𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗦 was an unusual one. I hadn’t originally read 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, so back in December decided to do so in advance of this new book. With the holiday madness, I ended up reading only 38%, putting it aside for easier books. Jump forward a couple months when I began 𝘞𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴. I was immediately more engaged, but reached a point where people and events of 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 began to pop up and I regretted not finishing it. This is when things got a little crazy! I put 𝘞𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 aside, downloaded 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 again (thank you, finished it, and then finished 𝘞𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
In the end, I’m happy I went down the path I did because 𝘞𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 truly is both a prequel and a sequel to Tommy Orange’s debut. Reading them in this disjointed fashion, actually had me reading the entirety of the two books pretty much in order. At this point the two stories are meshed in my mind, so my comments are really for both. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
These stories are beautifully written, covering much of the sad history inflicted on American Indians, and the aftermath of that history still impacting their lives today. Orange shows readers the cruel massacres at Sand Creek, the theft of land, unfair imprisonments, compulsory Indian Schools and many other ways his people were forced to live lives in line with what others wanted for them. He also brings us to the nearer present with 𝘞𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 following the aftermath of the events in 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦. His books have a lot of characters and Orange has a lot to say, but his second book does settle into the Star family, making it less dramatic than his first, but richer in connections to its characters.⁣⁣⁣⁣
I liked both books very much and know Orange is an author I’ll continue to follow. Personally, I’d love to see his next book tightly focused on a smaller group of characters, but no matter what I’ll read it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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“Simply lasting was great for a wall, for a fortress, but not for a person.”
—Tommy Orange, Wandering Stars

In the epic follow-up to Orange’s first novel, There There, Wandering Stars expands on the world of one Native American family and the effects of genocide that trickle down through generations.

Part I of Wandering Stars begins with the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre and follows survivor Jude Star as white men imprison him in an institution designed to strip Native Americans of their culture and history (via horrific abuses)…

Part II picks up where There There left off: in the present-day aftermath of a mass shooting. As trauma bleeds through Jude Star’s descendants, Orange details their struggles with addiction, grief, and further alienation while highlighting the healing powers of music, family, and storytelling—especially regarding heritage and identity. But trauma is complicated, and the deepest wounds are not always visible…

Wandering Stars is the heartbreaking yet hopeful story of one of America’s bloodiest secrets, buried far too long.

Thanks to Knopf and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this e-ARC, an important story full of heart.

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Wandering Stars adds the slices of bread around There There's middle, creating a cohesive family story spanning from more than a century before the events of There There to the events following it. It begins in the past with Star after the Sandy Creek Massacre and follows his wandering, starvation, and eventual capture by Richard Henry Pratt. Mistreated and forced to assimilate by learning English and Christianity, Star found some solace in scripture that he carried on.

I enjoyed There There but found there to be too much jumping between characters for the story to really sink in. Wandering Stars contained a similarly large cast, but it was written in a way that was far more connected and easier to follow, likely because the cast was part of the same family. I enjoyed this book so much more because of that.

There were many times in this book where the past was brought up. Not only did it play a role in some of the characters learning more about themselves, but it was also mentioned a number of times that Native Americans are treated as though they are still in the past—as if they don't exist today. That is not the case, and this accentuates why this needed to be written.

I mentioned the cast already, but I loved them. I loved all of them. Each of them had such an impactful story that neither are easy to forget. Even more, Tommy Orange's prose is beautiful, but that isn't surprising. It's difficult to capture the personalities of different characters sometimes and still write such captivating prose, but he did it. I can't wait to see what he writes next.

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I read There There in 2022 and I was glad to come back into the world and learn even more about our characters from their history and for after the shooting. Tommy Orange brings us beyond the stereotypes and really shows how drugs and hopelessness and being/feeling displaced is generational. Loss of identity that was forced on the native population. This book was heartbreaking and hopeful and devastating and interconnected. Read There There and then read this.

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