Member Reviews

After reading There, There this November I was so excited to find that there was going to be a sequel coming out. This book tells the story of indigenous people in Oakland spanning back to the Sand Creek Massacre. This story is so important for what is not covered in American history classes. Starting at the prologue this was a gripping story about addiction, family and generational trauma.

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I was really looking forward to this book. Unfortunately, It just didn't hold my interest and I had trouble engaging with the characters. It is well written but there wasn't anything compelling for me.

Thanks to Knopf and NetGalley for this advanced reader's copy.

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This book feels like Tommy Orange poured his soul into it. It is effortless to read, deep in its emotion and “hella” smart with its commentary. As someone raised in the Diamond District, I am probably biased because this book featured Kasper’s hotdogs (with cheese) and describes the area and its people with spot on accuracy… but I truly believe that this book is amazing. The story is a continuation of There There but it is more nuanced than just your standard sequel. The book begins as a generational saga that lays the groundwork for what is to come. Starting with the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 we see years of oppression and eradication work its way through the Star/Bear Shield family, leading to lives filled with struggle, addiction and trauma. Ultimately, we end up back with Opal Bear shield and her three Red Feather “grandsons” Lony, Loother, and Orvil, in the aftermath of the big Oakland Powwow. The family is forced to come to grips with their new reality in the face of their own mortality. They each must find out who they are, where they belong and how to get by, all while being haunted by a past that they have never known. This book is beautifully heartbreaking and incredibly real. The hope, rage, love and trauma pour from the pages and make you truly feel all the emotions of the legacy of history. The historical fiction aspects of the book feel well researched and incredibly informative. I felt like I came away from the book having learned something new about American history and the resiliency of Native Americans despite it all. The modern aspects of the book touch on subjects that affect almost everyone in a straightforward manner. There is no sugarcoating of the effects of addiction on the individual, the family or even the community at large. Addiction is not glamorized or vilified it is just laid out as it truly exists. People who enjoyed Martyr! And There There will also like this book. This book is perfect for people who enjoy books that let them see what life is like in someone else’s shoes.

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“Wandering Stars” by Tommy Orange is a novel told in multiple POV beginning with the Sand Creek Massacre and continues to the present day. This book is important in understanding the violence and genocide that took place in the United States against Native Americans.

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Even better than There There which was good but just a really hard read emotionally. This had a tad more hope. These are great characters and going back generations made it so full and beautiful and heartbreaking to see the whole picture

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I requested this book on NetGalley simply based on one article about most anticipated books of 2024. I had no idea what it was about and based on the cover, had an entirely false perception of what it might be. I was dead wrong. This book tells the story of the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 and the forced removal of Native American youths from their tribes to be placed in white schools, forced to learn English and Christianity. And then...then we move to 2018 in the aftermath of a school shooting and the Native American teenagers who barely survived and have to find a way to continue living. The cover of this book is so deceptive until you realize that those little orange stars are actually bullet holes. This book is traumatic and devastating and should come several trigger warnings. But I highly recommend it. Such a good read.

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There There is a masterpiece. Truly. I loved that book and the story it told of "urban Indians" and gun violence in America. I was so excited to read the follow up. It unfortunately wasn't as even.

Wandering Stars is both a prequel and sequel to There There. It starts after the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 and follows the lineage of a couple survivors from there to after the events of There There. This book is about addiction and substance abuse. But it really really was hard to follow until it got to present times. I wasn't ever sure who was talking or what was happening. It was a real slow start. And it picked up about halfway and the second half was more easily followed than the first half, but the use of the same characters as the first book was all odd. It never quite hit what it needed to for me but I really am looking forward to more from Tommy Orange.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Wandering Stars is out February 27, 2024.

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Thank you for the ARC. This is part prequel, part sequel to “There There.” Part I is the family history of the characters, which is lyrical and beautiful and so hard to read. This part is so beautifully wrought that I wanted more of this part of the narrative, despite its dark themes and the shameful history it explores. Part II throws the reader into the aftermath of “There There.” I highly recommend reading “There There” beforehand— or reading it again, if it’s been a few years. (I think that I would’ve been better served by a re-read.) This part felt more disjointed as the novel skips around the characters, some of whom I connected with more than others. (Opal and Jacquie being favorites.) Part III then takes the reader into the future, a short and sweet chapter that brings the story home. This part was also beautifully written. Overall, it’s an ambitious novel that has some really strong parts.

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Reading Wandering Stars was tough. The pain inflicted on indigenous people by a society that does not respect the culture is life threatening. Tommy Orange’s writing makes the reader feel this pain. Recovering is a life.
Thank you to #NetGalley for providing me with this book. #WanderingStars #TommyOrange

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Tommy Orange has added another moving and challenging book to the canon of Indigenous authored books. This lyrical novel is both a prequel and a sequel to Orange's debut novel There, There. This will not be for everyone as there should be trigger warnings for addiction, trauma, historic trauma but I still enjoyed this read and highly recommendd

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I was very excited to read "Wandering Stars," Tommy Orange's follow-up to his Pulitzer Prize-finalist "There There." It took me a bit to get used to the writing style; it's a bit disjointed, more like a stream-of-conscious conversation than a cohesive novel. Told through multiple points of view (and who is speaking is not always obvious at first, nor is it indicated in the chapter heading), this story follows multiple generations of a Native American family, through the Sandy Creek Massacre (about which I had no previous knowledge-thank you white-washed American education system), boarding schools (again, I was taught nothing about this in high school, even though I grew up a mere hour's drive from Carlisle), loss of identity and connection to other Native people, mental illness, and alcohol and drug abuse. These are stories that deserve to be told-that need to be told. "Wandering Stars" is not a light-hearted, read-for-entertainment kind of book. It is a painful and eye-opening book that shines a light on how the horrors of the past still influence the present, especially when most of those horrors were so completely swept under the rug for everyone but those who directly experienced them. Both heart-breaking and hopeful, this book should grace the shelves of all Americans.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the privilege of reading this extraordinary book.

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Wandering Stars is a story about generational trauma, addition, and family. It tells the story of a Native American family through the generations, although they aren't always aware of their history. The first section of the book is set in the past, beginning with the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864. This section felt like it quickly travelled through the generations up until the 1970s, so I didn't always have a grasp on who the characters were. The second section of the book is set in the present and is concerned with three sons and their grandmothers. This section of the book felt like it had more meat to it and we got to know the characters a lot better. The writing of the book was very lyrical and beautiful, but I wasn't always totally clear on what was going on in the story. It was also overall very sad. The happy moments were very touching, but there were not a lot of them. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy stories told over generations.

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This book was both a prequel and a sequel to There There by Tommy Orange. The writing is beautiful and important. This should be mandatory reading for everyone. It highlights the horrors of colonization for the Native American People. It’s raw, real, visceral and tragic. It does feel like a collection of short stories though rather than one whole cohesive story which made it less successful for me. I would have liked to stay on one storyline but that’s just a personal preference.

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There There was my favorite book of the year, whichever year that was it came out. It was so strong and ripped my heart apart, So I was really excited for his follow-up.
Maybe too much time has lapsed. I don't remember the details of There There or who or what happened past the ending. Not that that really matters as the first part of the book is the story of the family leading up to Orville. It lacks cohesion and even though you have an idea where it is leading, you're still trying to figure out why the pieces matter. I kept waiting for things to meet. The characters are engaging, but just as you hooked, they're gone. Once we get to Orvil, you're like "now the lines are connected and we'll start moving." But it focuses so much on getting high and Orvils difficulties. I know that is the point of the book, to show the effects of the family history on a modern man, but for a character as wonderful as Orville, it's not what I want (I know I'm getting what I need, not what I want).

This is not a book to read for jollies or relaxation. It tells the difficult story of the effect of colonialism on our indigenous people. It's necessary and in Orange's beautiful writing, it is almost beautiful It's not my favorite book of the year and I would tell someone approach with caution. It's well worth the read. And now I wait for Orange's next book, hoping now that he has gotten this story out of his system, he can focus on one next time.

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“Wandering Stars” is both a prequel and sequel to “There, There,” for which Orange won the National Book Critics Circle Award in 2018 and the PEN/Hemingway Award for a Debut Novel, among other honors, including Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2019. “There, There” was indeed astonishing, and “Wandering Stars” even more so.

This is an unforgettable story, a multi-generational epic with multiple points of view. It begins in 1864 with Jude Star, a young Cheyenne, who survived the Sand Creek Massacre, one of the most brutal and controversial events in American history. This is an important book about a part of American history that we should all know better.

The trauma and consequences reverberate through six generations of Jude Star’s descendants. No life is untouched by the devastating events of the past and there seems no escape from crime, addiction, illness, and almost unbearable sadness in the present. As Orvil says, “A bad thing doesn’t stop happening to you just because it stops happening to you.” And yet, a spirit of resilience also runs in the family. People can change. Having a future means you have hope. Opal maintains that a person can rise above the bad things that happened, that these are opportunities, “ways to find out who you were, find out what else couldn’t keep you down, and were the only way you could find out how strong you really were.” Jude Star’s descendants never stop trying to understand themselves and their place in the world, how to live, how to survive. And each must do it in their own way.

Orange, a brilliant and lyrical writer, has given us a powerful story about the horrors and long-lasting effects of genocide, as well as the resilience of the human spirit in the face of the most slender odds of carrying on. A blending of myth and history, of heartache and hopefulness, vulnerability and persistence. What it means to be “Native,” what it means to be outsiders, wanderers.

It’s also very much a story about the power of words, of language — how a name, a thought, a sentence can change everything — and most of all, the power of stories. The book is full of stories passed down from generation to generation. Very early Jude Star, himself a storyteller, tells his son Charles that “Stories do more than comfort. They take you away and bring you back better made.” Several generations later, Orvil tells us that he had to create a “secret temple. The one I made inside, The one I created in order to understand myself better . . . some inside version of me I’d made who understood me. Who was me.”

Stories are for making sense of the past as well as our lives in the present. Stories remind us both of who we are and who we can be. Stories bind us together. We have to invent and reinvent ourselves. We have to learn to tell ourselves the stories that will save us. Tommy Orange tells it beautifully.

I was a bit perplexed by the last chapter (and can’t really discuss this because of spoilers). However, when I thought about the title of the book, that last chapter suddenly made complete sense to me and felt both right and satisfying.

Sincere thanks to Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, and NetGalley for an advance digital copy of this marvelous book.

#WanderingStars #NetGalley

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I feel like this book had so much to live up to as a follow up to Tommy Orange's amazing novel THERE THERE. Both a sequel AND a prequel, which is a massive, ambitious feat in itself! Comparatively, the plot in this book is definitely not as tense and immediately engaging as his previous work, especially to start. Also worth noting, if you haven't read THERE THERE, I think it will be hard for many readers to enjoy this book because there might be confusion about who certain characters are. It's almost as if this book can be split into 2 parts - and for readers who loved THERE THERE, this book takes off in the second half, where THERE THERE left off. Overall, I didn't love this one as much as I'd hoped, but Tommy Orange is a truly incredible writer, and the way he writes about addiction, the overall human condition and the Native American a stunning experience.

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After having read the authors' previous book, I knew for sure that I will read this one. It is far from a light read, in fact, it is extremely emotional as we see what the Native Americans have had to deal with for generations. How this generational trauma has continued to shape their lives. But my concern was with loss of focus in the book especially after the first half. It is a very necessary topic and was definitely heart-wrenching!

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WANDERING STARS envelops you in the lives of the characters and their ancestors. Although there is time spent in the past, learning about the ancestors of the Redfeather and Bear Shield families, a lot of the story is spent examining the aftermath of THERE, THERE (Orange's debut novel). The book itself wanders through perspectives, sometimes returning to someone, while we might only get one chapter to spend with others. It takes a bit of time to get comfortable with the ambling nature of the story, especially if you are used to a more linear narrative, but once you let go of your notions, it is an immersive experience. Orange created some of the most poignant lines I have read in a long time- lines that linger and morph the more time they spend in your brain, the best kinds of lines that a story can offer, in my opinion.
WANDERING STARS could be read without reading THERE, THERE, but having a familiarity with the characters really enhanced my entire reading experience.

A big thank you to Net Galley and Knopf for the advanced copy!

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Thank you net gallery for the advanced copy of this book. Wow. So, the story starts with over 100years of family history and intergenerational trauma before going back to where the first book ended. This provides the context for how this particular family views the world. There is a lot of drugs in the second part, a makes you want to stock up on Narcan amount of drugs. The end is quieter, hard work and recovery often are.

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4 stars

The writing in this book is excellent, but it is often difficult to read the content, as it shows the awful treatment Native Americans received. The book follows multiple generations of a Cheyenne family.

An early storyline puts us in the mind of a survivor of the Sand Creek Massacre, and a later storyline is a survivor of a shooting at a pow-wow. This book is filled with characters that have to be resilient to survive. There’s quite a bit of drug and alcohol misuse.

We have a terrible history in the US that is only recently being acknowledged. Stories like this give us some insight. The Carlisle Indian School is the focus of one storyline, and it was hard to read that the mission of the school was to eradicate an entire culture.

This is a book to read slowly. I still need to read “There There” by this author, as this is a companion story.

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