Member Reviews

I liked this book. It was a little little bit of a slow burn for me, but the characters are really cute together and they had a lot of development in the beginning recommend reading this book 4 1/2 stars

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Thanks to NetGalley and the author for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I really ended up loving this one! I have to be honest in saying that I almost stopped reading this at about 30 percent but I'm glad I stuck it out. Things really picked up at about 50 percent and the storyline was just so sweet and lovely!

The book opens with Lena just having lost her mother after being her caretaker for 3 years following a somewhat traumatic divorce and failed bakery. She is living on her childhood farm in a house that is falling apart with no real way to support herself amidst the Covid 19 pandemic. She also suffers from pretty severe anxiety and panic attacks. I'm trying to prepare to sell her childhood home she meets Ben, a police officer, who suffers PTSD and hearing loss related to Military service. Their love story beautifully unfolds in the second half of the book and, goodness, I just loved it so much! I would recommend this one and am grateful to have been given the opportunity to read it!

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I am grateful to Jessica Sherry and NetGalley for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for an honest review. This book was exactly what I needed. Sometimes I focus too much on the negatives, but the advice Lena's mom gave resonated with me - just work on making one thing better and make progress on one thing at a time. The story is relatable and motivational, and overall this is a great book that I highly recommend. You won't be disappointed.

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Lena is a baker with an anxiety disorder and suffers a huge loss while trying to make ends meet. She doesn’t know how to ask for help as she feels like it’s up to her to figure it out. All this happens during a pandemic which makes things even more isolating. Things start to look up when she meets a stoic cop named Ben who gives her hope. Ben has some struggles of his own as well.

My Thoughts:

I must admit, it feels very surreal to read a story that takes place during a pandemic that I’ve experienced myself. The author writes about important and touchy subjects that took place during COVID-19, yet she doesn’t make the reader uncomfortable. Ben and Lena’s stories are very realistic of how people lived during the pandemic.

As I read about the two of them, I felt all their angst. Ben represents new love and hope for Lena. Lena represents finding confidence for Ben. The power of attraction is very strong between the two of them. I hope that everyone feels truly inspired and gains perspective when they read this book. It has shown me that I shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help when it’s needed. I don’t have to do everything alone. There is nothing to prove to anyone.

I received an advanced review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Pick this up for a fluff read! I didn't relate to the character much but it was a good read while waiting for other books!

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One Thing Better by Jessica Sherry
Release Date: October 24th, 2023

You guys I loved this one, I couldn’t put it down! Lena is dealing with the loss of her mom, a divorce, the loss of her business, and an anxiety disorder. While Lena tries to put her life back together and make improvements amid a pandemic, guided by a mantra she learned from her mom - make one thing better, Lena meets Ben, a local cop and disabled army veteran. Despite initial differences, a unique and endearing love story based on shared brokenness begins.

This story has all the feels and touches on resilience, personal growth, love and the power of human connection.

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I'm in the minority here but I just could not fully engage with this book. The Goodreads tag reads: "Anxious Feel Good Romance" and honestly, why would anyone want to purposefully read a book that touts itself as an ANXIOUS feel good romance?

I'm sure some people will love Lena but her constant internal monologue drove me nuts. Almost enough that I put the book down but I forced myself to finish hoping things would improve. Spoiler alert: they didn't (for me anyway).

Others rave about this book, so don't let my wishy washy review put you off. If this book sounds good to you, then give it a try.

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I was so excited about this book, and it completely disappointed from the start. The main character is juvenile, uninteresting, and tolerable but barely. I don't know how to explain other than... there was just nothing there with this book, nothing to hang onto, nothing that catches you and brings you in. It was just a nothing book. I could not and did not finish.

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Genres: Romance, Contemporary, Mental Health Rep
Rating: 4/5 ⭐

So I wanna start off by saying that I have never really read a book like this before and it was very different compared to what I usually read but I ended up really enjoying it. I loved most of the characters in the book, even the ones that were only mentioned a couple of times. Two of my favorite characters from the book were Lena’s mom and Shakespeare. Lena’s mom’s character was honestly amazing and she gave off such a positive feeling. Shakespeare on the other hand was kind of like a comedic relief character and one of my favorites throughout the book. I really liked how well Lena and Ben communicated, like any issues they had or might have had never dragged on because they talked it out. I also loved how supportive and patient Ben was of Lena as she dealt with her loss and anxiety.

Something that stuck out to me that I didn’t entirely like were all the “My mom would have loved you comments” from Lena to Ben, there were situations where it made sense and was understandable but there was a point where it was being mentioned so often that it became too much. Other than that I really enjoyed this book and would love to read more by Jessica Sherry.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys more realistic stories and likes to read books with characters in their thirties where everything isn’t perfect. Thank you netgalley and Jessica Sherry for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC.

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A heavy book with lots of emotions!

Lena felt frustrating at first but her character developed well. I would've liked it more to see her actually believing herself and not because someone else said she could do everything but she knew that she could do everything. I, myself having different types of anxieties and insecurities, believe in myself more than others. So, I just wanted the same for Lena.

I liked Ben's character very much. Sweet and shy. His past was difficult but he was so calm about it.

Another thing, the internal monologues were too lengthy, went on for pages and pages yet most of them were about the same topics or got to the same conclusions. Those could be shorter.

The concept was great. Lena's journey, Ben meeting her, supporting her falling in love with her, the pandemic, supportive neighbors everything was perfect.

Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for the eARC in exchange of an honest review.

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This was such a beautiful story! It’s definitely a heart warming story about finding love and happiness even in the most hopeless of times! I loved Lena and Ben! They are both such relatable characters! I was happy to see a FMC with anxiety! You don’t see that a lot in books and I loved to finds one that shed light on it, makes me feel like I am not alone!

I loved all the hidden treasures Lena kept finding throughout the book. It was a beautiful reminder that her mom was always with her! Ben was a true gentlemen! So many swoon worthy moments!! He has definitely been added to my list of favorite book boyfriends!

It was interesting to read a book that discussed the beginning of the covid pandemic and everything that came after! What a crazy time! I highly recommend this book

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Unfortunately, this book failed to capture my attention. I decided to DNF it because I found myself skimming just to get through it. Rating 3 stars because, while it wasn't the book for me, it might be the perfect book for someone else.

Thank you to NetGalley and Jessica Sherry for the E-ARC

All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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An emotional read. Lena meets Ben when she is at her lowest and struggling. He wants to help but will she let him in?

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This review is based on an uncorrected egalley of this novel.

Lena Buckley is struggling with grief and loss after her mother passes away after a long illness. Her childhood home is crumbling from years of neglect and her mother’s hoarding has filled the house with more items than a dozen people need over several lifetimes. The neighbors have their eye on the dilapidated property she has now inherited, and her brother insists she move out to California to get her life pulled together under his wing. She feels she has hit absolute rock bottom when a cop pulls her over for driving erratically. Instead of getting a ticket with a fine she could ill afford, the message simply says, “Things will get better.”

And they do. But not before they get worse. Set in the early days of the pandemic Lena learns what it means to have a community of people who have faith in her. Lena transforms from a woman who felt defined by the failures of her past into a confident woman capable and deserving of love and success.

I thought this novel was very well written and I loved the fact that the main characters weren't in their early 20s like a lot of novels I read. Lena and Ben's characters were well thought out and it made me happy to keep reading. Lena learns what it means to not be alone as she battles her anxiety during the early days of the pandemic and I think we all can relate to that.

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4.5 stars
I wish I was better with words so I could adequately explain how special this book is. It is probably one of the most authentic and relatable books l've read.
The beginning starts off with an anxious, dark, emotional air about it and as the book progresses you see little bits of sunshine peaking through. By the end, you're smiling through your tears of happiness. It has one of those endings that make you sigh with contentment and you close the book with a smile (metaphorically because this was an ebook S).
The author has a great way of describing anxiety and depression that makes you feel immersed in the experience with the characters. I've never been able to describe my anxiety well, it's very much a *feeling* but somehow she manages to convey exactly what it feels
Also, I love the love interest, Ben, so much. I also appreciate the disability rep for a MMC. I usually see women in books with disabilities.
This was a beautiful story of hope and resilience, and about finding yourself (and love) when you're at absolute rock bottom.
Please check CW...there is a lot of talk surrounding death, illness/cancer, depression, grief, PTSD, war induced trauma, disability, and also the story takes place in the height of the pandemic so there are several incidences surrounding COVID and conversations about BLM/police brutality.

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Yikes this was so uncomfortable. Firstly the main characters happy place is a Publix? Then she starts describing someone as “milk chocolate” admits it’s wrong to describe people using foods but then says well it’s ok if I want to eat him right? Uh no. It’s not. The whole thing was just cringe after cringe after cringe. Not in a fun way.

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Lena is struggling with grief and loss after caring for her mother for the past three years. Adding to the struggle is their dilapidated family farm steadily falling apart after years of neglect, pressure from the neighbors to sell the property, and expectations from her brother that she move to Malibu and help out in his restaurant. Lena has always struggled with anxiety and now with everything seeming to go wrong and a worldwide pandemic looming, she's on the edge. But using her rundown car as an escape only leads to Being pulled over and a ticket she can't afford. Ben Wright is stoic and hard to read, but when she opens the ticket to see what she owes and instead finds a more that "things will get better" it starts a friendship that she desperately needs. She decides to follow the mantra her mother taught her to just make one thing better and things will start to fall into place. And as her friendship develops into more with Ben and the community comes to support her, she feels more confident in herself.
I love that the characters in this book are so relatable with everyday problems they're struggling to overcome. The friendships develop so naturally. Even the way the covid pandemic is handled isn't overdone, just another thing to survive and overcome. I love how every discovery of the treasures and money her mother left behind come just when she needs them most, like she's still watching over her. I was pleasantly surprised by this book and the wonderful writing.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

* Thankyou to netgalley and the author for an ARC copy of this book

"Supplies will help. Well, not really "supplies," but wine. I need wine."

Okay .. so this book was so hard to get through for me. Not because it was a bad book (actually the complete opposite), but because it was such a relatable, heavy, and emotional book.

As someone who has anxiety, depression, and PTSD I found myself relating a lot with the MFC. There were so many times in the book I was like, "she's so annoying because she is overthinking everything!" and then I would laugh because it's exactly what I would do or how I would feel about a situation.

"Pain makes people act differently."

You get:
• Mid 30's MCs
• Mental health representation
• Equestrian therapy
• Trauma
• Divorce
• Romance
• Mental abuse
• Slow burn
• Character growth

I highly recommend this book if you are in a good place mentally. This book was so well written and will be one I think about for a long time.

"Good things happen, even in the worst of times - maybe especially then because that's when we appreciate them the most."

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I really enjoyed reading this book even though it dealt with some heave topics. Lena is dealing with severe anxiety and has just lost her mom. Ben is a veteran with hearing loss with a better attitude than most people. Then you through in the pandemic and this could have really gone downhill. But it didn't and it was very entertaining. All of the other characters in the book along with Lena and Ben make this a very rich story. The mantra of make on thing better at a time is a great way to do life. Highly recommend this one!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for advanced copy, and I give my review freely

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this was just something not for me. It was well written and the story was good, but I really didn’t ever click into the story or connect with the characters.

It was good, well written, but it just never happened for me.

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