Member Reviews

I didn't love this but I didn't hate it either. It was a little drawn out for me and I didn't feel a connection between Lena and Ben. In fact, I felt more of a connection between Lena and the horse Shadow, than Lena and Ben. After losing her mom and everything else she had going on, it would have been nice if Lena's boyfriend wouldn't end up being as reliant on her as her ailing mom was. The girl needs a break from fate smacking her in the face every time she turns around.

I did like how this kind of documented Lena's grieving process and growth from a people pleaser to an independent woman. I liked the other people in her life, like Gloria, Dot, and Alice's sons.

Lucas was a crappy brother for most of the book. He should have had her back more.

I received a copy via NetGalley and all opinions are my own.

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Lena Buckley’s not like other people—ones with awesome careers, relationships, and health insurance. She’s thirty-five and has nothing to show for it but a dilapidated family farm and an anxiety disorder worsened by her mother’s death. Starting over, again, means major decisions ahead, so she relies on the simple mantra that kept her going during her mom’s care—make one thing better—hoping it leads to the successful, independent life she wants.

Ben Wright has his life together. A disabled army veteran and local cop, Ben’s the type to have all the required insurance, health or otherwise. When Lena needs help, he’s quick to say it’s no trouble. Though he’s hard to read and not one for chitchat, an odd but endearing friendship builds on the one thing they have in common—brokenness. A sad but funny love story grows from their unique hardships, forging a deep connection that makes everything better.

But reality supports what her anxiety tells her—good things don’t last. When the COVID-19 pandemic steals her few opportunities and her home verges on unlivable, she must choose between love and survival.

A real romance with a quirky heroine, One Thing Better is a warm, funny, and, best of all, honest first person love story featuring broken people, (actual & metaphorical) fireworks, tears, bad words, the occasional mouse, and a delightful better-ever-after.

After reading the synopsis this book immediately drew me in! I enjoyed reading about Lena and how unlucky she was. Then meeting a cop who finally gives her a break then the story goes from there.

It’s a feel good story. It was slow at first but picked up then I couldn’t put the book down!

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I ended up falling in love with this book for many different reasons. The setting takes place in North Carolina. I believe the author did a very good job at portraying the struggles so many face in being “lonely, anxious and in the middle of a pandemic”. The ending is perfect, although maybe a few pages more than necessary.

#onethingbetter, #JessicaSherry, #netgalley

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Easily one of the best books I have read this year. It is a story of resilience as a woman who has been dealt multiple blows including a business failure, a divorce, and caring for her dying mother during the last three years of her life. She inherits a dilapidated and hoarded property needing more repairs and cleaning than she can afford, and is just starting to sell some things to survive when a job offer is taken away due to the covid shutdown. As she struggles to get through each day between the work needing to be done and her anxiety, she tries to live from her mother’s mantra of just making one thing better each day. Meeting neighbors and making connections help her find her way, along with a special horse and a war veteran police officer with physical and emotional damage of his own. The novel is very well written, paced nicely, laugh out loud funny in parts, heartwarming and touching in others. I loved this one, five stars! I’ll be getting a hardback edition for my permanent library. Thank you to NetGalley for an advance review Kindle edition.

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One Thing Better is a feel-good, heartwarming story about finding happiness and love, even in the most hopeless of times. Lena Buckley has experienced a string of bad situations that leaves her feeling discouraged and anxious about her future. As Lena prepares for the next chapter of her life, she develops a close bond with several people, including police officer Ben Wright, in her small-town community. In spite of her stubbornness and mental warfare, Lena goes through an inspiring level of growth and perseverance.

Lena and Ben are such wholesome, endearing characters with struggles that many readers will find relatable.
This story touches on topics of mental health, anxiety, PTSD, disabilities, etc. The inclusion of the Covid-19 pandemic was off-putting at first, but it really adds to the story's themes of perseverance and reinvention. I usually prefer more "spice" in romance novels; however, I feel that the intimate, mildly spicy scenes perfectly align with these characters.

I thoroughly enjoyed One Thing Better, and I highly recommend it to lovers of romance and anyone who enjoys an uplifting story!

Thank you to NetGalley for gifting me this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Expected Publication: 24 October 2023

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Jessica Sherry delivered such a beautiful story about not giving up. Covid-19 will forever be known for the chaos and loss we all faced across the world. We all endured horrific effects. From health, family, and financial loss, we all had a taste at what it took, and could have taken from us. The romance in this book was great. After reading I was filled with hope and love and above all thankfulness. Great job Jessica!

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. This review is honest, unbiased, and completely my own.

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"One Thing Better" by Jessica Sherry appears to be a heartfelt and realistic exploration of love, reinvention, and personal growth during challenging times. The description sets the stage for a story that many readers can relate to—a protagonist who has faced setbacks and struggles but is determined to make positive changes in her life.

Lena Buckley's character is instantly relatable, as she grapples with a series of setbacks, from losing her bakery business and marriage to caring for her mother and dealing with anxiety. Her journey to rebuild her life is both inspiring and emotionally charged, making her a compelling character for readers to root for.

The introduction of Ben Wright, a disabled army veteran and local cop, adds depth to the narrative. His quiet kindness and willingness to help Lena with her family's gun collection create an endearing relationship that promises to be a central focus of the story.

The backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic adds a layer of relevance to the story, as it mirrors the real-life challenges and uncertainties many have faced during this period. Lena and Ben's journey toward love and self-discovery in the midst of a global crisis promises to be both poignant and relatable.

Jessica Sherry's ability to infuse humor, honesty, and emotional depth into the narrative suggests that "One Thing Better" will be a heartwarming and engaging read. Readers can expect a story that navigates the complexities of life's challenges and celebrates the power of human connection and resilience.

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A feel-good coming of "age" story that's full of heart for any of us who have loved and lost or felt like our best selves at our grocery store.

Thanks to NetGalley and the author for the chance to read and review. Coming soon!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book, unfortunately I couldn't get into the story.

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This book hit home for me in a lot of ways. I truly loved it. An easy 5⭐️ read in my eyes.

An amazing portrayal of mental health struggles as well as physical disabilities sustained by a veteran. An incredible journey of growth, overcoming fear, and finding one’s inner strength and purpose. This book showed what it was like for someone with anxiety to navigate COVID while also eloquently discussing the racial injustices that occurred throughout the pandemic and touched on a police officers viewpoint during that time.

Lena is amazing and Ben is incredible. It was a real journey through Lena figuring out who she was meant to be and having a steady person by her side, refusing to give up and showing her the love that she deserved. This book brought me to tears quite a few times. Not to mention all of the neighbors who became family through all of lives struggles. What an incredible community the author was able to imagine.

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ARC Review! Thank you to NetGalley and Jessica Sherry for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review! | 3.5 stars

I was in need of a feel good book, and One Thing Better most definitely did the trick for me! This is a story about overcoming adversity, fighting the demons in your head, and picking yourself up to keep going. Such a sweet, positive message and lovable characters.

Lena Buckley's mother had a motto: "one thing better." Even when everything around you seems like a disaster, if you focus on making one thing better, you're making progress. And boy, does Lena need that reminder. After her mother's traumatic death while she was serving as caretaker, inheriting a house in shambles, and having little-to-no money to her name and no real job prospects in line, her life is far from ideal. And although she doesn't have the best track record with making smart choices for her future, she's committed to turning things around this time.

Backed by a strong community, she's ready to pick herself up. She thinks she might even be finding love with the hot cop who has been helping her out. But when the COVID-19 pandemic hits, she's sent backwards, losing hope for a dream job, and her home falling even further into disrepair. The demons in her head are back, reminding her that she has failed before and is bound to fail again.

A lot of great topics covered here -- PTSD, mental health, anxiety, coping through tough situations. I have said before I'm not a huge fan of COVID-19 in literature because I just think it's too soon to be doing all of that (I don't need to relive quarantine, thank you very MUCH), but this is a really cute story regardless. It's more than just a love story, it's a finding yourself through a history of self doubt story.

I started to lose steam a little bit around the 60% mark -- the plot just kind of started to feel one note. I still loved the story, just was wishing for a tiny bit more action.

All in all, if you're looking for a pick me up, this is the one to do it!

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All I have to say is 100% yes. I adored this book and wish I could experience reading it again for the first time. I love Ben and Lena and wish we could've seen future them but alas I’m excited to see the next couple you bring to the table. My favorite part for sure was when Ben came up with Loveable Lena it melted my heart in so many ways. I really enjoyed the characters and plots of the story and wouldn’t change a thing. Thank you for letting me read this early!

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Really heartwarming, uplifting novel! Now If you're wanting a conventional, sentimental romance novel filled with excessively detailed sexy moments, this book may not align that.

In contrast, this novel stands out as one of the most delightful romance reads I've encountered in quite a while. The main characters, both imperfect and wounded individuals, navigate the challenges of demanding life situations that resonate with all of us. Their relatability and authenticity make them truly compelling. Beyond merely depicting a tale of two individuals discovering love, it beautifully narrates their journey towards self-love and self-acceptance. I can see some people wanting more spice or oomph from this - but for the demographic that appreciates this kind of novel, you will love.

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Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to receive this book for an honest review.

I was on the fence with this book because I had my own grief I had to deal with. But I was pleasantly surprised about how much I enjoyed this book. It gives you hope and seeing how much a community bonds together to help one another was reassuring.

I highly recommend this book.

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“Hearing about broken bones and airborne riders shouldn’t dent my riding confidence, but it comforts me that horses panic, too. Most of their stories start with a horse getting spooked. Anxiety isn’t human exclusive— it’s universal, natural even”

This was an ARC copy gifted by NetGalley!

I ended up falling in love with this story for many different reasons. The setting takes place in North Carolina and included a lot of familiar names of places as someone who lives on the N Carolina + S Carolina boarder. The FMC is dealing with the aftermath of a life shattering loss, WHILE trying to keep it all together and her house from crumbling. I believe the author did a very good job at portraying the struggles so many face in being “lonely, anxious and in the middle of a pandemic”. I also really appreciated the MMC being a cop, but addressing the injustices and letting us see how he attempts to make his changes matter to a very broken system. To acknowledge BLM and Breonna Taylor made me fall in love with the author. The ending is perfect, although maybe a few pages more than necessary.


I almost DNF’d this book 2-3 different times up until the 33% mark. I REALLY struggled to get into the story, understand the characters and their purposes and find something that made me want to keep reading. So please, I ask you give this book a chance if you find yourself in the same predicament because everything after the 35% mark had me head over heels with the book!

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If you read one book this year, make sure it's ONE THING BETTER by Jessica Sherry. This book simultaneously broke my heart and soothed my soul. It was beautiful, captivating and utterly brilliant.

I loved that both main characters were older and had life experience. This is not your normal fluffy love story but one filled with broken, flawed characters who persevere through really difficult circumstances.

Read for:
❤️Slow burn
👭Found family
🔥 Mild spice
⭐ 5 stars


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This is a book of very broken, flawed characters who deal with different circumstances that arise in their life that are often times difficult. This is not like a contemporary romance with all of the sappy lovey-dovey scenes. This is much more realistic and relatable. Not only is it a love story, but it also a story of learning self-love and acceptance.

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I found this book to be absolutely beautiful and captivating. It follows the story of Lena and Ben, two people who have been down on their luck and focused on their imperfections. But together, they can do anything. This storyline happens to fall during the Covid pandemic, which brings back memories of the lockdown and restrictions. (Although that’s not the main focus of the book) But just as we got through it, Lena and Ben find a way through it, together.

These characters are so down to earth. and GOOD. Just GOOD human beings. It makes them extremely likeable. I found myself relating to Lena throughout the book as she struggles with anxiety. I’m so relieved to find a book that portrays anxiety in a way that’s not damning- but hopeful.

That’s what this book gave me. Hope. Against all odds.

I loved the story, the writing, the characters. I highly recommend you check this one out!

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Lena has spent the last three years of her life in a bubble caring for her ill mother. But now that her mother has passed, she is getting things in order to leave this life behind her. Greater things are waiting for her in Malibu with her brother. But as she starts to get things in order to prepare for her departure, she starts to find herself feeling closer to the very things she’s been desperate to escape from.

Sometimes you’re so sure what you want, but then life seems to start smacking you in the face with signs telling you it has other, greater, plans for you. We try so hard to control our lives sometimes that we tend to forget that sometimes the best things are right in front of us.

And Lena was certainly the perfect character to demonstrate that. While she is independent and selfless, she is impossibly stubborn. It became extremely frustrating at times when she would spiral into her pit of self pity. But given her circumstances, it was understandable how she came to think the way she did.

Ben might be one of my top 5 favorite book boyfriends. Everything that comes out of his mouth is swoon-worthy and would make any woman weak in the knees.

Overall, this story tugged at my heartstrings so hard. Lena’s life is anything but easy, and it seemed life had a way of kicking her when she was already down. But through those hardships she learns invaluable lessons that lead her to exactly where she is meant to be.

Thank you to Jessica and the publisher for the chance to review this ARC through NetGalley.

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I started off with high hopes for this book and though there was a rough patch for me, I ended up truly enjoying it. The rough patch? It hit me when COVID hit the book. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of books/tv/movies that incorporate COVID. We just lived it, I don’t care to be reminded of lockdowns and mask wearing and toilet paper shortages. But, I stuck with it and the book handled the pandemic quite nicely, in my opinion. A background noise that didn’t take over the story fully. Yes, it happened. We did stuff different. Life continued on.

Through most of the book, we see Lena struggling. Whether struggles caused by outside forces or internal, nothing is easy for Lena. This book is essentially all about Lena and her struggles. But they are struggles that many of us can relate to. Family. Job. Relationship. Health. House. It feels like it never ends, for us and for Lena. But the beauty of the book is that we see Lena growing and changing in little ways as the pages turn. I think that Lena’s journey, and her mantra of focusing on one little thing, can prove to all of us that we are not stagnant. Even if we don’t see massive change, we continue on, chasing after our dreams and learning from our past. And that is the beauty of life.

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