Member Reviews

I received an ARC of One Thing Better from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review

WOWWWWW! I’m literally speechless over this book. I’m beyond thrilled that this books main character, Lena Buckley, was a woman with anxiety who was very open about it throughout the book. Anxiety is not talked about enough, so to be able to live through a character that has it makes me feel like I’m not alone. I’ve never related to a book character more than I did with Lena.

Aside from that, this book was such a feel good book. I loved the hidden treasures Lena continued to find throughout the book. Ben was a true gem & such a gentleman. I have my own Ben and I pray everyone gets their own real life Ben because it’s truly amazing.

Jessica Sherry, I truly hope you plan to write a sequel to One Thing Better because I need more of Lena & Ben.

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Crippling anxiety. The reality that things never go your way. Years taking care of mom before she passes away. Inheriting the family home - which is literally crumbling around you. And a brother who knows he’s your only hope. How do you move on?

This book is, in a word, fantastic. I could really relate to Lena as she struggles to make sense of her life, of her world. A new man, Ben, who has struggles of his own complicates things, but in a good way. I was intrigued by this story and was eager to continue reading. The characters were fun to know. I cheered for them and cried to with them. I hope you take time to read this book and get to know them too.

Thank you #netgalley for an ARC of this book. The opinions are my own..

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Such a lovely feel good story, almost slightly predictable however that doesn’t ruin the feel good factor of it. Likeable characters too and relateable

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I really liked this book. I enjoyed the story line, the characters and the romance ! It was a fun, refreshing read and super cute !

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I don’t even know where to start. I was sold on this story when I saw it was a romance about mid 30 year olds. We don’t see that as often as I would like lol

Not only is this such a cute romance story… It’s a wonderful story of finding self love and being your own biggest supporter while also learning to let others love you for who you are - good or bad.

The FMC had a failed business and marriage. She has struggled from horrible, crippling anxiety and is trying to navigate the grief of losing her mom, who she cared for up until her traumatic yet expected death. Her mom was her point of comfort during those panic attacks and the one person who supported her through everything, even when she failed. Upon her death, mom leaves behind her unlivable home, random junk, cars, etc. for Lena and her brother Lucas to keep, but Lucas lets Lena take it all, as he lives in Malibu with his daughter and husband. Lena is alone and lost, trying to find a way to fix this mess of a house she’s in while also trying to find a course for her life.

Cue Ben, the guy who was recommended to take care of the bajillion guns Lena’s parents had (loaded and ready to shoot, might I add) around the house on practically every surface. He’s a police officer who lost his hearing during previous deployment. Throughout the story, we get to see a little bit of the struggles his hearing loss causes on his well-being and how absolutely positively he handles it. AND he handles Lena’s extreme anxiety with ease and grace that I WISH all people did. Their love story is so sweet and pure.🖤😭

There are so many great side characters, but I have to say my favorite is Dot. She’s sassy, smartassy, and a little awkward but that’s why I adore her. I just want to be her bestie. If I needed an opinion, I know she’d give it to me straight lol

This story includes anxiety/panic awareness, grief navigation, found family, emotional support horse, surprise pregnancy, and the best motto ever - it’s not a happily ever after… but a BETTER ever after.

I laughed and cried so many times throughout this. I can’t tell you how many annotations I have because it’s just too many. I’ve never annotated a book this much lol

Will forever recommend. 🫶🏻

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Such a good romantic comedy book, this is so commendable for first time reader of rom-com genre because it will really hit their expectations from a book.

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This book was a slow burn. I loved it.I didn't think I would. The main character Lena Buckley is heartbroken and never feels lucky or deserving of everything. She lost her bakery and her marriage three years ago while taking care of her sickly mother. She feels constantly unlucky. Her anxiety takes it up a notch when her mom passes away and a;; she is left with is broke down farm house and a dead dream. During a stop routine, she meets Ben, a strong but silent type that gives her a little hope when she needs it most. As the Covid pandemic starts and she's left to her own devices and is isolated, her and ben begin to form a friendship. This friendship evolves and so does Lena in a myriad of ways with the help of a horse. I really loved this book.

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I need to start reading more books where the main characters are 30+ years old and not teenagers.

This was such a beautiful story with a well delivered message about not giving up. And the romance was so divine and lovely. I need an epilogue on their married life with kids.

We all had our hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic and people are still suffering from the effects of it. Still, there are those who made it after giving their everything and the author beautifully portrayed that. Well done Jessica!

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thanks netgalley for the arc!

i LOVED this book, it was totally not what i expected. it is such a warm and reassuring book, it is filled with so much hope and love and struggles and perseverance. lena buckley is going through a lot, and is lost and lonely and grieving - until she realises the community around her and how showing up for others can do you so much good.

so many of the sentiments of this book were sweet and heartfelt but i especially loved “you are not your circumstances”. if you need a pick me up, this is one of the warmest and most uplifting books i have read. aspects of the plot could feel heavy but they are handled with such grace and care that while emotional, doesn’t feel overwhelmingly gloomy.

would highly recommend!

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Set in the midst of the COVID pandemic, this modern day love story follows Lena and Ben as they navigate the many challenges we all faced through out the pandemic.

This book was very well written. The characters and their struggles were so relatable, from COVID, to anxiety, to searching for love in these modern times. The characters were complex and well developed.

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This book is a moving and honest love story following Lena Buckley and Ben Wright's journey during the pandemic. Both protagonists are realistic and approachable. This makes the reader's involvement possible and immediate.
I was given an ARC of this book by Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh my goodness, this book was absolutely fantastic. I loved this author’s writing style and can’t wait to read more from her!

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One Thing Better
by Jessica Sherry
A well-written book romcom. love and humor. It was an easy read, with no need for the sex scenes, or tackiness to : add" to the story.

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One Thing Better was such a great book! Lena was a fantastic character that I was a fan of almost immediately. The book itself had a bit of everything I like, and I can easily say this is one of my favorite books from the past few months. I loved following along on Lena’s journey to self discovery. The author did a great job with character development and the writing was so smooth- the book flowed perfectly and held my interest the entire time. As for the ending- I thought it was perfection. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I was given an ARC by Net Galley for Jessica Sherry’s “One Thing Better” in exchange for an honest review.

Lena Buckley is struggling with grief and loss after her mother passes away after a long illness. Her childhood home is crumbling from years of neglect and her mother’s hoarding has filled the house with more items than a dozen people need over several lifetimes. The neighbors have their eye on the dilapidated property she has now inherited, and her brother insists she move out to California to get her life pulled together under his wing. She feels she has hit absolute rock bottom when a cop pulls her over for driving erratically. Instead of getting a ticket with a fine she could ill afford, the message simply says, “Things will get better.”

And they do. But not before they get worse. Set in the early days of the pandemic Lena learns what it means to have a community of people who have faith in her. Lena transforms from a woman who felt defined by the failures of her past into a confident woman capable and deserving of love and success.

This was a great read, and I enjoyed the book tremendously.

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If you are looking for a traditional, sappy, romance novel with overly descriptive sex scenes; this book is not for you.

This is one of the more enjoyable romance novels I have read in a log time. Both lead characters are flawed and broken people dealing with stressful life circumstances that we all have to deal with. I found them both to be relatable and realistic. It's not just a story about two people finding love, it's a story about two people learning to love and accept themselves.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A warm hearted tale of love finding a way after tragic loss. Lena Buckley is struggling, with her mother recently deceased and a dilapidated house falling down around here, everything seems hopeless. A looming pandemic is also on the horizon pushing her to become more insular. However a gassy horse, a brooding cop and pushy neighbours threaten to crack her heart open , making just one thing better at a time. A warm hearted hug of a book.

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A story dealing with serious and painful issues, “One Thing Better”, by Jessica Sherry, still has a feel-good aura showing characters trying to find positive things in the darkest days.
I loved Lena and Ben and their unlikely romance. Watching them finding redemption during grief, COVID and while dealing with a dilapidated house is often a tiring journey, but there’s a hopeful tone about it.
Ben is a wonderful wounded hero, extremely grounded.
I liked how he evolves from the strong, silent type to the more eloquent, sweet and giving kind of person.
Ben’s humbleness about his hearing issues and prognosis is as matter-of-fact as his personality.
Lena’s issues are hard to face sometimes, but I was glad she managed to address them.
I liked to watch her loving relationship with her mother, the grief process, and the impact the mother has in her daughter’s life even after death.
I also liked how the author wrote about the loneliness and exhaustion of caring for an old dependent person, the hurdles of quarantine and still managing to show how the relationship and romance evolve.
The secondary characters are great, too.

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An interesting and thought provoking book on anxiety, romance self-doubt and discovery. Well written with complex and likable characters. A solid read.

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Ben & Lena character execution was amazingly done! This book captivates & takes a hold of you where you just can’t put it down! Absolutely loved how relatable and realistic the plot was as well!! If ur into a warm and funny romcom this is it !!

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