Member Reviews

So I really wanted to like this books it was a lot in the beginning and just was confusing to me. It would go from one character perspective to another and then another and then back to the first character. It had some good parts but I just couldn’t keep reading and had to dnf this book. Unfortunately this book wasn’t for me but I am sure others will like it more than I did.

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I rounded up for my review, because maybe it’s just me and I didn’t feel right rounding down. Ugh, this dragged on… I really wanted to like it but everything was either half a thought that go picked up later or a wait a second let me throw in this smidge of backstory out of nowhere. The beginning of this book was good there was so much potential, then all of a sudden the next chapter is “4 months later” from that point it seemed like the author was “counting words” instead of focusing on developing the story. I felt like a lot of scenes could have done with the less is more, cutting down 300 words to something that could have been said in 50? There was also a lot of repetition, within a chapter the author would come up with 3 different ways for the characters to say the same thing to each other.
I really wanted more of Ella and her dad mending their relationship, instead of him just showing up out of nowhere and talking to her for a short time…
I don’t know what else to say other than there was so much potential with this book it just seemed rushed but also drawn out at the same time.

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When a computer glitch leaves Ella and Callum booked into the same room as another guest, the hotel finds them the only available accommodation around – a rundown cramped cottage.

Callum is a widower and Ella is a retired actress, they’re both hoping to escape while attending separate weddings. As rain comes crashing down, there’s more in the air than just atmosphere. Can they unpack their baggage and let love in? Or are they better off going their separate ways?

This one started out a little cringy and rocky for me, but it did redeem itself and I found myself enjoying it. At the beginning it felt that things were all over the place and fairly chaotic, but ultimately, they did connect, and things started coming together. I also think that there was some curse language that was unnecessary at the beginning that was hard, and I say that even though I curse like a sailor. It just didn’t really fit the image of the character I had. This book was full of angst. Lots of will she, wont she, back and forth. The romance does ultimately happen, but it is a slow burn and doesn’t happen until the book is almost over. Not the worst slow burn I’ve read, but fairly late, nonetheless. Since this was a slow burn, I think that translated to a slow pace of a book as well, with the ending feeling slightly rushed. I didn’t hate this story underneath everything, I just think that it could have benefited from some more editing rounds to help with some of the pacing issues along with some imaging issues throughout the book. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it. This was a solid middle of the road read for me.

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This was a wonderful romance and i thoroughly enjoyed everything about it.

The setting in Cornwall was lovely and through the authors amazing style of writing throughout it honestly felt like i was there immersed in it all.

A very easy book to read and the story pulls you along at a great pace so that you can find out what happens.

Such an enjoyable read and i fell in love with Ella and Callum and loved becoming involved in their story.

Such a slow burn story and i was definitely here for it…..

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This book definitely had potential but it just wasn’t one for me. I didn’t particularly like the main characters and felt the plot just never really went anywhere. Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter and the author for the chance to review.

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DNF at 25%.

This book was just too much going on at the beginning and I'm not connecting at all. There is a wedding in a small town and somehow both MCs and the family of bride on the MMC's side. How they book 3 parties to a single room who knows. The two MCs end up in a run down cottage, they kiss (?), MMC almost drowns at the beach. His wife died 2 years ago, FMC is a celebrity nepo baby, and that's about it. They seem to already have the hots for each other very very early on for literally no reason.

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When Callum and Ella arrive in Porthkara as wedding guests, they find that their room has been double booked and that the only other space available is the charming but dilapidated Rose Cottage. They decide to share since Ella can't drive there and Callum doesn't want to be around pitying eyes. and after a huge storm causing the cottage to leak they end up staying up all night and talking. After the weddings, they go their separate ways but life keeps pulling them back together.

Both characters have a nice depth to them, Ella as a daughter of a rock star dealing with her Daddy issues and Callum as a young widow dealing with his grief and survivors' guilt. The Cornish seaside setting and the locals are equally charming. I've rated it 3.5/5, rounded up as the ending felt a little rushed and a few minor plot holes appeared (why the sudden appearance of rock star Dad?).

Regardless, it's an enjoyably light read and would be perfect for reading on holiday (ideally in Cornwall!). Thanks to Netgalley and One More Chapter for a free ARC in return for an honest review.

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Thank you to the HarperCollins UK and netgalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I felt it was hard to get into this book. I don't know if i just wasn't in the mood for this or if it's the book, but i just felt meh about it. I'm happy that Callum and Ella get their happy ending but i didn't particularly care about their relationship. I think what made it hard for me to connect is the fact that their feelings seemed to be so wish washy, jumping from feeling one way to another in an instant, which didn't make it believable.

Overall, if you're looking for a slow burn romance with characters that experience grief and parental conflict, i'd give this book a try!

Pub date: Dec 15, 2023

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I enjoyed this read for what it was, but there are a few things I wasn't fully a fan of that felt off while reading. I loved the chemistry between Callum and Ella, however, there were a few times in the novel where their moods would change in an instant where it didn't seem like their personalities to do so in the way it happened. I'm trying to stay vague as to not give any spoilers, but I think some things could have definitely been changed to make this a much better romance. I do like how the hotel mix up happened and the ending of the book, as well as, some things in between. Overall, though, it was a solid 3 star read and the grief within this novel was very real.

**Thank you to NetGalley for the e-arc of this in return for my honest review.

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I reall enjoyed this book. This was the first book I have read by Kathy Jay and I loved it! The character development of Callum and Ella as well written and I was kept in suspense of what was going to happen. The fostering of a freidnships across all the characters was enjoyable! This was a great romcom book with a HEA!

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Ella and Callum- both in town for separate weddings- wind up in a situation of forced proximity as they arrive to Porthkara and realize their reservations have been mixed up. In an effort to salvage the situation, they decide to share a less than glamorous cottage.

I truly enjoyed the premise of Ella and Callum's story. Both complicated main characters wary of love for their own separate reasons, it was hard not to fall in love with them and the journey they went on together. It seemed as though these characters spent a lot o time- too much time- denying themselves the happiness that so clearly laid in front of them.

My one critique- Ella agreed to be with Callum for one night under the guise of understanding it would not go any further, only to immediately change her mind after they have spent the night together. The complete turn here was very sudden in terms of expressing feelings for one another and came across as disingenuous.

I am happy that these characters got their happy ending.

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Forced proximity is my weakness and if you tell me nothing but that about a book I will immediately want to read it. This book did not disappoint on that end. From the first chapter i was hooked. The banter was making me laugh so hard and the wedding setting just made it all the better.

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Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

3.5 stars!

I was really excited to read this book due to the blurb. The writing was different than what I'm used to. It took me a bit to actually get into the story. I loved the forced proximity of Callum and Ella having to share the cottage. Their first encounter was really cute and awkward. I also liked that their personalities were complete opposite. This helped add in the angsty feeling. However, I didn't necessarily care for the drama involved. This made it hard for me to want to continue the story. Ellas' behavior in certain parts were too naive. That is why I have rated this story 3.5 stars.

This story was still enjoyable, and I would recommend it!

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This sweet and heartfelt romance has two sympathetic leads, an unusual setting, and interesting side characters, but it was just not for me.

This book's biggest problem is its promotional copy. Goodreads calls it an "enemies-to-lovers romcom" right in the title. In fact the "enemies" bit lasts even less time than the titular mix-up. Both are fine as an inciting incident, they don't merit this high billing. As for the story being a rom-com, I found the subject matter - including grief, past abuse, and parental neglect - too heavy to merit this designation.

This was not the funny, snappy story I expected, and I just couldn't get past that. In theory, I appreciated the time spent developing two mature, damaged, thoughtful lead characters who feel too wounded to act on their attachment to one another. But I don't usually read this kind of serious, sappy romance, and I found it hard to stay interested. Another reader might love it -but I'm not sure, given the quirky cover illustration and cheery text, that reader will pick it up.

I'm posting an abbreviated version of this review , minus the star rating, to Goodreads to highlight the book's positive attributes and help it find its readership.

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For whatever reason this reminded me of the Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren in the best way possible. It was silly and fun yet so real and heartfelt. Bound to be a hit

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This was a super cute read! I love the characters. They were easy to connect with and had emotional backstories.

The overall book was fab! I would highly recommend. I found myself want to get back to it every chance I had. I would highly recommend grabbing a copy to read.

Great characters
Fun side-characters
Great story arc
Emotional arc
Slow burn with some open door

There were some points of the story that could have been cut (mostly things with side characters)
It was hard to get a grasp on the time frame ( he says they have only "technically known each other for 10 days but months and months have passed.
The ending felt a bit rushed and tied up to neatly. I would have loved to have seen it left a little mess with these two or at least maybe more open-ended.

A fantastic story all-in-all. I did love all the british-ism! That was a fun bonus. I could I even had to look up. :)

Thank you so much to the publisher and to NetGalley for an arc of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I want to use the first sentence of this review to announce my love for the FMC, Ella! I found her to be extraordinary, actually born into fame but only thrust into limelight later in her life, she is such a vulnerable, self-aware, utterly kind and lovable character. Dealing with rumours about her with grace, while trying to figure out what she really wants in life. But first she needs to attend a wedding in a small town in Cornwall. Enter Porthkara, the town where she not only meets Callum through a hotel room mix-up but a place that helps her during her journey of self-discovery.
I also really enjoyed Callum‘s character. He was written with depth and I found the portrayal of his grief incredibly well done. Kathy Jay really succeeded in portraying deep and complex feelings with the accuracy and earnestness they deserve, which isn‘t always easy.
You‘ll see that the romance between the two is relatively slow-paced, which in this case however is just as well, because they both need to work through their past grievances and insecurities individually before they can open themselves up to something new. I loved how love doesn‘t magically fixed everything from the get go, because in real life, it doesn‘t either.

The book would have been a four star if it wasn‘t for the last chapter. You have this entire book where they go back and forth and have to work through very complex feelings and in the end, it all progressed so incredibly fast, that their story lost a bit of its charm for me. I didn‘t see the point in giving them so much time to figure out their feelings just to rush everything in the end.

All that being said, I still had a good time reading this book! If you‘re looking for a romance novel with complex characters that deal with grief, past regrets and parental issues and don‘t mind a slow-pace (and then a rushed ending) give this one a go!

The Hotel Room Mix-Up is out December 15th 2023!

Thank you to HarperCollins UK and the OMC Team for providing me with an earc through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!

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At first I really thought I would have a fun rom-com on my hands. I didn't. Instead, I was reading a book about one person Callum, who had been through hell and back and wasn't sure how to move on from where he is at the moment. The other person, Ella,who was looking for love but felt like she would never find it.

What started out to be a fun journey to a friends wedding ends up being a Crazy time for Ella. She goes to check in and get her room. Only to find out that they have double booked the room. She is not about to share her room with a stranger much less the man from the lobby. That man being Callum. Oh, and his ex in-laws as well! No way could this be happening!
Long story short, the hotel staff find them another place to stay. It is a two bedroom room. This is a ran down piece of property which once was beautiful! This is where they meet Jessie,the woman that owns the property. She is an elderly woman and lovely with no family. She steps up when one wedding party will not be having a wedding unless she does!
After the weddings and all is said and done it's time for life to go back to normal or whatever that is. Callum goes on his journey in his van. Ella goes on hers.
Sorry, no spoilers here!
I can say the ending was good! I am happy to report that it does end well!

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Not a fan of the characters. when one of the characters stereotypes another chapter. DNF.

*************I received an ARC for my honest opinion from NetGalley****************

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When ex-actor/model Ella and Callum, a young widow, visit Porthkara for different weddings, they have no intention of finding love and a hotel room mishap & sharing a dilapidated cottage isn’t going to make it happen if they can help it!

Both shut down & guarded for their own reasons they try to deny the connection they feel in such a short time. Adamant that they can’t possibly give what the other needs they try to forget each other and go their own ways.

This book takes us on a bit of a healing journey for Callum who is stuck in his grief & Ella who feels unsettled & incapable of a relationship due to daddy-issue-baggage.

Add in some very likeable characters; famous people & locals and a beautiful seaside setting and you get an enjoyable story with a happily ever after ending.

Trigger Warnings: death of a family member, addiction, abuse, neglect, foster care, abandonment. Please note, the TW mention are not descriptive, however, the loss of the MMC’s spouse is a pivotal part of his story.

Thank you NetGalley, HarperCollins UK One More Chapter for the opportunity to read this book.
Publish date: December 14, 2023

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