Member Reviews

Absolutely loved this book!

The authors writing style is amazing!

I look forward to reading more from them!

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I found “The Hotel Room Mix-up” to be a fun, engaging and heartwarming second chance at love story. Thank you again to the publisher and netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The hotel room mix-up follows Ella and Callum after they end up having to share the same room, due to a mistake made by their hotel because of their similar surnames.

I loved the premise of this books and I loved the setting of it, however it ended up being deeper than I thought because of Callum’s backstory. I really enjoyed the small town vibes and the people. Special shout-out to Jessie, she was truly the best!

Ella was a great main character to follow, she goes through life with such a positive outlook that was great to follow, however I didn’t really enjoy how her backstory was dealt with; it felt a bit rushed. Callum on the other hand I didn’t really enjoy as a character. Up until the middle of the book I loved him, however due to a decision taken by him I stopped liking him as I didn’t feel like he deserved Ella in the end.

The writing was super easy to read and keeps you engaged, it was such a fun and quick read. I definitely recommend this book if you’re into small town romance.

Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins Uk for giving me an arc of this book.

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The Hotel Room Mix-Up is a fantastic book. I really, really enjoyed the personal and emotional growth from both the main characters as well as some side characters. Also the small town romance is always so good.
I loved Ella and Callum's story is so cute, but so sad that they needed so much time to realise they are each other's forever.
The book shows us a lot of commitment issues, but all is well in the end. Loved it.
When I was reading I kinda got the vibes similar so Sweet Magnolias TV Series on Netflix.
This is a great enemies to friends to lovers, small town romance. Would love to read something similar again.

5/5 ⭐️

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"The Hotel Room Mix-Up" by Kathy Jay is a lighthearted and entertaining romp through the world of mistaken identities and chance encounters. The novel follows the misadventures of two strangers who inadvertently swap hotel rooms, setting the stage for a series of humorous and unexpected events. Jay's writing is infused with humor and charm, making it a delightful read for fans of romantic comedies. The characters are endearing, and their journey of self-discovery is both relatable and heartwarming. As the story unfolds, the mishaps and misunderstandings create a delightful blend of chaos and romance. "The Hotel Room Mix-Up" is a feel-good novel that reminds us of life's unpredictable nature and the unexpected joys that can arise from the most unusual circumstances.

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This book is absolutely fabulous. I adored every single page and found myself smiling so many times throughout this book. Such a beautiful story, amazing characters, it was all just so perfect.

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Overall this story wasn't for me. There were some moments in the book that I enjoyed reading, mainly the location descriptions of the hotel and cottage as they were easy to visualise the surroundings, but I couldn't get past how quickly both main characters were willing to share a room with a total stranger and that meant for most of the book I was questioning all of their decisions. I'd still order this for our store though as it may be a more enjoyable story to someone else.

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The Hotel Room Mix-Up by Kathy Jay was a cute and very enjoyable story.
The characters are appealing and the romance was sweet.
Engaging, humorous, heartfelt, and delightful, this story is the definition of charming!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and One More Chapter for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Okay so, the cover blurb and the entire concept of the book sounded so fun that I was ready to dive into it but the writing was really confusing and hard to get into. Maybe it's because I'm reading something written by this author for the first time. I liked how Callum & Ella had to share a cottage due to a mix up in the bookings and how awkward it was going to be for them because they were total strangers and had completely opposite personalities. Ella was from Hollywood and knew success while Callum had quite a sad past. I liked how their relationship developed but the drama and push and pull that came with it was off putting tbh. I would've liked the book more of the writing was more clear and if Ella acted a bot more sensibly tbh.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review

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This book was just a series of sentences that detailed the actions of a couple of annoying characters. I couldn’t finish.

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I must admit I did struggle with this a little. I didn’t really feel the chemistry between Ella and Callum so it wasn’t a believable story for me. Reminded me slightly of Portia Macintosh.

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The first half of this was captivating and I liked getting to know Callum and Ella's stories. But the second half fell a bit flat. A good Cornish setting, a good ensemble of other minor characters too. All very nice.

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This book is a captivating journey through the depths of imagination. Its rich storytelling and well-developed characters kept me engaged from start to finish. With its thought-provoking themes, it transcends genres and offers something for every reader. A must-read for anyone seeking a literary adventure.

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When the similarities between Ella Swift and Callum Smith’s last names lead to a hotel room mix-up, they find themselves sharing a cramped cottage in Porthkara rather than the private luxury hotel suites they expected.

Each in town for a different wedding – and carrying more baggage than just the suitcases in their hands – the reluctant roommates are forced to share a shelter from the storm surge that sweeps in off the Atlantic. But as the rain crashes down there’s a shift in more than just the atmosphere, and by the time the sun rises on a new day, Ella and Callum’s futures have already been forever changed…
i love this book so much that i want to live in it

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This review contains spoilers.

This book was absolutely wild and not in a good way. Everything about it felt slow and yet rushed at the same time. It starts as a hotel room mixup but then drags on for significantly longer than needed with plot points that didn’t have a place.

Why does her dad just randomly drive up to apologize and give her money?

Why is Callum who was not so sure of his love for her have a ring suddenly to propose?

Do we really need an entire page description of the movie they’re filming?

Overall if you like romance this book could be for you just be ready for an absolutely wild ride.

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I liked this book but there were some things that are pet peeves of mine - one being when the characters make unrealistic choices such as staying in a room in the middle of nowhere with someone you've just met. It was a shorter book but unfortunately was a little slow so there wasn't as much content as I'd hope for with a shorter book. That being said, it did have good humor/banter, but overall wasn't my favorite read.

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Unfortunately this one wasn't for me at all.

This is a short book with less than 300 pages but the pace was really slow so it felt much longer.

The plot and set up should have made for a steamy romance but I didn't feel this at all. Instead the characters were irritating and spent too much of the book changing their minds about each other.

The side characters in this book were just as annoying and frequently made decisions and actions that were completely out of character.

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The Hotel Room Mix-Up

I did enjoy the premise of this story. And I did enjoy it. It wasn't my favorite read but it was good. Ella and Callum enter a journey together, after a hotel mix up. Both carry baggage with them. Forced together in a tiny cottage, can they learn to let go of the past together. There was some awkward moments in the writing and a little slow start. But once I got into the story, it did go quicker.

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3/5 ⭐️
Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins UK for this ARC.

I feel like I need to preface this review by saying LADIES, do NOT stay in the middle of nowhere with a man you’ve JUST met, ESPECIALLY if they’re your only mode of transport.

With the comical amount of stuff going wrong this read like a Series of Unfortunate Events book and I had fun with it.

I am a fan of forced proximity tropes so I definitely enjoyed that aspect of it. I did have issues with the characters’ constant flip flopping but to be fair, with the amount of baggage they share it seems understandable to some extent. It is VERY hot and cold though so it might not be to everyone’s taste.

The MMC was definitely my favourite of the two but the FMC did have her moments.

All in all it is a well paced book, with something constantly going on - making it hard to put down cause you just want to see what else can possibly go wrong.

Also the FMC is basically just Nina Dobrev but with heterochromia, so I’ve ended up imaging the MMC as Ian Somerholder 😂

(The spice (and the dialogue during) was kinda awkwardly written.)


Kinda weird that MMC getting married in the same just that the funeral for his first wife was held but 🫢

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Unfortunately this book wasn’t my favourite read. I found it a bit slow to get into and as it’s only just over 250 pages I thought it would be a super quick read which I much prefer.

Although the writing style wasn’t my cup of tea I must say I did find the characters rather loveable and I enjoyed the slow burn romance throughout.

I would recommend giving it a read if maybe you’re wanting something short and sweet but that’s all I can offer for if.

Thank you to Kathy Jay & Harper Collins and Net Galley for this arc.

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