Member Reviews

A River of Golden Bones is the exciting first installment of A.K. Mulford’s new series. Calla and Briar are twin wolf shifters who have lived their entire lives in hiding due to a curse that claimed their parent’s lives. Calla was raised to be Briar’s shadow and the back-up princess. When their plans are overturned by another evil curse, Calla has to take her sister’s place. Adventure ensues, with lots of found family, gender exploration, and fantastical battles.

I really enjoyed this book! It was very satisfying from a fantasy world-building side and also in terms of romance. A.K. Mulford’s writing is very descriptive and makes you feel as if you’re traveling with the group as they adventure to find a cure for the curse. Calla finds new friends and found family along the way, especially as she reckons with taking on a role that was never supposed to be hers.

Calla and Grae have a slow burn romance filled with sizzling tension. I love a good “who did this to you?” moment! Mulford succeeds in always making me shriek with delight at least once per book. One of my favorite parts was Calla’s exploration of her gender and sexuality. There is excellent LGBTQ+ rep, especially bi and non-binary rep. The romance is very inclusive and Calla’s partner Grae is very supportive of her exploration of her identity. Mulford’s writing is an adventurous escape and I will definitely pick up the next book in the series to see what happens next.

Thank you so much to A.K. Mulford, Harper Voyager, and Netgalley for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

For publisher: My review will be posted on Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Storygraph, and Barnes & Noble etc

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5/5 stars! I might be slightly biased because I have loved everything AK Mulford has written, but I was blown away by this book. She really stepped it up in this story and I adored the queer representation. This felt more mature than some of her other stories and I ATE IT UP! Can't wait to see what's next. I received an advance review copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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i picked it up because of the title and cover, and i will say that the imagery doesn't disappoint. i love the cast of characters and the traveling musician/found family part!! i will say like, at the last 1/3 of the book our buds grae & calla are way too horny for me. like this did not need to be included in the book. other than that, i thought it was pretty awesome for its diverse cast and the overall vibes!

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This is an amazing twist to the classic tale of sleeping beauty. It took me a little bit to get into but oh once I was into it I couldn't put it down! The twists and turns kept me reading and the fated mate's love story is to die for. I mean who does love a childhood friend turned to a lover!

Calla is the secret twin sister to Briar, who is destined to take back Olmdar's throne. But an evil sorceress puts a sleeping curse on Briar. Calla is left with no choice but to break away from the pack and save her sister no matter the cost. Along the way, she accepts the love of her mate, finds a new family, discovers who she is, and is determined to take back what is rightfully hers.

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was ready to not really like this book, I really had to push through the first 10 chapters. Everything was so syrupy and covered in tropes. However, once the curse is introduced, the story really picked up for me. As Calla is racing to save her sister, she's also separating herself from the identity she spent her whole life crafting for herself. Not only does she discover how she fits within the gender spectrum, but she also tackles her own biases against humans.

The Wolves in this universe were supposed to be protectors. They ruled the four kingdoms, protecting lesser, weaker humans from monsters. The more Calla sees of the kingdoms, the more she realizes that maybe the Wolves have become monsters and that forced segregation is not the key. For a romance fantasy book, I thought the author really did a good job describing gender and gender fluidity, as well as what it's like to have your worldview challenged. The empire of the Wolves is almost like a cult, and as Calla experiences the real world, she realizes that maybe holding the pack above everything else is not the best way to live.

The main storyline is fairly predictable. Calla goes on a quest, Prince Grae follows her, there is love and sex and magic, oh my. The real shining point and heart of the story is the found family storyline with the traveling musical troupe. That is where Calla and Grae really start to figure out the kind of rulers they want to be.

Overall, this was a good start, and I would read the next in this series. The first 10% was rough, and I still don't love fated mates as a trope (it's never actually rare and the second it's brought up, you know the main characters are fated), but overall this story set good bones for a future tale.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Voyager for the ARC.

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I absolutely devoured this. Life and work kept getting in the way and I needed it all right then!! Loved it

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A River of Golden Bones by A.K. Mulford is the first book in the Golden Court series that is a retelling of the classic Sleeping Beauty.

Calla and Briar are twins from a royal wolf-shifter family who have been in hiding since birth to avoid the evil sorceress who murdered their family and destroyed their kingdom. Calla especially has been hidden from most people as her sister's shadow which helps keep her safe but also makes her non-existent.  A long-awaited plan comes together with Briar betrothed to Prince Grae in order to unite their kingdoms and reclaim the throne.  He is also Calla's long-time close friend and one of the few who knows her real identity.

When the evil sorceress is alerted, she comes back on the night of Briar's wedding to cause more havoc by putting Briar to sleep so she is not a threat to take the throne.  Although she is unaware that Briar has a twin sister who is also a threat which allows Calla to secretly go on a journey to find a way to save her sister and reclaim their kingdom.  During this adventure, she meets a musical troupe along the way and learns that family doesn't always come from blood, but it can also be found as well as learning more about her own identity.. This tale has magic, action, wolf shifters, and spice.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author, so I was blind to how their writing was or the expectations in the story.  I am extremely picky when it comes to choosing books to read but this one stood out to me which is why I inquired about interest in the ARC.  It does have a little bit of a sleeping beauty element to it, but of course, it’s more than that. It has fated mates, messy politics, and LGBTQ+ representation.

I am not a fan of instant love in books.  Yes, it's fantasy and magical but I like to see a bit of flirting and growth that builds into a relationship which didn't happen with the love interests.  Perhaps in the other books, there will be more growth that will make up for that. It's just nice to see the hints of a spark with a growing relationship and a bit of a slow burn leading to love.  It was a bit predictable but that didn't make me dislike the story.  Overall a really fun start to this trilogy and I look forward to seeing how this story unfolds. 

Thank you to NetGalley for granting me a free eARC of this book in return for an honest review.
This book is expected to come out in December 2023 and I think those who love Fantasy romance will enjoy this story.

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“The River of Golden Bones: Book One of the Golden Court.” by A.K. Mulford. Harper Voyager. 400 pages. December 5th 2023. $28.99.
If you are a fan of fairytale retellings, this is one with a wonderful twist. It’s the tale of Sleeping Beauty if she had a sister… and if they were shifters. Calla and Briar are Twins born of tragic circumstances – they have been hiding from the moment they were born from a powerful sorceress who wants them dead. They’ve also been hiding from humans who have no idea they are wolves… or royals. Briar is engaged to marry the prince of their allies, and Calla is the secret backup plan – a secret twin no one knows exists. Except, Prince Grae, her sister’s betrothed, and their only childhood friend. When the time comes for Balla and Briar to come out of hiding, and for Briar to get married, everything falls apart. The sorceress comes back – putting Briar to sleep with a curse, cutting off the Golden Court. Calla has to journey to their kingdom to save her, but can she face what that means? Can she handle a quest across the realm, discovering a world, and herself, that she has never known?
A.K. Mulford has done it again. From all your favorite tropes, like fated mates, friends to lovers, and found family, Mulford has written a story that can make us all smile. As always, we also have a lot of LGBTQ+ representation, from bisexuality, to non-binary, and more, Mulford is able to create a fantasy world with love of all kinds – and people of all shapes and sizes. The magic/shifter system is one that intrigued me, and I cannot wait to see it play out more in the second book.
The Wolves have created a court system, which I found quite interesting. Instead of just packs with land boundaries, they have defined kingdoms, and court nobles. It is reminiscent of Mulford’s fae books (which you should read), and yet still holds true to so many of the wolf shifter rules we have seen before. The world building was done little by little, and it never felt like a giant info dump, or that we were lost along the way without some vital clue.
It is spicy, with some wonderful scenes written into it. If that is not your jam, I understand. The characters romance works really well, and I enjoyed getting to see them grow as people, and together. Calla discovers a lot about themselves throughout the book, and the character growth was great.
The cast of characters was fun. For not having any friends besides her sister, Calla manages to find her group of people. They are unique, each with different skills, and a magical wagon that can help carry them across the different lands as they play and sing for others. They all also play a vital role in the story, which is something I always love. No one gets abandoned if they are truly a part of the story, or a friend, etc.
A River of Golden Bones is the first in a series. I am greatly looking forward to the next one. It doesn’t matter what A.K. Mulford writes – she is a master of weaving various plots together, and taking us from story to story, in enchanting new worlds. I appreciate more than I can say her inclusive in her representation of characters, and cultures.
A.K. Mulford became a TikTok sensation with the Okrith series, which she originally self-published. She is a bestselling author of fantasy, who gave up rehabilitating monkeys for writing novels (much to Booktok’s delight). She/they writes diverse stories giving representation to many of the LGBTQ+ world, full of fantasy and love. She lives in Australia with her husband and two kids. You can find her on TikTok at @akmulfordauthor and on Instagram at @akmulford. If you love her books, you can also get the Okrith Novellas FREE at by signing up!

When I got it:

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What a wild ride this book was, I had so much fun reading it! Based on folk tales and mythology, this queer coming of age novel will bring you on a great journey!

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I had high hopes of loving this, but I just could not get into this. I lasted maybe the first chapter or two. I did read several high ranked reviews and I do want to try and read this one again when it debuts in December.

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This was alright, not my cup of tea. It just came across very juvenile and shallow. I was not grasped by the story or characters and it was often boring to me.

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I freaking loved this book. It was sooo much more than I was anticipating.

This romantasy was a loose Sleeping Beauty retelling with wolf shifters, sorcery, found family, fated mates, and LGBTQIA+ representation. I loved all of the characters - especially Ora who has my heart.

This book had so much action throughout, romance, drama - everything. I can't wait to continue the series! When does the next book come out? I need it now!

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Thank goodness for TikTok and Social Media, I love finding authors that we never knew existed. This is no exception. I fell in love with AK Mulford and I can't wait to share her book!

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AK Mulford has done it again.

They have delivered us an enchanting fantasy romance, complete with fated mates, found family, angst, a sprinkle of spice and an epic journey of self discovery.

With court politics, evil sorcereresses, and plenty of action I was enthralled. I devoured this book in 4 days, while working full time, attending night classes and raising two small humans (some responsibilities may have been dodged).

My absolute favourite thing about this book, was Calla's journey of self reflection and self discovery and their ultimate ability to love and embrace themself exactly as they are, and their courage to claim it publicly. I wish I was as brave as Calla, and maybe one day I can claim and embrace myself just as beautifully as they did.

There were so many times when Calla was exploring their identity, that I swore they stole the thoughts directly from my head, because I've felt the same, or thought the same or wondered the same. Calla's story made me feel like I wasn't alone, in my thoughts and feelings, in the world, and that was the most comfort I've felt in a long time.

We all deserve to be loved and accepted like Calla. We all deserve a Grae in our life. We all deserve a leader like Calla, who will fight, protect and provide, for everyone.

The villain had me cackling because they were so sure of themselves but so...wrong. They were so selfish, and contradictory, and just...such a believable villian. I'm also a little smug that I figured out the plot twist early on.

The story has everything I look for in a fantasy romance, and definitely reminded me of The High Mountain Court. The idea of warring courts, claiming thrones, rebuilding what was lost, creating a better world, selfless sacrifice, had me smiling and wanting to reread it. And I love those elements in the stories I read.

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For years I've been telling myself that werewolves are overrated and they're not my jam. Then came TJ Klune and his werewolves of Green Creek. "It's just a fluke," I told myself. "Werewolves are still overrated." Enter A. K. Mulford and her band of merry wolves. My friends, I am not too big of a person to admit when I'm wrong. It turns out, werewolves are indeed my jam.

A River of Golden Bones follows the story of Calla and her twin Briar, daughters to the notorious Sleeping Beauty and the last remaining heirs of the Golden Court. After a powerful sorceress murders their parents, the twins are saved by their mother's dying wish to a fairy, Vellia. "Protect my daughter until her wedding day". No one knows of Calla's existence except for her childhood best friend and sister's fiancé, Prince Grae.

Briar has been raised to be queen while Calla has been raised to protect her. On the eve of Briar's wedding, the sorceress returns and casts a sleeping curse on Briar. Calla must step out of the shadow of Briar to save her sister and her kingdom.

A. K. Mulford spins a story filled with love, betrayal, bravery, and the journey to finding oneself. The dynamic of Calla and Grae was a bit obnoxious at times but not so much that it took away from the story (Although, the number of times I had to read about a "burning kiss" created a new cringe). That said, I flew through this book, immediately pre-ordered it, and am anxious to continue reading the series.

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4.5!! This is a new to me subgenre and a new to me author, and I really loved it a whole lot!! You all know I’m a huge romantasy gal, so I was excited when NetGalley approved me for this early copy. It’s such an imaginative take on sleeping beauty, with twins Calla and Briar always having their place and expectations put upon them by the strict Wolf pack rules. They’re lost princesses about to come back and claim their place. When Briar is cursed, Calla teams up with with her childhood best friend Grae and the most wonderful cast of characters to rescue her.

Not going to lie, at first I had a hard time getting a handle on Calla’s character. She has huge emotional swings that gave me whiplash. It makes sense though as you go on, because Calla doesn’t even know who she is or what she feels or what she wants. She’s always only ever been the silent, forgotten twin, and Briar’s shadow. Her character arc is truly beautiful, and I love the way she find her own “pack” with the musicians and her small band of wolves. I ADORE Ora. The LGBTQ rep in this book is incredible. Grae has his own demons he’s had to deal with, but you know from early on that he and Calla have been in love since they were kids. Now they can see it through because they’re mates. If anything, I wanted more of their romance. More depth, more dimension, more conversation. This is a series though, so hopefully we’ll get to see a lot more of their love. The ending had me breathless.

This is such a great start to a series I am really looking forward to reading!! Many, many thanks to the author, @netgalley, and @harpervoyagerus for this advance copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Sleeping beauty-inspired, werewolf (basically) fantasy romance. LGBTQIA+. Fated mates. Found family.

Calla is the secret twin to Briar who is fated to marry the prince of a neighboring kingdom. When Briar and Calla were born, a sorceress took over their kingdom and now they have to fight to get it back. The marriage between Briar and the prince, Grae, is supposed to help reclaim their lost kingdom……. but of course it’s not that easy and maybe they’re fated to end up with different people??? Who knows.

In this world, Wolves rule and are above humans in basically every way. But Calla dreams of a better world where humans and wolves can live and fight together.
This has wonderful found family of humans and wolves alike. With one special character in particular, Ora, who helps Calla find themselves and who they want to be as a person.

This is a journey of finding your true self and fighting for what you believe in, even if sometimes you’re the only one fighting.

***Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC***

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This book is good in a way that sneaks up on you. It felt familiar as soon as I started reading it because of its "Briar Rose/Sleeping Beauty"-ish references. In the same way that ACOTAR's first book has a SLIGHT B&TB Vibe. This only adds to your immediate investment/understanding of the vibe around our MC. If the sister is like "Aurora" in the way that she lives in a magical fairy cottage i the woods, then the MC is as self described in the book her "shadow". Always there. Always right behind serving as a way to make their sister look brighter and even more elegant in comparison. I don't want to give too much away but this book definitely has a great found family & fated mates plot with a good representation of NonBinary characters & growing self awareness. It is definitely worth the read!

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Now that it is fall, I am craving all the fantasy romance books. I received an ARC of this book and figured it was a good time to pick it up. The author does an amazing job of world building and developing the characters. I felt connected to them and was rooting for them throughout the book. Once I hit the 50% mark in the book, I could not put it down and finished it way past my bedtime. It is a very loose Sleeping Beauty retelling which I'm usually not a fan of but I enjoyed it in this book. A few buzz words for this book are fated mates/wolves/humans/dark magic/found family/take back the throne. If those intrigue you, I would recommend this book to you.

**Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an Advanced Review Copy. All opinions are my own.**

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A River of Golden Bones by A.K. Mulford is an exquisitely crafted fairytale fantasy, woven from the remnants of a wickedly imaginative world and infused with tantalizing allure. Prepare to immerse yourself in this captivating tale of wolves and indulge in its irresistible charm.

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