Member Reviews

Thank you so much to NetGalley and HarperCollins for accepting my request for an ACR of this book!
“Orpheus Losing Euridice.”
Icarus I find is very interesting. I enjoyed getting to know the character. Having a general love for heists I found this one to be a little bit slow. In a good way though, It allowed the reader to get to learn about the backstory. The pacing of the book was really slow through which made it hard for me to really get into reading it. I had to read this book in paces, not all at once. The climax made up for the first two halves of the book in the end, for me it wasn’t enough to redeem it altogether.

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ICARUS by K. Ancrum Review
My Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5
Page Count: 400 pages
Genre: Young Adult Thriller/Romance

Content Warnings: abuse, cancer (off-page, historical), death (off-page, historical)
Representation: BIPOC, Intersex, Achillean, Ehlers-Danlos

While I have Ancrum's THE WICKER KING at home, waiting to be read, I was pleasantly surprised to receive this eARC from HarperTeen through NetGalley. Not knowing the author's prior works, I was diving in without any background info about the writer or their style or anything of the sort. That being said, I was blown away by this Achillean romance/thriller. I laughed, I smiled, I teared up, and I was left aching days after finishing the book. It was all I could think about and I am still weightless while writing this review.

Some light spoilers ahead!

During the day, Icarus is a popular, personable yet secretive senior in high school who keeps his school friends just at school. At night, Icarus is an art thief; he's been working with his father (and for him) for years, stealing from one man and one man only, replacing his collection with forgeries recreated by his father. One night, when he sneaks in to replace and steal, he gets caught by Helios, the son of the man they've been stealing from. But instead of calling the police, Helios lets him go on the promise Icarus would come back to visit. What turned into a heist gone wrong turns Icarus's whole life upside down, making him face emotions and relationships he never thought he could have due to the life he led.

I thought this was a really neat concept, taking the Icarus mythos and putting it in a modern context with the sun being personified (being Helios's character). Icarus's "fall" from what he has known into the unknown, rather to his death, is such a neat way of showing someone breaking free from the expectations set upon them and making their own decisions vs being controlled by a figurehead. Ancrum's lyrical writing style combined with short chapters strongly resembled the lyricism of classically written Greek myth, adding to the ethereal-ness of ICARUS and the titular character's growth as a character.

Intersex: This was the first book I've read (to my knowledge) that has had someone who is intersex! While it's mentioned and there is a conversation about it in the book, they don't make it a big deal, allowing that character to just be themselves and proud of it.

BIPOC: Plenty of the side characters are BIPOC, a few of them playing major roles in the latter half of the book, so they get plenty of screen time.

Achillean: The main romance subplot/secondary plot is Achillean, and they are so sweet that I can not get them out of my brain and I need fan art of them now. There is also an implied crush on the main character from one of the side characters, but is never truly confirmed.

Ehlers-Danlos: Our main character and his father are suspected of having EDS, brought to light by one of the characters, but is never officially diagnosed.

Other Thoughts:

I loved the majority of this novel, but my only issue came with the end. I don't think it was necessarily a bad ending, but i think it could've ended differently and had much more of an effect on me. It felt lackluster compared to the rest of it in terms of writing style and execution, but the usage of the Icarus myth coming full circle was an apt enough ending.

Overall, I honestly recommend this book to anyone who loves Achillean romances with that flair of thriller. I have told so many people about this book already and it doesn't come out until March. Now if you excuse me, I am going to go preorder my copy so i can cry over it when it comes in the mail.

Thank you to HarperTeen and NetGalley for the eARC!

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This is a beautiful and compelling story of love and perseverance in the face of abandonment and abuse.

Icarus is an art thief with one particular target. His father, a supreme art forger has wound Icarus into a years long entanglement of stealing priceless pieces of art from the wealthy Mr. Black, replacing them with his father’s impeccable forgeries.

For years this has gone on, taking a major toll on Icarus. He has had no form of affection, no form or real love or friendship because Icarus has been instructed not to let anyone it. Such a lonely life Icarus leads… until one of his endeavors into the Black mansion introduces Icarus to Black’s imprisoned son, Helios.

Instead of turning Icarus in, Helios wants companionship and the two form this strong bond. I adored this story. Icarus and Helios both were such beautiful and good characters. Being denied the most simplest of human rights, the right to love and be loved freely.

We get this really stunning love story alongside with this dark story of revenge that these boys have to carry out because of the sins of their parents. It was moving and emotional and I enjoyed every single minute.

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I thought this was an interesting idea for a novel. I liked the style, with short chapters and sparse prose. I think this helped in creating an atmosphere.

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If Icarus had ended at the halfway point, I would have given it 5 stars.

The pacing was like a wooden rollercoaster. It was clear when we were gearing up for future twists and turns. When Icarus wasn't smuggling ancient art, I found myself getting a bit bored.

But, oh my gosh, the quotes. Although I wasn't the biggest fan of Icarus, there were moments that I felt in my soul. Another book that I annotated as if my life depended on it.

Bottom line: Beautiful, but a bit boring.

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This was one of those books that I wanted to skip sleeping to read. I did find the sheer amount of short chapters to be a bit disruptive to the reading experience, but at some point I just stopped even looking at the chapter headings. This story is sweet, full of inclusivity that feels done with purpose, with a ridiculously quick strangers to lovers storyline, but one that kept me rooting for it the entire time.

Thank you to HarperTeen and NetGalley for the ARC

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I absolutely loved this book. I think because of the digital format, the chapters don't really read as well and I don't understand the need for the sheer volume of chapters? But I think it will make more sense in print. I am so excited to see a final product! I usually do not like "retellings" of Greek myths but this was a true story change and I loved it!

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K. Ancrum writes with sensitivity, honesty, and heart-wrenching frankness. Icarus is a beautiful book that takes a classic story and twists it until the final page. I found myself constantly intrigued by both plot and characters, desperate to know how anything could possibly be resolved. It is a strange and difficult story that had me in its clutches from beginning to end.

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"Icarus" by K. Ancrum is a mesmerizing and inventive retelling of the classic Greek myth, woven with contemporary themes of love, identity, and the human spirit. Ancrum's storytelling is nothing short of spellbinding, capturing the essence of the myth while infusing it with fresh, modern perspectives. The novel follows the daring flight of its protagonist, mirroring the audacious spirit of the original Icarus while also exploring the complexities of adolescence and the pursuit of freedom.

Ancrum's characters are vividly rendered, each with their own dreams and struggles, making them deeply relatable to readers. The novel's prose is poetic, painting a vivid picture of both the soaring heights and heartbreaking falls experienced by the characters. Through a masterful blend of mythology and contemporary storytelling, "Icarus" becomes a powerful exploration of the human desire to break free from constraints and reach for the stars.

"Icarus" stands as a testament to Ancrum's talent, captivating readers with its lyrical prose, compelling characters, and timeless themes. It is a must-read for anyone who appreciates inventive storytelling and a fresh take on age-old myths.

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On my recent Netgalley crawl (Thanks for the ARC!) I was found this queer YA adaptation of the myth of Icarus that was centered around an art heist. Obviously I needed it in my life immediately.

As a whole this was well crafted. The prose and pacing were perfect for what the plot needed and kept the story chugging along. The characterization was a bit understated (and at some points underwhelming) but if I could suspend my disbelief concerning motivation it was pleasurable enough. Uncovering some elements of mystery proved VERY fun and was certainly intriguing.

By itself all of that would have made for a perfectly good read. But there was a whole bunch of surprise rep that hit me like a ton of bricks and gave me so much joy. An intersex MC!!!! And Ehlers-Danlos syndrome!!!!! In the same book! I was most touched when Icarus connects the dots of his symptoms and learns that there’s a reason why he hurts all the time. That it’s not his fault and maybe pushing himself to conform to an ablest world isn’t in his best interest. There was such an honesty to that section it brought tears to my eyes 🥹

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“𝘐 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵. 𝘍𝘰𝘯𝘥,” 𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘴 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥, 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦.
“𝘍𝘰𝘯𝘥,” 𝘐𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘶𝘴 𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘦𝘥.

This book left me aching in a beautiful sort of way. I want more and yet I don’t feel like I need more. It’s soft. It’s painful. It’s lovely. It’s experimental. It’s ballet and art and love and stealth. It’s full on hugs and yelling at your dad and running away from home and learning. It’s family and friends and the sheer want of being alive and the agony of being unable to.

Icarus has had to go his whole life alone but for his dad. Friendless, being strong in the face of everything his father expect of him, he still manages to be charismatic and well liked amongst his peers.

When he does at last reach out, it’s hard, harder than anything. Harder than thieving and climbing three story buildings and the cold aloofness of his father. Opening himself up to the vulnerability of love and chosen family for the first time is such a Massive undertaking. It takes a different kind of strength to show your weaknesses to those who mean the most to you. I love the force of doing the little things. It’s as small as a hug. As much as just bringing someone a cup of coffee everyday before class. A running partner in gym. An ear to listen. Young people can’t do everything, but sometimes the small things like simply noticing something’s wrong, is enough.

And the characters were so good and so relatable. I loved how immediately latched on and persistent Luca and Celestiana were with Icarus. They are the truest of true friends. Helio and Icarus together is a star circling the sun. They dance around each other and poke and prod, slowly learning each other’s secrets and hardships. Icarus truly has the weakness to his sun.

Overall an absolutely wonderful story. I loved every second of the tears and the warmth and the love. 10/10 will be reading again.

“𝘠𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴”

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"Icarus" by K. Ancrum is a captivating tale of secrets, revenge, and an unexpected connection that transcends boundaries. Set against a backdrop of art theft, family vendettas, and hidden emotions, this novel weaves a complex narrative that keeps readers engaged from start to finish.

The story revolves around Icarus Gallagher, a skilled art thief whose father has burning desire for revenge against the wealthy Mr. Black, whom he blames for the death of Icarus's mother. Ancrum skillfully introduces readers to Icarus's world of theft, deception, and emotional detachment. The rules he has set for himself to avoid getting caught reveal a character who has been robbed of a childhood because of his father's vendetta.

The narrative takes a compelling turn when Icarus is caught not by Mr. Black but by Helios, Mr. Black's mysterious son, who is living under house arrest. Instead of turning Icarus in, Helios proposes an unexpected bargain – a friendship that challenges all of Icarus's carefully crafted rules. This is where the heart of the story lies, as the reluctant connection between two boys who are desperately lonely evolves into a passionate romance.

K. Ancrum skillfully explores the complexities of trust, love, loneliness, and coming of age through the lens of this teenage romance. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and the tension between their individual desires and the looming threat of what will happen as everything they have ever known begins to change as they rebel against their respective fathers. The author's prose is evocative, drawing readers into the emotional turmoil experienced by the characters.

The exploration of the gilded cage that has entrapped both families adds depth to the plot, and readers will find themselves rooting for Icarus as he seeks to break free from the cycle of vengeance. The moral dilemmas, choices, and sacrifices made by the characters are both thought-provoking and poignant.

K. Ancrum has crafted a gripping novel that delves into the complexities of human emotions. I read it in a single night.

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“There are so many books written about the weak learning to be strong and not many about the strong opening themselves up to weakness and vulnerability.”

Icarus is a book like I’ve never experienced before. It’s about a boy who learns to steal for his father who desperately is trying to avenge the death of his wife, Icarus’s mother. But more than that, it’s about a boy who, like the author’s note beautifully puts it, has been strong for so long and, with the help of his friends, opens himself up to be vulnerable.

The chapters are short, making this book so perfect to devour as quickly as you like. It has diverse characters that I’ve never seen repped in YA before now.

What I love most about this book, though, is the friendships woven throughout it.

“You’d fly from Paris to visit me at Penn State?” Luca wrinkled his nose in disbelief. “I would fly from Antarctica to meet you at Penn State,” Icarus said firmly. “I’d take a train, or a bus. I would walk if I needed to see you.” 🥹💜

I would wholeheartedly recommend this book to any teen or adult who is looking to read something different… something special that will stay with them long after the last page.

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I appreciate so much having access to an advanced readers copy of this book. I’ve been a fan of Ancrum’s work and this further solidifies the author’s talent for storytelling. The writing was beautiful and the plot was engaging. I cannot wait for others to read this.

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Thank you, Netgalley and HarperCollins for this advanced copy.

The Wicker King, K. Ancrum's previous work was my best read in 2020. And now, Icarus was one of my best reads in 2023. I really loved everything about this book. Here I listed some positive points of this book :

1. Short chapters, I finished this book in one sitting.
2. Beautiful writing... Gosh, it suited the plot and gave me more feelings.
3. Relationship between characters. I loved Luca, Calestian, and Icarus friendship. At some points, I even shipped them in polyamory relationship because they're just into each other lol.
4. Every representations in this book. There is one intersex character in this book, catholic person, and other.
5. A little twist that broke my heart.

Please check the trigger warnings first, because there was "Abusive Parents" here.
And now, here was my favorite quote in this book :
"If you're such a good thief, why haven't you stolen me yet?"

Solid 5/5 stars.

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Icarus is an achingly beautiful story about loneliness, love, trauma, friendship, and growing up.

“If you’re such a good thief, then why haven’t you stolen me yet?”

17-year-old Icarus is leading a life parallel to his peers. He's in the world, he goes to school, he talks to a few people in class, but he's always on the periphery. He's not allowed friends, or to do sports. He's not allowed to invite people over, or to tell them why he's always tired. He's lonely, and angry, and sad, but keeps it to himself because he has no other options. Watching Icarus realize that someone sees him, someone cares, someone thinks he's important is both devastating and hopeful. This is a story about Icarus becoming a person, about choices and freedom, about abusive parents, and about humanity - the good and the bad. It's a love story, too, and not only a romantic one.

"He wondered at the picture they made. Icarus dark and small, in the water, head tilted back in devout wonder. Helios, red like the sun, gold in the light, standing above him."

The book had a slow start but once I got past the first 20% ish, it really picked up. As someone on GR said, it's more of a reimagining than retelling. It's beautifully written and has great diverse representation when it comes to disability, sexuality, gender, and race. Specifics might be considered spoilers but my dms are open if you want more info.

"The air is prickly with possibility, but the ground is magnetic and heavy. Going anywhere or doing anything feels like running in a dream. It’s an open-air prison.”

Icarus is reminiscant of Ancrum's The Wicker King in some ways. The short chapters, the ominous and anxious feeling while reading, young boys forming a bond only they can fully understand. However, Icarus felt lighter, more hopeful, and it's a very different book, though I think fans of TWK will enjoy this one, too. As with TWK, the author's note at the end of Icarus made me cry ❤️

"If they tried, maybe it would be okay."

Icarus by K. Ancrum // ⭐⭐⭐⭐ of 5

NOTE: quotes are from the eARC I was provided and may be changed for final publication

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In her Author’s Note, Ancrum writes, “Icarus is a strange story about a strong child, with an inexplicable history and night job that requires some suspension of belief.” If you’re prepared to do that, I think you will fall in love with this story.

This was such a joy to read, and I can’t wait to buy the hard copy and reread it when it is published. The characters, the friendships, the diversity, and the descriptions of falling in love all melted my heart. There is one romance scene that may be the hottest thing I’ve ever read, and the characters didn’t even share one single kiss in it. Woah.

I had some points of confusion that did distract me at times. Why are the chapters so, so short? They chopped up scenes that otherwise would have flowed. Why does it feel like everyone has a crush on Icarus and maybe Icarus has a crush on every person he meets, too? What was the deal with the Mozart/Salieri/Haydn reference and the weird grandma? (Some of the friends generally seemed superfluous and disconnected from the plot.)

My only real gripe, though, is that I wanted more. More description of the physical interactions between the characters. More explanation of what Icarus is thinking and feeling. More moments of the friends being friends. More moments with the lovers being lovers. Call me greedy, but the world needs more of this. “You think I’d know art, and not know this?”

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Icarus is utterly captivating. Both the novel—beautifully metaphoric with often poetic prose—and the boy—in all of his big complicated feelings about his father, and everything his father has made his life become. I can’t wait to sing this novel’s praises to everyone I know, the message it tells is more than necessary.

Thank you to HarperTeen and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this title.

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Icarus is alone in life, but not by choice. His father, by trade an art restorer, is an absent caretaker, forcing a life of crime upon his son to try and heal from his own trauma. Icarus, too afraid to be caught, makes only surface level relationships with his classmates while trying to complete his senior year of high school. He has money saved and a plan to leave as soon as he turns eighteen.
Everything changes when Icarus meets Helios, a boy who seems to be made for him, trapped by his abusive father.

This book is a whirlwind of emotions in the best way possible. This book deals with heavy topics but it also highlights the simple joys of life, joys like being able to sit with the ones you love and just enjoy their company.
The plot of this book is what drew me in, but the characters are what made me love it. While following Icarus through developing relationship with his classmates and with Helios, I grew to love them as much as Icarus does. All of the characters are written beautifully and every one of them is integral to the story. One character is revealed to have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and another is intersex. The representation of these are both very well done, being introduced into the story smoothly and treated with respect.
While there is a lot that happens in the book, the pacing is well timed. Nothing feels rushed and nothing drags. The only downside I feel is that all of the chapters are incredibly short. A few times the short chapters felt jarring where they cut apart what I feel should've been long scenes. Regardless of that the book read quickly, with every page being filled with such strong emotions that I had to take breaks to breath.

Unlike the Greek myth, this book is not a tragedy, not for Icarus. In K. Ancrum's story Icarus gets to soar on his wings safely in the warmth of the sun.

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I think this is a thematic sibling to The Wicker King. It has two boys whose parents have failed them, a relationship that is all consuming, and friends who do their best to remedy a situation. What I love about Ancrum is that she very very clearly thinks about who will be reading her books, and what they need to hear. The author's notes at the end of everything are so heartfelt and sincere and truly feel like a love letter to specifically teenagers, and I think that is so important.

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