Member Reviews

Lenora Bell's "You're the Duke That I Want" is a powerful testament to woman empowerment that's sure to leave readers feeling as fierce as Beyoncé. With a storyline that's both captivating and empowering, Bell crafts a narrative that celebrates self-discovery, love, and friendship.

The protagonist's journey from a small-time girl to realizing her own worth is a journey that many can relate to, and her ultimate realization that she deserves the love of her life is both heartwarming and empowering. Through her experiences, readers are reminded of the importance of letting go, appreciating what's in front of them, and living life on their own terms.

While I won't spoil the entire book, I can assure you that "You're the Duke That I Want" is a must-read for anyone seeking a story that's equal parts empowering and romantic. So grab your copy and get ready to be swept away by this tale of self-discovery and love.

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A fun and frothy historical take on Grease that thoughtfully updates it for the modern reader. I have to say that I was actually more interested in the aspects of the story that weren’t lifted from the film, especially the steamier scenes! I would’ve liked to see a little more grovel from Dane too, especially at the end. But overall, a really entertaining read and I’m intrigued by the possibility of who the next book could be about. Roslyn and Kenwick in a second-chance romance? Or maybe one of Sandrine’s cousins in that Mamma Mia situation? Consider me curious!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this edition from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Well, I didn't know that what I was missing in my life was a Regency version of Grease, but here we are. It might be partly nostalgia for the memories of watching Grease at every slumber party growing up, but this book really was fantastic! I loved every minute of it!

Sandrine and Dane were absolutely perfect together, and you could instantly feel their chemistry.

Lenora Bell did a wonderful job of taking elements from the movie and incorporating enough new storyline to make You're the Duke That I Want a superb retelling.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Hopelessly devoted to you.

If you’re a fan of Grease, you might enjoy this! It has some sweet nods to the classic musical. However, I’m a big fan of Grease and I felt like something about this was trying too hard without capturing the characters of the original.
There are some great scenes and I am really excited for the rest of “The Thunderbolt Club” series (is this a series? will we get Grease 2?). Overall it delivers on Lenora Bell’s fun, sweet writing, but it was not my favorite of hers.

Star Rating: 2.5/5
CW: Death, toxic friendship

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was inspired by Grease, which could have its issues, but this retelling in historical times was funny and cute,

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This was so much fun! I never would have thought Grease would blend so well into a regency romance, but Lenora Bell knocked this out of the park. Delightful from start to finish 🩷

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received a free ARC copy via NetGalley but all my thoughts are my own.

what a fun grease retelling. It made me giddy and I was singing the songs after all the nods to each pivotal scene. grease but with ballgowns and curicle races and sheroots! I loved it.

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When I saw that Lenora Bell had a new Series, couldn't wait to see what she had dreamed up for her readers! You’re the Duke That I Want is the first in her new Thunderbolt Series and it took me a few chapters to figure out that I had fallen into a historical retelling of one of my favorite musicals, Grease! Very ingenious ...choosing a modern story to create a new historical romance. I laughed out loud in so many places and my jaw dropped at the introduction of the Pink Sash Ladies!
However, entertaining it was to identify the Grease references, the heart of the story is the unfolding love story between the main characters, Sandrine and Dane.
I really felt for Sandrine with her limited, confined life in a economically dying sea side village. Every day she rehearses in her head her mother's rules for a proper lady. I love that she finally takes a chance and that leads to her meeting Dane, aka, Danny Smith. Dane is a rake through and through, who after befriending Sandrine and spending time in the quiet village, finds the man he is in his heart. Forced to return home and reunited with his closest friends, the Thunderbolts, Dane, the scandalous rake reappears with a new title, The Duke of Rydell. While falling back into his previous activities, the fascinating Sandrine haunts his thoughts. I loved their chemistry and the ways their association brought out the best in each other including the strength to do what was right for each of them. I am a fan of the element of a mystery and the unsolved puzzle that intertwines Sandrine and Dane love story added an extra element of intrigue.
I found this to a delightful steamy book with quite a few interesting supporting male and female characters.
I hope that I will be able to read their stories as Lenora Bell builds her Thunderbolt world with new additions to the series!
I received an Advanced Readers Copy of this book and my reviews is voluntary and contains my opinions based on my reading experience.

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Lenora Bell takes interesting inspiration from the movie musical Grease in order to craft her newest novel-You're the Duke That I Want. Bell's plotting follows the beats of the source material while still using her own unique touches. I really enjoyed watching this novel bloom and then reflect back on how it tied back to Bell's inspiration. Bell's writing is engaging, charming and well paced as this romance grows. I adored watching the hero and heroine's meet cute, then their reunion and growth in understanding the other and themselves. This novel really explores embracing ones own body and sensuality in a lovely way, and learning that those things are not bad or wrong. As in most of Bell's historicals, this novel also follows the tradition of a slow build but full of steamy kisses and sensual chemistry leading up to the moment of physical express loved. I enjoyed that the romance builds steadily and that falling in love is tested more from outside conflict than inner relationship building. If you love Lenora Bell than I am sure you will enjoy this novel. I would definitely recommend it for the fun uniqueness in the inspiration.

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I really love Lenora Bell and her historical romances–which is why I skipped right over the blurb and just hit the request now button when the ARC became available. I really wish I had read the blurb and some of the early reviews.

This is a historical romance based loosely (not really) on the movie Grease. I had my suspicions with the title, the first several chapters, and the introduction of the male main protagonist who is involved with a group of men who race carriages for sport, The Thunderbolt Club. It was confirmed when the female main protagonist goes to London and befriends a group of women known as THE PINK LADIES. Seriously.

From that point on I kind of gave this book the side eye, while comparing every word and action to the movie it was based on. It was SO HARD for me not to cringe at some of the ridiculous dialogue between both the male and female friends’ groups. There is a secondary plot of some blackmail and the new Duke’s brother being involved in a secret society, but by that point I really didn’t follow along to closely. I skimmed to the end.

I’m assuming since the name of the series is The Thunderbolt Club that that the next several books will be about the rest of its members and The Pink Ladies. As much as I love this author, I think I’ll skip this series. This is 100% a me thing. If you love Grease retellings, then this might be something you would enjoy.

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A fun homage to the movie Grease. Sandrine meets "Danny" at the seashore of her small village. She falls for him, but he leaves town unexpectedly. Later, she convinces her overprotective mother to let her go to London for a fortnight. Good, sweet, innocent, Sandrine runs into Dane, the presumptive Duke of Rydell, and realizes he had lied to her. Dane is a scandalous rake with a bad reputation. Sandrine's new friends, the Pink Ladies, are determined she make Dane fall in love with her and then make him grovel. Having seen the movie Grease a million times, I pictured each scene as I was reading. Their unexpected meeting, the dance off, the curricle race... Sandrine is hopelessly devoted and convinced Dane is good and decent deep down. I don't know, Mrs. Oliver might have been right about the evils of London. Sandrine does let go! Now help me stop singing Hopelessly Devoted to you. I can't stop!

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You’re the Duke That I Want is a historical romance spin on the movie Grease, complete with the good girl going bad and the bad boy trying to be good. There are also the London bad girls that Sandrine starts hanging out with who call themselves “The Pink Ladies.” In case you weren’t sure if this book was based on Grease, that should help clear things up for you.

Sandrine flirts with being a bad girl, while Dane tries to be the good guy that Sandrine deserves. However, Dane has a bit more existential angst than Danny Zuko did which, to me, felt a bit over the top. I enjoy reading about a character who doesn’t think he deserves anything good to happen to him, but there was something about Dane that just seemed a bit disingenuous to me. Perhaps it was because he’s a Duke and already has had a pretty good and comfortable life. However, I did enjoy their meet-cute and how the events unfolded surrounding Sandrine finding out Dane’s true identity.

Personally, I’m not a huge fan of Grease or historical romances, but, like Sandrine, I wanted to explore something outside my comfort zone. If you like Grease and historical romances, this book is right up your alley.

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This was quite a fun story. Sandrine and Dane were just adorable. Sandrine meets him on a beach as she is swimming alone - against her mother's explicit instructions. He feels the need to protect her. Their chemistry is instant, but he owns the house she wishes to turn into a museum of sorts. The story is much fun. I don't think I've read this author before, but I won't hesitate to pick up one of her books again! I received this book via netgalley from the publisher for an honest review but this doesn't affect my opinion.

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I enjoyed You're the Duke That I Want by Lenora Bell, book one in her Thunderbolt Club series; a retelling of the movie-musical Grease, and fans will definitely see plenty of parallels. The Thunderbolt Club is a group of friends, who love to race curricles and enjoy a wild, rakish lifestyle.

Nothing exciting ever happens in Sandrine Oliver's sleepy seaside town, until the day Lord Dane Walker comes to town, pretending to be a commoner, Danny Smith, as he quickly realizes that his older brother, the Duke of Rydell, is hated in the town. Sandrine is an innocent who has been raised by an extremely overprotective mother, but believes there is more to life than the bubble wrap life her mother has kept her in. After escaping her mother's clutches for the day, Sandrine finds herself in the arms of a handsome stranger, when he mistakes her for a drowning victim. She doesn't know much about Danny Smith, only that she is charmed by him. She continues to spend time with him, until he disappears from Squalton-on-Sea. Trying to forget him, Sandrine throws herself into her effort to convince the Duke of Rydell to renovate the rundown manor house. Arriving in London, Sandrine is surprised to not only discover that Danny is there, but that Lord Dane Walker is a rake, as well as the heir apparent to the Duke of Rydell. Furious at him for lying, she makes friends with a group of ladies who called themselves the Pink Ladies. They convince her to teach him a lesson for bruising her heart, except he tries desperately to hold her at arm's length; as he does not want to reveal how much she's gotten under his skin. At the same time, she will need to guard her own heart.

Ms. Bell wrote an emotional and wonderful story that is not to be missed. She provided a tale rich with sizzling chemistry, emotion, and amusing banter. It was wonderful to see the found family vibes between the men of The Thunderbolts and the women of the Pink Ladies, and there’s an underlying mystery that adds a sense of danger and suspense to the story. I highly recommend You're the Duke That I Want to other readers and look forward to the next book in the series.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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What you get when you combine historical romance with musical Grease? You get Your the Duke That I Want. Sandrine (Sandy) wants to restore the old estate in her town. Said estate is now owned by the new Duke of Rydell, Dane Walker. Dane is new to this duke business and is more interested in racing carriages. There are missing funds, a mis-managed estate and dealing with family trauma.

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Started this days ago and I’ve made it to page 33. A retelling of Grease SOUNDS fun but it’s just not for me. I could already tell Sandrine was gonna get on my nerves hardcore.

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"Never spend time alone with a known rake."

Even though I've never read anything by Lenora Bell I wanted to read this book from the moment I read the blurb and I was not disappointed. It was a fun, entertaining and steamy story and I really enjoyed it. Don't worry if you don't remember Grease or never saw it as the story stands by itself. The Grease references, of which there are quite a few, can be seen more as Easter Eggs. They add an extra layer of fun to the story but aren't necessary. It's a little slow and places and Sandrine sometimes spoke a bit odd but I loved all the characters and never felt rushed. I especially liked Mrs Oliver's Rules for Young Ladies at the start of each chapter. What a creative touch!

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You’re the Duke That I Want. My fellow readers. I love this book. I was halfway through it when I started realizing something. I make to the part to where Sandrine and Danielle or Dane come across one another at the theater. Sandrine calls him Danny and goes running up to him.
I was like, “that’s it”. The book is charming, witty, wonderfully told. I enjoyed the humor and the sensual romance between our main characters. The writer maintained my attention with some really interesting entertainment. The good friends and so called chaperones for Sandrine are hilarious.
They remind of your favorite ants who would let you get away with anything, when you go to visit them. The storyline is refreshing and a bold choice to go with, for a historical romance book. I found the book to be a most fulfilling read over the holidays. I give this book two snaps and a, oh my gosh Roslyn as Rizzo is wicked. I loved it when she jumps out the window.
Until next my fellow readers. Read on!
I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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As a long time fan of Lenora Bell, what could be more exciting for a reader than to receive her new book? To receive a book that pays homage to GREASE!! One of my very favorite musicals both on stage and definitely in film whose lines and songs I know by heart! Such a GREASE fan that I went to a movie singalong several years ago. You’re the DUKE that I Want is the first book in Lenora Bell’s new The Thunderbolt Club series.

I don’t think I’m spoiling anything by mentioning that the club is a nod to the T-Bards. I was so giddy and excited to read this book and it didn’t disappoint. It was a love story between Sandrine Oliver and Dane, the son of the Duke of Rydell as well as between the author and GREASE. Throughout this book I saw the parallels to the movie universe, I heard the songs in my head, and I appreciated all of it. It wasn’t an imitation but pure flattery with its own unique storytelling. Truly it marked all the boxes for me in so many ways.

I loved how Sandrine was fierce and ready to take chances even though her mother was constantly trying to insulate her from everything. Enter Dane, whose family name was synonymous with “villain” so he introduces himself as Danny Smith. And nothing will ever be the same again. The rascally Danny falls for the lovely Sandrine who does get to escape on a grand adventure to London with the most delightful companions – Mrs. McGovern and Miss Dodie Hodwll. Sandrine is on a quest to save a sadly neglected and perhaps a little haunted manor owned by Danny’s family. As with all good things at summer’s end, things must change, and the younger brothers become a Duke.

Fast forward to London, where both Danny and Sandrine find themselves in the same city and all is revealed. Now you can’t have the T-Birds without the Pink Ladies! I love how the friendships between Sandrine and the Pink Ladies develop, how she blossoms and continues to spread her wings. And then when she meets up with Danny, how he must do the appropriate amount of preening and apologizing to make up for the way things ended before he came back to London.

I don’t want to give anything away, but trust me, you will love this story, the retelling of GREASE with a hint of mystery, the cast of characters that make you smile, grimace, chuckle and root for them!! Truly what is not to love? If you love a well round series world, misunderstandings, groveling to make things right, spritely feisty heroines and her merry band of friends along with a newly appointed Duke and his rascally companions? Well Lenora Bell’s You’re the DUKE that I Want is the story for you! And I almost forgot to mention that if you like your romances with steamy, fan worthy steam, then you will love this book! I cannot recommend it enough and I am so anxiously awaiting the next installment of this series.

I received an ARC of You’re the Duke that I Want from the author and voluntarily read the book.

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You're the Duke That I Want
Book 1 in The Thunderbolt Club Series
Rating: 3 stars
Thank you to the publisher for the ARC given through NetGalley for review. All opinions are my own.


You're the Duke That I Want is the historical romance version of the musical Grease. I'm giving it three stars because it was an okay read for me. I think this story had too much going on. Besides reading like Grease (names and all) it had blackmail, mystery of the missing charity funds and a haunted abandoned manor. It was a little too much of side stories that both Sandrine and Dane's romance seemed a little lackluster. I think these two had a very intense (hot) chemistry, but I needed the romance. There's even a moment in the story that Sandrine questions Dane's attraction to her. Was it love or just lust...I wanted to see them as a couple outside the smexy times scenes. It just seemed that Sandrine wanted to experiment and try out many new things with Dane, and none were related to touring London and its sites (wink wink).
The Pink Ladies and his friends were lovely characters and I loved their personalities.

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