Member Reviews

Post environmental apocalyptic psychology thriller. I wasn't sure what to expect which meant it took me a while to get into it. But once I did I was hooked and I have thought about it periodically ever since.

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Dieses Buch ist eine chaotische Achterbahnfahrt voller Satire, Humor, Witz und einem allgemeinen Gefühl des Unglücklichseins, aber es ist eine lustige, schrullige Lektüre mit einer weiblichen Hauptfigur, die völlig aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten ist, sich um nichts schert und keinen moralischen Kompass hat

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Thank you Netgalley and Gallic books for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

She's a killer is a book that will test your patience coz it is slow paced and not so exciting. Alice is 30+ and yet her POV felt like Young adult for the most of the book. She is totally unlikable but yet I couldn't help but like her monologues and her imaginary friend "Simp".

This book takes a while to get into but once you are into it, you will feel dragged into the world of satire and dystopia.

Definitely a good read.

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"She's a Killer" by Kirsten McDougall was a wild ride. The premise is intriguing - a slacker named Alice who's struggling to find her place in the world, only to be drawn into a radical and dangerous plot with the help of a new friend, Erika. The book is set in a dystopian New Zealand, where wealthy immigrants are flocking to escape the climate crisis, and it's not hard to see parallels between the story and our world.
I loved the way the author has woven together themes of socioeconomic inequality, climate change, and utilitarian ethics. The writing is bold and darkly funny, with some truly bizarre moments that had me chuckling. And Alice is a great protagonist.
But for me, the book didn't quite live up to its potential. As the plot took off towards the second half, I found myself struggling to keep up.
Overall, I think this book will be a hit with some readers - it's got a unique premise and some great social commentary. But for me, it just didn't quite work. If you're looking for a thought-provoking and bizarre read, you might want to give it a try. Just be prepared for some frustrating characters and a plot that gets increasingly implausible.

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Didn't finish this, was not at all what I expected from the synopsis. My co-worker read it and felt differently, so we do have a copy in our collection now.

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A fun book with an unhinged Fmc that if you like those sorts of tropes you’re gonna love this. Gives me Dexter vibes.

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2.5 star
A okay story, that could have been over 100 pages shorter. I was intrigued at the start, I thought it was odd but I was interested and was excited to see where the author took us, but after a while I just wanted it to be over. It was boring, lacklustre and just meh.

I feel like this book couldn’t decide what it wanted to be, I thought it was going to be a thriller like Female serial killer with the vibe of “How To Kill Your Family” and “You.” I will say though it’s not a Thriller, it’s more dystopian going on about a climate crisis and the wealthugees, and other things I can’t describe.

The protagonist Alice, a straight talking sociopath, who’s rude and lacks empathy, dissatisfied with life was an okay character. Her imaginary friend Simp, sometimes grounds her, and tells her the honest truth. Neither character overly grabbed me, I didn’t get attached to any of them.

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Really interesting new genre - clifi (climate fiction) and although not the main premise of the book, it added an interesting dynamic. The characters were intriguing and I liked the internal monologue of the main character. I felt the book was a bit slow at times but I enjoyed it a lot.

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thankyou to Netgalley for allowing me to read this book! I've never read a book surrounding New Zealand before so I thought it was unique and fun and daring all at the same time.

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This book just didn’t click with me right from the start and was nearly a DNF after just a few chapters. There’s some interest in the idea of the wealthy escaping the consequences of climate catastrophe but it’s never explored in any depth. And the question of killing in the name of good is only tackled in a very shallow sense.

Main characters are not sympathetic and the plot is pretty bonkers and without emotional impact. And the ending is disappointing with characters showing no growth.

I hate to diss a small publisher but this is thin stuff. A wacky central character is not enough.

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Feminist, Science Fiction, Dystopian. What a great combination of genres. I found myself wishing I liked this novel. I didn't dislike it but I just didn't find it interesting. At times I found the satirical nature of it amusing. I know this novel will find an audience that will love it. It just wasn't me.

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"She's A Killer" by Kirsten McDougall presents a unique and thought-provoking narrative set against a backdrop of environmental crisis and social upheaval. McDougall's writing is sharp and engaging, drawing readers into the eccentric world of protagonist Alice and her imaginary friend, Simp.

The novel's exploration of complex themes such as privilege, immigration, and personal ambition is ambitious and commendable. However, at times, the storyline feels disjointed, and some characters lack depth, making it challenging to fully invest in their journeys.

Despite these drawbacks, "She's A Killer" offers a fresh perspective on contemporary issues and a protagonist who is both enigmatic and relatable. Fans of experimental fiction may find this book intriguing, but those seeking a more cohesive plot and fully developed characters might be left wanting more.

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I was given access to an advanced copy of this book through netgalley.
At first I couldn't really get into it, because I chose to read it randomly based on what i downloaded on the app. The beginning of the story sounded like something I wasn't going to like, but oh boy how wrong I was. Life got in the way and I forgot about netgalley. Every once in a while though I came back to the app to renew the books I had downloaded and sometimes I would read some pages of "She's a killer". I had made it to fifty pages when I forgot again. Fast forward to today. I randomly opened the app and saw that I couldn't renew this book and it said I had 12 hours left to read. So obviously I went home as fast as I could and I started bingeing it. BUT THEN, THE PLOT TWIST. While I was still missing 30% of the book, the app told me it had been removed. So, after being left stunned for a sec, I obviously went on kindle and bought the e-reading copy to finish it. And the rest is history.

Now, to actually talk about the book. At first when I started reading I couldn't picture how I, a 20 something year old studying psychology like our very own protagonist did, could feel connected with the main character. But then, as I went along with reading, I realised that it was the feeling or the subtle realisation to be lost in life and to be slightly mentally ill that made us similar. Of course this didn't prepare me for what was about to happen in the story, but somehow the fact that I too had an imaginary friend when I was little was reassuring.
I really liked how her personality was depicted. Or her lack of it, if you will, but maybe it would be better to say her lack of a will to change something in her life and finally use her intelligence and personality to the full potential. And I really liked how everything was described and how the story was written. The sense of humour was top-notch and the weirdness / absurdity of everything was actually the thing that made it realistic. I liked how the story progressed, the plot was actually really interesting to follow, although I have to say the ending was a bit anticlimatic. But I really loved the references to Erika in the end - how she made known she was there even if she was far away.

So thank you to netgalley and Kirsten McDougall for this book, even though for my own forgetfulness I had to pay for it in the end!

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Took me a while to get into, a bit all-over the place and out there, whilst being intriguing.
Characters were interesting and I liked Simp, the imaginary friend. But it wasn't easy to read and follow.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

She's A Killer is a satirical dystopian thriller that explores the themes of climate change, immigration, intelligence, and morality. The protagonist, Alice, is a near-genius slacker who lives with her mother and communicates with her by Morse code. She also has an imaginary friend, Simp, who is a sarcastic and manipulative voice in her head. Alice's life takes a turn when she meets Pablo, a wealthy immigrant from a climate-ravaged country, and his daughter Erika, a ruthless genius who has a sinister plan.

The novel is a fast-paced and darkly humorous ride that keeps the reader hooked with its twists and turns. The author creates a vivid and believable world that is both familiar and frightening, where the effects of climate change are felt by everyone and the social divide is widening. The characters are complex and flawed, each with their own motivations and secrets. Alice is a relatable and sympathetic anti-heroine who struggles with her identity, her sanity, and her choices. Simp is a witty and wicked foil who challenges Alice and the reader to question their assumptions and ethics. Erika is a formidable and frightening villain who is willing to do anything to achieve her goals.

She's A Killer is a brilliant and bizarre novel that offers a fresh and provocative perspective on the issues of our time. It is a book that will make you laugh, gasp, and think. It is a book that will stay with you long after you finish it.

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In a Nutshell: A dystopian cli-fi satire that is wacky in myriad ways. If you go in with the right expectations, you might enjoy the book. Just be prepared for a slow start. Not a thriller!

Plot Preview:
Wellington, sometime in the future. Thirty-seven-year-old Alice, who has an IQ of 159 (missing the ‘genius’ mark by just 1 point), is stuck in a dead-end job and frustrated of the change wrought about by the climate change. The situation is worsened by the wealthy immigrants – ‘wealthugees’ – who are flocking to New Zealand and affecting the local economy by purchasing land and driving up prices, making the situation worse for residents. But Alice is a slacker, and does nothing to change the situation except complain.
When one hot wealthugee asks Alice to take care of his fifteen-year-old daughter Erika for a few days in exchange for a large sum, Alice readily quits her job. But she doesn’t realise that Erika is a fellow genius, and carries many more secrets. Alice’s life isn’t going to be the same anymore.
The story comes to us in the first person perspective of Alice.

Bookish Yays:
🍓 The dystopian world: So like the usual dystopia we read and yet so very different! We hear of the climate crisis and see the impact of the ‘wealthugees’, but instead of making the dystopia the prominent feature, it serves only as the foundation for the main plot.
🍓 Alice: Alice is unlikeable to the core yet it is tough to hate her because of the writing. An excellently sketched character whose sarcastic remarks make the narration entertaining.
🍓 Simp: Alice’s imaginary friend and master of retorts. Loved “her”!
🍓 The ‘wealthugee’ concept: Ridiculous to the point of being believable! Enjoyed the upside-down take on “privileged refugees”. It was all very clever!
🍓 The satirical elements: A lot of the plot left me wondering whether to laugh or to be horrified. Satire at its best!
🍓 The New Zealand setting: The location cant be used in the typical sense as this is a futuristic tale. But the author still manages a accurate portrayal of what could be dystopian NZ.
🍓 The indigenous Maori rep in the plot: So twisted and yet so clever!

Bookish Mixed Bags:
🍍Needs a lot of patience at the start because Alice’s first person narrative sounds like an endless bitchy ramble and is terribly slow. But once you begin to see where the plot is going (which is around the halfway mark), the build-up makes sense.
🍍The title tells you that “she’s a killer”. But it takes a long time to understand the validity of this claim in context of the book.
🍍The proceedings are outrageous! This shouldn’t be said as the book is meant to be a satire, but better to go in prepared for bizarre developments that come out of nowhere. This does work for the book, but will it work for every reader?

Bookish Nays:
🍊 Alice doesn’t sound like someone in her late thirties; her narration is almost YA in style. This could be because of her sheltered life and self-absorbed life choices, but it still feels odd.

All in all, I felt like I would hate this book until about the one-third mark, it was so amorphous until then. But once the story threads started coming together, I began to enjoy it better.

Definitely recommended, but to only a specific set of readers. This is a very intelligent novel that might be a tad too esoteric for typical dystopian fiction fans. But if you are fond of satire or dark humour, this ought to be on your reading list. It is a go-with-the-flow kind of story, so don’t overthink; just enjoy the ride.

This is promoted as a “satirical dystopian cli-fi thriller”, but it is more like a ‘literary thriller’, so you will be on a slowburn journey to the thrills. Not for those who want believable plots or likeable characters or clean content or fast-paced writing or happy stories.

3.75 stars.

My thanks to NetGalley, Gallic Books for the DRC, and Bolinda Audio for the ALC of “She's a Killer”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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This is a smart, surreal and utterly compelling novel from someone who has a sharp sense of humour and a wonderful turn of phrase. I raced through it, often wondering what I was reading, but loving every minute.

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I don't often read New Zealand authors, but when I do it is always excellent. Eleanor Catton of course, Kate Mansfield, Catherine Chidgey and the wonderful Aūe by Becky Manawatu.

She's a Killer is a very original novel with a delightfully quirky first person narrator (Alice) and an unexpectedly intricate plot. It is blurbed by Eleanor Catton and I see some parallels with Birnam Wood, in particular the eco-warrior plot. But this is much more satirical and playful.

It is set in the near future, the climate crisis has hit a tipping point and New Zealand has become one of the few safe havens where the world's richest flock to buy up land and find shelter, creating a divided society between struggling natives and rich 'wealthugees'.

A fun, smart and quick read, that works really well as an audiobook too.

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She's a Killer is a hilarious romp of a story, set in a futuristic New Zealand. The world is going to pot and NZ is the closest thing to safe haven, leading to an influx of 'wealthugees' into the island.

The novel follows protagonist Alice as her world is turned upside down when she meets Pablo, and by extension, his daughter Erika. Alice, despite her 159 IQ, lives a simple life, maintaining a terrible job to keep enough money coming in to support her fairly low-maintenance lifestyle. Erika's arrival in her life is just the beginning of a tumultuous adventure for Alice, involving murder, lies and dangerous behaviour. A wild ride that she never asked for but can't seem to escape, Alice recounts the story in a very comedic and sarcastic manner. The writing is very witty and the characters are really realistic - I found myself sincerely disliking Alice for most of the novel which is one of my favorite things about it.

Highly recommend if you're into the cli-fi genre, although I did feel that it was missing a little more background info about the state of the climate crisis and the movement that Erika is a part of. But overall it was a pacey story and kept me interested!

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Usually I am not a fan of dystopian novels but I really enjoyed reading 'She's A Killer' by Kirsten McDougall. It is funny and entertaining but also dark at times, all in all very cleverly written. The main character Alice is a 37 year old who has a very high IQ and an invisible friend. When Alice meets the wealthugee Pablo the storyline turns into a rollercoaster.
This satirical dystopian cli-fi (climate fiction) thriller was longlisted for the Dublin Literary Award 2023.
Thanks so much to @netgalley and @gallicbooks for my eARC. I am looking forward to discovering more works from Kirsten McDougall

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