Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
This was a great book and I'll be purchasing it for the library.

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Rom-coms with awkwardly opposite characters are always a delight, and this pair doubly so because their differences are what bring them together and keep them having fun while they dance around the inevitable. You might read this book for a fun lesson of your own!

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I really liked the concept of this story. I love when someone has to go to someone they don't necessarily get along with for help and then their relationship takes a turn. I liked the characters a lot and was really invested in the story.

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This is a fun opposites attract Rom com some of my favorite tropes laced on my favorite genre. I enjoyed reading or from the beginning to the end. Thank you for the opportunity to read this romance novel.

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I really enjoyed reading this book.
The building relationship between Ian and Rebecca was filled with spontaneity and unpredictability.
I liked seeing where and how it developed.
I Highly recommend reading this book.

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An opposites attract romance, the story of Rebecca and Ian. I loved both characters and wanted everything to work out for them.

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Thank you NetGalley, Leanne Treese and Moxie Publishing, LLC for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

ADORABLE!! What a sweet and wholesome rom-com that will pull at your heartstrings!!! It has your frenemies to lovers, slow burn and opposites attract tropes and is filled with hilarious banter, close proximity, amazing chemistry, closed door romance, dual POV and wonderful secondary characters!! Once I started reading I could not stop and finished it in a day. This is my first read by Leanne Treese and it will not be my last! The author has done such an incredible job with creating characters that are so real and relatable that you can't help but root for them. I absolutely loved this book so much!!! 💜💜💜💜

Rebecca Chapman has never felt appreciated by her ultra professional family. She decides to try out for a new reality singing show and prove to everyone that she can make it in the music world. If only she can be chosen by the network! The only problem, you have to be able to play an instrument for the audition and Rebecca has no clue how to play a single thing. Turns out the answer to her dilemma is Ian Ledger, her extremely annoying coworker, who just happens to be an amazing guitar player. Ian is willing to teach her, but there's a catch. He want to win back his girlfriend at his sister's wedding. So they strike a deal! Rebecca agrees to give him fun sessions and he agrees to teach her to play guitar. Perfect solution to their problems, right?

I absolutely loved Rebecca's free spirit and her determination to follow her dreams. I equally loved Ian's introverted self and how his adventurous side manifested around her. I lost track of the amount of times I found myself giggling at their fun lessons.🤣😂

Overall, it is a fun, cute and clean rom-com with a HEA. I do recommend and I can't wait to read more books by this author!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This was a fun, quick read. It was fun watching the characters grow from friends to more. It wasn't terribly memorable, there was nothing that really made it stand apart from other books, but I'd be interested in seeing what else this author puts out!

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Thank you NetGalley for the review copy!

Incredible fun book that I could not put down! Highly recommend :)

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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Very cute romance right here. The idea is so fun and i love how the characters bring out each others best side, and fall for who they really are. Theres lots of banter, and the slowburn... chefs kiss. Really fun read, totally recommend!

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Going from GUY IN THE BUS and GIRL WITH NO SHOES IN THE BUS to I LOVE YOU! Such a funny enemies to lovers. It's easy and fast to read. I would love to read more of your books.

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Fun Lessons was so fun. I really felt for Rebecca about her parents' disappointment. I enjoyed the banter between Ian and Rebecca. The dates were cute.

Thank you to Moxie Publishing and #NetGalley for a review in exchange for an early copy.

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This was such a great book and story. I really enjoyed this. This was a great. I enjoyed the story line. It was different which I highly enjoyed.

I just reviewed Fun Lessons by Leanne Treese. #FunLessons #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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This book was kind of slow and not in a fun way, at least for me. I thought that they were cute together but I just wanted more from them. I'm sure this book has its audience though.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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Thank you to Leanne Tresse for letting me have an ARC copy of Fun Lessons!

Sometimes you need to give a book a few chapters to make a judgment about it. If you pick up a copy of Fun Lessons, I encourage you to give it at least 5 chapters before making any judgments about the story and characters. It’s a bit slow to get off the mark, but it’s a story with a long-haul strategy and you won’t regret sticking around for the ride.

A feel-good romance showing that even if you fail chasing a dream, fate might bring you something you need to learn more about yourself and value others for who they are at heart not just how you want them to be. The writing is full of feel-good vibes and feels like curling up into a snuggly blanket as you read about characters who appear like old friends in a world like your favourite haunts. A space full of thoughtful conversations, ponderings, and good old laugh-out moments.

The characters feel like old friends you want to crawl into the pages with. They are relatable, charming, and addictive company. Rebecca is such a big character with buckets of gumption, clad with inches of armour and a heard of gold. She’s a tough cookie with all the family drama and expectations thrust upon her, but she’s the black sheep with bags of energy, she battles with self-doubt on the path to her dream. Being dyslexic myself, I found her struggle very real and beautifully crafted into the story in a poignant way.

I wanted to give Ian a big hug. What a dummy his ex-girlfriend is! He’s a lovely, loyal, understanding, and closet adventurer waiting for the right woman to bring out of him. I was praying he’d realise he selfish this break request was. Seriously who does that?! Urgh! I hate girls who need a life raft to cling to for backup just in case! He deserved so much better and he found it with Rebecca!

I love an author who is bold and willing to push out the boat. There aren’t enough Transgender characters in mainstream fiction! I know this might not appeal to everyone, but I loved Ian’s sister, Brenda. I loved how honest the writing was about Ian’s struggles with his challenges about accepting his sister’s choices and how their relationship came out stronger (even if he was an idiot for a while). There was so much to unpack in this book - a charming, heart-warming rom-comedy that dares pose some big life questions and prejudices in an imperfect world but shows how a few good souls make all the difference.

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The quid pro quo thing about this book is really funny. Rebecca's lessons for Ian made me laugh so hard that I had to reread them a couple of times because they kept surprising me. Rebecca and Ian's characters are enjoyable to read about, and I love their chemistry. They get each other so well. I didn't expect them to grow on me so much, but they did, and I found myself caring a lot about whether or not they'd be happy in the end. I don't usually reread books, but I'll be rereading this. One of my favorites!

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This book worried me, within the first chapter because I didn't think I would be able to get into these characters.

Consider past Ashley very wrong, because these two? They're so freaking fun. This book is like a warm hug, a laugh at a good joke and a fond memory all at once.

It left me feeling good, and re-reading certain passages so I could remember them forever. The setting is familiar, even though I've never been there, but I could picture it all in my head.

Ian is lovely, protective, and yes, fun, not boring, I don't care what that other lady says. He is progressive, and understanding and gods I just loved him.

Rebecca is someone who was easy to cheer for, and someone I'd like to hang out with. I don't understand how her family couldn't understand her? She's amazing.

If you want a feel-good, quick read that will make you laugh out loud this is it.

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I received this as an ARC from Netgalley.

So this is a sweet little romance about Ian and Rebecca. It goes back and forth from their perspectives. Ian is an uptight, not fun person who is almost engaged to his girlfriend. But his girlfriend wants a break. Rebecca wants to make it in the music business, so she's trying out for a TV show. But she needs to play an instrument. They make this plan for fun lessons and to learn to play guitar. You can pretty much tell what will happen.

I enjoyed the story. It was really sweet. It had me to keep going back to see what happened next.
Their is a touch on transgender. There is no smut but there is sweet romance ❤️. And I loved it.

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3,5 / 5

Não sei exatamente o que eu esperava de Fun Lessons, para além de ser obviamente um romance clichê entre dois estranhos que se conhecem ao acaso, de forma meio inusitada, mas que acabam tomando o apoio um do outro para algo à parte e, nesse meio tempo de convivência, se envolvem. No geral, acho que esperava só relaxar e me distrair mesmo com essa vibe dos personagens, ora nos assuntos profissionais e artísticos da Rebecca, ora no Ian trabalhando um pouco no seu lado mais introvertido que costuma se sobressair principalmente no convívio social, para o desgosto de sua (ex)namorada.

Juntos, eles são uma dupla particularmente distinta, mas que, afinal, cumpre com o clichê de uma forma leve e por vezes até fofa em uma cena ou outra. Gostei especialmente do fato de, intencional ou não, a autora ter conseguido desenvolver tanto deles primeiro como amigos, o que eu costumo achar como sendo um requisito para ser um casal também, e acabamos por acompanhá-los construindo essa relação tranquila, sem aparências ou frescuras, durante uma boa parte do livro, o que torna o romance mais palpável, mais fácil de cativar o leitor. É uma relação gradual e natural que tanto soa real quanto funciona para a ficção da trama que ocorre em menos de dois meses, mas ainda assim é bem trabalhada.

Diria que esse foi o ponto alto do livro, porém. No resto, a história não tem nada de muito diferente, exceto por um detalhe ou outro menores, como a abordagem do background familiar dos protagonistas que, cada uma a seu modo, é bem construída pela autora, mas senti falta de maior aprofundamento no final principalmente para a família da Rebecca, tendo em vista como eles reagiam quanto à carreira dela no início, e o modo um tanto abrupto com que mudaram isso depois. Também fiquei meio irritada por, nesse ponto do final, Rebecca e Ian enrolarem um pouco para resolver certas coisas, de forma que, quando se resolve, a história praticamente acaba e não deixa o leitor aproveitar o casal como se esperou tanto.

Apesar disso, é uma leitura leve e tranquila, diria até que dá para ser feita em um dia ou dois, dependendo do quão investido você ficar na leitura. Não é o romance do ano, tem seus altos e baixos que podiam ter sido melhor trabalhados, mas já valeu a experiência por encontrar um casal que, antes do envolvimento amoroso, soube fazê-lo como amigos e de uma forma bem bacana e descontraída.

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