Member Reviews

I really loved this. Took me right back to the days when psychological thrillers genuinely surprised you every time.

First Lie Wins is definitely a twisty tale with oft surprising turns but the story is backed up by well rounded, intriguing characters who you root for even though literally nobody is completely innocent.

Great writing, an entertaining tale and there's nothing not to love here if this is ons of your favourite genres.

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I enjoyed this book. It is a thriller and it sets up the story immediately so you are drawn in straight away.
There were so many alias to get to grips with, and people double crossing each other left right and centre that you have to pay attention throughout.
A sweet ending.

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So have not read this as of yet as had one a signed hard copy and am waiting for the right to time to read

Have heard great things though so will forward to this

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I enjoyed this book as it goes through the main character Evie and her past alias’ and we learn about her past and how everything has come together to result in her actions for the current job. The chapters flip between past and present to link what is currently happening and her past alias’. I enjoyed the ending too and didn’t see it coming and was a surprise!

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First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston is a wild ride! It's packed with twists and turns that keep you guessing. The characters are intriguing, and the plot moves at a good pace, making it hard to put down. Some of the twists are a bit predictable, but overall, it's a fun, suspenseful read that’s perfect if you’re in the mood for a quick thriller.

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"First Lie Wins" by Ashley Elston is a fast-paced thriller that follows Evie Porter, a con artist with a web of lies and a mysterious boss, Mr. Smith. The narrative alternates between Evie's present mission and flashbacks to her past, revealing complex layers of deceit and identity. While I found the numerous twists and turns overwhelming, I also appreciated the suspense and character development, as well as the story's tension. Overall, a gripping read with a few predictable elements but remains an engaging thriller.

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This book had me gripped from page one, I didn't want to put it down. Well thought out plot. Highly recommend!!

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Have you ever read a book you've owned for ages, and kicked yourself for not reading it sooner? First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston was one of those books for me.

I requested it on Netgalley last year, and it has been sitting on my Kindle since last August, waiting for me to pick it (the struggles of a mood reader).

It's a psychological thriller, a genre I haven't read in a while. Our main character is Evie Porter, a con artist who has wormed her way into a relationship with a very wealthy businessman. The time has come for her to meet his circle of friends - some of whom are (rightly) very suspicious of Evie.

But Evie's a professional - she knows exactly how to get people on side, and is not daunted by the prospect of having to prove herself. Quite the opposite - she enjoys it.

All is going to plan - until Evie meets a woman at a party who throws an enormous spanner in the works. Someone's messing with Evie - and in the immortal words of Chandler from Friends, it's time for the messers to become the messees.

As I was reading this, I kept thinking that it felt like something Reese Witherspoon would turn into a TV show - and it was, in fact, a Reese book club pick that has been greenlit for production. I've found Reese's picks to be very hit-and-miss over the past few years, so I don't pay much heed to them anymore, but I do think this will work brilliantly as a TV series (especially with Octavia Spencer co-producing).

I have mutual readers who loved this (Amy) and were less convinced (Aoife) so do be aware, as I've said recently, that my 5* could be your 2* - but having not read a thriller in months, I really enjoyed it. It was fast-paced, twisty, and an easy, enjoyable read. I enjoyed the build-up, the reveals, and was satisfied by the ending. I really enjoyed Evie as a main character and loved getting to find out what her backstory was.

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Evie Porter finds herself in trouble and the reasons for this unravel as the story progresses. In many ways this works as the perfect mystery thriller, and will make a pretty good Hollywood film. Sure, there are times when you have to suspend your disbelief, but that's ok, it's still a very enjoyable read.

Thank you to the editor and Netgalley for an advanced e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest and impartial review.

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This is excellent. It takes you on an absolute rollercoaster and just as you think you’ve sussed it, it wrists and turns again. I’m really excited to read more by this writer. Her characters are really detailed and you will put the book down really rooting for some and floored by others!

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It is a great vacation book. It is like a story we have seen many times before in books and movies of spy's...but even so, still fun and enjoyable.

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I didn’t except the book I read based on the summary on the website.
I felt as if there was just too much confusion with the name changes and time jumps.
I overall wasn’t a fan of this one.
I felt Evie was annoying and Ryan being made the be the red herring for Mr Smith was predictable.

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I loved this book, there were so many twists and turns and I loved how the story was written and came together. I was completely invested from the start and connected with the characters.

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The perfect suspense read, I literally could not put this down (my fitbit would have liked it more if my heart rate was reduced)

I like that there were multiple narrators for this book (iykyk) and that they all gave little bits of information to bring the story together. This is book about how to pay the long game and how it all comes together at the very end. A great psychological thriller that stands up in the genre.

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A gripping psychological thriller with many twists and turns to keep you guessing. I was glued to the pages trying to figure out where Evie was going as she carried out her intricate plan to free herself from Mr Smith. An entertaining read!

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"First Lie Wins" by Ashley Elston is a thrilling ride from start to finish. Evie Porter is the main character, and she’s been sent on a mysterious job. The details of this job are kept under wraps for most of the book, but we know she’s dating a wealthy man and is about to move in with him after only two months. The man, as we later find out, is named Ryan, and Evie’s job revolves around him.
The book does a great job of delving into Evie’s past, showcasing her previous 'jobs' in great detail. While these backstories are rich and intricate, they can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming. There were moments when I found myself skimming through these sections, which isn't something I usually like to do. The extensive details, while interesting, could have been trimmed down a bit without losing the essence of the story.
Evie is portrayed as a skilled thief, which adds an exciting layer to her character. However, I kept waiting for a major twist or big event to shake things up. The suspense builds nicely, but the payoff felt a bit delayed.
Mr. Smith, the enigmatic figure giving Evie her orders, adds another layer of mystery to the story. His true motives are kept hidden, making you question whether there's something more sinister at play.
Overall, "First Lie Wins" is an engaging and suspenseful read with a strong, intriguing protagonist. Despite some overly detailed sections, it's a book that keeps you hooked and makes you think about the true nature of trust and deception. If you’re a fan of thrillers with complex characters and a bit of mystery, this one’s worth picking up.

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This was great! Really exciting and pacey. I love heists and this had lots of mini ones in it. Plus romance. Plus 'on-the-run' tropes. Pretty much all my favourite things mixed into a book!

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A clever cat-and-mouse thrill-ride. Evie is a con artist who assumes a false identity on each job she is assigned by her mysterious boss Mr Smith. But is the game up for Evie when a woman turns up on her latest job, claiming her real identity? A twisty tale of double dealing.

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I can honestly say, NOTHING with this book is as it seems. Just as soon as you think you have things figured out, whoops, you get hit on the head, and are left with a WTF moment. This book was very very well written, and I couldn't finish it quickly enough! Really highly recommended!!

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A gripping read with twists and turns on each page … Evie has a job to do taking on the role of faithful girlfriend to successful Ryan isn’t all it seems she’s been sent to take on this role and awaits instructions from above as to her next step. Evie isn’t her real name tho and here the plot thickens …. Loved this book the characters the suspense and a great story line

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