Member Reviews

Evie Porter seems to have a great life. Nice house, lots of friends & a doting boyfriend- only thing is, she does not exist.. She has spent years going from place to place on the orders of the mysterious Mr Smith, finding out in depth information about her 'mark' & relaying it back to her handler. One thing she has always clung onto is her 'real' name. So when Ryan introduces his old friend & the friend's girlfriend goes by that name she is staggered. She is already having doubts about this assignment- what are her options? 'Evie' is an amazing character- not always likeable but always interesting.

I wasn't too sure about this one what I started it, bit it reeled me in & it turned out to be a real wild ride & I'm glad I was on board. Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for letting me read & review this book.

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Elston’s foray into adult fiction, and I’m grateful to NetGalley for giving me the chance to read and review this before publication. A tautly planned story, shifting mercurially through time and place, and it’s not until we get to the end that we realise just how well-planned this is.
Evie Porter is not who she claims to be. Having just moved in with her boyfriend, Ryan, we quickly learn that she is hiding things…but it’s not clear just how much she’s hiding until we’re well and truly drawn into her web.
At times my head hurt just trying to keep up with the shifts. There were key moments in the story where I was congratulating myself on having an inkling of what was going on, only to soon find myself rather open-mouthed at a little detail revealed that shifted things in a very different direction.
While Evie is not a character it ever feels that we get to know, it’s hard not to fall under her spell and root for her as we learn more about where she’s come from and what she’s been involved in. I can’t give any more detail about the plot, but it’s safe to say nobody is what you think and the closing stages definitely are not likely to be anything you’ll see coming.
I can imagine this would make a great movie…

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Evie is a woman in control and has aspirations in life. Evie is also a woman who meets someone with the same identity. Evie is a ghost who is undercover and curious if she is on a job or being set up. This book is exciting to read and I particularly liked the twists in the story. Absolutely superb thriller!

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The First Lie is definitely a winner for me. Evie Porter is enjoying a whirlwind romance with a handsome and successful man, meeting his friends and moving forward in their commitment to each other. Yet, their relationship is based on lies..the first being her name. This revelation comes early on and just as you think you are getting to the bottom of it, another fresh surprise hits you. This is a book of twists and turns, and it is definitely one that will keep you engaged. A superb thriller. I won't reveal any details as it is best to go in blind and enjoy the ride. It is high octane and high stakes for Evie, and you will find yourself rooting for her all the way. I do hope there will be a sequel! #firstliewins #ashleyelston #netgalley #thepigeonholehq #headlinebooks

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The quintessential part of any thriller is the hook. If a book has any chance of standing out in the sea of other nail-biting stories on the market, that has to be on the money. Like a delicious sundae that manages to get that balance of sweet and sickly spot on, First Lie Wins sets a scrumptiously high bar for 2024. And even better, this one will have you questioning what's happening right up to the very end.

At the heart of this story is a woman called Evie Porter. She has her whole life sorted. She has a handsome, caring boyfriend called Ryan, the perfect house and a fun group of friends. So what would be wrong? Well, it turns out Evie isn't actually real. Her real name is Lucca. She's pulling a con and that target is one Ryan Sumner.

But why? What is Evie really up to? Who is she? And what is the end-game here? Well, all will be revealed across the 384 pages!

To spoil anything would be a disservice to the story (and render our forthcoming ending explained when this one drops obsolete!) Suffice to say, all your questions will be answered, with a couple of lovely twists thrown in along the way that you won't see coming.

The story unravels slowly, with flashback chapters sprinkled in to help flesh out the past and explain exactly who Evie is and what she's up to. You'll find yourself questioning her motives, Ryan's motives and plenty of the supporting characters' motives along the way too. But that's partly what makes this such an endearing read.

The novel has a good pace to it, although one could argue there are a few too many flashback chapters that drag things down toward the middle portion. They're important, no doubt, but as everything starts escalating and picking up, the pacing is undone a little by a couple of flashbacks that go on for a bit too long. However, this is a minor quibble in what's otherwise a pulsating, addictive read.

The prose flows beautifully and Evie Porter is a fascinating character. There's so many layers of depth to her and toward the end of the story, you get a feel for who she is, why she's doing this and how all of this has changed her. That comes across so well in the story and it's partly what makes this such an enjoyable read.

A book is only as strong as its ending, and there's always a worry that a gripping thriller like this can throw it all away with a rushed or anticlimactic finale. Thankfully, Ashley Elston has absolutely nailed the conclusion in this one, rounding everything out with a lovely little wink and a nod in the final pages.

The story itself isn't just thrilling, it's also pretty intelligently written too. There are a few audible "aha!" and "ooh!" moments likely to pop up and that's testament to Elston's ability to take readers on a real rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Given we're only looking at a January release on the calendar, First Lie Wins makes a very good claim for being one of the best thrillers of the year. Gripping, moreish and addictive; this is a must-read.


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This book was so disappointing!! The premise sounded super exciting, and it was getting so much hype! The synopsis was great, but the execution just fell flat for me.
For a thriller, the pacing was just so slow. it didn't make me want to read.
There was something about the structure and the writing style that didn't work for me. It just felt jarring. I couldn't get to grips with it.
Not for me, didn't enjoy it at all.

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This novel is a book that bounces from past and present with a dangerous game of cat and mouse, it’s quite a suspenseful story that has you changing your mind on who you deem a good character or not. Overall this was well written, it started really well and had me gripped but I found the middle section quite hard going and I don’t know if I would have persevered at times if I had not been given this story to review.

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I was hooked immediately with this mystery thriller, it had so much deception, danger and real intelligent plotting that I could definitely see making a terrific TV series/film. I felt Evie had such an interesting back story and showed her true colours to the reader when it mattered so you felt you wanted her to succeed despite her dubious actions. As the plot unfurls and you see the real danger looming, which delivered plenty of tension and satisfying drama until the last page.

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Southern girl, Evie Porter isn’t what she appears to be. The outside world sees her as someone with a perfect boyfriend, Ryan, a beautiful home, and a very influential group of friends. However, Evie Porter doesn’t actually exist!

Evie is given a new identity, location, and ‘target’ for every new assignment by her boss, the mysterious ‘Mr Smith’, someone Evie has never met. She is tasked with learning everything about the target person, passing it all on to Mr Smith, who himself has orders from clients.

Ryan is currently the target person, and she begins to see that she could live this kind of luxury lifestyle in the future, but she can’t mess this job up like she did last time - Mr Smith was not amused, and she’s learned that he’s not one to upset!

Evie’s true identity is unknown to others, but the day someone arrives in town using Evie’s real name and background, is the day that things begin to change.

Wow! What a complex but extremely clever storyline this is. Cat and mouse games, and twists galore make it such an entertaining read!

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This was such a complex and twisty psychological thriller that just kept us guessing right to the end!

I fell for the dream right from the start - Evie and Ryan, a new couple with obvious background differences.
Together they made a beautiful couple and I was sucked right in to their new life that was building - but we soon discover that all is not what it seems and Evie could be on a job to con the lovely Ryan.

The story is told from Evie's point of view and as we flip from the present day to the past, we are gradually made aware of her previous jobs and how each panned out - but also see how Evie is softening to living a new life with Ryan, if only she could get out of this job.

I don't want to give any spoilers so won't say more about the plot - but I abaolutely loved how convoluted this was and how almost everything twisted and turned until we weren't entirely sure who to trust and what was real or set up.
As the threads all pull together towards the end - everything starts to make sense, but we are still treated to some shocking moments right up to the final few pages.

A little bit of a slow burn as it does take a fair bit of concentration to keep up, but I loved this about it and felt it really worked well with the storylines.
There's always something going on, so never feels like a slow read.

This is my first read by this author and I hope it won't be the last!
A really great read and I'm looking forward to what's coming next!

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Go in blind and enjoy the ride !

I had a great time reading this a brilliant fast paced Thriller with so many twists and turns so cleverly written, and I was hooked from the start. Easy 5 Stars.

I listened to this via audio and found it to be a very engaging experience and was very well read. Had a great afternoon listening.

Thank you to Netgalley, Headline, and Ashley Elston for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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Lucca Marino works for the elusive ‘Mr Smith’. Each job requires a new name and identity and takes her to different locations. The jobs vary, as does the time it takes to complete them, but usually her task is to extract information or items from individuals or ‘marks’ for one of Mr Smith’s clients. After a job goes badly wrong, Lucca senses Mr Smith is not only displeased, he’s decided to test her. However, she is quite unprepared for the tactics he intends to use, or the danger it will place her in.
It’s a gripping fast paced read. Moving between past and present it teases the reader with twists and turns as the story progresses, with Lucca having to use all her wits to try and outwit her boss . You are left wondering how Lucca (whose current under cover name is Evie Porter) is going to survive, especially when things take a sinister turn.
First Lie Wins is a definite must read for anyone who enjoys an excellent thriller. Highly recommended.

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First Lie Wins is an excellent read. There's no messing about at the start when you find out that Evie is running a long con on unsuspecting boyfriend Ryan. She's working for a mysterious boss (Mr Smith) who doesn't give much away and sends Evie on assignments all across the country.

However, things take a turn for Evie when she meets an old friend of Ryan's at a party and his new girlfriend Lucca. But Lucca is Evie's real name, and she also has the same back story. What is Mr Smith up to? The story really escalated from there, with suspicious deaths, arrests and a race across the states to clear Evie's name.

First Lie Wins is a great thriller with some unique elements that make it very addictive!

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I was intrigued by the cover tag line and then intrigued by Evie and where she came from. And what she was up to. I enjoyed this story and will certainly see what else the author has released.

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Ashley Elston crafts a story that is completely enticing, compelling, twisty, and entertaining.

And one that draws you in from the very first page. As you are introduced to the main protagonist, Evie Porter.

However, Evie Porter is not her real name.

That's just the name she's been given by her mysterious boss, Mr. Smith.

Who has sent her to Lake Forbing, Louisiana with one objective: to get close to Ryan Sumner and learn everything she can about him.

But the truth is, it's not as easy as it seems. As Evie starts to develop feelings for Ryan, and being around Ryan has made her imagine a whole different life for herself.

Only the reality is that Evie can't afford to go there. Or make any mistakes, especially after what happened last time...

And with a delicious cast of characters. This really is a thrilling read. That will leave you desperate to turn the pages, puzzle out the lies and see who comes out on top.

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I received an E-ARC with a request for my honest review.

This cunning and mysterious crime thriller follows a woman whose current name is Evie Porter. In her line of work, she is given an identity, a target and must wait for further instructions whilst weaving her way into the target’s life.

After a setback in her previous job Evie is keen to ensure this job is completed perfectly so as not to upset her mysterious boss.

Soon it becomes clear that this may not be an easy task and is unsure if she can even trust her boss.

Is she being set up? What job has she been given this time?

This crime thriller has plenty of mystery, secrets and lies entwined throughout the storyline, as you learn more about the real identity of the woman currently known as Evie Porter.

It is always good to see a strong female lead, and Evie certainly is and even in the line of work she is in still has her morals.

Overall, a cunning and mysterious crime thriller where everything is based on lies and secrets.

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Evie and Ryan have just set up home together in picturesque Lake Forbing, Louisiana. They met when she was a damsel in distress with a flat tyre. He was driving past, stopped to help and they’ve been together ever since. Now they’re at the stage where they’re hosting a dinner where she will meet his friends. All is going well. Evie has successfully answered all their questions and feels that she has crossed another milestone. Already she can see the white picket fence lifestyle becoming a reality.
But Evie, short for Evelyn, Porter doesn’t actually exist and the flat tyre was no accident. In fact, it was carefully planned and Ryan fell for it. Evie is the latest identity and she has been sent on her latest mission by her mysterious manager, Mr Smith. But he doesn’t know that Ryan is becoming more than just another mark on her very long list of previous assignments. The suburban dream is calling loud and clear but Mr Smith always seems to be one jump ahead.
Then at a local country club dinner, she and Ryan meet one of his old friends, James, and his girlfriend. And Evie does a double take. She is called Lucca Marino which is Evie’s real name and there is a strong resemblance between them. And so begins the game of cat and mouse between her and Mr Smith. Evie knows that she is one of the elite on the team even though her previous job didn’t go so well as Mr Smith keeps reminding her. But she is now being wrong footed. She puts her suburban ambitions to one side as she begins to find out more about Ryan and gets more than she bargained for…..
This was a twisty plot par excellence as the reader follows Evie’s career in flashback with all her different aliases and how events and jobs led up to the present day. She is trying to stay one step ahead of Mr Smith and he is equally determined to stay one step ahead of her. It was this element that really appealed to me as they sidestepped, double crossed and then double crossed again. ‘Who would concede first?’ I wondered as they danced around each other in really terrific plotting. At several points I thought ‘How will she get out of this one?’ and then suddenly she did! Then we were onto the next one although there were several places in which I felt confused with all the plot twists but then the author would carry me along with her again.
This is the author’s first adult novel after a career as a successful YA author. I enjoyed it immensely as it was an entertaining, suspenseful read and I look forward to the author’s next one.
My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an ARC.

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3.5 - a dangerous game of cat and mouse and you regularly change your opinions on the characters and who can be trusted. Did slow down a little in the middle but was overall well written and kept me interested

Thank you to netgalley for providing an ecopy of this book in exchange for an honest review..

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DO NOT READ THE BLURB ON THIS BOOK! So much more interesting and surprising if you don't!
This tale is original, twisty, moves at a good pace and will keep you guessing for most of the tale.
Evie Porter, as we first meet her, is intelligent, quick-thinking and personable. She is quickly into an intense relationship with Ryan Sumner, who has his own shadowy life.
A solid 4 STAR read.
Many thanks to Netgalley/Ashley Elston/Headline for a digital copy of this title. All opinions expressed are my own,

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First adult genre novel by this author and we find our protagonist is a woman of many disguises working for a Mr Smith, sent out to find whatever is required for the job in hand.

This is a good read and an interesting concept which I started reading in Pigeonhole and finished in Netgalley as I wanted to find out what was going to happen!

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