Member Reviews

I loved this book!! I could't put it down! You could tell from the beginning that Evie was up to no good, quite what the no good was was to be revealed - and the reveal was SO good!

Just to put it out there - I am awful at actually reading blurbs so usually have no idea what the books about! This was brilliant, as I was reading I gathered that Evie should not have been getting as attached to Ryan as it seemed that she was.

I really found that I liked Evie as we were discovering more about her 'actual' life and loved the relationship that she had with Devon. Ryan seemed to be a good guy but there was times that we saw different sides to him which made me seem to dislike him.

I loved how the storyine developed and it seemed as though we were going in one direction - however it was going completely in another direction which was brilliant!! It kept me guessing along the way as to what this 'job' was actually about. Even Evie wasn't 100% sure what her boss's endgame was.

To say that this is a debut - it is an incredible debut and I'm excited to read more from Ashley Elston.

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Evie Porter has everything she thinks she has always wanted in life. A gorgeous and adoring boyfriend, a beautiful house with a white picket fence in a lovely town. A great, easy going job. Her boyfriend's friends are wonderful and are starting to accept her into their friend group. Her life is perfect, her relationship is thriving, her boyfriend, Ryan, has even asked her to move in with him. There is nothing more Evie needs in life. There is just one catch. Evie Porter doesn’t exist.

Evie is given a name and location by her employer, Mr. Smith, along with a new identity for herself. She travels there, learning everything she needs to know about the town, the people in it, her new identity, and the target of her job. In this case the target is Ryan Sumner. Her boyfriend. Evie is good at her job. The best. However she feels like this job is different. Her relationship with Ryan has started to feel real, and she starts to think about a life where her every move is not directed by Mr. Smith.

For her entire career in this twisted world she lives in, Evie protected her real identity, hoping one day to return to it. Then, at an event with Ryan, a woman who looks just like her walks in, using her closely protected real name, and full background history. Evie’s past starts to creep in and the walls start to tighten. Ryan is starting to ask more questions, and one of his friends is not as accepting of the lies she is telling to keep her cover story in place. When this mystery woman dies, taking Evies real identity with her, Evie realises that she is in trouble. Deep trouble. The lies are getting harder to manage, and she needs to think fast.

This story is full of twists from the outset. As it progresses we learn more about who Evie is, and how she has ended up in such a twisted mess. There are flashbacks which start to pull her journey together, showing us how all her identities have led to this one. This is a very cleverly written book, which keeps the tension and suspense maintained throughout. It manages multiple threads well, and pulls together long reaching elements very cleverly. Once you realise how much is at stake, and what Evie is fighting for you are gripped, and you wonder how she will manage to extricate herself from this situation. I don’t want to say any more as I don’t want to give anything away, but this book definitely deserves the category of thriller, it has you on the edge of your seat, and you won’t let up until you get to the end. I devoured it in one sitting. Utterly addictive, and mind melting!

*I received this book from NetGalley for review, but all opinions are my own.

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First Lie Wins is Ashley Elston’s debut novel for adults, although she has had six books published for young adults. This books is absolutely first class and I hope that she writes many more for adults in the same genre.
Evie seems to be enjoying her current job, is happy with her boyfriend and life. But her life is not real. The how and why, and how she finds her herself in her current situation, and what she is going to do to try to recover some sense of realism is slowly revealed throughout the book. Always written from Evie’s point of view, and set over varying timelines, the narration works very well. The story flows beautifully and made me want to keep reading to try to find out what would happen to Evie and what had happened before to get her to where she was now.
An excellent read which I highly recommend. I will now go back to read some of Ashley’s YA books as the synopsis of some of them sound intriguing.
Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for a Kindle copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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So many new books due for release early next year so trying to work out a plan to get them all read over the coming Christmas break. First one up is “First Lie Wins” by Ashley Elston, a thriller with a rollercoaster of twists!

Evie Porter has everything a nice, Southern girl could want, from the perfect, doting boyfriend, the house with a white picket fence and a garden to the fancy group of friends. There is only one catch, Evie Porter doesn’t really exist. The identity has been created for her, the name and location sent to her by her mysterious boss Mr Smith. She has a target and she has to piece all the information together to compete the assigned job. Evie has a feeling this job isn’t the same as previous ones, something doesn’t feel right, but she can’t make any mistakes, not after last time. Evie has to stay one step ahead at all times but when she is suddenly confronted by her REAL identity, she realises the stakes are as high as they can be and a challenge awaits her…

From the moment you pick up this book you are drawn into the twists and turns of Evie’s life. Despite the numerous identities it’s easy to keep track of the comings and goings, along with the coinciding flashback content supporting the backstory to the present day. Without giving too much away (because you have to read this title not knowing what comes next!) the suspense is maintained throughout, and although I’d guessed an element of the ending, it wasn’t until the very last section of the book and was perfectly executed in the tension of the writing.

The synopsis makes this title sound great and it is but if anything it doesn’t do it justice as to just how clever this book is! A game of cat and mouse, wondering who will end up with the upper hand, twists and tension galore. Would definitely read more by this author in the future and think this will be a hit in 2024.

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Wow! Absolutely fantastic read. The story held me gripped all the way through. If I could award more than 5 stars I would. Brilliantly plotted and excellent characters. It would make a great film or series. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for giving me access to a great novel.

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"First Lie Wins" by Ashley Elston is a captivating adult spy-thriller that skillfully weaves together themes of friendship, trust, and the complexity of human relationships. The story follows a woman who has multiple false identities over her life and the missions she carries out with those identities and the people she meets along the way. As the characters navigate the treacherous game of deceit, readers are drawn into a world of suspense and intrigue.

One of the standout qualities of the novel is Elston's ability to create multi-dimensional characters. Each character, is thoughtfully explored, adding depth to the narrative and highlighting the intricate nature of human relationships, friendships and rivalries.

If you are looking for relatable characters, with insecurities and personal traumas, this book is not the one. But if you’re looking for a Girl Boss, who is not always likeable, but has a whole lot of confidence, this book will serve your needs.

The plot unfolds at a brisk pace, keeping readers engaged from start to finish. Elston's writing is clear and evocative, effectively drawing readers into the characters' world and conveying the tension and uncertainty that permeates the story. Elston masterfully crafts a sense of unease and suspicion, keeping readers guessing as they attempt to unravel the truth alongside the characters.

While some elements of the plot may follow familiar tropes, the execution and pacing make "First Lie Wins" an enjoyable and satisfying read. The novel offers a compelling exploration of the consequences of dishonesty and the power dynamics at play within a group of rather mysterious or “shady” individuals.

Reading this book, I learned a lot of “dos and don’ts” for living a life on the run, or living undercover. (Hey, it could happen to me!) I was impressed with the cleverness and so many times I underestimated the heroine.

I received this book from Netgalley for review consideration. All opinions are my own and completely honest.

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The main characters current situation plays out alongside her complicit past in an intruiging back and forth between the present day and her backstory.

It does take concentration to remember all that has happened and is going on and whilst also trying to decipher who is playing who.

A 'twist' which delivers when her sinister boss is exposed as she attempts to win back her life.

There are of course some unrealistic situations but these can be overlooked to enjoy a great debut.

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The basic premise of this story is intriguing - you are working under cover for a mysterious employer and have assumed a new identity, everything appears to be going well with the assignment, and then the unthinkable happens - you bump into your doppelgänger at a party, and not only does she look like you, she goes by your name and comes from the same town. This is a classic mystery of who is messing with who’s head and develops into a pacy cat and mouse narrative with the heroine - and the reader - not knowing who to trust or who to suspect. Meticulously plotted, even if the characters appear somewhat bland.

With thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review an advance copy.

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I’d like to thank Headline and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘First Lie Wins’ written by Ashley Elston in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Evie Porter works for Mr Smith that requires changing her appearance and identity to become different people. Evie’s latest job is to meet Ryan Sumner and successfully infiltrate herself into his life, and when he takes her to a party she meets his old friend James who introduces them to his partner Lucca Marino. But everything the woman tells Evie about herself is false, and Evie should know as Lucca Marino is her own real identity. As Mr Smith appears to be playing games with Evie she has to keep one step ahead of him to avoid being dragged into deep trouble.

‘First Lie Wins’ is an excellent debut adult thriller written by this talented author who’s produced an ingenious novel that’s vastly different to those I’d normally expect to read in the thriller genre. From page one the story has been fraught with so many twists and turns that I was unsure how it would end and it became more unsettling and spine-chilling the further I got into the story. As well as copious amounts of suspense and intrigue, there’s been twists and turns that kept me turning pages plus a vast number of red herrings thrown in to confuse. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this amazing thriller that’s had all the requirements needed to be a first-class read and I can wholeheartedly recommend it.

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Oh my goodness, this book is such a page turner! It follows Evie who is hired to pretend to be someone in order to infiltrate a person's life and find information about them for her boss - the enigmatic Mr Smith. It opens with her being in a relationship with Ryan and the novel goes from there. We learn how she got into this line of work and the previous jobs she's done. This book is full on cat and mouse and you're never quite sure if you can trust Evie, or the people around her. The tension in this novel just builds and builds and from the halfway point I just couldn't put it down as I was so tense and I just had to know how it was all going to end. I really enjoyed this book and I definitely recommend it!

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3.5 stars

I do love a twisty thriller to curl up with in the Winter and this cat and mouse tale has more twists and turns than a mountain road.

The main character, Evie (that’s not her real name) is a con and a bloody good one. Her boss, the mysterious Mr Smith, sends her a new identity for each job, information about the mark and her task. Except this time, she’s falling for the mark and then somebody turns up who looks just like her and is using her real name….

I enjoyed reading the story play through; it was clever, sassy and the style was reminiscent of Colleen Hoover. There were a few plot holes and places where believability was stretched, but it added to the overall fun and entertainment.

The ending is very clever; it played though in my head like an Ocean’s 11 montage where the truth gets revealed.

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First Lie Wins was a really interesting read, I haven't read anything like it before. I did enjoy it but found it to be a little drawn out in places. It had plenty of twists and turns and a fantastic ending.

Thank you to NetGalley and Headline for my ARC.

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This book consumed a whole 24 hrs of my life. I started this Monday night and read up to 30% before I made myself go to bed, but as soon as I woke up Tuesday morning I continued on reading until I finished the whole book!
I don't read too many thrillers but I haven't been this hooked on a book since The Housemaid by Freida McFadden!
There were a few twists and turns I just didn't see coming and just as I thought I knew what was going on? Nope — wrong! Guess again!
As well as Evie Porter's story, we get some background on how she got to where she is in the present story. Normally I'm not a fan of stories within stories but I really enjoyed this one, and almost felt like I was getting two books for one.

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I have just finished this book and enjoyed it with lots of twists along the way.. I did feel it got a bit lost and slow in the middle but at about 75% through really picked up with more twists to keep you on your toes.

I would definitely read another book by Ashley Elston.

Thank you to NetGalley and Headline for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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This story weaves a captivating and unsettling narrative, drawing readers into its twisted depths with a subtle touch. The artful restraint in details adds to its allure, leaving room for imagination to fill the chilling gaps. Less becomes more as the narrative unfolds, leaving a lingering sense of unease that resonates long after the last page is turned.

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Grifter Evie is on another job for the elusive Mr Smith and has inveigled herself into businessman Ryan's life and home, in order to find some dirt on him. The problem is she has also fallen in love with him. Can she deliver to Mr Smith? And is Mr Smith, in turn, double-crossing her?
I loved the premise of this book, and thought Evie was a great character - she has a heart and her own moral code, and her reasons for doing what she does. But as the story goes on, the plot thickens so much with twists and turns, that I foud it hard to keep up with what was actually going on, who was villain and who was good guy, and who was double-crossing who, when and why.
Otherwise, a well-written book with fast-paced narrative, humour and plenty tension.
But I felt the plot could have been less bamboozling.
Real fans of thriler fiction may enjoy this, but in the end it wasn't for me.

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Lucca is a grifter, someone who sets up cons to retrieve inormation, items, or set someone up. Whilst on a job finding information about a business that her boss wants to takeover, a person comes to town who has her real name looks like,e her a d knows her origins. Why?
If you like unusual twisty cat and mouse thrillers, you love this. Fans of TV show Hustle will love this too. Edge of your seat stuff.

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I absolutely loved this book!

This book totally delivered beyond my expectations. I loved the story of 'evie' and how she built her life on deceit and tricks. Whilst her career often veers to illegal, I appreciated that 'evie' is a survivor.

I enjoyed the idea that her 'partner' also led a secret life and that their relationship turns into a game of cat and mouse in terms of showing their cards of who they each really are, while acknowledging that there are really feelings for one another.

I'd definitely read more from this author!

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We meet Evie Porter as she settles into life in a new town, with a new boyfriend… and a new name. As we slowly learn more about Evie and her backstory, her present status becomes increasingly precarious and she finds she must go to extraordinary lengths to protect what she holds most dear.

It is hard to say more without giving anything away, so I will simply say that I loved the twists and turns of this novel. It was fun and clever and the characters were all intriguing. It kept me guessing throughout, and I would absolutely read more by this author.

My thanks to the author, NetGalley, and the publisher for the arc to review.

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A refreshingly original concept and lots of social media hype gave me high expectations for this book, which started out strong and grabbed my attention.

After that though, it did drag; the writing felt a bit flat and lacked emotion and richness. I didn't find the characters to be likeable, with the exception of Devon, who was awesome!

I'm more than happy to suspend disbelief to an extent, but I wasn't at all convinced that a young woman from a poor trailer park would be able to turn herself into a criminal mastermind, just like that, outwitting other, more experienced criminals, in order to reach the "target" given to her by the mysterious Mr Smith. And speaking of Mr Smith, what was his motivation? I can only presume money?

At around 75%, the pace picked up again and a few more twists saved the day!

I understand this is the first adult book from this author and it definitely has potential, but I feel that a strong edit could lift this book from ok to mind-blowing!

3 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, Ashley Elston and Headline for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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