Member Reviews

You meet a stranger at a party.
She looks like you.
She has your name.
She's here to take something you have.
 So how far will you go to protect it?
Evie Porter has everything a girl could want: a doting boyfriend, a house with a picket fence, a fun group of friends.
The only catch: Evie Porter doesn't exist.
Something thrilling this way comes…

The E-Book could be improved and more user-friendly, such as links to the chapters, no significant gaps between words and a cover for the book would be better. It is very document-like instead of a book. A star has been deducted because of this.

This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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I read this book quite fast, before I could forget who each character was. It's hard to review as it's the type where anything I say could lead to spoilers! I will say that Evie 's past actions in her life will come in useful. The life she leads and the type of person she appears to be don't seem compatible, but she finds a way to complete each job while helping too. I enjoyed this book and I hope I haven't given too much away!

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This book was so good! It was intriguing and really drawed me in. I'll be reading more of this authors work.

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I absolutely LOVED this book.

It is incredibly gripping and had me on the edge of my seat and I couldn't put it down. Packed full of twists. It is definitely a must read.

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Many thanks to Net Galley and Headines Publishing for an ARC of this book in exchange for a review.
This is an addictive twisty, fun and very entertaining read.
Evie has moved in with her boyfriend Ryan, his friends, especially the female ones are rather dubious of her, she needs to work on fitting in to his circle. Everything is perfect, what could possibly go wrong!
The question is, does Evie Porter exist, she has had so many identities for her job with the mysterious Mr Smith, and who actually is Mr Smith? Ryan doesn’t feel like a job though, she likes him but he also seems to be keeping secrets from her.
Lies lies and more lies, the plot thickens but slowly the pieces start to join together, as Evie tries to stay one step ahead of the game.
An entertaining read.

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Tightly plotted thriller with a drip feed that keeps you guessing. Entertaining from the get go, but really ramps up as the story progresses. This is a complete book, but I hope the author finds time to have more fun with these entertaining characters. (There are suggestions of a film, read the book and you will see why, and you may find yourself along side me waiting at the cinema door. Bags first seat!) Thank you to Headline and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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I quite enjoyed this, it was different from simialr style books and the plot reflected the author's unique ideas. The characterisation was also reslly good- excellent writing and a compelling storyline :)
thank you to netgalley for the e-arc!

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First Lie Wins held me in its grip almost from the first page. It is a quick read with an original plot and plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. I will be on the look out for more books by Ashley Elston.
With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Gripping and kept me on the edge of my nerves. Really great read. The consequences of living on the run and being drawn into an intriguing life where it turns out you really don’t know who to trust. The ending and finding out who Mr Smith was had me completely speechless, most unexpected.

The descriptions were clear and really felt you were there with the characters.

A real page turner, I read it in two days and was totally engrossed each time I thought I had worked it out there was another surprise.

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Ooh!! Loved this!!! Was better than I expected and I did expect it would be good.
Don't want to give anything away, it was so good and had plenty of twists and turns keeping me guessing. Who is Mr Smith? Who is Evie Porter? We find out about Evie as the story progresses, Mr Smith though....he was a surprise.
Thanks to netgally for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was far more complex than I expected it to be from the description. It was very clever and was more than just a thriller, there were spy elements in it, and a lot going on. I enjoyed reading it, I had to keep my wits about me to keep up with the story, but it was worth it. Great read refreshing and a bit different.

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I enjoyed this - I thought it was different from the usual and the plot reflected the author's unique ideas. The characterisation was also great - skilled writing and a great storyline. Thank you for the opportunity.

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This is an extremely engrossing read, filled with twists and totally addictive! very clever writing and plotting from this author, a fun read too! One which I highly recommend and an easy 5*. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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This twisty-turny cat-and-mouse thriller totally drew me in. The world of subterfuge and secret identities that Evie Porter lives in is cleverly woven. Each direction the plot takes, and each new revelation, is satisfying and nicely unpredictable. I don’t do well with stories that have too many characters, hidden identities, or overly complex plots - and this book managed to hit a perfect balance: intriguing puzzles, a good cast of characters, and an imaginative storyline, but without losing the reader in complexity.

The story kept me turning the pages as each plot point unfolded. The main character, Evie Porter, and he small group of friends and confidantes are very likeable despite the shady business they’re involved in, and I really wanted good outcomes for all of them.

I found the drawing together of the loose ends towards the end of the book immensely satisfying - any details that would have spoiled the plot earlier in the book were so subtly written that I didn’t spot many of them until their importance became obvious as the plot was revealed.

Highly recommended. I’m also very glad to see that there’s a TV adaptation in the works!

Thank you #NetGalley and Headline for the free review copy of #FirstLieWins in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This book pulled me in with its premise from the start. Evie Porter is a con artist, she’s been sent on a job to do something unspecified with/to a handsome rich man, Ryan. Evie (not her real name) is on a warning from bosses after a disaster in her last job, so needs to get this right.
What a ride! This is a twisty, devious plot with a killer twist quite early on. Both Evie and Ryan are really likeable, despite being a bit dodgy and so you find yourself really rooting for Evie, especially as it starts to become clear that this may very well be her last job.
I enjoyed this immensely. Is it the best writing ever? No. But it’s such a joyous romp,which I read late into the night. I could only ever give it five stars for pure entertainment value. I hope this is a great success.
Thanks to Net Galley for the ARC.

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This is intense and makes you read on to find out what is going to happen. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book.

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The name of the book comes from something that Evie says a couple of times about an old saying:
“It’s not referring to the little white kind that tumble out with no thought; it refers to the big one. The one that changes the game. The one that is deliberate. The lie that sets the stage for everything that comes after it. And once the lie is told, it’s what most people believe to be true. The first lie has to be the strongest. The most important. The one that has to be told”.
And Evie should know, because she is a professional liar!

She is a fixer, working for the elusive Mr Smith. With a background in grifting, she takes on an identity, getting close to the mark to get information or to manipulate a situation to put Mr Smith ahead in the game. But who will his next victim be? And what are the stakes?

I really enjoyed the book. I liked Evie and was rooting for her and especially Devon - I’ve always had a soft spot for a geek. Mr Smith was a despicable bad guy, keeping the team in darkness and chaos so that he could stay on top. I didn’t anticipate his real identity.

I’d definitely recommend and read more of Ashley Elston’s books. I see that it's set to become a TV series, I'll definitely look out for that!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Really enjoyed reading 'First Lie Wins' Engaging, accessible writing...and a storyline that kept you hooked in right to the end. A psychological thriller with an excellent twist towards the end. Many thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to read this ACR in return for an honest appraisal.

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A fantastic book, really well written. Really enjoyed it. Thank you netgalley and the author for allowing me to read the book.

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Evie Porter has everything a nice Southern girl could want: a perfect doting boyfriend, a house with a white picket fence and a garden, a fancy group of friends. The only catch: Evie Porter doesn't exist. The identity comes to Evie Porter. Once she's given a name and location by her mysterious boss, Mr. Smith, she learns everything there is to know about the town and the people in it. Then the target, Ryan Summer. The last piece of the puzzle is the job. Evie isn't privy to Mr. Smith's real identity, but she knows the job will be different. Ryan has gotten under her skin, and she's starting to envision a different sort of life for herself. But Evie can't make any mistakes - especially after what happened last time.

This is an addictive and twisted read. The plot line has been well-thought-out, and it's quite unique. The characters are well-developed and intriguing. I liked how the plot unfolded. There were some surprise revelations along the way. If I were you, I wouldn't read the premise, it gives too much away. I think your better off going in completely bling.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #Headline and the author #AshleyElston for my ARC of #FirstLieWins in exchange for an honest review.

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