Member Reviews

Wow! What an amazing book!!
Would love to read more from the author.
Thankyou netgalley for the Arc!

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I loved this book. The narrator is really engaging and tells her story well. It has a super sense of place, the dialogue is convincing and the characters believable despite the implausibility of the plot. There are enough twists and turns to keep you guessing and the ending is definitely a twist I didn't expect.
Thanks to Netgalley and the talented author for the opportunity to read this book. I hope there are more.

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Loved loved loved it! I couldn’t put it down and every chapter kept me wanting more!
A really good and well written read from this author. I would love to read more if it’s written as well as this one!

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I love it when a book takes you by surprise - and I loved this. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop - it was so unique and so addictive. The plot is so clever and well thought out. It does get slightly complex towards the end but in the best possible way. There's a reason for everything and ultimately everything makes sense. I loved how the plot unfolded, never guessed or even suspected Mr Smith's identity and the ending was everything I wanted. I also loved main character Evie - smart, warm and badass. Apparently this is the author's first foray into adult fiction from YA but hopefully not her last as one of the most unpredictable, fast-paced, entertaining thrillers I've read all year. I can not recommend it enough.

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Thanks to Netgalley for this book and I have to admit I requested it with no idea what it was about. I was intrigued by the title. I was pleasantly surprised to find a unique and twisty story which held my attention throughout.
Clever too! Albeit far too complicated at times for my frazzled brain so I did get a bit lost. But I enjoyed reading the various aliases and how everything came together at the end. Great writing that kept me gripped. Apparently this author usually writes YA and this is her first adult fiction novel. Bravo!

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I really enjoyed this book, a thriller which kept be gripped and became increasingly fast-paced as it neared the end. The main protagonist is, we know, a young woman - known as Evie Porter, but that is in fact her pseudonymn. Evie's role, to insert herself into other peoples' lives and find out information about them/set them up in some way, as required by her boss, Mr Smith. But who is Mr Smith? Why does he want Evie to dig into Ryan's life - and where does Ryan actually fit into this? There were moments when this book really gave me the goosebumps, having invested myself in getting into Evie's head I had that strange feeling of fearing someone was watching , trying to set you up ... a disturbing feeling but one that to me signals a compelling read. Many thanks to Netgalley for giving me a chance to read this ARC

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A brilliant story where you start questioning everything and everyone. This is gripping from start to finish and keeps you wanting more.

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This is such a well thought out thriller, there’s so much going on that you don’t even always realise until further on in the book. I loved how twisty it was and the flashbacks were awesome in explaining how things had got to where they were. It’s fast paced and brilliant.

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I really enjoyed this unique and captivating thriller. Evie Porter loses her mother when she’s very young, resulting in a desire to have a better life. Now living in a beautiful house, with the boyfriend of her dreams, Evie is the only one who knows this new life is a lie. If grifting is the way to go, then so be it. With many false identities, even Evie Porter is not her real name. You can’t help yearning for Lucca Marino, whose skills as a thief bring her to the attention of someone who wanted to exploit her.

Evie finds herself working for the mysterious Mr Smith. No questions, no answers. She simply has to complete the task of inserting herself into the lives of those for which Mr Smith needs information. The pay is excellent. But never having the full information on why she must complete these missions, brings her to one conclusion. Investigate her boss.

Her new assignment is a hard one. She finds herself going deeper and deeper into a relationship with Ryan Summer and this doesn’t bode well with Evie or Ryan’s friends. But worse, it’s clear he’s keeping secrets of his own. But when she comes face-to-face with someone posing as the woman she used to be, living her old life in the same town, the same schools, Evie’s whole world comes to a grinding half. Who is this woman? Why does she have Evie’s real name?

The plot involves so many twists and turns, and expertly weaves past and present together. I constantly questioned who the perpetrators were and who the victims were. The pacing is spot on and you can’t help but root for Evie all the way to the satisfying conclusion.

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I loved this book! The characters, and the plot was really surprising
As the book progresses there are various surprises and the ending is perfect.
I cant wait for the next book.

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Evie works for the mysterious “Mr Smith”, taking on new aliases in different towns, completing shady tasks in this gripping psychological thriller. When the tables turn and she starts to fear for her life, is she able to get the upper hand and complete the job?

This is the first book I’ve completed in a day for months. I could not put it down!!! The twists and turns are absolutely UNREAL. Every time I thought I had it figured out, I didn’t! The plot was incredibly clever, the characters were well developed and I loved the flashbacks to her previous jobs.
Evie was a great lead character and I loved her relationship with Devon. Utterly superb.

“I am a ghost passing through my own life. The only one who cares about me is me. The only one who is going to make sure I survive is me. I am on my own”

Massive thank you to NetGalley and Headline for my advanced copy.

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Evie Porter is working undercover for Mr Smyth obtaining for him, illegally, anything that might threaten him or his clients usually important information or documents.

Evie’s current job is to get as much information as she can about Ryan Sumner, her current boyfriend, and his business dealings. Evie is given a new job every few months but hopes one day to lead a straight life.

That is until she meets Ryan’s friend James and his new partner Lucca. Evie is shocked as that is her real name and this woman has stolen her identity. She knows Mr Smith has sent Lucca here to test her and that there will never be a day where she can just walk away into a normal life. Unless she is clever and plays the game right.

This was an enjoyable game of cat and mouse with a few cliff-hanging twists thrown in. I felt everyone was hiding secrets and didn’t know who was trustworthy. I love a good mystery and this didn’t disappoint. I was sure I knew where this was going only for the story to take a completely different turn.

It was a clever narrative of how the story was told through Evie’s different aliases and the various jobs she undertook that brought her to the present day. Overall an intriguing tale that kept me engrossed all the way through.

Thanks so much to @netgalley for a digital copy of this book.

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A fantastic read, a very well-written and very clever book, Filled with twists and turns, red herrings and surprises. The plot os tight and sharp and the characters are well-drawn and complex. Highly recommend.

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I really enjoyed reading this book. It was a great read. Thank you to the writer, publisher and NetGalley for letting me review this book

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Wow what an incredible read! I’ve never read a book like it. Evie Porter her current alias works for the unidentifiable Mr Smith. Becoming a spy in her targets lives to gain information or artifacts for him. She is very good at her job probably the best until she comes upon her next target Ryan Sumner where all of her past and work for Mr Smith comes to a head. Such a thrilling read with so many layers to uncover. I absolutely loved Evie or Lucca’s character smart, sexy and always one step ahead. I enjoyed reading about her different ailiases and her past and, her friendship with Devon. I was pleased with the ending and thought the story was tied up nicely.

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A well written and extremely clever book, and, just when I thought I was ahead of the game the author managed to wrongfoot me! My only negative comment would be that it was maybe a little too clever and possibly one less alias would have made the plotting even tighter.
Thank you to netgalley and headline books for an advance copy of this book
4.5 rounded to 5

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What a cracking little twisty novel this is!

Evie Porter has it all: good job, nice respectable boyfriend and the picket fenced house she has always dreamed of. Except all of this is a lie. Evie Porter doesn't exist - it is just the latest in a series of identities that the lead character has been assigned by her boss. You see, Evie works for a shadowy character called Mr Smith who communicates with her via a series of burner phones, drop boxes and a UPS delivery guy who drops off and collects envelopes of instructions and evidence.

'Evie' has completed a series of jobs for Mr Smith and has done well, even recruiting her own little support team to help her get the information that she has been asked for. Except for her last job. 'Evie' failed at her last job and Mr Smith is unhappy - so unhappy he has warned her against messing up this job, and just to unsettle her, has sent a woman who looks like her and even has her real name and backstory. 'Evie' is now very worried and struggling to work out who to turn to and just what exactly it is that Mr Smith wants.

This is kind of a novel of multiple strands. We see the past jobs and identities that 'Evie' has been assigned and completed so that we get a good picture of her character and motivation. We see the life she has now with the boyfriend she is snooping on and we try and work out who she actually works for.

This is fairly fast paced, very twisty - once you think you have something pinned down, you soon discover that you don't - and throws in more than one red herring for good measure.

Breathless, exciting and kept me reading into the small hours.

With thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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One of those books which grips you from the first chapter and refuses to let go. I loved this protagonist – a woman who is absolutely not who she says she is, and takes us along for the ride. And what an ending - I was actually punching the air. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I couldn't get into this one I'm afraid - judging by the reviews, I'm definitely in the minority but I wasn't gripped by the story.

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Evie Porter has everything you could possibly want in life. But ‘Evie Porter’ doesn’t exist. ‘Evie’ moves from job to job - her employer ‘Mr Smith’, throwing her into tense and dangerous situations.
A real twisty mystery! It truly keeps you on your toes guessing the whole way through. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.
With thanks to NetGallery and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC.

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