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Just a couple of girls. That's all they are. Dealing with a horrible experience-the death of a classmate. Which is something at least one of them knows all too well. Only if Your Lucky has so far been my favorite book by Stacy Willingham so far.

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*Thank you to @Minotaur_Books for providing an advanced copy of this book for review consideration via @netgalley. All opinions below are my own.*

Stacy Willingham has been one of my favorite authors since her 2022 debut, A Flicker in the Dark. So, when I saw Only If You’re Lucky available to request on NetGalley, I submitted a request and crossed my fingers. I feel so lucky (pun slightly intended) to have had the chance to read this before its release. And, to put it simply, it did not disappoint.

Only If You’re Lucky is a psychological thriller about a group of four girls who meet at college and, despite their differences, become best friends who would do anything for each other. For Margot, college is a chance to start fresh after the death of her best friend, and being asked to live in a house with the magnetic Lucy Sharpe is an offer she can’t refuse. But when a fraternity boy living next door is murdered and Lucy goes missing, Margot might not be feeling so lucky anymore.

I know it’s only January, but I can safely say this book will make it onto my top reads of 2024 list. As usual, Stacy Willingham combines her gorgeous writing with brilliant plotting and pacing, leaving just enough clues to make you think you know what’s going on before a twist pops up to leave you reconsidering everything. To say I was invested in this story and unable to put the book down is an understatement. If you’re looking for a thriller that is sure to keep you guessing (and, if you’re like me, make your jaw drop), I highly recommend Only If You’re Lucky.

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This was my first Stacy Willingham book and it certainly isn't my last! When I first heard about this book, I was immediately drawn to the thriller set on a college campus. College is such an interesting time where you really are just at the mercy of those around you. Colleges are more dangerous than I think we really talk about. In my time at university myself, we had 8 deaths including a double murder-suicide and 2 suspicious deaths. Colleges often don't have cameras on campus either - I know mine didn't. While I like reading these types of dark academia books now, I also was lucky enough to make it out safely. I can acknowledge that dark things happen on college campuses. I think that is part of the reason that I enjoyed this book so much, because the thrill of dark academia for me is that the events could plausibly happen. I can honestly say that I did not see the twist of this book coming! I love that in a thriller. My only disappointment was the length. I think some parts could have been cut down to make this a little shorter. I had A Flicker in the Dark on my shelf so I immediately started that when I finished this book - I never read 2 of an author's books in a row!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for my advanced copy of this book.

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I was provided an advanced copy of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Stacy Willingham's "Only If You're Lucky" takes readers on a thrilling journey into the intricate world of academic intrigue, drawing subtle parallels to Donna Tartt's masterpiece, "The Secret History." Willingham weaves a captivating tale that combines mystery, suspense, and a rich exploration of the complexities within tight-knit academic circles.

The novel follows a group of college friends whose lives take a dark turn when a series of mysterious events unfolds. From the outset, Willingham skillfully builds an atmosphere of foreboding, reminiscent of Tartt's ability to immerse readers in an enigmatic and unsettling narrative.

The strength of "Only If You're Lucky" lies in its well-drawn characters, each harboring secrets and insecurities that add layers to the unfolding drama. The dynamics within the group are intricately explored, creating a sense of tension and unease that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

The narrative structure, alternating between past and present, enhances the suspense, gradually revealing the layers of the characters' relationships and the events that shape their futures. Willingham's prose is both evocative and precise, capturing the essence of academia's intellectual fervor and the darker undercurrents that lie beneath the surface.

The nod to Donna Tartt's "The Secret History" is unmistakable, and fans of Tartt's work will likely appreciate the homage paid by Willingham. While "Only If You're Lucky" stands on its own as a compelling and original story, the echoes of Tartt's influence add an extra layer of enjoyment for those familiar with the classic novel. Stacy Willingham's "Only If You're Lucky" is a must-read for fans of academic mysteries and those who appreciate the subtle complexities of interpersonal relationships. Willingham delivers a gripping narrative that captivates from beginning to end, showcasing her talent for crafting a tale of suspense and intellectual intrigue.

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Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the E-ARC. I was really excited for this book because I saw everyone was reading it on Booksta . But unfortunately this book did not do it for me not in that way. There were certain I like that it went back and forth but there were 2 past and were not labeled and sometimes it was kind of like which part am I at. The last 90 percent of the book was on point not even gonna lie but that was not enough to change my mind on this. Ive read 2 other books by this author and will continue to read more.

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This was a slower paced mystery that I found to be a bit hard to read to the end..
There are a lot of characters which were hard to keep up with. The timeline switching seemed to be the issue for me.
The ending did come as a surprise to me.
Overall, a ok read.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Only if You're Lucky is a slow burn mystery thriller read that follows shy Margot as she's swept under popular girl Lucy's wings.

I enjoyed the story; it was entertaining and it had some great twists. It just didn't seem very original or unique - I feel like I've read or seen a show/movie very similar to it. It just felt lackluster. Although it wasn’t my cup of tea, I know many people that will enjoy it!

Thank you, Minotaur, and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for a review.

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I read this in one day! A great binge. Loved the twists! I was completely hooked into this story - the girls - the boys - the house. Loved every second. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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I hated all of the females in this book. I did not trust them and I honestly wanted to throw something at them. Probably because of their age, but maybe their personalities too? However, for maybe the first time ever, my dislike of the majority of the characters actually drew me into this book. I could not put it down. I wanted to know which of my feelings were valid and which ones the author tricked me into. I found that the switching back and forth between timelines was done incredibly well - and instead of leaving me confused, left me wanting more. The ending was mostly surprising, although not 100% believable, in my opinion. Overall, a very well done and enjoyable Psychological thriller. I was sucked into the book from the start and was disappointed when it ended.
Thank you netgalley for my advanced reader copy.

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Fantastic. Stacy did amazing with this one. It kept me intrigued and wanting more. The twists were *chefs kiss*. Multiple pov that was done right with a slow burn that kept you hanging on.

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This novel masterfully weaves a tale of psychological complexity, delving into the murky depths of human nature and the struggle between darkness and light. It presents an enthralling mix of suspense and dark academia. Central to this narrative are female characters, each cloaked in mystery and holding secrets close to their chests.

The protagonist, Margot, is caught in the throes of grief following her best friend Eliza's untimely death. Determined to honor their shared dream, Margot enrolls in the liberal arts college in South Carolina that Eliza had chosen, setting off on a path fraught with emotional turmoil. In the midst of her struggle, she encounters Lucy, a transfer student shrouded in rumors and mystery. Margot, along with the sarcastic Sloane and the gentle Nicole, is drawn into a new, unexpected dynamic when Lucy offers her a chance at reinvention.

As the story unfolds, the narrative shifts between past and present, revealing hidden connections and secrets. The enigma surrounding Levi, Eliza's boyfriend and the last person to see her alive, adds another layer of suspense. The plot thickens when Lucy's and Levi's fates become intertwined, leaving readers questioning their roles in the unfolding drama.

The book's pacing is deliberately slow, yet this heightens the suspense, keeping readers hooked with short, impactful chapters. While some plot twists might stretch credulity, they are mostly cleverly conceived and well-executed, contributing to a narrative rich in shock and surprise. The atmosphere is consistently eerie, underpinning a story that, despite some less likable characters, is compelling due the wonderful writing!

Thanks to the publisher for the eARC!

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📖 Only If You’re Willing
🖊️ Stacy Willingham


Another great thriller/mystery by Stacy Willingham!

The last 25-30% of this book was so good, and so compelling. I will say this one took longer to grab my attention, and it might have gotten a lower rating from me if it weren’t for the end and how it all came together. I have loved Stacy’s other books, so I knew it’d be great overall, and I wasn’t disappointed.

College students
Frat parties
Multiple mysterious deaths
Plot twists galore

I was shocked the last quarter of the book & I’m always amazed at how Stacy can pull these stories together and literally have my jaw on the floor with her twists.

Thank you @netgalley and @minotaur_books for the advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review. As always, Stacy crushed it and I can’t wait to read her next book!

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Only if You’re Lucky is a compelling and suspenseful psychological thriller with all the twists! The story revolves around a group of friends who meet their freshman year of college. The four girls quickly become best friends and move in to an old house off campus that they rent from the fraternity that owns the house. As the girls get to know each other it becomes clear that one of them is lying about who she really is. As you get to know the girls better, it becomes clear that they all have secrets to hide.

This book explores the complexities of female friendship and has elements of a coming of age story. The plot has a nonlinear timeline and is a bit of a slow burn. The story reminded me of a Megan Miranda thriller. This is Willingham’s third novel. I have loved all three!

I switched between the audio and ebook. The audiobook is narrated by Karissa Vacker. I always love her narrations so I would recommend both!

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Margot is a shy first-year student at her South Carolina university when she meets bold and magnetic Lucy Sharpe. When they become roommates for the summer, Margot breaks out of her shell, but when Lucy ends up missing and one of their friends is murdered, Margot begins to realize Lucy wasn’t who she said she was and there is so much more behind why Lucy befriended her.

Stacy Willingham writes amazing psychological thrillers so I was really excited to read Only If You’re Lucky. I love dark academia thrillers, and I really enjoyed this story of four college roommates, dark secrets, and a summer that will change all of their lives.

Margot, Lucy, and their friends were the girls we all loved to hate growing up. Their characters weren’t likable, but I was completely drawn into the sorority house feel this book gave me. While reading I had total Mean Girls meets Heathers vibes, and I was here for it! With that said, this book read a bit more YA than Willingham’s previous novels. As a big fan of YA thrillers, I was okay with that, but I can see others not enjoying it as much.

I loved the campus setting and the unreliable narrator worked so well for this story. The book is told in multiple timelines which was perfect. I enjoyed the past and figuring out what happened to Margot’s best friend, then the months leading up to Lucy’s disappearance, and finally the police investigation in the present. All of the timelines worked well and came together perfectly in the end.

The middle of the book dragged a bit, but I never lost focus and loved every single twist thrown in. I was surprised with the ending, and I’m not sure I would have ended it the way Willingham did, but overall I really enjoyed this book.

Thank you Minotaur Book for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to the publisher for the gifted e-copy.

Only if You're Lucky is different from this author's previous two books, in that I wasn't quite hooked right away. We know that Margot is starting college after the death of her best friend Eliza a few months prior. She spends her freshman year holed up with her roommate, but then meets Lucy and everything changes. They move into a house next to a fraternity house and party a lot with the guys.

We also know someone died, and Lucy is missing.

The chapters bounce between present day, with the detective questioning Margot and her roommates to try to find out where Lucy is, the time leading up to Eliza's death, and the time leading up to this new death.

There are some pretty big twists at the end, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about them. I didn't necessarily see them coming (which is always good) but then I feel like it wrapped up pretty quickly.

This book was a fun binge read, and the perfect book to read during this stupid polar vortex.

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3.5 and worth rounding up to 4! Not my favorite of her novels, but entertaining and enjoyable with some unexpected twists at the end that I was unable to predict ahead of time!

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The twists and turns in this one gave me the best kind of whiplash. Lost track of all of the times I gasped out loud! I loved Willingham’s first two books, and enjoyed this one as well. The audiobook is narrated by one of my favorite narrators, @karissavacker .
Margot has always been a bit of a wallflower, content to let a best friend shine, with hopes of being swept up in her glow. When magnetic Lucy Sharpe notices Margot and asks her to move in with her and two friends at the end of their freshman year of college, Margot jumps at the chance. Lucy is the sun that everyone seems to revolve around. She reminds Margot of her best friend from high school, who died tragically. A trauma that Margot has worked hard to leave in the past. But when one of the fraternity guys in their friend group is brutally murdered at a party, Margot’s traumatic past begins to catch up to her. How well does she truly know these guys and girls? And will the murderer be caught before striking again?
Part psychological thriller, part dark academia, Willingham grabs your attention and doesn’t let go. I couldn’t read it fast enough! I loved her exploration of female friendships. Vacker blew me away again with another stunning narration. Thank you @minotaur_books for the ARCs!
Only if You’re Lucky- Stacy Willingham
Pub Date: 🎉Today!🎉
“I don’t like the way he says that—Girls—like we’re children being scolded. Some words should be ours to own, at-times-vicious yet tender terms of endearment we toss around like glitter that suddenly taste sour in the mouths of men.”

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Margot leaves for college in the wake of losing her best friend, and before long finds herself entangled in the enigmatic Lucy’s world. Lucy invites Margo to live next to a fraternity, whose pledges include Margot’s deceased best friend’s boyfriend, Levi. Only if You’re Lucky hinges on a murder, and is told in before and after timelines. Who is responsible? And would you murder someone if you knew you’d get away with it? Would you lie for your friends if it was them?

3.5 stars. This twisty campus novel kept me guessing, and I really enjoyed the exploration of friendship, jealousy, and secrets. The characters felt a little thin at times- especially the roommates Nicole and Sloane. With such big twists, it would have helped to have stronger connections to their motives.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC for review!

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Another fantastic book/story by Stacy Willingham. Great characters. Great story flow. Definitely recommend!!

Thank you #netgalley and #minotaur books for the eARC.

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️
Read How: 🎧
Narrator: Karissa Vacker
Setting: South Carolina

Even though I didn't finish this book however I read enough to have an opinion.
Majority of this book nothing NOTHING was happening other than partying, playing games, and drinking. Margot was a terrible friend which honestly didn't affect how I feel about this book because I like terrible main characters. I just wish everything wasn't drawn out so much.
I also think the transition between the timelines didn't happen smoothly.
I did listen to the audiobook and I didn't mind the narrator.

Thank you, NetGalley, St Martins Press, and Macmillan Audio for a copy of this book/audiobook in exchange for an honest review

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