Member Reviews

Gratitude to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an unbiased review! This gripping psychological thriller took me on an exhilarating journey. With dual timelines seamlessly weaving between events before and after a heinous crime, I found myself on the edge of my seat, eagerly anticipating the unfolding of events and uncovering the identity of the killer.

Margot, a college freshman yearning to belong, grapples with the void left by the tragic loss of her childhood best friend after their senior high school year. Feeling adrift and friendless, her life takes an unexpected turn when Lucy, the charismatic and enigmatic leader of a trio including Sloane and Nicole, invites her to join their circle. The prospect of moving into a house next to a fraternity near campus seems like a dream come true for Margot, but could it be the inception of a harrowing nightmare?

For enthusiasts of mind-bending narratives, this book is a true psychological thriller that impeccably delivers. Dive into the intricacies of the plot and treat yourself to a riveting read that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Don't miss out—grab a copy now!

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First, thank you to the publishers at Minotaur and Netgalley for providing a digital ARC in exchange for a review. All thoughts are my own.

Oh WOW okay, let’s buckle up here because ohKAY. I see you, Stacy Willingham. I think my favorite part might have been her little story in the acknowledgements (not knocking the book, but I really liked that tidbit of the inspiration of this book and how something like that could lead to THIS… very interesting how your brain works). I would describe this book as Pretty Little Liars meets In My Dreams I Hold a Knife. It was a fun college setting with secrets looming over a group of friends. This is told in alternating timelines, with a “before” and “after” and the “after” scenes did not give away much. Those couple of pages in between the chapters of before were so tantalizing because I was trying so hard to read between the lines and it gave away nothing but kept me turning the pages.

As with her two previous books, I really enjoyed this author’s writing and she has cemented herself as an auto-read for me. If I see she’s publishing something (hopefully on this annual pace! Is that too much to ask?), then I will pick it up. Her range is great too – from creepy swamp to preppy college to scared mother, so I appreciate that it’s a totally new story each time with new twists. This book had strong characters, even if they were unlikeable, and I liked the way things weaved back together, especially since it was told in the back-and-forth manner. The toxic friendships were written so realistically that I FELT them… I’ve been a Margot to an Eliza a time or two and definitely related to the fear of them getting popular and pulling away – just thankfully not to this extreme ha.

I give this a 4/5 stars. What kept it from being a 5 star: the pace. It didn’t really start to ramp up until about the 75% mark. I wish there had been a few more heart-pounding moments scattered throughout the beginning of the book because the beginning was very just college and conversation-oriented, Margot just kind of drifting through life and not being an interesting enough character on her own to be a great storyteller. I also predicted one of the twists at the 50% mark.

**spoiler starts here
About 45-50% in, I made the prediction that Margot was actually the one who killed Eliza out of jealousy and she either blacked out and didn’t remember it or she truly warped her brain to remember it as Levi pushing her instead. I like that she didn’t exactly push her but she didn’t lunge to stop it either.

I did not see the twist of Lucy’s true identity coming out or that she was actually dead the whole time. I could not for the life of me figure out why she was toying with Levi. I thought she was trying to bait Margot into murdering him out of jealousy but I couldn’t figure out why she would want that unless it would end in a “now you belong to me” kind of way. That was my strongest guess, especially when they were in the shed confessing and she truthfully said she didn’t kill Levi. When she was stabbed, my instant thought was Sloane and Nicole and I love that it was Sloane who did it. The line about them all being bound by blood “one an accident, one a mistake, and one to save us all” gave me chills. It reminded me of the conclusion of The Villa by Rachel Hawkins. The dynamic going forward, especially since Margot took Lucy’s necklace, will be an interesting abstract concept. But I will say… Trevor had it coming. Levi did not. Lucy… maybe murder was a bit extreme but I could see how they felt backed into a corner and how she basically set everything in motion by wanting to slide into Eliza’s life.

I absolutely will be recommending this one!

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"They were right, those women. College friends are different. We would do anything for each other. Anything."

3.5 out of 5.

Thank you to Stacy Willingham, St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books, and NetGalley for an e-ARC of Only If You're Lucky!

This is the second Stacy Willingham book that I have read - the first was A Flicker in the Dark. I found this book to be similar to the first. Throughout there was a lot of allusion to a crazy twist. I felt the twist in this book was bit more unexpected but I still wasn't super shocked by it.

Things I loved:

The college setting: Willingham does a GREAT job illustrating the friendships between college friends and how quickly one's world can become so small and so vast at the same time. She also showed how hard it is for young people to be sure of themselves in that environment especially around a handful of people who already seem so confident.

The pacing: While I did find the book a bit hard to get into, once I got about 30 percent in things started moving at a faster pace and I felt more sucked in. I liked how quickly everything happened in the end. It was like a snowball effect and once the reader hits 65-70%, they won't be able to put the book down until they finish!

The character development: Willingham nailed her characters. Lucy stayed true to her mysterious manipulative nature, Margot stayed just a bit too shy and unsure of herself, Levi was the guy just trying to fit in who compromised his moral compass, and Trevor was the "well-loved" jock that everyone knew to hate but could never stand up to. These are just a few of the characters, but I honestly felt like Willingham nailed each one.

Things I thought could have been done better:

The plot twists: Sometimes I feel like authors throw in 5 - 6 plot twists because they are trying too hard to shock the reader. Personally I prefer one or two really good plot twists that throw you for a loop OR if there are a bunch of plot twists they need to be VERY well done. Some of the twists in this book, while foreshadowed well, didn't feel necessary to add to the story's plot line.

Overall, I thought the book was pretty well done and there were little tweaks that could have made the book a 5 star read. I definitely recommend if you enjoy fast-paced thrillers and authors like Alice Feeney, Lucy Foley, or Vera Kurian.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Only If You're Lucky by Stacy Willingham. This is the second book of Stacy's that I have read!  If she writes it, I will read it! Only If You're Lucky is a psychological suspense thriller about friendship, loyalty, betrayal and envy. There isn't as much action/excitement as All the Dangerous Things, so if you are a fan of Stacy Willingham, go into this one with a mystery/drama expectation rather than the thrill.
" if you knew you could get away with murder, would you do it?"
Margot is a shy college freshman adjusting to life without her best friend Eliza who died three weeks after high school graduation. Her and Eliza were supposed to go to school together. Lucy is bold, addictive and well, everything Margot isn't. Lucy singles Margot out at the end of freshman year and asks her to live with her, Sloane and Nicole for sophomore year in house next to the fraternity. By the middle of the year, a fraternity boy is murdered and Lucy is missing.
Only If You're Lucky is a bit of a slow burn but the ending makes it worth it. There is unexpected drama and twists. The story is told solely from Margot's POV and jumps back and forth in time. I think I would have liked this better if there multiple POV's.
Overall, a a solid 3.75 star, rounded up to a 4!

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Only If You're Lucky is a masterclass in weaving together mystery, drama and atmospheric settings to create utterly binge-able and wildly absorbing reading.

I am a forever fan of Stacy's work, and this might be her best book yet. Weaving together the before and after timelines of one murdered and one missing student, the tension ratchets chapter after chapter slowly unravelling the complicated dynamics of the friends group, the secrets they are all keeping, and the lengths they will go to protect each other and themselves.

Everything about this book is pure, delicious entertainment. The pacing is perfect, the characters are murky, untrustworthy, secretive and dynamic, the mystery is juicy and secrets are juicier. I utterly devoured this book from start to finish, wanting to know every twist, turn and explosive reveal.

Read no hints and no spoilers, get a copy of this and settle in to enjoy what is one of the best books kicking off this year. You will not be disappointed!

Many thanks to the publisher for my copy.

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This is the first book that I have picked up by this author and I very much enjoyed it. The story starts off a little bit slow and I was confused for the first few chapters, but once everything started to come together I could not put this book down! I find myself adding all the other books Stacey Willingham has written to my TBR. When I tell you the ending had me SHOCKED! I had no idea that was how it was going to end, and when a book does that I want to recommend it to everyone. If you like thrillers, I would give this one a shot, just don’t give up too early. I promise it gets better the farther you get into it!

Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I went into this book thinking there was no way it could live up to All The Dangerous Things which I LOVED. As I started this one, I wasn't as drawn in as I would have liked to be. However, about mid-way through the twists I had hoped to read were there.

I get weary of thrillers that all seem to follow the same format: destructive event, looks for person responsible, red herrings everywhere, killer is the person you least expect but one close to the protagonist. I mean, they all do follow this, but Willingham finds a way to SHOCK her readers. And once again, consider me shocked.

The setting is at a small, liberal arts college, Rutledge, in CA. Our MC escaped her home in the Outer Banks after her best friend died an untimely death right after high school. Margot and Eliza were supposed to start the next phase of their lives together at Rutledge, so when the time comes for Margot to go alone, she struggles to make friends and face this new adventure alone. When Lucy comes along, one of the coolest girls at college, and asks Margot to move in with her and some friends in a home adjacent to one of the fraternities on campus, she agrees, hoping this will help her make a new start and a new life. However, like every thriller, what you see is not alway what you get. A murder, a missing girl, and a tight group of friends: the ingredients for a thriller, but add in the college life, and the setting just works.

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Shy and cautious Margot arrives to college after a tragic summer, hoping to find a new life after the death of her best friend. After a year of staying holed up in her room, Margot catches the eye of the most intriguing, charismatic girl on campus, Lucy. Lucy takes Margot under her wing, asking Margot to move in with her and two other girls (smart Sloane and nice Nicole) in an off campus house. Margot finally begins to come out of her shell and finds new friendship and belonging with Lucy and her other roommates.

But when one of the frat boys next door turns up murdered and Lucy disappears without a trace, Margot, Sloane and Nicole begin to reflect on who Lucy is, their friendship with her, and what she might have been up to.

This was a slow-burn… until it wasn’t. The story was told in dual timelines with a palpable tension build up and a bit of the dark academia (which felt pretty reminiscent of some college houses I have been in!) that’s been so popular lately, all of which created an atmosphere where I couldn’t put the book down! It’s very twisty (and twisted!), and while I thought I had figured out what happened about half way through, I really had no idea the depths and spirals it would and could go!

Thank you to @minotaur_books and @stacyvwillingham for my advanced copy! #OnlyIfYoureLucky comes out 1/16/24.

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Dark, eerie and haunting

I LOVE a book that keeps me guessing and, boyyyyyy, did this keep me guessing.

I’ve already seen some mixed reviews on this one, things saying it’s a slow burn and the ending doesn’t tie everything into a neat bow. Yes, I could see how this could be slower in the beginning but it was NEVER dull. I was SO invested in what was happening with Margot, Lucy, Sloane and Nicole.

Lucy’s character is an enigma that unwraps all the way to the end of the book, the whole time you’ll wonder ‘where is this going’ ‘what is her deal’ leaving you shocked at the end when you see how Margot, Sloane and Nicole are all intertwined.

The only thing that tripped me up from time to time were the timelines. There are three, all from Margot’s POV. One being current when Margot, Sloane and Nicole are being questioned about Lucy’s disappearance. Another being Margot’s past before college and the death of her childhood best friend, Eliza. The last being the time in between, when Margot, Lucy, Sloane and Nicole are all roommates. At times, they would throw me off for a second.

As for the ending, no, it doesn’t end perfect where all the loose ends have been tied. But I liked that and I think that’s what the author was going for. The whole story has been such a mystery, we have the answers for everything big, that’s why I actually love the ending, it still leaves something to be wondered.

Ok, well that’s enough.
Long story, short. READ THE BOOK!

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"One day we were strangers and the next we were friends." - Stacy Willingham

Having read Willingham prior to Only If You're Lucky, I knew she would take me on a wild ride, hence my eagerness to pick up and read her latest book.

Synopsis: Margot’s best friend, Eliza, dies suddenly and unexpectedly after high school graduation. Eliza was full of life and helped the shy and quiet Margot feel alive. Margot loved Eliza and her family, wishing she was part of that family instead of her own. So after she loses Eliza, she feels lost and hides in her dorm room freshman year not drawing too much attention to herself. Suddenly, along comes the charismatic Lucy asking her to become the 4th roommate off campus for sophomore year. They spend a fun summer together. Everything seems bright and new until someone winds up murdered at the fraternity next door.

The mystery of Only If You're Lucky leaves you guessing right up until the last few chapters. It's riveting and I could not, did not want to put it down until the last word was read. Everyone is hiding secrets, some not revealed until the very end.

Reader beware: this is not a heart-lifting book of survival, more a spine-chilling book of survival. It's a must read for anyone who enjoys mystery, suspense, or psychology.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martins Press for this tale of friendship, belonging, jealousy, and obsession.

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Another solid thriller to kick off 2024! The mystery was a little drawn out but still kept me interested. I thought I had it figured out, but I was wrong!

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I'm always quick to pick up Willingham because she is a consistently good writer and her novels are always very different from each other. In true fashion, Only If You're Lucky is very well written and totally different from All the Dangerous Things (loved!) and A Flicker in the Dark (meh). While reading Only If You're Lucky, I kept seeing it play out as a Netflix limited series. I think it's written perfectly for the screen and may actually translate better that way for me.

This was an enjoyable read but felt familiar and a little drawn out for much of it. There were definitely twists toward the later third that I didn't see coming, but I was a little too checked out at that point for them to pack the punch I had needed earlier on. I didn't connect with the characters and didn't feel like Lucy's appeal was conveyed all that well so I had a hard time feeling any emotion.

I listened to this novel on audio which was great. The narrator - Karissa Vacker - was fantastic and added a really great element to the telling of the story. She did a great job with the pacing (which I often found slow, but the audio helped) and kept it just theatrical enough.

Overall, this was a decent read and if you've loved Willingham's prior novels, it's worth reading. I enjoyed it, but it probably won't stick with me.

Thank you to MacMillan Audio, St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for the copy.

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Margot is finishing her first year of college when she meets Lucy, a charismatic student who reminds her of her best friend Eliza who died the year before. Margot moves in with Lucy, Sloane, and Nicole - into a house that adjoins a fraternity house. Margot is shocked when Levi, Eliza's former boyfriend, shows up at the house and she learns that he's a legacy pledge. Things beginto unwravel from there, and Margo is left wondering who to trust.

I found this book to be more of a toxic friendship coming-of-age than a true thriller. There was some mystery surrounding Lucy and the deaths. Not my favorite book bt Stacy Willingham, but worth it if you like dark academia.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books, and Netgalley for the ARC in exahange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Minotaur books and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this book. I thought this book reminded me of a Young adult book. This book has more than 60 chapters which was good since they were short chapters.
The main character best friend died after high school graduation. She then enters college and that is why I think it is considered a young adult book. I was looking forward to reading this book since I was familiar with the author but this was not her best but still considered a good book.

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I absolutely loved this new book from Stacy Willingham. I was sucked in from the beginning and found myself thinking about returning to it when I wasn't reading, which is the mark for a great book for me. This would be perfect to read in the fall with a little chill in the air. A twisty campus novel that fully immerses you in the feeling of a small college town and the relationships that exist there. I love the way Willingham constantly keeps me guessing up until the last page. A definite read for thriller fans!

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Stacy Willingham is back with a new twisty thriller!

Ever since her debut, A Flicker in the Dark, I have loved Willingham's writing style and storylines. Her thrillers are trademark twisty with fun plots along the way. This one felt a bit more personal than her last works which she does express in her author's note about using her own experiences in college to depict the fraternity house and neighboring house that is the setting for most of this book. Only If You're Lucky feels like a book within a book as you develop a sense of the past and present with a set of friends who are seniors in college. The narration made me feel uneasy as if something were about to erupt at any point. The standout in this novel was the toxicity of the friend group we follow throughout. It was unbearable at times because the tricks and trades of these girls is all too real, unfortunately. While the big reveal wasn't shocking or brand-new, I enjoyed reading this new adult take on an academic thriller.

This novel is for the fans of dark academia, but need it to be a bit on the less sinister side and more on the Pretty Little Liars side.

Thank you Minotaur Books for my gifted copy.

Only If You're Lucky is available on January 16!

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If you devoured A Flicker in the Dark and All the Dangerous Things like I did you’ll absolutely love Only If You're Lucky by Stacy Willingham!
My girl has done it again! Creating another engrossing, suspenseful, twisted, and unpredictable psychological thriller that was such an irresistible, fun and thrilling book to read. I was immediately sucked in and devoured every single page of this wickedly entertaining book. It was absolutely impossible to put down. Once I started reading this book I was hooked and so absorbed in this storyline that it wasn’t an easy task to pull me away.
The atmosphere is built so well and the story is told incredibly, I didn’t want to put it down nor for it to end. Stacy Willingham is such a talented writer. And I’ll read anything she writes!
Only bad thing I have to say is I wished it didn’t end!

Thank You NetGalley and Minotaur Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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“If you knew you could get away with murder, would you do it?”

Stacy Willingham is an auto-buy author for me, so when I became aware of this book hitting shelves in 2024, I knew I had to read it ASAP! As expected, Willingham did not disappoint with her exceptional character development, story/suspense building and unique setting/backdrop. Note that this story takes place on a college campus, which is one of my favorite thriller settings so that was an added bonus for me 😍
While this was a slow burn, the hidden secrets and lies that the characters held had me invested from the start and questioning everyone, rapidly turning pages to uncover everything. The main twists at the end were very well done and the story as a whole was wrapped up perfectly!

Thank you NetGalley, Minotaur Books, and Stacy Willingham for a #gifted ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Only If You’re Lucky is another outstanding mystery by Stacy Willingham! She certainly knows how to keep me guessing.

I always love any kind of school setting, and it was an interesting choice for this one to take place in a frat house the girls were renting out. I felt like it added a bit of extra mystery to the story, more people to suspect!

I did guess something about Margot, but the rest of the story came as a shock to me. Lots of good twists.

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I really liked this book! I enjoyed the author's previous book, A Flicker in the Dark, but I liked this one even more. The premise doesn't sound that unusual for a thriller - a quiet young woman named Margot is trying to find her way at university and is thrilled when the beautiful, charismatic Lucy Sharpe invites her to share a house with her and her two best friends. However, the characters make this book come alive and the plot twists help make it something special.

Lucy helps Margot to start having fun, putting the tragedy of her childhood best friend's recent death behind her. However, when a fraternity member from the house next store to where Margot and her three friends are living, many secrets start coming out that will change lives forever. I enjoyed getting to know Margot and Lucy and the two other housemates Nicole and Sloane. Clues are given that not all is as it appears, but I couldn't begin to guess everything that is eventually revealed. I also appreciated the references and parallels to the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. This is a fast-paced, engaging read that I would rate 4.5 stars.

I received an advance copy of this ebook at no cost from NetGalley and Minotaur Books, but my review is voluntary and unbiased.

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