Member Reviews

Thank you to Stacy Willingham, St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

So here it goes, I had so much hope for this book, but to me, it was so boring. I almost DNF'd it a bunch of times. There was no character development. I couldn't connect with the characters at all. It was way to slow.

But hey, I like the cover.

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LOVED this! I'll read anything Stacy Willingham writes at this point. I was so excited when I saw she had something new coming out and this did not disappoint. As with all of her books, 5-star character development - I felt like I knew each person in the book like someone I had known for years. The plot was interesting and the pace was perfect - once it got going, I could not put this down. Just the right amount of twisty while leading you just enough - I think I figured out what Willingham wanted me to figure out exactly when she planned and was easily led astray as planned, too. Just great writing. Highly recommend to fans of psychological thrillers and anyone who enjoyed either of Willingham's previous books. 4.5 stars

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"you're very can turn vanilla into anything right? its a blank slate. It's malleable".

and that basically sums up my review. It was ok. Didn't love it. Didn't dislike it. It was vanilla. If you are new to the author, then read her other 2 books first, they are favourites of mine. total 5 star reads!

I'll chalk this up to wrong time, wrong book for me. But I just felt like not a lot happened. Until the end, and then I was kindof expecting it to go that way.

BUT seriously, go and read her first two books. They are outstanding.

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Thank you NetGalley! This is THE upcoming release I wanted to read and couldn’t believe my own luck when I received the email!

I love Willingham’s books. They aren’t perfect but they are close… and her characters! I went into this one with blinders… knowing only that it centered around twisty female friendships. And knowing that her books never disappoint. This was no exception.

Adjectives to describe what you’ll be reading when it’s released: dark, thought provoking, twisty, hypnotic…

This story revolves around unreliable narrator Margot (who is starting college after the death of her best friend) and a supporting cast of equally unreliable characters. Add in a frat house and frat brothers with shady pasts… You’ve got secrets and more secrets and lies galore! It is a slow burning dark and twisty read… about female friendships and a desire to fit in… and how far will any of us go to belong.

“All human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil…”

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3.5 stars, rounding up to 4
I liked this book and the house!…so creepy and loved it was almost like another character in the book. The story had great suspense but honestly once everything was wrapped up it fell flat for me. I mean all that for what?…the police were more interested in looking for a missing woman not a murder so…why??
Still a descent suspense.

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I had a blast with this book. This was my first read by this author and I'm excited to jump start my journey by reading more of her works. I was in suspense the entire read. What a page turner! You become obsessed with the characters and what they're going to do next.

This one releases 1/16/2024! Put this on your TBR now! Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy!

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Oh the good ol’ days of college - late nights drinking at the fraternity house next door, cramming for finals, murder … you know, the usual.

Only If You’re Lucky is a bit of a departure from Stacey Willingham’s other books in that it reads a bit more YA. The first half of the book is a slooooow burn but everything really comes together around 75% of the way through. I admit that I was genuinely shocked at some of the twists (while others were predictable).

I loved the focus on friendships, found family, and trust. This is a great read for those who like a slow burn, college settings, and twists that have you guessing until the last page.

A big thanks to NetGalley, St Martin’s Press, and Minotaur Books for the advance copy

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This was ok. So far I have yet to be completely blown away by Stacy Willingham's books even tho I have sought them out because the blurbs piqued my interest. They always seem like they're going to be delightfully juicy stories but then they veer off into predictable and nothing special.

I think this is probably my least favorite of the 3 books of hers I have now read, in this case it was just you r run of the mill thriller with typical characters and typical storylines. I barely even remember what went on, but they share similarities with so many other thrillers that it becomes impossible to keep them from all running together.

None of the characters were likable, they were all self centered and impulsive, they are impossible to empathize with or understand, everyone makes ridiculous and nonsensical choices.

It's your run of the mill young people thriller, girl gets murdered, secrets, no answers, nobody is talking, friends move on but don't, eventually they have all moved on with their lives and then of course, old secrets unearthed. Old mysteries become mysterious again & the ending reaches it's predictable conclusion,

This wasn't the worst book I ever read by any means, it was entertaining enough to keep me reading, but it wasn't"t anything special either. a solid 2.75, this is definitely my least favorite of the 3 that I've read.

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3.5? 3.75? ⭐️

This was a highly anticipated book for me since I liked A FLICKER IN THE DARK and loved ALL THE DANGEROUS THINGS, both by Willingham.

ONLY IF YOU’RE LUCKY worked for me with the setting and the vibes. These two played on each other really well and there was an unsettling feeling throughout the book. There were some great twists toward the end too that had me at the edge of my seat. I think Willingham did a great job with the power of influence and imbalance within friendships. There’s some really interesting parts/characters that are great discussion points!

What took away from OIYL for me was the repetition of dialogue and scenes. The ending just got a little too busy for me as well. I also feel super conflicted on the characters and am unsure if that is the point?

I do think this is worth a read! I absolutely felt the thrill and addiction of the story but it is not a new favorite of hers for me.

⚠️ TW apply.

Thank you Minotaur for the early copies!

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ALRIGHT BESTIES. So you’ve already seen my author ranking so you know this one ranks between Flicker and All These Dangerous Things for me!! But it was very close with Flicker just SO different!

Think In My Dreams I Hold A Knife, very different from her past work! This one had a lot to unpack, it was more of an along for the ride thriller that def had some twists and turns but wasn’t a whodunnit format by any means. I personally LOVED how much went on and how elaborate the plot was, I would very much enjoy seeing how Stacy’s mind worked in developing the plot. Plus we love a campus thriller 🎓📚

I wasn’t sure how my cards were going to fall about halfway through but I HAD to know what happened next at all times which I definitely don’t always feel. Also I love that the frat house being a landlord was based on a real story, I feel like the best books have something cemented in reality 🌍

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“If you knew you could get away with murder, would you do it?”

This is a devious story full of jealousy, female friendships, dark academia, and how we don’t always know those closest to us as well as we think we do.

I have three copies of this book. A physical copy, an eARC, and the audiobook. And as soon as I saw that @karissavacker narrated this I kindly put all but the audiobook to the side because #duh. It’s #karissavacker, audiobook narrator extraordinaire. And as anticipated, she used her talent for voices and emotion to bring this story to life!

Only If You’re Lucky unwraps like a present. It’s a tad slower paced, delving as much into the relationships between these women as the mystery aspect of the story. But the twists kept twisting and I throughly enjoyed it.

Notable quote: “I used to get so lost in these imaginary worlds, slipping into another skin every time I parted their covers. The musty scent of the pages curling beneath my nostrils like an elixir that ripped me from one reality and implanted me into the next. That’s the beauty of fiction, of words: when your life becomes too boring, too bland, too hard or depressing or chaotic or calm, they allow you to simply float away and inhabit another, try it on for size.” 😌🥰

Thank you to Netgalley, Macmillan Audio, St. Martin’s Press, and the author for the ARC and ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC of Only If You're Lucky by Stacy Willingham.

When the beautiful, mysterious, and enigmatic Lucy inexplicably befriends Margot during her freshman year of college, Margot is struck. Finally she belongs a crowd, and a sought after popular crowd at that. But then Levi enters the scene, a boy who Margot is convinced has something to do with the death of her best HS friend, and suddenly not all is as rosy in this intoxicating co-ed crowd, especially when Lucy goes missing.

I really tried to dive into this book, it has a strong start and a lot of elements that make a good psychological thriller. And there was a lot to enjoy, but it was still a bit too drawn out and muddled. Maybe had I read it, instead of listening to it, i would have had a different experience, but I could never quite fully sink my teeth into this story.

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Only If You're Lucky by Stacy Willingham is a captivating and intricately woven tale that delves into the complexities of female friendship. This twist-filled mystery unravels with precision in every chapter, ensnaring readers and refusing to release its grip. Prepare to be immersed in a dark, intense, and utterly addictive narrative.

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In Only If You’re Lucky, author Stacy Willingham weaves a compelling narrative that explores the complex dynamics of friendship, identity, and the consequences of unraveling secrets. The protagonist, Margot, evolves from a shy and cautious character to someone entangled in a web of danger and mystery. The author masterfully captures the essence of each character, creating a group of individuals who are both distinct and deeply interconnected. As the plot unfolds with the murder mystery and Lucy's disappearance, the novel grips readers with its suspenseful twists and turns. The exploration of loyalty, envy, and betrayal adds layers to the story, making it a tantalizing thriller. Stacy Willingham continues to demonstrate prowess in the realm of psychological suspense, solidifying their position as a gold standard in the genre.
Only If You're Lucky is a must-read!

Thank you to the publisher, author and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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“If you knew you could get away with murder, would you do it?”

Margot's best friend Eliza has died, and Margo decides to go the liberal arts college Eliza was planning to go to, wanting to fulfill Eliza's dreams. Margot quickly meets the eccentric and loud Lucy, and they quickly become close, and decide to become roommates along with Lucy's friends. But then Eliza's former boyfriend Levi shows up, the only other person there who knew Eliza.

We learn from a split timeline that Levi is dead, presumably murdered. And it's through flashbacks to "before" that we learn what really happened between Margo and her friends.

Thank you netgalley and St. Martin's press for giving me an advanced review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Summary: Only If You're Lucky is about four girls who live together near Rutledge College in South Carolina. Lucy is the ringleader of the group, Sloane is sarcastic, Nicole is nice and Margot is an introvert who was recently invited into the group by Lucy. Margot is trying to find her identity after losing her best friend, Elyza, three months after graduation. Margot had always imagined going to college with Elyza so she's thankful, and maybe even a little obsessed, with her new group of friends. The girls live next door to a group of fraternity boys and they have a lot of fun partying together until the middle of their sophomore year, when one of the boys is murdered and Lucy is nowhere to be found.

Stacy Willingham does it again! She's a must-read author for me and I've loved every single one of her books. Only If You're Lucky had me hooked from the very beginning and it was fun to reminisce my college years as I read this book, although I'm glad my college years were MUCH less eventful! I couldn't put this down and found it easy to read and listen to. My only complaint was that some of the ending felt a little far-fetched. Maybe I'm naive, but I couldn't believe that some of the things the girls did would actually happen in real life! Even though it felt a little bit dramatic, I was still gripped by this book from start to finish and will definitely continue to root for Stacy Willingham and all of her future books!

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I enjoyed this thriller. Set in college, there is such a naïveté about the characters. Several twists and turns! And I love the setting of the house.

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I absolutely love Stacy Willingham and I was beyond thrilled to be approved to read this one!

I have to say though that I didn't love love this one. It fell a bit flat for me. I didn't like any of the characters, especially the main character. I figured out what she had done early on but Willingham is an expert at creating suspense and making you wonder whodunnit so it kept me reading.

Still read this one if you are a Willingham fan and if you haven't read any of hers, read this one first and then read her others because they are beyond fantastic!

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Campus thriller? Sign me up! Willingham has yet to disappointment me. I've loved all her thrillers and Only If You're Lucky is no exception. I was immediately drawn into the story and struggled to put the book down. I loved how dark this one is and how it focuses on toxic college friendships.

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I didn't love this one quite as much as her other books (which got 5 stars from me, so a high bar to meet!) but I still really enjoyed this dark academia suspense. It's definitely a slow burn, so if you go in expecting a high-pace thriller, you will be disappointed, but it's still filled with fun twists.
Synopsis: Quiet, malleable Margot is struggling through her freshman year at college and gets invited to join a group house with three other girls she doesn't really know. Lucy, the ringleader, is the kind of person everyone loves and loves to be around, and Margot is thrilled for the attention. But all the girls have secrets, and all the girls are willing to go to extremes to protect them.
I think what I liked best about this was the character development. She does such a great job of slowly bringing out different aspects of Margot's personality, I feel like by the end of the book I had a completely different understanding of her. It also has a fabulously tense atmosphere. Like, you know this is clearly a bad idea for Margot to move into a house with strangers, but you can't put your finger on the issue exactly, and it's just like watching an accident waiting to happen.
One twist surprised me, and while the rest were easy to see coming, it was still fun to see how they unfolded.
Overall a solid thriller/suspense! Definitely recommend!

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