Member Reviews

"Only If You're Lucky" by Stacy Willingham is a thrilling rollercoaster of a novel that had me hooked from the very beginning. With a plot that's filled with unexpected twists and turns, and characters you can't help but relate to, it's a definite must-read for anyone who enjoys a gripping mystery.

The reason for the minus half-star in my rating could have been a personal problem, but it was with the labeling technique that the author used. Until I got to know the characters, their relationships with each other, and their history of what led them to the current moments, the chapters labeled as "before" and "after" had me do a re-read in some chapters. I felt like there should also be a "current" or "during" label, as well. The plot transcended over these three periods in time, but the chapters weren't labeled as such, but rather up to the reader to figure out if the chapter switched to the "current."

The authors' storytelling ability is on par, if not above, of her previous novels. All characters have depth, even fringe characters, and are all crucial to the conclusion. I was blown away by the twists and turns of this novel and the references early on that came full circle in the end. The characters were authentic and relatable, as I easily became emotionally attached to them and their outcomes.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for the chance to preview this in exchange for an honest review.
I was excited to read this as I've enjoyed the author's previous books. Unfortunately, I did not connect with the college- aged characters. It made the writing seem immature and awkward.
The storyline was implausible and the 'mystery' didn't start until nearly 70% of the way through.

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I will be reading anything Stacy Willingham publishes - I just love her writing style! I really enjoyed her debut, Flicker in the Dark, then absolutely loved her follow-up, All the Dangerous Things, so I was thrilled to get an ARC of this. I'm from NY but have spent a lot of time in the Carolinas so I'm a big fan of her southern settings, and I find her language choices incredibly evocative.

The Greek life vibes of this were a bit different than the feel of her first two novels, but I was completely engrossed in the characters and the story. Like her other books, I gobbled it down trying (and failing) to guess the ending! The last 20% especially was chock full of reveals. I always love being surprised in a mystery, so I respect how she kept me guessing.

Definitely recommend!

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I loved Stacy Willingham's other books, but this one dragged for me. The ending had a handful of twists I predicted, and I was never really invested in any of the characters. Thankfully, the pace picked up in the final third, but it was still not a favorite.

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Definitely read this if you like dark academia. The college setting was perfect for this. I guessed some but not all of the things that went down in this book. It’s definitely a bit of a slow burn but in a good way. This is the third book I’ve read by this author and I’ve enjoyed them all. This comes out in January!

Thank you NetGalley for eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was so excited to see I'd been granted approval to read and review the eARC of Stacy Willingham's newest book, "Only If You're Lucky"! I've recently discovered this author, and now anything she comes out with is a must-read! Although this one didn't pull me in quite as much as "A Flicker in the Dark", which I read recently and found to be super fast-paced and engaging, it was still quite enjoyable to read. I liked the college setting and all the friendship drama, so if you're into that sort of psychological thriller, I would definitely recommend!
Thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Stacy Willingham for this ARC!

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Margot hopes that her time in college will erase the pain she suffered when she lost someone she loved. When she meets Lucy, she thinks she has finally found a friend who can pull her out of her sad life. She winds up sharing a house with Lucy, Sloane,and Nicole, and for a while, is finally moving beyond her grief.
But the person she’s becoming may not save her from her self and her secrets. I had my suspicions about some of the things that were going on, but not the biggest reveal. There were several, but there was one I just didn’t see coming at all. The chapters just flew as I attempted to figure out what was actually going on. I would say that the plot seemed a bit more of a slow burn than the authors last books, but it was still one heck of a ride.

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Yet again another LOVE! The plot was full of the twists and turns that keep you on your toes! Definitely got sucked in, and finished in one sitting. If your in a book slump this page turner will definitely grab you by the throat and take you for a ride!

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This one felt a little slow until the 25-30% and I felt like the climax could have used a little extra substance. Only If You’re Lucky is a slow burn thriller set in a darker academia theme. I absolutely love dark academia and I feel like authors can do so much with that setting as a whole.

Margot, off to college alone without her best friend after her passing, befriends Lucy. As she makes more friends, her new ‘cool’ roommates Sloane and Nicole, things seem to skew and nothing is as it seems. After a frat boy next door is found murdered, and Lucy gone without a trace, Margot is determined to unravel the mystery within.

This novel, given its academia base, is packed full of envy, betrayal and a ton of secrets. The characters are well written, not ‘cookie cutter’ basic and memorable on their own. Willingham knows how to write a memorable ending with a handful of shocking unexpected twists without leaving any loose ends.

If you’re a fan of Pretty Little Liars, this will be a must read!

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ONLY IF YOU’RE LUCKY 🍀 This is my third Stacy Willingham novel and it had a completely different feel than her other two. It was dark academia mixed with Pretty Little Liar vibes. I loved that part. I did find that it would drag you down really long rabbit holes and I would get bored. I also thought the explanations for one for the twists was a little weak and unbelievable but overall I enjoyed it. I do think fans of dark academia novels should give it a go. It is set to release January 16, 2024. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thank you, @netgalley and @stmartinspress for the free advanced copy in exchange for my honest review. #darkacademia #thriller #tbr #netgalley #stmartinspress

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This book kept me guessing until the end... literally. The back and forth in the timeline kept my attention and was well executed. The red herrings were thrown in without obviously leading the reader to a conclusion but all the dots being connected at the end made a believable picture.

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This is the first book by Stacey Willingham that I’ve read and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

It was a slow burn, but I’m a sucker for books with college settings, murder, and the slow unveiling of the murderer and the motive behind their actions.

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thank you netgalley for the ARC! This is my 3rd book I’ve read by Stacy. The first 30% of this book was slow and took some time to get ramped up. Once it got going I couldn’t put this down. The setting was creepy and the ending kept me guessing till the very end!

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The ending had a twist to it that brings everything all together but I kinda found this book to be boring

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After a freshman year spent mourning her best friend who passed away the previous summer, Margot is invited to live with mysterious Lucy and her two other friends. Lucy search to come out of her shell, but things are soon shattered. When one of the frat boys next door is murdered.

I thought this was a good thriller book, though the first half is a little slow. The ending is filled with twist that you probably would not be able to figure out. At least I couldn’t.

Thanks to NetGalley, Stacy Willingham & Minotaur Books for the opportunity to read this book.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advanced copy of this title! I absolutely loved it. I was completely shocked by the ending of this book and I highly recommend.

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First off, thank you to NetGalley, St Martin’s Press/Minotaur for the ARC in exchange for my honest review! Only if You’re Lucky is a thriller about college girls with a mysterious past. I wouldn’t consider it dark academia personally, because it mainly follows the girls partying with the frat next door. Because of this, I’d recommend the target age group for this novel between 16-24 years old.
The first 50% of the story builds up the plot, but I did find this slow and difficult to get through. The second half gets a little more interesting leaving the reader with cliff hangers from chapter to chapter. While there was so much detail in the first half, I felt like I didn’t connect to the main characters as much as I would have liked to. The ending felt abrupt and unbelievable.
Overall, not a memorable thriller. 2.5/5 stars rounded up, simply because of the twists taking place in the second half of the book that finally grasped my attention.

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I freaking LOVED the first two books by this author and just about lost it when I got approved for this arc! Unfortunately, this one fell flat for me and I couldn’t help but compare it to the first two epic mysteries by Stacey.

Margot is entering her second year of college with a gang of brand new friends. Her first year started rocky since she started school just 2 months after her best friend died. Now, Lucy seemingly saved her from another year of going through the motions. Margot has friends, has fun, and even has secrets now. The only thing is… so does everyone else.

This just read like a college drama for most of the book and there were few likeable characters throughout. Kinda felt like Tell Me Lies, so if you like that book I recommend this one! I loved the way it wrapped up but not my favorite overall.

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy to read and review.

This novel is a slow burn with a few surprising twists as it nears the end…but with enough breadcrumbs dropped along the way that they tie together without being out too far in left field.

Another great read from this author.

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Only If You're Lucky by Stacy Willingham is another beautifully-written thriller by an incredible talented author. It feels like I only just devoured her debut, A Flicker In The Dark, that blew me away. But her third novel is every is just as powerful, maybe even more. I raced through the pages even though I wish I could have slowed down, lingered over every beautiful paragraph. Can't wait for her fourth! Highly recommend!!

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