Member Reviews

Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Sabrina is enjoying her quiet life as a writer. Her world is turned upside down when she gets a call from a lawyer from London. Her parents were not the greatest. She sets out on an adventure that will change her quiet life. I enjoyed this book.

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This novel was so good!! I am never disappointed with a Danielle Steel novel. The characters are well developed, and the places make you feel like you are there with them. I loved the story, and the line Happiness is a choice. I loved the choices the characters made to find their true happiness. Thanks to #NetGalley for the ARC!
I highly recommend it.

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Danielle Steele never fails to entertain. I read this in one day like most of her books.
Her outline is the same. Happy times, stressful times, back to a happier ending.
Most of her books could have this title.
A bit of a stretch with the inheritance, but that’s why her books are such an excellent escape. It allows the reader to

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I read every Danielle Steel book that comes out. Most are fantastic.

This one was a quick read and good for the beach or somewhere where you can devour it in a day.

I really liked the basis for the book and that it took on some tough subjects like bad marriages or growing apart in a marriage and the effect of that trauma on current attempts at a relationship. I love stories about old houses with history!

For me what I didn't like as much about this story as opposed to her longer novels is that I didn't feel as connected to the characters. They fall in love almost instantly so you don't get the slow burn and then things fall apart and resume just as quickly. It just fell a little flat for that reason because it could have been such a nice longer novel with more developed characters.

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Another fabulous title from Danielle Steel…compelling story, great characters, fast paced story…I read this one in a day…couldn’t put it down. Another 5 star title from the queen of writing.

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Another great one by Danielle Steel. This was cute story about how sometimes you know, just by seeing the person that they are the one you are meant to be with. I loved that Sabrina is a thriller writer and uses that as sort of a therapy from things that she been through. Though content with her life, Sabrina gets thrown for a loop when she receives a call from Gray, an attorney in London who is calling to inform her that an uncle she never knew she had passed away and she is the one to inherit his estate. Sabrina travels to London so she can put the estate up for sale but after meeting Gray she is not certain that is what she wants to do.

Thank you Netgalley, the publisher and author for my ARC!

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I’ve read a few Danielle Steel books recently and this one certainly left me feeling eh!

Sabrina had a dysfunctional upbringing to say the least. Her first marriage obviously a blip but her 2nd marriage to a psychopath shaped her future as an award winning author. Living a solitary life in the Berkshires with a smattering of close friends, she was total unprepared to inherit an estate and title in England. More than that, she was unprepared to meet Gray, an attorney who turned her life upside down. For Sabrina, this forced her to examine her past and realize that she was not the cause of the family dysfunction- that her parents themselves were flawed.

Gray has his own problems being an upper class Englishman stuck in a marriage of name only. While unentangling himself from that situation, he grows closer to his dad who is recovering from a broken hip. At the end, all resolves itself quite quickly as our lovers become engaged right after seeing each other after several months and then, the book basically ends. I expected more.

Thank you to NetGalley for this advanced copy. These are my own opinions.

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Enjoyable story of a woman writer living alone in the Berkshires who suddenly inherits an English manor. She is twice divorced and happy living alone until she meets the lawyer in England who is handling the estate.

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OMG, another awesome book from my favorite author! I loved the characters and the story line was amazing. I wait in anticipation for each new book.
Thank you Danielle Steel, Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and NetGalley for allowing me an advance copy for my honest feedback.

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There's so much to love about a Danielle Steel book. Her stories always pull me in and captivate me and she is one of the few authors that I will read every book she writes. This one is a bit of an exception and I would give it 3.5 stars. The book was a bit jumpy and glossed over areas that to me seemed important. Although the title is Happiness I wonder if it's a play on words as there was more angst than happiness throughout the book. And a few things struck me wrong which stayed with me throughout the book. I do truly love her books and can't wait for the next one. I appreciate receiving an ARC from the NetGalley, the publisher and author in exchange for my review.

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This book was different.

It went in many directions! I was never able to connect to the characters.

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When you think of fortitude, a reader thinks of Sabrina that despite her deprivation as a child, she chooses to move forward and live each moment rather than sequestered away or bitter of the life she thought she deserved. This book truly shows like Caleb and Jessica that there may be no later and the chance for happiness is now. As Sabrina said in the Bible verse, Choose now or Choose him later. I think we all come to a point where nerves cause inaction whereas Grey's father stated that the time is now. Happiness is a gift and a choice and once the reader knows this coupled by the inspirational story, life truly takes place.

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Happiness is a short novel from Danielle Steel. Like many other Steel novels, much of the focus is on the need for connections. In Happiness, the main characters seem completely unaware of how lonely they really are, until they meet and recognize that their lives have been lonely, but quite suddenly, they are happy to be together. They both fill their lives with work as a way to escape their loneliness. Happiness is about the need to choose happiness, not just to exist, going from day to day.

There is much to enjoy in this novel, but it is actually too brief. Steel readers know that eventually she will tie together all the important storylines and provide a happy ending. However, for readers, the journey toward that happy ending is more important than the actual happy ending. In a real sense, readers in Happiness are cheated on that journey. The end of Happiness is rushed, which was a disappointment. I did enjoy this novel. I did wish there was a bit more.

I predict that Danielle Steel readers will enjoy this novel. Thank you to Danielle Steel and to her publishers, Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Delacorte Press, for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my honest review. The comments above reflect that honesty.. Thank you also to NetGalley for making it so easy to access this novel.

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This might be my new favorite book of Danielle Steel's! Sabrina discovers that she has inherited an English title and 600 acre estate from an uncle she didn't know existed. When she goes to check it out she meets Grey and falls in love after surviving two failed marriages. Will she finally allow herself to be happy or will she hide at her Berkshire Mountain retreat for the rest of her life? This is an easy flowing book that I could not put down. Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC. I really enjoyed it.

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Thank you to Deltacorte Press & NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

I know Danielle Steel has written many books, but this was actually the first one I’ve ever read. As soon as I read the blurb I knew I was going to love this sweet story.

Sabrina lives a life of solitude, alone but not lonely with her two dogs. After escaping her abusive marriage she has made an entire new life for herself in the Berkshire Mountains, where she has become a best selling author. She enjoys her quiet days of writing and staying at home. But out of the blue she receives a letter, stating an Uncle whom she never met has left her his entire estate in England. She decides to take the trip across the ocean to check it out before she puts it on the market. But when she arrives she feels so drawn to the house, and even more drawn to the fancy lawyer Gray who is showing her around. As sparks fly between her and Gray she must decide if she’s willing to take a chance on him, and on a new life for herself in England.

I absolutely loved that the title of the story “Happiness” was weaved so perfectly into the story. Sabrina had gone through so many hardships but was still such a happy person. Despite all that she had to go through, she still choose to find happiness. And seeing her and Gray achieve their happily ever after, and happiness together was just chefs kiss!!

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I've said it before that if Danielle Steel writes it i'm going to read it. This is a story about finding love later in life and another good read! Can't go wrong with a Danielle Steel book! Thank you NetGAlley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for a review.

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The title of Danielle Steel latest book, Happiness, is a play on words. The book mainly explores crippling unhappinesses in romantic and family relationships.
Sabrina is the daughter of two completely emotionally blocked individuals. The fact that she developed her own emotional problems is totally understandable given the lack of love she experienced as a child.
Grayson is less damaged but has found himself without an intimate nourishing connection due to a failed marriage and societal restrictive norms.
It’s not a spoiler to say their situations intersect and provide the catalyst for change.
Despite Ms Steel’s usual dose of repetitiveness and predictability, there is something important being said about dealing with generational trauma and stopping the cycle of emotional stagnation. If it makes you think about the prisons of our own making, it’s worth the read. Not as good as her books with a suspense element but I rated it 3.5 stars.
Thank you to the author, the publisher Delacorte Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an ARC.

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Sometimes the pain of your past affects your present and future. This is the case with Sabrina Brooks, a successful author who writes thrillers, some of which are loosely based on parts of her life. Sabrina is content with her life. However, one day she receives a letter that turns her world upside down. Now she is faced with making decisions that she is not prepared to make. Danielle Steel writes in such a way that it brings the characters to life and engages you in what happens next. This book will make you believe in the power of love and happiness. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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Sabrina hasn't had much happiness in her relationships but she's found contentment living in the Berkshires with her dogs. And then it's all upended when she inherits an estate from her uncle in the UK. Things seems fairly straightforward except that Gray, the estate attorney, prompts a spark in her. He's still married, though unhappily which sets up the conflict. This is a Steel novel so the reader knows there's going to be a happy ending but how to get there? It's a fast read and, as is routine for her, that's partly because there's repetition and it's, well, short. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. For her fans.

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Sabrina was born to a mother who left her at 6 years old and a father who never showed her any love.

She married her first husband so he could get a green card and her second husband was a sicko. She finally got away from him.

She started her writing career by writing a book about her sicko husband. Life was going well for her and she continued writing books.

One day she received a letter telling her she inherited her uncle's estate in England.

She went there with the lawyer Grey who was handling the inheritance.

She learned that her uncle married the only woman her father ever loved. Three years later she died and was buried on the estate.

Her father then married her mother who left him and her when she was 6 years old.

The rest of her father's life he lived like a hermit.

She was falling in love with Grey and soon found out he was married. She left England and went back to the states.

Gray came to house in the states and they had a great weekend.

He went back to England and told his wife he wanted a divorce and she was just giving him a hard time and being greedy.

In the end she decided to keep the estate in London and go back and forth.

Gray came to her and said he was divorced and they got engaged and she finally found her happiness.

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