Member Reviews

I will read each and every Danielle Steel book, until there are no more... However, that being said, this one fell flat for me... story was OK.. characters ok... just not something that I fell in love with.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to recieve this book for an honest review.

What can I say, I just love Danielle Steel books. This one did not disappoint. I highly recommend this book.

Sabrina inherits an estate near London. She is a very successful "thriller" bestselling author. Sabrina has a quiet life but she her past is haunting. All her relatiionships have been abusive including the one with her father. This is where writing thriller novels emerged. She uses her writing to escape.
Suddenly she receives a letter that she has inherited an estate from a distant uncle. She soon learns about her fathers past and the secrets he has. She wants to just sell the estate but she falls in love with the history and grounds and gardens along with the handsome estate attorney, Grayson Abbot,
She wonders if she was the Lady of Manor how different her life would be......

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This is a story about finding true love later in life. I liked the story, but just kept waiting for some real excitement or twist. The ending was mediocre for me.

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This book captivated me in the most beautiful way. I love romance but down find myself reading YA or NA. I read romances that highlight the beauty of fresh new love. Love that is just staring because I love reminiscing on how magical those times are. But I sometimes pick up a book that will take me on the journey of what’s next.

Danielle steel has always done an amazing job writing stories that show the raw and real of life and love. Sabrina and Grey have both been dealt some heavy hands in life but when they meet each other by chance both of their worlds change and tough decisions need to be made!

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Many thanks to Net Galley and Random House Publishing Group for an ARC of Happiness.

Usually, D.S. has messy life situations in her books. This one was MESSY and I was here for it. Life is messy.

Sabrina Brooks has a great life. She is a successful author that loves telling a story, albeit, gruesome ones. She made a barn a home with her 2 pups.

She had a complicated childhood with little to no affection. But she's healthy and strong. And she falls in love, in England, at a lavish estate she inherited from an uncle she never knew.

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Who doesn’t love a Cinderella story? I really loved the imagery in this story, I felt transported wherever the characters were in the moment! I never regret reading a book from this author, she always delivers on romance adventures. A cozy perfect summer read!

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The book titled "Happiness" explores themes of angst and sadness, which may not resonate with younger readers. The characters lacked development and the plot felt rushed. The pace of the story was not enjoyable, but it may appeal to older readers. Overall, this book does not showcase the author's writing ability.

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I’m true Danielle Steel fashion, I could barely make myself put this book down! It had me completely hooked and glued to my seat.

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You can always depend on a Steel book being entertaining. This one delivers a light story with little conflict. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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Happiness by Danielle Steel

Modern, USA and England

Sabrina Brooks
Alister Brooks

Women's Literature

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟


Review: I really enjoyed the character of Sabrina. I found her life very interesting, although some aspects were quite heartbreaking. Danielle Steel is one of my favorite authors of all time.

Content Warnings:
Unloved by family
Sick parent

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I really enjoyed this book. Sabrina Brooks is a #1 best selling author of gory killer books. She lived a childhood that she describes as her being unloved. Her father is an author also and spends more time writing books and her mother left then when she was young. She has two failed marriages and one also influences her books also.
After her father dies, she has no family that she knows of and then an attorney e-mails her to call and she has inherited an estate that belonged to an uncle she doesn't know. She then has many decisions to make and goes to see the manor and talks to people who knew her father , She and Grayson, the attorney like each other alot and again there are many decisions to make a A VERY GOOD READ.

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I have read many books written by Danielle Steel, however she hit this one out of the park! This is a fascinating story that was impossible to put down. I read it straight through until the last page was turned.

Sabrina Brooks was brought up in an environment that did not generate much, or any love. Her mother left when she was six years old, and her English father was an English literature professor at Boston University who wrote biographies of famous British and American writers. His only other family is a brother he has no contact whatsoever with for many years. The brother, Alistair lives in England on the family estate.

When Sabrina left to attend college in California, her father moved into a secluded cabin in Vermont. Sabrina only saw him once a year at Christmas and she never felt he was particularly happy about her visit or glad to see her. Her visits home were always lonely. She had been married twice and divorced twice.

Years go by and now in her late forties, Sabrina is a well-known author of best-selling suspense/thriller novels. A life-changing set of circumstances takes Sabrina to England where upon the death of her Uncle Alistair, whom she has never met, leaves her the family estate as well as the title of Lady.

This intriguing story is fast-paced and his many moving parts. Long-time family secrets are revealed, and her influence over her uncle’s lawyer managing the estate cause an unexpected situation in his life.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat, turning the pages, anxious to find out what will happen next.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions and comments are my own.

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As I"ve said before, Danielle Steel books seem to be either gems or clinkers. “Happiness” was, unfortunately, one of my least favorite of Ms. Steel’s novels. The story revolves around Sabrina Brooks, a suspense/thriller novelist who grew up without loving parents and had two failed marriages behind her. She found contentment with her two dogs and her farmhouse in the Berkshires until she inherits and English estate and meets Gray, an unhappily married attorney. It was a lot of “will she or won’t she” back and forth to the point that the reader didn’t really care. There were some sideline characters who could have been better fleshed out and really, the whole story was predictable. Yes, we knew from the first few pages that her father was an unloving father. No, we did not need to have that fact hammered into our head page after page. While I will continue to read Danielle Steel books for those gems I mentioned above, I cannot, in all good conscience, recommend this one. Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in return for my honest opinion.

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For a book titled “Happiness” there is a lot of angst and sadness. I felt that the characters lacked development at times and that the plot was rushed. I also didn't particularly enjoy the pace of the plot, but I'm also younger than the target demographic for this novel. This is a novel meant for much older readers.

Overall, I felt that this book doesn't represent the writing ability of this author.

My thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the privilege of reviewing this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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In Danielle Steel’s Happiness, Sabrina Brooks is a successful author living a quiet and content life in a converted barn in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts with her old English Sheepdog ,Winnie, and her long haired chihuahua, Piglet.

She has had more than her share of trauma in her past and has poured those experiences into her books.

One day she discovers she’s unexpectedly inherited a title and an estate in England from an Uncle she never knew. She intends to sell the estate, but decides to visit it before making her decision.

This book takes you on Sabrina’s journey as she explores England and the property she has inherited. Her life at home in Massachusetts makes her feel content, but can she have more? Could she find true happiness?

I enjoyed this book, I found Sabrina’s story to be compelling. It was a quick but satisfying read.

Thanks to Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for allowing me to read this eARC in return for my honest review.

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Sabrina Brooks has used her life experiences to become a successful bestselling author. After years of neglect, abandonment issues and a psycho ex-husband, she now lives a quiet life with her dogs and a few friends. Then out of know where she finds she has inherited an English estate and title. She immediately wants to sell it and go on with her quiet life but feels the need to go and at least see it. She continues to want to sell it but soon realizes that she is turning into a hermit like her father and is left to wonder is she really happy. Unlike her fictional characters, Sabrina lives a quiet life in the Berkshires with her two beloved dogs.
Happiness is a wonderful short novel. There are the points that you wonder if she will keep or sell and will she choose the lawyer, the widower or just stay alone with her dogs. I did wish that more details about her life and escape from her ex-husband would have been given and I kept waiting for him to show up in England. There were several places that I wanted more but overall “Happiness” provided a pleasant escape from life.
Thank you NetGalley, Random House-Ballantine and Danielle Steele for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was very good. Sabrina had not had a happy life. Her father showed no emotion toward her, and her mother left when she was 6, She married someone very young so he would have his green card and that didn't work out, her next husband was a psycopath and she escaped finally.. She started to put her life down on paper and found she was a very good author. Her books were very successful and scary. She was happy and content when she found that her father's brother had died and left her his estate in England. She also got the title. She was going to just sell it, but her friend talked her into at least going over there and seeing it. She loved it and felt life she belonged. She also was falling for Gray, but when she found out he was sitll married, was furious, and went back to her home and told him to sell. He realized that his marriage had been in name only for more than 10 years and started to get is dissolved, except his wife took huge exception to that. It made his life a nightmare for far too long but he was finally almost free. There were several side characters in the book that were interesting also, but Gray and Sabrina were the stars of this book. It's a very enjoyable read

I got this book from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review

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Loved reading the amazing, engaging, and captivating story. When Sabrina, a best selling author of thrillers, learns that she has inherited a manor, Sabrina is shocked, her attraction to the lawyer, Grayson is surprising, but she likes where she lives now. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written with a riveting storyline, and another must read story by the phenomenal, author Danielle Steel.

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Danielle Steele has been one of my favorite authors for a little over 20 years now and each book is better than the last. She is one of my authors who I automatically know I'm going to enjoy the book. If you haven't read her before I suggest you get started.

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You know me and you know my love for all things: Danielle Steel!! YES!
Happiness is the newest creation that's full of love, warmth, and drama. After all what's a good read without some good dialogue.
Now, lets not get too far ahead because while an inherited estate is great , it may also be a curse. Behind every good man is a good woman but what if things aren't as rosy as they may appear in those pink glasses?
Abuse may not be far behind when things play out behind closed doors. In fact, monsters are often worse when nobody appears to be watching.
So, then why would anyone not want to have a relationship with their own flesh and blood?
Good question, with some good answers to be found here.
Can you find love if you feel unloveable?
What if you had a traumatic and abusive past?
Is love possible or is it something we should strive to find? Could it be a natural occurrence?
Happiness is here to stay folks...make sure you run out and grab a copy.
Thank you to Danielle, Random House, and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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