Member Reviews

I struggled to get into this book. It's such a slow book and El was just someone I cared enough to want to know more about.

The book continues on as you're introduced to new characters and I again didn't care.

The writing fell flat for me. It just seemed to ramble too. I was confused how the beginning jumped into a dogs pov and then I blinked and that was over.

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I was really confused by the start of this book when it took on the perspective of a dog. I even came back to the book summary page to see if I had misunderstood the premise of this book or maybe even dowloaded the incorrect book (none of which checked out). As I finished, it abruptly switched perspectives and dove into the main part of the book which kind of dragged on. El annoyed me immensely and I honestly wanted to throw away this book as a waste but something kept me glued and before I knew it I was fully immersed in El's journey. It's this weird path that meanders but it ensnares you completely. I was very satisfied with how El was able to come out a victor in the end and emerge seemingly as a new woman. Great read despite the slow start!

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I loved the way this book was written, but felt it was a little predictable. The main character didn’t feel flushed out enough and not in a “she doesn’t know herself so I don’t know her” way, more a not a complete thought way. I also wish the connection between the dogs / man’s best friend was made a little clearer. It didn’t completely fit the narrative. I enjoyed the book and finished it quickly but wouldn’t reach for it again!

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Poor El! A character with a sad life and not many prospects or positivity in life. I think the authors purpose was to dislike El. The character development was underwhelming. The story line was okay. For a book with a title referencing dogs, I wish there was more dog content.

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It was good, but I still wanted to like it more. I found the story to be rather mediocre and predictable. The characters, however, were interesting enough to keep me reading. Writing an unlikeable protagonist isn't easy, but the author pulled it off perfectly.

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3.5 stars for this one.
El is a 29yo directionless, hurt, and...just bithcy lady, dealing with certain self realizations about life and relationships. Failed friendships, an icky relationship, abandoned father, barely there mother all have made El into a sad lost girl.
I loved the writing and the character development of most characters. I really enjoyed disliking El. The decisions she makes, her calculated actions fueled by her failed acting skills, her impulsive thought process all make her the toxic being of her circle. Her boyfriend, Bryce, being just as bad, gave me the major ick!!!
The reason I didn't rate this higher is because the story itself was kind of meh. Even tho there was even a murder thrown in there. Meh.
I didn't understand the sprinkled in dog references to appease the title...? Maybe it went over my head.
Thank you, Netgalley, publisher, and author for the ARC.

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Not bad for a first novel. I will admit I got a little confused at certain point of the book. But eventually it all came together is a good way. I will definitely being following this author.

Great Read, with the right amount of twist to keep you guessing!

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A well written debt, but one with an unfortunately middling middle and anticlimactic ending.

El isn't a likeable character but she's a compelling one.

I found the ending so underwhelming that it definitely detracted from the novel for me.

I finished this while wanting more from it - more of a fleshed out plot and characters, more of an ending, more questions answered, more ends tied up, just more.

However, I enjoyed the writing and do plan on checking out future work by this author.

Thank you to G.P. Putnam’s Sons and NetGalley for the DRC

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Wow, this book was a roller coaster. I can't believe this was a debut novel! As someone with a family member similar to El, this book hurt me. I think anyone who can relate will understand. This book confused me at times but I think I was the issue. This was one of those books where all the characters are so unlikable that it kind of works. I will definitely be reading more books by Alana B. Lytle.

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A well-written, propulsive debut! Man's Best Friend follows Heloise "El," who's spent her whole life in close proximity to the wealthy and well-connected. She wants that life for herself, too, but having given up on her dreams of becoming a famous actress, and with little other prospects, El is resigning herself to an existence of emptiness with nothing to look forward to. Then, she meets the mysterious Bryce, who isn't exactly her type, but holds the keys to the world she's always longed to be a part of. As El sheds the remnants of her old life in order to perfectly fit into Bryce's, she begins to wonder if Bryce isn't exactly who he seems to be. How much will she give up—and can she face the consequences?

I loved the writing style of this book! None of the characters are necessarily likable, but Lytle does an incredible job of drawing readers into their world. I was on the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next. The story covers so many thought-provoking themes—it was a quick read, but had me thinking about it long after I finished the book. Overall, Man's Best Friend is a fast-paced book, but one that readers won't soon forget. I'm interested to see what Lytle writes next! Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC.

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The first few chapters were so depressing that I couldn't go on. A main character who is totally down on herself usually has one quirky, winsome, or redeeming quality, but I couldn't get deep enough into this book to find it in El. The story line, use of drugs and alcohol are not 'my thing' but that said, the writing is good and I'm sure others with different reading preferences would enjoy this book on that merit.

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El is a failed actress with no passion, great love, or even a great future to look forward to. After attending a Manhattan private school on scholarship and being in the company of the ultra-wealthy, she knows what it feels like to rub elbows with the rich, and she wants that feeling back. But with no motivation, she wonders if she’ll ever get that life back.

Out of the blue, a chance meeting after a get-together has her suddenly snuggling up to a wealthy trust fund Cambridge graduate. Definitely not her type; Bryce’s only way to hold on to El is through his money and connections.
But as strange events occur around them, they start to reveal their true selves.

What a strange yet luxurious novel. I loved the rags to riches theme and especially the mysterious events that peppered the book. I was almost sure something sinister was at play, yet I felt duped when the novel took another turn. Did I also mention how infuriating El was? I loved to hate her.

Great story, great characters, great overall experience.

The publisher provided ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I had a hard time getting into this book because the characters all seemed not like their lives and Bryce was a real creep. Interesting debut.

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* Special thanks to Penguin Group PUTNAM, NetGalley, and the author, Alana B. Lytle for an ARC of this book. Publication date: May 14, 2024*
The story follows 29 year old El who feels lost, directionless, and lonely. She struggles with a father who abandoned her, a mother who was physically there, but not emotionally, and toxic friendships in her adolescent years. This character is hurt, flawed, and unlikeable; however that is what makes her feel so real. Lytle did an incredible job in conveying how someone with a disorganized attachment would struggle with her relationship with self and others. El then meets another man and begins to sacrifice herself for the chance of feeling wanted and loved. The question then becomes how much is she willing to sacrifice?
This book made me feel slimy, afraid, and satisfied. I would definitely recommend this novel.

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I definitely felt for El and I enjoyed shadowing her story, although it could be painful at times due to the relatability. I agree with other reviews that the "woman as dog" metaphor could be a bit clunky at times, but overall, the book worked. Strong debut effort from a young writer; will be looking out for her next book to follow her development.

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El is a struggling actress nearing the end of her opportunity to make it big. Living in New York, she works half heartedly at a bakery and spends time with her NYU friends dreaming of what could have been. Back in middle school, El spent a golden year at a private Manhattan academy. The friends she made there seemed to have moved on, but El has never forgotten them. When one of the friends returns her text and invites her to the Hamptons for a night, she jumps at the chance. While she is there she meets a very interesting man who for once, is more interested in her than her friends.

The themes of never being good enough, or just being good enough at times worked well, I do not think the dog metaphors were helpful, and seemed to have detracted from the story. While some of this territory has been covered before, Lytle is a great writer and the ending will absolutely thrill you! #Mansbestfriend #alanablytle #penguin

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El was an interesting character and the author has an interesting writing style that, while readable, feels a little different and outside the norm. I wasn't feeling gripped by it so stopped after chapter 3 (9%), but I imagine this book will go over well with the target audience.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin for the ARC.

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Man’s Best Friend offers a familiar protagonist who is lost in life, trying to find her way in an environment where comparison is the death of not only joy, but of motivation. When you can’t possibly keep up, why try? While a lot of books that follow these types of female characters are lambasted (she’s not likable, she’s entitled, whiny, etc.), I think Lytle’s book mostly works and is a solid debut. A lot of her reflections are relatable and offer an amusing, honest social commentary. The book seeks to be more Literary by trying to draw a comparison between women and dogs— loyal companions too often taken for granted— and while I appreciate the ambition, I don’t think it was necessary. I almost put the book down during the first chapter, thinking the entire book was going to be written from the POV of a dog. So if you do pick this up, push past that first chapter! :)

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The first half of the book had great potential but then towards the middle, the suspense just wasn't there. It had all this promise then died down. I'm sure there's something I'm not getting or picking up on, but the overall story was engaging.

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Thank you NetGalley and Putnam books for letting me read an eARC of this book. It was quite the manipulating tale of a term subliminally known in all human beings. Prey and Predator, fight or flight - animal instincts. We follow the protagonist, El, as she struggles with knowing who she is and what she wants in life. She becomes prey to predators she couldn’t always see coming. But what occurs when she becomes the predator, well, the whole story flips on its axis. It switches from things happening to her, to her doing things to affect others. This story comes out in May 2024, and I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a thriller that’s theme always goes back to the bare bones of the human race. It begs the question: will you be prey? Or will you be a predator?

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