Member Reviews

Between being a ballerina (short-lived) and a princess (still trying), my dream career in my youth was to be a scientist. There's proof, in those little booklets you fill out each year during elementary. One of my aunts even got me a Popular Science subscription. For years, I read them end to end.

If I were smarter, my dream career would be a physicist. I constantly eat up works by Stephen Hawking. Interstellar changed my life. Relativity is wild.

I don't entirely understand string theory and multiple dimensions, but I love the idea of them. Parallel universes, and shows like Fringe, are my bread and butter.

So it's nice to follow Dr. Kaku's work in a sea of very white physicists. This is an easy read/listen if you're even a modicum interested in the above subjects.

🎧 Thank you to NetGalley and HighBridge Audio

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Really Interesting, but dry. Took me forever to get through, but I keep thinking about it. Kaku is incredible.

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Mind-bending topics and theories, but Kaku explains things in such a fun and simple way that you can usually grasp them. Super interesting book.

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Format: audiobook ~ Narrator: Tim Lounibos
Content: 5 stars ~ Narration: 5 stars

Hyperspace is not a new book. It was first published in 1994. So it’s well-known among some readers. And although the material is almost 30 years old, it’s still relevant today.

I love Michio Kaku’s work. I saw some of his science TV series and always liked how he explained complex scientific facts in a simple form. I also liked references to some books that use the same ideas that the author explains.

Narration by Tim Lounibos is very good and easy to follow. The audiobook format is perfect for readers who want to read the book but maybe until now didn’t dare to dive in. As always, with science books, I recommend listening to this audiobook slowly. Although, the audiobook is easy to follow, and the author explains everything simply.

Thanks to HighBridge Audio for the advanced copy and this opportunity! This is a voluntary review and all opinions are my own.

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This author writes my favourite non fiction science books and this one did not disappoint. Technically it is the re-release of a previously published book with a new audio version but I am happy that this format will bring this book to a larger audience.

This book is largely framed around hyperspace or dimensions beyond the four we can already perceive. This topic alone was fascinating but I appreciated that the author expanded into adjacent topics from multiworld theories to discussions of an intelligent creator.

Disclaimer I received a copy of the audiobook from the publisher.

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I had two concerns going into this audiobook. One, would not having access to the figures and notes detract from my reading/learning experience, and two, while an indisputable classic, is Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension too out-of-date? My answers are no and no. There were only about a dozen times that text figures or notes were referenced. While I jotted them down, I never bothered to try and look them up in a print version, and don't feel that I missed out on any great experiences.

As for the relevance of a book that is pushing 30 hard and fast, this lay reader certainly didn't feel that I was wasting my time on ancient history. Other than a couple of references to experiments that I happen to know have been successfully completed in the past three decades (such as the discovery of the Higgs boson-- it's why you're fat), as far as I know Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension is still completely relevant as an introduction to this mysterious world. (Which makes sense, because otherwise why would would HighBridge Audio have bothered to record an audiobook at this juncture?)

As for the text itself, mind officially blown, but what else do you expect from Michio Kaku? He is remarkably gifted in his way of explaining these esoteric topics so that lay readers can understand as much as possible. And speaking of reading, one side effect of Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension I didn't anticipate was that my Want to Read list would expand so much! Speaking of the esteemed Michio Kaku, I was bummed that he didn't provide the narration. However, Tim Lounibos's voice sounded enough like Dr. Kaku's that I would completely forget I wasn't listening to the man himself. Overall, Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension remains a must-read for any physics fan at any time in any format. I would like to thank HighBridge Audio for allowing me to experience this NetGalley audiobook.

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This book explores higher dimensions and if time travel is possible. And if time travel is possible, would it be wise to rewrite history? It further explores creation, the existence of God, the Big Bang Theory, Super String theory, Quantum theory, General relativity, Wormholes, blackholes, Quantum cosmology, Hawking’s theories, Newton's Law, Einstein theories, parallel and alternative universes and much more! This book covers it all! Sectioned in four fundamental themes. It is the most comprehensive and well researched book I have read on time travel and alternative universes. It is quite a fascinating read and Kaku has done an amazing job relating the history and giving examples that draws the reader's attention.

I have always been fascinated with physics and philosophy in school, but I have leaned way more from this book, than I ever have in school. This book was one that was definitely needed and very important for the world of physics. It is not only a fascinating read, but it is also referencing guide. Not only will one want to revisit this book, but they will also want to explore more into many of the theories mentioned in the book. I also want to watch many of the movies referenced in this book. This book really makes one think. You may go into the book with preconceived notions or perceptions and come out with a totally different perspective. I loved how the connection between Physics and math were explored as well as Einstein theories. So many things in this book really made me think such as what would happen to our world if time travel were possible? And will man destroy the universe as we know it? Will intelligent life and Artificial Intelligence replicate itself? Anyone who wants to learn more about hyperspace, time travel, alternative lifeforms, parallel universes physics and how the world works and moves, should definitely read this book.

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Hyperspace: The Next Frontier

This was a really interesting and enlightening read.

I found it was on par with other Kaku books - I think I have read about 3 others.

He has a really particular way of writing that just gets right to the point, and I find it really well crafted.

Would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys physics, space, and philosophy.


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I first read Hyperspace way back in ’94 or ’95. At the time I didn’t know who Michio Kaku was and my knowledge of physics was limited to what I’d learned from a basic physics class I took in college, but while killing time during a layover I picked up Hyperspace at one of the shops in the airport and started reading it. It was fascinating and instantly became a big fan of Kaku. He’s written a number of excellent books over the years. He has a wonderful way of taking complex ideas and explaining them in such a way that anyone can understand them so if you have even the slightest interest in quantum physics, wanting to better understand how the universe works, this is a fantastic place to start. I will say I did pull my copy of the book off my shelf a number of times to examine the various figures/pictures referenced throughout the book. Tim Lounibos does an excellent job with the narration. While I find it a bit odd that the book is only now coming out on audio, I’m very glad it did. I’d like to thank HighBridge Audio and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to an advanced copy for the audio version of Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension.

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The concept of other dimensions, time travel, and parallel universes is no longer dismissed as science fiction. In superstring theory, vibrations in higher dimensional space could unite gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces in a single set of mathematical descriptions. In clear, engaging prose, this book explains why many scientists consider superstring theory to be the best candidate for the Theory of Everything.

This classic book has been put into audio for the first time. The narration is entertaining and easy to follow. There are momentary reminders that the book came out in 1994—before M theory or flat-screen monitors. But overall, it seems relevant despite its age. For the first time, I understand the allure of string theory to the scientific community.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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