Member Reviews

This book was just okay. The pacing was very slow, there was not a lot of action, and the main character was whiny and hard to like. There were long stretches of the book that were hard to get through because there wasn’t much added to the plot.

I listened to the audiobook version and didn’t love the narrator's voice. I felt the voice of the main character, Silvia, was too breathy and hard to listen to. I think the way the character was written was also part of my dislike though. I didn't love any of the characters to be honest.

For me, this book was just okay.

Thanks to NetGalley for an early copy of this book!

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This one was a different type of historical fiction for me. I was drawn to it because the blurb mentioned some great authors that I’ve read, Kate Morton and Silvia Moreno-Garcia.

Silvia and her sick mother end up in Italy because Silvia is given a movie role in a horror film. When the movie is looking for somewhere to film, they end up at the Castello owned by Silvia’s aunt, a woman she’s never met. During filming, Silvia’s aunt disappears, and Silvia is convinced there’s something sinister afoot.

I enjoyed the family drama part of this story. Silvia’s mom refused to speak to her aunt because of her aunt’s alliances during WWII. I needed to know the whole story as to why there was so much hatred there.

I enjoyed Patricia’s narration of this story. She portrays the actors well and defines the characters clearly.

Thank you to NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for my ALC of this book.

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I love a historical mystery mixed with romance and this debut is a great one. It's atmospheric and suspenseful, and the glamorous world of movie-making in Italy makes it the perfect vacation read. The narration by Patricia Santomasso was fantastic and you won't be able to put this one down.

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Reviewing: The Woman in the Castello
by Kelsey James
Narrated: by Patricia Santomasso
Format: Audiobook
ARC: Netgalley
My final star rating for this enchanting audiobook experience is 3.75 ⭐

The Woman in the Castello, penned by the talented Kelsey James and narrated by the captivating Patricia Santomasso, takes listeners on a mesmerizing journey through the realms of historical fiction, romance, family drama, suspense, and mystery. Delivered in audiobook format, I had the pleasure of delving into this story through an ARC courtesy of NetGalley.

Set against the backdrop of 1960s Italy, this debut novel weaves a spellbinding tapestry of movieland intrigue, family enigmas, and the repercussions of forbidden love. The story introduces us to Sylvia, an aspiring American actress who has faced nothing but minor roles in films. Her dreams of living in Italy with her terminally ill mother and young daughter, Lulu, are shattered when the film project she pins her hopes on gets cancelled. Sylvia finds herself at a crossroads, with no job prospects and no alternative but to reach out to her estranged aunt, Gabriella Conti, whom she has never met and her mother hasn't spoken to since World War II.

Sylvia may come across as impulsive and immature at the outset, but Kelsey James artfully develops her character as the plot unfolds. The mystery at the heart of the story is expertly crafted, featuring just the right balance of twists and turns, leading to a satisfying climax. The novel's setting is within a medieval castle, where a horror movie is being filmed, and eerie occurrences heighten the atmosphere and add a layer of gothic charm that enhances the overall experience.

While romance blooms within the narrative, it does feel a tad rushed at times. Fortunately, it never overshadows the core mystery, allowing the story's multifaceted elements to coexist harmoniously.

One minor gripe is the repetitiveness of Sylvia's motivations throughout the tale. Her constant reminders of doing everything for her daughter, a point established early in the book, may have been unnecessary. It would have been more intriguing to delve deeper into Gabriella's intriguing life as she emerges as a captivating character in her own right.

Patricia Santomasso's narration of The Woman in the Castello is nothing short of remarkable. Her clear and passionate delivery immediately immerses listeners in the story. Her talent shines through, making the audiobook an engaging and enjoyable experience.

In conclusion, The Woman in the Castello is a well-rounded story with commendable character development and just the right dose of gothic allure without becoming excessive. For fans of authors like Kate Morton, Daphne du Maurier, and Silvia Moreno-Garcia, this book is a delightful addition to your reading list. I thoroughly relished my time with The Woman in the Castello and eagerly anticipate Kelsey James' future works.

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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This is an entertaining mystery with a hint of romance. I found the main character a little bit immature but since she is only in her 20s, I am guessing she was written this was deliberately. Overall a great story that kept me guessing until the end.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Woman in the Costello by Kelsey James was a captivating historical fiction mystery. It was her debut novel and it was a good one. I was initially intrigued by the cover until I began reading it. This well plotted debut novel captured my attention from the first page and held on to it to the surprising and very satisfying conclusion. I loved the colorful collection of characters Kelsey James created for this suspenseful book. It was set during the 1960’s in a small Italian village outside of Rome.

Sylvia Whitford was determined to secure a role as an actress in a movie. When she was offered a small part in a movie that was being filmed in Italy she, her mother and precious young daughter all traveled to Italy. Sylvia was accompanied by her terminally ill mother, Elana, who had been born in Italy but had not been back since she and her late husband left for the United States shortly after World War II. She also brought Lulu, her precocious two year old daughter. Unfortunately, as soon as Sylvia reported to the movie set she learned that the film had been cancelled. What was she going to do now? Her money was running out and her opportunities to find another role in a movie were bleak. Sylvia could think of only one thing that she could do. Her mother had an estranged sister, her Aunt Gabriella, that lived in a Costello outside of Rome. Surely, her aunt would lend her some money. Sylvia found her way to the Costello that was in dire need of repairs. It was a crumbling building that Sylvia imagined might have hosted a ghost or two over the years. She wasn’t sure of the reason why but her mother and aunt hadn’t seen each other or communicated with each other since her mother left Italy all those years ago. Her mother had forbidden Sylvia from contacting her aunt. Sylvia knew that she had no choice though. What had happened all those years ago to cause such a rift between these two sisters? Sylvia hoped that she might find out more about what happened between her mother and aunt. While Sylvia was pleading her case to her aunt and getting acquainted with her, a production team that was working on securing a site to film their horror movie was checking out her aunt’s Costello as a possible backdrop for their movie. When Sylvia’s aunt Gabriella was offered a substantial monetary sum for the use of her Costello she agreed immediately. To Sylvia’s surprise, she was cast in the starring role. It was not the type of acting role she had imagined but she was glad for the opportunity and the pay. Everything was going well until Sylvia’s aunt simply vanished. What had happened to Gabriella? Where had she disappeared to? Was foul play involved?

I really enjoyed The Woman in the Castillo by Kelsey James. It was very atmospheric and fun to read. I loved the array of characters Kelsey James incorporated into this well plotted novel. It was suspenseful and had a few twists that I did not see coming. I loved how it ended. It was surprising yet satisfying. The Woman in the Castello touched on the importance of family, it had romance, mystery and quite a few secrets that some were harboring. Women’s roles were defined as they existed in the 1960’s. I am so glad women have moved beyond those years and the limitations they were faced with back then. The Woman in the Castello examined the complex roles of professional actors and actresses during that time period. This was an impressive debut novel and I look forward to reading more books by Kelsey James in the future. I listened to the audiobook of The Woman in the Castello. It was performed quite well by Patricia Santomasso. I highly recommend this book.

Thank you to High Bridge/Recorded Books for allowing me to listen to this audiobook through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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An enjoyable Gothic style historical mystery set in the 1960s Time, when the Second World War wasn't a different memory. The majority of the take is set in an atmospheric medieval Italian castle. The cast, crew and family are all keeping secrets they want to protect and not share, many of them life altering. I enjoyed the audiobook version as the narrator did an excellent job with an Italian accent or speaking Italian when necessary.

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Sometimes I want a light-hearted read suitable for vacation. The Woman In The Castello met that need. With its setting in a centuries old castle in 1960s Italy, and its cast of melodramatic aspiring film stars, this novel entertained me and brought me to another place and time.

I liked the atmospheric details a lot. Author Kelsey James describes buildings and scenery skillfully, creating a vivid picture in my mind. Her development of the personalities of the various characters was adequate for the purposes of the moving the plot along.

The publishers were misleading in describing the book as a suspenseful thriller, since the ghost story element was about as scary as an episode of Scooby Doo. The bedroom scenes were well written and I would put the book into the romance or chick lit genre.

Parts of this novel bored me and the author repeats herself often. For the last third I wanted to hurry up and finish reading it so I could be done with it already. The final twist was too far fetched and gimmicky and I think the plot would have been better without it.

I am giving The Woman in the Castello a solid three stars and recommending it to anyone looking for a breezy vacation read.

Thank you Netgalley for the free advance digital audiobook in exchange for my unbiased review.

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Engaging story with a perfect narrator! Great combination of Italian castle, WWII family secrets, family dynamics, movie making, movie stars and so much more. This entertaining summer read is a perfect blend of historical fiction, mystery and some romance.

This book is about filming an old fashioned horror movie in an ancient castle in Italy. The descriptions by the author about the settings and characters in this book were just amazing. It is so easy to see this castle as scary and haunted. I felt like I was there in Italy at the castle meeting all these beautiful people.

The main female character did start to get annoying because of her ridiculous decisions and ability to jump to conclusions without thinking. And she did this over and over, never learning from her last mistake, It would have been fun to learn a little more about the details of the sisters and their family during WWII.

This was an entertaining summer read with a memorable setting in the Italian countryside. I loved the cover.

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I really enjoyed this book but felt like it could have been shorter with less characters - it was a little difficult to follow with all the different people involved in the story line. Perhaps it was because I listened to the audiobook version. Overall, I liked it and would recommend it.

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Things I enjoyed:
🕰️ 1960s Time Period
🎬 Old Hollywood
🧟‍♂️Horror Movie Set

⭐️⭐️⭐️💫3.5 stars

I enjoyed the old Hollywood feel of this novel! Especially the creepy horror movie set and the eerie old castle! As someone who is a huge classic film and film noir buff that part was so much fun. This was definitely something different and I really appreciated that aspect of the book!

*Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, author, and narrator for an advanced copy for this audiobook. All opinions are my own. #thewomaninthecastello #NetGalley

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This may have been an instance of wrong reader/wrong book, but The Woman in the Castello didn't feel dark enough. The beginning is set up beautifully for a gothic horror, with a decrepit haunted castle, a horror film set, and mysterious and creepy happenings. But about halfway though, this setting is more or less abandoned, and the focus becomes the impulsivity of the main character. Silvia was sympathetic, and I thought her romance with Paul was very well written, but she became frustrating and tiresome. Even for a horror movie actress, she screams far too often, and she'd rather accuse everyone she knows of murder than practice a little self-awareness. The plot twist was appropriately surprising, but felt a bit too random. I don't think there was enough lead up to it for it to make sense. Overall though, I enjoyed the writing, and the characters were well-developed. This was a solid debut, and I look forward to seeing what Kelsey James writes next.

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The Woman in the Castello seemed like an interesting story of post war Italy, family secrets, and a creepy ghost story. Unfortunately, I found Silvia to be incredibly annoying and unlikeable. More so than the issues with the main character, were the poor writing choices. Besides consistently stating obvious subtext, and how often Silvia got mad at her mom for being "controlling" or argued with her bosses and expected them to not be upset with her, there were so many times I was confused as to what year it was because of the things they mentioned. For example, using condoms. I didn't look it up and I would probably be surprised to find that condoms were actually available in 1965, but it was a little jarring. There was also the way she described Silvia's mother. She was obviously suffering from cancer and that would make a person frail, but she constantly was described as having papery skin and other decrepit descriptions that made me feel like she was in her 60s at the very least. So when Silvia was asked how old her aunt was (who was her mother's older sister) and she replied, umm maybe 40? I was shocked. Like my mouth hung open. So the whole time before that I was thinking ok, she's like in her 30s maybe and her mom is like 55 60, so what year is it? The war ended in 1945, so I'm doing all this math in my head while reading and then all of a sudden her mom is only 40? Or less?? So, if the book is supposed to take place in 1965 and her mom is 40, that means she was less than 20 during the war? I dunno, it's the way she describes the whole back story that made me feel like Silvia's mom was much older, so it just didn't jive for me.
I wanted to like this one, but it was a miss for me.

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The setting was amazing and of course stole the show 🎥 (literally lol). This novel combines elements of historical fiction, romance, family drama, suspense and some mystery. The author also does a good job at writing small beautiful details that really make the story come to life.

A Castle, Italy 🇮🇹 and Gothic vibes - say no more!

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This was a really neat mystery. I don't think I've read anything like it. I've read historical fiction, and I've read thrillers, but I don't think I've read a historical thriller NOT based on an event. This was a truly original plot/characters/setting.

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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If historical fiction is your thing- this is a book I'd highly recommend. I couldn’t put this one down. This is historical fiction at its best. A fun mash-up of mid-century glamour with a spooky haunting. Throw in some post-WWII family dynamics and uncovering of buried family secrets and this book takes the genre to the next level and gives you something to remember it by.

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I'm so very torn on this one. On one hand, the premise is captivating. It had so much potential. On the other, it felt stilted, lacked reason at times, and had a very tenuous path to get from beginning to end. It felt like Scooby Doo for girls in their mid to late teens.

I didn't really feel for any of the characters. Things were revealed like checkpoints, not as believable transitions through life.

Overall, unfortunately, this one wasn't for me.

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I expected this to be good but I was blown away. First the narrator is perfect for this role. She was so good!
I loved all the characters. And you cannot ever top this setting. She's filming an old timey horror movie in an ancient castle. Her estranged aunt inherited a castle from a husband who passed away. The castle is cursed/haunted.
The aunt goes missing and our girl finds blood.
Anyway, this is sexy, scary, and interesting. Definitely a great listen.

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A sumptuous, gothic read, "The Woman in the Castello" by Kelsey James has a page-turning plot perfect for a long flight or day at the beach. It's billed as historical fiction, but the story is full of mystery and is a fast-paced read that's hard to put down once you've started. The setting in 1960s Italy gives the story a charming vintage feel. Silvia, the main character, quickly won me over, and I genuinely cared about her.

A palpable atmosphere is created by the detailed descriptions of the Italian countryside and the eerie castle, making the reader feel transported back in time. Featuring a unique perspective on the film industry at that time, the plot revolves around the making of a horror movie. This book cleverly weaves the parallel narratives of the film being filmed in the castle with the eerie things that happen there, adding depth and intrigue.

Silvia Whitford, the twenty-year-old aspiring actress and single mom, is relatable and compelling. Readers will root for her because of her resourcefulness and determination. Silvia's relationship with her estranged aunt, Gabriella Conti, is one of the book's main themes. Throughout the story, tension and suspense are created by their fraught dynamic and mysterious past.

A well-drawn supporting cast adds layers of complexity to the story. Every member of the crew brings their own quirks and personality, making them feel like real people. There's a touch of sweetness and warmth to the overall plot from Silvia's budding romance.

This novel has a great mystery element. Gabriella's sudden disappearance and the eerie occurrences in the castle keep readers guessing until the end. Incorporating twists and red herrings makes the book suspenseful and engrossing.

This book is mostly about a mystery and family drama, but it also explores deeper themes like the complexities of family relationships, the impact of past trauma, and human resilience. Themes like these add emotional depth to the story, making it more than just a mystery.

One minor critique would be that some characters could have been developed more. While Silvia's journey and growth are well explored, Gabriella's backstory and motivations would have enriched the story even more.

In general, "The Woman in the Castello" is an atmospheric and captivating read that seamlessly blends historical fiction, mystery, and romance. From beginning to end, Kelsey James' story keeps readers engaged. The vivid setting, well-drawn characters, and clever plot make this novel a great choice for fans of gothic mysteries. If you love historical fiction or just want a good story, "The Woman in the Castello" is for you.

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The Woman in the Castello is full of vivid descriptions, glamour, and intrigue. I strongly recommend this one--the writing is superb and the plot will keep you guessing.!

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