Member Reviews

First sentence: "Make sure you send me a telegram when you get to Linksburg."

What should you know about A Season of Harvest? 1) It's historical ROMANCE set in Nebraska in 1868. 2) It's the FOURTH in a series. 3) Each book focuses on a family of sisters; each novel features at least one romance. 4) There are brothers but they are less important because their romances aren't featured. (Okay, that might be an exaggeration). 5) By the fourth book there are dozens of characters to keep track of. No characters are dropped. 6) If you do not read the novels close together, you may end up super-confused OR super-frustrated OR both.

I have read the other novels in the series. At least I am mostly sure I have read the first two books. (I think I've read the third.) It wasn't recent enough for me to remember ANY details about the story. Not the sisters' names. Not the husbands' names. Not the kids' names. No major plot twists. No minor plot twists.

Is this one written so that it could stand alone? No. Not really. To start with the fourth book would be like tuning into a movie when you've only got thirty minutes left. You might pick up enough to know if you want to watch the movie in its entirety. You might like it enough to want to know the title so that you could seek it out to watch it. But you'll have more questions than answers. When it comes to this novel, I felt the characterization was relying so much on reader's previous knowledge in other books that it was a little lacking.

I did like that the novel shows how the Civil War still has WOUNDS--literal and figurative--that are open. Four or five years might have passed but for those who fought, for those who lost brothers or husbands or fathers or sons, it's still FRESH and very much still a trauma to work through.

Larkspur and Lilac are the two single sisters when the novel opens. The other three novels in the series has focused on the other sisters and their romances.

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Larkspur Is a Hardy Flower, and Larkspur Is a Hardy Woman
Reviewed in the United States on January 31, 2024
A Season of Harvest is book 4 in the Leah's Garden series by Lauraine Snelling and Kiersti Geron. The stories are about three young women who leave Ohio and move by wagon train to settle in Nebraska in 1865. This story begins Four years later., highlighting Larkspur, the eldest sister, and Lilac, the youngest sister.

If you liked the other three books or any other books by Lauraine Snelling, you will like this one. The story is not very exciting, but we do get to live in Salton Nebraska in 1868. Larkspur, Lilac and their family are our friends. I really felt as though I was there.

Without spoiling I'll just mention that there were a couple of serious accidents, a little romance, and the villain.

I do recommend A Season of Harvest. It's probably best to read the other books first, which I had done, but the author(s) does mention some events from the past stories.

I received a copy of the book from Bethany House through NetGalley, but was not obligated to give a good review.

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A Season of Harvest is the fourth book in the Leah's Garden series. The series is about 4 sisters, all named after flowers.
The sisters have really faced some hardships in life and despite them not always agreeing with each on everything, when in a bind they are always there for each other.
The author has a flair for writing historical fiction that feels real. I could picture many of the things taking place in my mind during this time period. The books and situations are not fancy or full of pretense, in one situation a woman's dress drags in the dirt. Very realistic for this time period.
We can feel the tension in many of the scenes but despite this the sisters keep their strong faith.
It's so easy to get lost in the long-ago times written here centering around family, faith and unconditional love.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book all opinions express are my own.

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Been loving this series. This is the latest book. Mainly based on Larkspur's story, although all the family are involved. I love the way the whole community come together to help each other. There is a theme of listening to God, waiting on his timing. Throughout this series, there is always the theme of gratitude. There are, again, lots of twists and turns that sometimes kept me at the end of my seat. I haven't been able to put these books down. You definitely need to read the whole series in order. I don't know if there are going to be any more books in the series? It would be nice to have one on Anders. Thank You to Netgalley for providing me with an ebook prior to release. The opinions are all my own. Best series I have read in a long time. If you enjoy Christian Historical Fiction, and esp family saga, then this is definitely for you.

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‘A Season of Harvest’ by Lauraine Snelling
Fourth book on the Leah’s Garden series
By Lauraine Snelling and Kierstin Giron

This series encompasses the stories of four sisters, the Nielsen sisters. And this’ the story of the eldest, Larkspur Grace.
Even though I haven’t read the previous stories on this series it didn’t avert me from the storyline. And since I love this author’s writing I knew I was in store for a delightful read. Though, it’s always great to read the rest of the series, since you’ll know of the characters background stories, but I never felt lost or needing the backstory, it can be a standalone novel.

This’ a story of forgiveness, second chances, “be ye kind one to another”, sisters and family, small town life and farm life 💖

What I like most about this book is that the story transports me to my own grandparents small farm with all the pleasant descriptions of daily life. The milking of cows, feeding the chickens, gathering eggs, etc. It’s lovely to think of long gone days where even the children played an important role in life. There’s a strong family unity, Christian values and principles to learn and imitate for our lives today and always. And it’s just wonderful to see how friends and a whole town get together lending helping hands when tragedy strikes. There’s nothing like reading about bygone days.

I loved this excerpt…
“Our God is faithful and He can be trusted. That doesn’t mean we won’t know heartache —I’m afraid Jesus promised we would. But though the twists and turns of our lives may often not be what we plan or expect, that doesn’t mean they aren’t for good. Not if we trust them into God’s hands, even though we can’t see the way clear before us.”

Thank you NetGalley and Bethany House for providing this book for review. All opinions are my own.

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A Season of Harvest by Lauraine Snelling :Kriersti Gordon ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This is book 4 in the Garden series. I was unaware and a little lost. Although it can read as stand alone, I highly recommend read them in order. Each book is about A sister and as you can assume, their names are all flowers (hence Garden series). Book 4 is about Lark and her journey to find happiness.
Its a wonderful series that I'm sure you will enjoy learning about all the girls finding their happily ever after. But please read them in order.

I received an advanced copy of this book for my honest review. Book 4 releases Jan30, enough to read the first 3 books. And I hope you do.

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Ahh! I was so excited to read another book by Snelling. She is one of my favorite authors and this book in the Leah’s Garden series was great to finally read! I had read the previous books in 2023 when the third one was published and was a bit bummed to have to wait to read the next. I quickly remembered the story as I continued on the journey with the beloved characters in book 4. I personally enjoy Snelling’s writing style, the way she describes things and the historical context in which the story has been set. Thinking about a different way of life, experiencing the different personalities through her characters, and hearing her share truths about God in her book as the story lends itself to that opportunity is wonderful. Some of the things in this book are things I was hoping what happen after reading her previous books in the series and some things were an unexpected addition to the plot which is always fun in my opinion. Overall, I thought it was a great read and hope that she continues to write!

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It's Lark's turn to find happiness, but she seems bound and determined to push it away. She wants to seem content to find her happiness in loving her sisters' families and working her farm. Isaac McTavish has fallen in love with Miss Lark, but she doesn't feel she can depend on him and pushes him away.

In the meantime, Lilac has gone back to Ohio to see their brothers, help her oldest brother reopen his store after the fire, and possibly bring Jonas back with her to help with the harvest on the farm. While there, she reconnects with Sam, an old school mate. He lost his arm in the War Between the States, but he has a teaching credential, so Lilac convinces Sam to apply for the teaching job in her town in Nebraska. Sam sees the opportunity as a godsend and a way to get some distance from his mother's hovering. She means well, but Sam feels suffocated by her ministrations.

There is one anachronism in the book that kind of took me aback. When Sam begins his new school year, he begins his day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. It wasn't written until about twenty years later. That is the only thing I feel I can criticize about the book. I THINK it was customary in those days to recite the Lord's Prayer, or possibly a Psalm to open the school day. The book reads as a slice of life for the frontier farmer. There is a bit of excitement here and there in the plot of the book, but it reads more as a narrative of daily life--almost like a journal. This doesn't mean that the plot is too slow, it means that there is more time to delve into the thoughts of the characters and get to know them even better. It's a fitting wrap up to the series. Lauraine Snelling and Kiersti Giron have done a masterful job with the series and I look forward to see what they come up with next.

Four Strong Stars.

Bethany House provided the copy I read for this review. All opinions expressed are solely my own

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I felt at a slight disadvantage because I had not read the prior books in the series. At first, I had trouble keeping the various sisters and other characters straight. However, once I settled in to the story world, I thoroughly enjoyed it. And to be fair, the initial disorientation was my fault for not having read the other books in the series.

The Nielsen sisters are almost too good to be true. They are hardworking, smart, and dedicated to family. The authors do a good job of throwing various difficulties at them and we, as readers, enjoy seeing how they tackle hard situations and come out stronger than ever.

The authors include various life lessons throughout the narrative, which I enjoyed. I especially liked the reminder to turn over our worries to God and pray without ceasing.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance e-galley; all opinions in this review are completely my own.

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When I started reading, I didn't realize this was 4th book in a series. I decided to start from the first book. I recommend you do so you will be able to understand what's happened through out the series.

I love the connection I had with the characters! The storyline was excellent and it was a very easy read. Reading I learned about the time and the difficulty people went through, relationships between family and neighbors. This was a all around great christian historical fiction.

I highly recommend this book and the whole series!

I received this complimentary copy from the publisher through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone

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A Season of Harvest by Lauraine Snelling is the fourth novel in the Leah’s Garden series. I do recommend reading the series in order as it will allow you to get to know the characters and their storylines. I thought the story was well-written with developed characters. I have enjoyed getting to know the Nielsen sisters. The sisters are smart, strong, hardworking, and family oriented. The Nielson sisters are industrious and have come up with good business ideas. I thought the author captured the time period and the locale. I like that we get to see the characters struggle as well as thrive. There are good life lessons in the story (control, pride, and fear). Faith is a central part of the Neilsen’s lives. We see the importance of prayer as well as letting go of our worries and turning them over to God. The story is a slow starter, and I feel it would help if there was a list of the characters at the beginning of the book. I enjoyed the heartwarming ending. A Season of Harvest is an inspiring story with arduous farmwork, a grand store reopening, a blast from the past, a rebound romance, a new addition, and close sisters.

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I enjoyed book 4 in the Leah’s garden series. The characters drew you in and made you feel a part of the storyline. The fact it was set in the 1800’s helps you realize what it was like and the struggles people faced during this time. I found the book very engaging.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. All words are my own.

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A SEASON Of HARVEST by LAURAINE SNELLING and KIERSTI GIRON is the fourth novel in the Leah’s Garden series. This is really Larkspur’s story, but she is not the only sister to find love after thinking she never would. Larkspur has always felt it her duty to take care of everything for the family and needs to handle everything herself and Lilac has recently broken off her engagement……
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Bethany House Publishers. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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The fourth book in the Leah's Garden series wraps up many things from the previous books. This series brought to life pioneer life in the west right after the Civil War. Leah's daughters have all worked hard to get their farm in order and create a mail order seed business. Readers who enjoy historical fiction will like this series. The characters were unique and likeable. Lark's story is portrayed in this book. Recommended!

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A Season of Harvest
by Lauraine Snelling
January 30, 2023
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
This is the fourth book in the series and I was introduced to a new author for me- Kiersti Giron.

Larkspur Nielsen is determined to keep her family homestead running and to fulfill their dream of starting a seed catalog, with or without her siblings' help. With Isaac McTavish back in town, Lark finds herself at odds with her own heart and her determination to shoulder the burden of carrying her responsibilities alone. But Isaac is set on convincing her that he's here to stay and she doesn't have to carry everything by herself.
I loved this book and will be recommending it.
4 stars

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A Season of Harvest was obtained from NetGalley. This is the fourth installment of Leigh’s Garden. Larkspur is trying to keep the farm and seed catalog company going feeling that she needs to do it all and never ask for help when needed. Issac is ready to put down roots, but a summons from family might shift those plans. Lilac has gone back to Ohio to help her brother. She meets a former classmate and perhaps a new romance. However an old enemy may follow her back west. This is a wonderful read. I love the family and how they come together to help in time of need. The descriptors of pioneer life, make me feel that I am right there.

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