Member Reviews

What Hath Darwin Hath to Do with Scripture? Is probably not the book you think it is. Trust me - I was duped, but I’m not upset because there was still much to be learned, just something different.
When one hears Darwin and Scripture in the same sentence, people tend to have a negative reaction. This book should not scare people - it put what Scripture says in context to Darwinistic beliefs and ideas. It makes for a very persuasive argument and for some interesting thinking!

This book seemed much more appropriate for religious categories than science, and it felt rather niche for theologians. As interested as I was initially, that quickly wore off due to the heavily philosophical nature of the text. As both a scientist and a Catholic, I was interested in this book as it could've been done in a way to appeal to a variety of audiences, scientists and Christians alike. Instead, this is a very niche book written for a select few theologians who concern themselves with scientific discourse.
Would love to see a more broad analysis of what this book seemed to be on the tin.