Member Reviews

It seems near impossible to imbue hope into such a raw and bold examination of slavery and violence as this, but Deborah G. Plant does it. Clear-eyed and critical in its examination, this volume is necessary for a holistic understanding of the legacy of slavery and the nature of oppression as it still exists today. - review online at Ms. Magazine, January 2024 Reads for the Rest of Us

I am very interested in prison abolition and of greed and glory was an incredible account for me to read . I found the writing to be very accessible and compelling .
Thank you netgalley for the eArc.

4/5 stars,
A powerful essay about the United States prison system and how it plays a larger role in systemic racism in the country. The role of incarceration amongst Black communities continues to leave families broken creating an endless cycle of generational pain. We ultimately fail as a society to lock individuals up for life with little to no evidence. This book examines this system, how it began, and its continued implications on our society.
Thank you NetGalley and Amistad for the advance reader copy. This is my honest review.

This book is fantastic and a must-read for anyone wanting to understand the American criminal justice system. Plant traces the origins of our current system in slavery through Jim Crow and Black Codes to prisoner leasing and for-profit imprisonment. The book is very well researched but she also adds a personal touch as she weaves into the overall narrative her experience with a family member trying to navigate the criminal justice system and who is currently serving a life sentence in Louisiana's Angola State Penitentiary. (Also it is just chilling to me that Louisiana's prison is named after one of the largest slave ports - just not ok). She also talks about the toll that corporate greed takes on many groups, not just the Black community.
Thank you to Netgalley and Amistad for an ARC of this book for review purposes.