Member Reviews

Read this book in one night.
If you want a good page turner this is the book your looking for.
Gripping, exciting and not something I would normally go for but really enjoy it.

10 out of 1p for me.

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I loved Katy's previous book and this one (I felt) was even better. I enjoyed the pace, tension and of course the dark humour that was just absolutely spot on. Katy is a natural storyteller and I thought this was a superb read. Bravo!

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The Murder After the Night Before
by Katy Brent

Did I do a little happy dance when I seen I had been approved for @Katybrent new b0ok, yes, yes I did 👯‍♀️
How to kill men and get away with it was one of my fave reads of summer 23 and I couldn't wait to get stuck into The Murder after the night before, I started it yesterday and binge read it. I couldn't put it down. I adore the way Brent writes, she somehow manages to make you laugh whilst reading a murderous twisty thriller. The way she incorporates real issues into the story is very clever, raising awareness on subjects like gender equality, sexual assault & social media trolls to name a few.
Katy Brent is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. I think its safe to say she is now a autobuy for me.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Taking the top spot for fave book of 2024 🥳

Thank you so much to @HQ and @NetGalley for the arc of this book. Get it on your TBR, pub date 1st Feb 2024.

Something bad happened last night.
I’ve woken up with the hangover from hell, a stranger in my bed, and I’ve gone viral for the worst reasons.
But I can’t remember a thing…
My best friend Posey is dead. The police think it was a tragic accident. I know she was murdered.
There’s only thing stopping me from dying of shame. I need to find a killer.

#TheMurderAftertheNightBefore #NetGalley #KatyBrent

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Well this book certainly got off to a flying start. It didn't hang about. I felt very suspicious about some of the characters and very curious to see how it would all pan kept my interest and the pace was good ..Great read.

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I loved Katy's first book so jumped at the opportunity to read an ARC of this.

Mollie wakes up, hungover, with no recollection of how she got home and discovers her best friend is dead. The book covers the days immediately after this as Mollie frantically tries to piece together the events of that night to work out what happened. It's very good, I absolutely loved it. Funny, dark and full of unexpected events, I couldn't put it down.

I kept changing my mind about who the "bad guy" was, but most of them were pretty awful - I didn't trust anyone!

Mollie, is a brilliant but flawed lead. I loved her immediately and really felt all her emotions. From her fierce devotion to best pal, Posey to her calling out of toxic men, I was right there with her. You can really feel the grief as she deals with the loss of her friend.

The book is quite raw in places, but there are some great comedy moments too.

I can't say too much as I don't want to spoil, but it will keep you guessing till the end. If you loved How to Kill Men and Get Away With It, then you will definitely love this one too.

Thanks to Netgalley and HQ for the copy in exchange for an honest review.

Trigger warnings: Sexual assault, death of loved one, violence towards women.

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I was keen to read this one after how much I loved the authors first book 'how to kill men and get away with it. There are a few similarities and differences between the two books. But Katy has created two very strong likeable female lead characters in the two. Both books are heavily focused on feminism, with both main characters suffering at the hands of a man/men however the do get their revenge by the endings.
This book follows more of an amature investigation. A who done it. There's a lot less murder in this one which I must admit I was a little disappointed about. I found this book to be more mystery and didn't have the thriller edge I felt with the first book. An example of this is Kitty Collins in how to kill men worked in a meat grinding factory however Molly Monroe works for a young girls unicorn and alpaca magazine.
I enjoyed this book, it was wrote in an unusual format which like the first book had a heavy social media influence throughout. If you like a light hearted murder mystery then I recommend putting this one on your tbr.

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I did enjoy this book but not quite as much as other reviewers. I think the main character was a bit irritating and her backstory at the end just seemed to come out of no-where. However, I appreciated the clever mix of humour and quite serious issues - I can't imagine that's easy to do. I looked forward to reading it each it night and was eager to know what happened.

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This was a fabulous read, a dark, yet funny novel at times it highlights the dangers of social media and how a post can go viral and ruin lives. The plot centres around a suspicious death of a journalist investigating the disappearance of a schoolgirl. There are plants of twists and turns as the circumstances of both lives are revealed. The main character is such an interesting person, highly talented yet a very broken person at times struggling to come to terms with herself. There is much to say about the abuse women can face and about mental health issues, making this a highly worthwhile read

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I loved this - I absolutely sped through this book in two days which hasn’t happened for a while!

The story is super gripping and fast paced right from the first chapter, I felt fully immersed in the story and couldn’t wait to figure out what happened to Posey along with Molly.
I saw a few of the twists coming however I loved the reveal about Molly’s background, although I feel if this was revealed a bit earlier it would have helped me to understand her character a bit better.
Also it was frustrating when she didn’t back up any of her evidence!

I haven’t read Katy’s first novel and I will definitely be picking this up next.

Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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Love love loved this book! It has everything needed for a good mystery! Lots of twists and a conclusion that surprised me! I hope this becomes a series- I think there’s huge potential for Molly and would love to see more from her!

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This book was so much fun to read! Yes people die, there are lots of dark subjects in it but it was so well written. Like her first book, How To Kill Men and Get Away With It, the darkness is written with humour. It will make you laugh and cry at the same time. Parts of the story were very relatable at times and I didn’t want to stop reading it.

Our main character Molly is a hot mess, and that is before the night of her Christening party. She is grieving her mother, she drinks too much and hates her job writing for a teenage girl magazine. I hints come to a head at the party, when she drinks way too much and wakes up the next day with the mother of all hangovers and a strange man in her bed. Her day is about to get worse when she finds that she is the star of a viral video on twitter and then there is her roommates death.

This is a clever murder mystery, fast paced page turner. There was always something going on and it was never predictable. And the ending 😱

Thanks so much to HQ and NetGalley got my advanced copy of this book to read. Get it on your TBR, publishes on February 1st and is the perfect summer read for us Aussies.

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Thank you to netgalley and Katy Brent for sending me a free arc of The murder after the night before un exchange for an honest review.

This is a modem day whodunnit which offers many twists and turns throughout, keeping the reader on their toes. Characters are introduced purely to act as red herrings yet hose of them feel unnecessary and the inclusion of the tweets at the start of each chapter are an interesting theme throughout.

Though the title deals with some heavy themes - grief, sexual assault and victim blaming, among others - it manages to maintain an engaging tone, atmosphere and ability to keep the reader wanting to read without needing a break to digest the topics.

The plot is fairly fast paced and the plot twists and final reveals are especially well done. Some of the language used does, at times, feel shoehorned in, in order to remind readers that the author does not agree with a certain thought or plot point but other than this, it was an excellent novel.

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I loved HOW TO KILL MEN AND GET AWAY WITH IT so I was really looking forward to reading this one.

And what a fantastic book it was!

It's so twisted - I felt so sorry for Molly! I liked that there were multiple storylines to follow and the way they connected was very clever.

I had an idea of who the killer was but I couldn't have been more wrong. It's kind of obvious when you think about it but I liked that there was a legit motive for the murder.

I'm so looking forward to reading more books by this author!

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This was a good read. I thought the idea was interesting and it certainly kept me intrigued. It was an easy and engaging read which kept me up late on one occasion because I wanted to know how it would end. The plot went in a direction that I wasn't expecting at all, and had a few twists which kept me reading. It also seemed to have several threads which were all brought together nicely and finished off so there were no loose ends. I did think that the majority of the last two chapters was unnecessary.

Having the main character go viral from something that wasn't her choice was an unusual angle, and I think it was important to show how that affected her and her life. At first, I wasn't sure it was entirely necessary to the plot but it did seem to have some relevance towards the end. I also found it interesting for there to be a detailed description of the dark web and VPNs. I'm not sure how many of the general readers would be aware of either of those things.

The characters were quite good, Molly certainly seemed to be realistic and flawed. Posey was too perfect but that was part of the character anyway. The revelation about Jack and his connection to Molly and Posey was just a bit too pat though.

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for giving me an advance copy to read and review.

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I absolutely loved ‘How to Kill Men and Get Away with It’, so I was a bit worried going into this one, but I didn’t need to be! Although different this thriller had the same thrills and wit the other book did, but I found Molly a much more sympathetic character. I will now be reading all books by this author in the future.
Thanks to net galley and HQ (Harper Collins publishers) for my arc copy of this book.

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As per her first book, this one is quite a gripping read. Funny while still being a good thriller, which is not small feat. I read it in 2 sittings as i genuinely needed to know what was going to happen next. Katy Brent is definitely one to watch (and read!).

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Thanks to Netgalley and HQ for this book. What a great way to start 2024. This book is dark but not without humour and it is so superbly paced. I couldn’t put it down. We wake up with Molly, who’s the worse for the wear after her work Christmas party and her life continues to spiral out of control.

Molly is a rare heroine in that she’s really quite flawed but intensely easy to root for. She says inadvisable things, she drinks too much and she’s perhaps not entirely happy in her job as a journalist for a girls’ magazine. Her best friend is dead, and there is a mystery involving a missing teenager, and that’s on top of the reason Molly is trending on social media. The plot unravels in such a satisfying way and it is an easy read; it’s the sort of novel so well written that just it flowed into my brain with minimal effort on my part which is honestly how I like to spend my New Year’s Day. As Molly uncovers a very dark truth, we learn more about her and, eventually, we even learn why her relationship with her father is strained (now that was a twist).

This is an incredibly modern mystery; social media is lurking around the edges of the entire story in a quietly intrusive way and we certainly have cause to doubt Molly’s reasoning, and whether we really should trust Jack, the handsome stranger who woke up in her bed the morning after the night before…

Now that I’ve read this book, I am absolutely going to read Katy Brent’s first book, intriguingly titled How to Kill Men and Get Away With It) which, by description, sounds like it will be every bit as clever and dark as The Murder After The Night Before.

I very much recommend this book, especially if you like slightly dark murder mysteries with real character.

Rating: 4 stars
TL;DR: Molly Monroe wakes up with a stranger in her bed, and she is going viral on social media for the worst reason. Her day will get magnitudes worse when she discovers the body of her best friend, and finds herself immersed in another mystery.
Content warning for sexual assault, domestic violence.

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I loved Katy’s last book, and was excited for this one but also a bit worried - after all, I had high hopes. No need to worry though- this is brilliant!

I’ve gone through a lot of emotions with this one, originally mortification and cringe, upset, terrror, shouting at Molly, and a bit of humour too. Oh Molly….but also Molly!!!

An absolute rollercoaster- I blumming love it!

My thanks to Netgalley and HQ for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a DNF for me. I really enjoyed the authors previous book, How to lol men and get away with it, and thought this book would be on a similar dark humour line, but sadly there are no similarities. There are quite a number of vulgarities within just the first few chapters, and the main character didn’t come across as someone I wanted to get invested in. I gave up after the HR meeting, as I wasn’t liking this book, and didn’t see it improving

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I liked the overall writing style and how fast paced this book was, and I'm totally here for any book that wants to send a good message about sexual assault and slut and victim shaming. Oh, and I love the cover! Unfortunately, the things I like stopped there. Here's what I wasn't the biggest fan of:

It was SO predictable. Any plot twist that was meant to be a huge shock was something I had figured out a long time before it happened.

The final chapter was too abrupt and really deserved more. I feel cheated after reading an entire book and having that be the end.

Why is Molly's backstory not revealed until the end? She drove me insane for so much of the book, but had I known what the end revealed, I would have understood her as a person so much more! It made so many things about her make sense and there was no reason at all for it to be held back for the entire story.

There were more things I didn't like about this book than things I did like, which obviously isn't ideal.

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