Member Reviews

Unaware that this ARC was approved! But it is on my TBR, and the title/cover/description make this book sound wonderful! Will read in the future!

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This is a good book. The two main characters are Sabrina and Trevor. Sabrina works at Trevor’s ranch. She handles the glamping part of the ranch. There is an instant attraction. They start off bickering, she suggests things and Trevor shoots down every idea. They start doing things on the ranch together. They kiss. The fall in love.

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Quick, relaxing, sweet summer romance read perfect for a few hours of alone time in the back yard just soaking in the heat.

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This was a fun quick read! All of the characters were likable and enjoyable! Perfect for an afternoon read!

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"Wild Ride" is a delightful and charming romance that brings together Trevor, a down-to-earth cowboy, and Sabrina, a feisty woman with unconventional ideas. As they navigate the challenges of adding glamour to Trevor's ranch, their differences create a fun and entertaining dynamic. With a laid-back feel, this book promises a heartwarming and enjoyable read, perfect for anyone looking to add some fun and romance to their day.

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Wild Ride (Wildhorse Ranch Brothers #1) by Leslie North
Publisher: ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op
Genre: General Fiction (Adult), Romance
Published: July 6, 2023

Wild Ride is the 1st book in the Wildhorse Ranch Brothers trilogy by Leslie North. This was such a fun read and I really enjoyed it!

The story was so good and I loved the characters! I couldn’t help but smile throughout the book.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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A quick read that I would probably have liked better if it was longer. I didn’t notice the book was 175 pages before starting it, so I was very confused when I hit the halfway point so quickly. The pacing was weird, it felt like we were just thrown into the story and I couldn't connect to any characters.
I’m not the biggest fan of insta-love and I didn’t understand why and how those two fell for each other. Very light spice which did not add to the story.
I liked the premise, and I would have been interested in reading a more developed story by this author. Unfortunately, from what I can see she only writes under 250 pages.
Good book if you need a quick read to finish your reading challenge!

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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I am out of my comfort here - usually reading psycho thrillers, but I’m loving it! There’s a few tropes - opposites attract/ work colleagues, the book cover is, and it’s set on a ranch with cowboys! This was a fun, enjoyable read especially with the banter between Trevor and Sabrina! Thank you to the publisher for a copy.

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This was a fun short cowboy romance, with a really fun plot-line to it. I really enjoyed the leads and their chemistry, the only thing I wasn't a serious fan of was the writing, however that doesn't take away from how lovely this book was, as everybody has their own taste in what kind of writing they like to read, therefore with the correct reader, this is a great book to recommend.

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This was my first ever cowboy romance and I enjoyed it! The setting is fun and I enjoyed the plot of Sabrina turning the ranch into a glamping park while Trevor was moody and sceptical… the romance developed nicely and the practicability was just cute really - it does what it says on the tin. A fun little romp of a book to enjoy on a hot day or two! Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the ARC.

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A grumpy-sunshine that is both angsty and sexy. I loved the dual POV that allowed the reader to understand where both main characters are coming from. Quick, easy read that hit the spot!

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This is the 1st book in the “Wildhorse Ranch Brothers Series.” Trevor is sexy alpha cowboy in if need of saving his ranch. Sabrina is a city girl with expertise in revamping businesses. Sabrina finds herself at Wildhorse to help Trevor save his ranch. Sabrina finds Trevor to be one of the most stubborn sexy as sin cowboy she has laid eyes. The two are very much attracted to each and have great chemistry. I so enjoyed the camaraderie between the two who if there were not stealing kisses the two were at each-others’ throats making for interesting company. Trevor is not too happy about some of the ideas that Sabrina has in mind thus resulting into more bickering between the couple. Yet again Leslie North has come up with another one of her awesome series and this time we get more cowboy romance that is so enjoyable. If you have any of Leslie North’s books then you know that you’re I for a real cowboy treat. Can’t wait to the next book in the series.

I received an ARC and I am leaving my review voluntarily.

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Trevor Wild is the owner of Wildhorse Ranch and it is currently in financial trouble in trying to save it he enlists the help of Sabrina Heartstone in order to attract campers to his property in order to increase profit margins. Sabrina lives on the property while trying to set up the program.

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A sexy romance between a ranch owner and a city girl. Trevor and Sabrina couldn’t be more different yet somehow they complement each other perfectly and have sizzling chemistry. Trevor has to let someone into his heart and Sabrina has to let go of her ‘having half foot out the door’ thinking. It was a short, easy and entertaining read with just the right amount of steam in it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of the book.

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I haven't read a cowboy romance in a while, and this was a good way to 'get back in the saddle', so to speak.

This first book in the Wildhorse Ranch Brothers series was a short and fun read. It was a bit insta-love, but that can be forgiven since it is less than 200 pages.

Wild Ride is a grumpy/sunshine romance featuring Trevor Wild, the owner of Wildhorse Ranch. When you mix a glamping coordinator with a penchant for upcycling with a die-hard rancher who doesn't even think glamping or upcycling should be counted as real words, sparks are going to fly.

I found this to be good palate cleanser type of read and easy to finish in one sitting.

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This was a quick read with fun characters. Trevor and Sabrina seem as different as night and day so when romance blossoms, it becomes a story that just makes you smile and feel good. It's an entertaining romance that';s an easy read.

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I enjoyed this quick read romance. It is a shorter story so there isn't as much depth to the plot but it was a cute story with very likable characters. Cowboys, glamping, and saving a ranch what's not to love. I am looking forward to reading more books in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I’m fairly new to the genre of cowboy romance and this was a great book to those who enjoy the genre. Character arcs were great though I did not enjoy some of the internal monologues of the lead characters. Overall, I would recommend for those looking for an easy cowboy romance without too much drama.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC, all views expressed are my own.

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3/5 stars
1.5/5 spice

Cowboy/rancher MMC
City girl FMC
Slow burn
Dual POV

This was a quick read with some fun moments. I really liked the banter between Sabrina and Trevor. Sabrina was your typical sunshine character but was still relatable with her mess ups. Trevor was your typical Type A grump who needed to shake up his routine and loosen up on his strict rules. They had some good tension building moments, but the spice was on the low side and not very descriptive. Aside from that, you could tell from the beginning that they were going to move fast because the attraction was evident.

Overall, this felt like a good intro to a series for those who love the cowboy/rancher tropes. I recommend this for people who like shorter, low conflict stories with a grumpy/sunshine dynamic.

Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing Netgalley Co-op for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own and offered voluntarily.

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Nice reading, but the spark didn’t hit me.
It’s a light and short cowboy romance story but I think it lacks development because of it. I am not against short books but I would like to see a development in those few pages, at least on one point. Here, the character development is not deep and despite the chemistry between Trevor and Sabrina being okay, I didn’t feel the progress of their relationship. I wish there were more substance.
The writing wasn't bad although I found the beginning a bit strange because there was no way to understand how the two protagonists met. There seemed to be a chapter missing and no explanation is given throughout the book.
I liked the ending, but I found it had little impact, indeed it seemed that the author wanted to speed up to go to the epilogue. In short, a nice reading with some good lines, but nothing memorable.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read the ebook ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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