Member Reviews

After a tragic accident claims the life of one of her children, Marie Egide is desperate to carve out a fresh start for her family. With her husband and their three surviving children, Marie travels to New Hampshire, where she plans to sell a family estate and then, just maybe, they’ll be able to heal from their grief.

Marie’s plans are thwarted when she realizes a war veteran known by locals as “the river witch” is living in a cabin on the property, which she claims was a gift from Marie’s grandfather. If Davina refuses to move on, Marie won’t be able to either.

The two women clash, and battle lines are drawn within Marie’s family and the town as each side fights for what they believe is right, the tension rising until it reaches its breaking point. And the choice is no longer theirs when a force bigger than them all—fate—takes control.

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I received a digital ARC from Lake Union Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I love everything Suzanne Redfearn writes. This novel is emotional, yet hopeful and uplifting. I connected with each character, and felt their emotions along with them.

I believe readers who enjoy novels by Catherine Ryan Hyde will enjoy this one as well.

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I'm pretty sure I've given all of Suzanne Redfearn's novels five stars and Where Butterflies Wander was no different. I loved it!

After a tragedy, the Egide family is hoping a change in location will help them with a fresh start. Marie, her husband, Leo and their three children travel to New Hampshire and the family estate that was left to Marie by her late grandfather. They plan to spend the summer getting the estate read to sell.

Unfortunately, plans are drastically changed after they meet Davina, a veteran many locals call “the river witch”. Davina has been living in a cabin on the property for many years. They quickly learn that Davina has no plans on moving. Needless to say, Marie is not happy about the change in plans. Davina and Marie both stand their ground. Their personalities collide and a standoff ensues.

I devoured this book!!

I was completely engrossed in this beautifully written story with its perfectly imperfect characters. The story is told from six points of view. We hear from Marie, her husband, Leo, their three children, as well as Davina the river witch. All the points of view melded together wonderfully.

Where Butterflies Wander is a compelling and moving story about grief, love, family, loss and healing. Realistic characters and a unique plot are among the many reasons I had a difficult time putting this book down.

The audio for this book was also phenomenal. Great narrators that were perfect for the characters they portrayed.

This is definitely one of my favorite reads of 2024!

I'd like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this novel. All opinions are my own.

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Where Butterflies Wander by Suzanne Redfearn follows the aftermath of a tragic accident for the remaining family members. A family of six has now become a family of five. To help heal from this trauma, the family moves to the ancestral home in NH for the summer. There they encounter a beloved community member who is also recovering from trauma. Their lives intersect in an unseen way that leads to conflict. Read and enjoy!

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Where Butterflies Wander is a beautiful yet heartwretching story by Suzanne Redfearn. It's told, in turn, from the point of view of each of the 6 main characters. So, you feel like you get to know each one of them and care about them. I found the mom, Marie, very easy to dislike. At times she seemed to be missing a piece of her humanity. I think we're supposed to chalk it up to her trauma but it didn't feel like that was it, to me. Either way, this is a great written book that had me fully invested in each of the characters.
Marie Egide has recently lost one of her youngest daughters, a twin. She decides that now is the perfect time to visit her grandfather's estate, in New Hampshire, to both get it ready to sell and to get some space from the home where her daughter died. But when a wrench, a woman known as "the river witch", is thrown into her plans, her wrathful side rears its ugly head.
The witch is an injured veteran with ptsd, living on the property. She claims that Marie's grandfather gave her the home that she lives in but Marie can't sell the property with someone living there. Things go from bad to worse and soon the entire town is coming for Marie and her family. But life has a way of taking over and that's when Marie opens herself up to letting go.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! Where Butterflies Wander by Suzanne Redfearn is a family drama set in modern day. When the Egide family comes to their old family cottage following a life altering and devastating event, they got more than they bargained for. When confronted with doing things the right way or doing what is right, they don't always choose the right path. However, as they learn to trust each other and their neighbour, they find that being right is not always what it's cracked up to be. Through a series of unfortunate events they come to understand their long time tenant who lives in the small cottage on their property and ultimately grow and develop a better understanding of what it means to be not only a good citizen but also a contributing member of the family. I sympathised immensely with Marie. The author does a good job of creating a very strong yet self doubting character who only want what is best for her family but doesn't always go about it the right way. Overall, a good story that I would recommend to others.

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I enjoyed this immensely! I was invested in each character and their point of views for each chapter. Well written and heart warming and grasping. I highly recommend this one!

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This book is about family. Those we have and those we choose. This family is suffering. The loss of a child is always tragic and it is fresh on their minds when this family goes to her parent's home for the summer. Even more tragic is the child who tragically was lost by drowning is one of the twins, and the young girl who is left lonely without her sister is suffering mightily, as are her brother and older sister. The summer proves to be one of adventure for the children and change. Their grandfather's old house is without cable and internet, but the nearby lake offers possibilities, and the woods, wildlife, and people are a challenge to these urban-raised kids and parents. There is one lady who is squatting on the property. She is a lady of nature, a disfigured veteran, and a former nurse. She finds the backwoods and lake to be to her liking and was promised a place there while the grandfather was still alive. The daughter however feels differently. She sees the summer there as one to fix the place up and prepare it for the market. A lot happens in a few months and some wounds bleed more, What in the end will make them heal? Read this excellent book for a bit of hope and humanity.

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Rounded up from 3.5 ⭐️

I enjoyed this book even though it is not usually my preferred genre. While I would consider it a "slow burn", the story kept my engagement & I enjoyed the character development throughout. The story felt well rounded & wrapped up (which I prefer when I reach the ending of a book!).

This was my first time reading Suzanne Redfearn but I would consider her other books having read "Where Butterflies Wander".

Thanks to NetGalley for an Advanced Reader Copy in exhange for a review.

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What an incredibly beautiful book. If you haven't read anything by Suzanne Redfearn, run, don't walk, to get a copy of Where Butterflies Wander (or any of her books for that matter.) She is a master storyteller.

Where Butterflies Wander follows the Egide family up to New Hampshire where they are looking for a fresh start after the tragic accident of one of the children. They move to Marie's family estate with plans to update and sell it when they learn of the "river witch" Davina who resides in a cabin on the property.

The story flows so well, with short chapters, lovely descriptions, and fabulous character development. I loved that this was based off the River Dave story from New Hampshire, one that I'm very familiar with since I live in New England. There are so many layers to this book and it was pure joy to find each one. I devoured Where Butterflies Wander.

Highly highly recommend this amazing story.
Thank you Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this story.
The writing was well done and it was easy to read. Unfortunately the story wasn’t a favourite of mine. The multi people chapter flipping was a bit much and I didn’t feel connected to any of them.
The story seemed to end too abruptly and there was loose ends for some of the characters.


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“Where Butterflies Wander” by Suzanne Redfearn is a heart wrenching book about two families dealing with hard things then their lives intersect changing them forever. I couldn’t put the book down I was so engaged with these characters.

The Egide family is dealing with unimaginable fresh grief after losing a child in a pool accident. The mother Marie is desperate for change and decides to fix up & sell inherited family property only to find a woman named Davina living in the woods on the property. Marie’s grandfather had a special relationship with Davina since she was a child. He brought her back to the property to heal after she experienced a horrific life threatening accident while serving in the war. He intended for her to live her life in the cottage in the woods but there is no written proof of that. Marie & Davina both dig in causing a collision of their lives.

I felt like I knew these characters right from the start. Hearing the story from 6 perspectives: Davina, Marie, her husband Leo, teen son Brenden, teen daughter Hannah & surviving twin 12 year old Penelope was very compelling. Each of the Egides grieving & suffering individually & also collectively as a family. It’s palpable & heart wrenching especially Pen who is desperately trying to making sense of the loss of her twin. Davina lives with physical & mental scars that have never fully healed. She found purpose in the quiet life helping the community by sharing friendship, wisdom & natural healing remedies she learned from her mother. Davina has the ability to truly see someone. The author also has that gift because each character has such depth & all the complexities of actual people. It’s those little things that Redfearn sees in each of them that makes everyone so relatable & recognizable.

I was so moved by this book. Davina is a special & memorable protagonist who won’t be forgotten. Not for what she’s been through but for who she is - seeing beyond the scars.

Thank you NetGalley for the copy of the book.

#netgalley #wherebutterflieswander #suzanneredfearn

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I love when a book is unexpectedly riveting!

Wow, I wasn't sure what to expect with BUTTERFLIES, but this was a magical read. It's heartbreaking at times, but really beautiful. The Egide family is desperately trying to recover after a tragic loss. They retreat to a New Hampshire home that belonged to the family of mom, Marie. Marie hopes to sell the home and property so her own family can start over. But she's thwarted when they discover Davina, known as "the river witch," living in a cabin on the property. A war veteran and beloved friend of Marie's grandpa, Davina is determined to stay, saying Marie's grandfather wanted her there. As the locals line up against the Egides, tensions and anger rise.

This book is completely captivating and very hard to put down. The characters seemed very real , especially Davina and the Egide kids (I see you, sweet Pen). You feel like you're in the New Hampshire countryside with the characters. Much of the story is very sad, between the Egide's loss and Davina's sad past, including war trauma. Redfearn explores grief and loss from a variety of angles and looks at motherhood through the lens of both Davina and Marie. In doing so, she looks at what truly makes a person happy. Is it money, or is there more? We also see how small towns react to attacks on their own.

Pieces of this book seemed a little long, and there were some plot parts that appeared added unnecessarily, and then the end wrapped up a little easily. Overall, though, this is an emotional tale with well-crafted characters and a unique plot that keeps you reading.

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Thank you to Net Galley for the ARC of Where Butterflies wander. I struggled with the storyline, but I was engaged with the characters, and enjoyed their challenges, coming to terms with their loss. However I felt the story ended abruptly, and some of the characters were left without a conclusion. Perhaps there is a sequel.

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This was a beautifully written book, with a feel good factor. The book would make a great holiday read, be prepared to binge read and become absorbed into the storyline

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The story opens with Marie's desperate attempt to find solace for her grief-stricken family following a devastating accident that claims the life of one of her children. Determined to start anew, Marie embarks on a journey to sell her family estate, only to encounter an unexpected obstacle in Davina, a mysterious war veteran dubbed "the river witch" by locals.
The ensuing clash between Marie and Davina sets the stage for an exploration of conflicting desires and the complexities of human emotion. As tensions rise, alliances are forged, and loyalties are put to the test, the narrative skillfully examines the intricate dynamics of both personal and communal struggle.
What sets "Where Butterflies Wander" apart is its nuanced portrayal of grief as a transformative force. Through Marie's journey, the novel delves into the depths of sorrow while also celebrating the resilience of the human spirit. Each character, including Marie herself and the enigmatic Davina, possesses depth and complexity, showcasing their struggles and triumphs as a testament to the capacity for growth and healing even in the face of adversity.
With its compelling narrative, well-drawn characters, and poignant exploration of grief and redemption, this novel will leave a lasting impression on readers. It is a testament to the power of love, resilience, and the enduring hope that emerges when we least expect it.
In conclusion, "Where Butterflies Wander" is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeply moving story of loss, healing, and the transformative power of human connection.

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Thank you to the author and NetGalley for allowing me to read the ARC of this book. I really enjoyed the plot and the characters. I love how all of the characters grew from loss and even though they made mistakes throughout the book, it didn't define them. It was very easy to visualize the setting for this story and I wish I could visit Davina's cabin and the Colonel's home! The plot has me hooked right from the start and I loved the incorporation of letters throughout the story!

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Wonderful story, great character development, great writing! Highly recommend this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it

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✨ Where Butterflies Wander ✨⁣
⁣Length- 298 pages. ⁣
⁣Genre- Literary Fiction. ⁣
⁣My thoughts- Suzanne Redfearn is back again with a stunnning family drama about grief and the power of money. A few years ago, I read Suzanne’s novel In An Instant and was completely captivated! As a twin mama, I probably wouldn’t have requested this book if I would have realized it dealt with the death of a young twin, but I trust Redfearn’s writing enough to read this book despite it’s potentially heartbreaking subject. ⁣
⁣After the death of their daughter, the Egides travel to New Hampshire to get a family property prepped for sell. They soon discover that a Divina, an army veteran, lives on the property and doesn’t intend on leaving. A stand off between Marie and Divina, battle lines are drawn through the community and the situation escalates. ⁣
⁣Read this if you enjoy books told from many POVs, a slow burn, and lots of tension! As always, Suzanne’s writing was beautiful and I may have cried a few times! I really enjoyed this one and think it would be a great book club read! ⁣I really enjoyed it! Five stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
⁣Thank you to the publisher, @netgalley and @suzanneredfearn for an ARC of Where Butterflies Wander! It is available now!

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I absolutely loved this book. It was a heartbreaker but also had a chuckle in it. It was sad but with so much hope thrown in that I absorbed it. Way to go Suzanne Redfearn. Your books always leave me with a content feeling.

After a tragic loss the Egide family need a change. They travel to New Hampshire to Marie Egide's family home. She is planning on fixing it up and selling it then moving on to a new home. Life may have another plan for this family though. There is a woman living in a somewhat questionable cabin on the land. She's called the river witch. Her name is Davina.

Davina has a story going on in this book also. She's been a part of this area her entire life. Her mother died when she was a young child. Davina is well known in this town as a healer. She delivers babies and does other things to help people and they all love her. She's a well respected member of their community even though she lives some what as a recluse. She was scared badly in a fire while serving in the military. She lost her husband and daughter when she was recovering.

The Egide family get to know Davina. Some love her and two very much dislike her. The youngest daughter was frightened of her at first, but once she got to know her she loved her dearly. The oldest, Hannah, suffers from debilitating migraines and Davina helps her with that. Much to Marie's displeasure that is. She wants Davina off the land so they can sell it. Davina has lived there over twenty years with the blessing of Marie's grandfather but that means nothing to Marie. They can't sell the land and move on as long as she's there. Davina must go...

I loved these characters. All except Marie. I never liked her. I just couldn't. She was a cold person even though she suffered such a tragic loss. A person does not have to be so cruel under any circumstance. I thought Brendon, the couples son, was a brat. Yes he felt responsible for some things but he was a very uncaring youngster. He did grow on me later though. I adored Pen. She was a true treasure. And Hannah was also. The Egide's children were good kids. I liked her husband Leo also. He did grate on my nerves a few times but overall he was a good guy. I loved Banjo. Banjo was the family dog.

This book will touch your heart. Make you see a few things in a way you may not have expected. It will show you what empathy can look like. What deep true love looks like also. Not romantic love but the love a woman has for a child. A child she thinks is lost to her forever.

Thank you #NetGalley, #SuzanneRedfearn, #LakeUnion, for this arc. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

Five huge stars. It's so good y'all... Just have tissues handy when you read it.

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