Member Reviews

A fan of this author when I read In an Instant. This book was a little harder to love. The family was fractured because of their child's death, but then almost not enough .... the son was guilty, but it was never revisited... there were slight innuendoes where you thought Davina and Marie were related through the Colonel (took me some time to figure out who the Colonel was and how/why he was so charitable to Davina) but then they weren't related. There were so many threads and some of them had such potential! But because there were so many of them, none of them went far enough. Like the son set the fire and the mom figures it out, so they arrest someone else and where did that go? They kept that guy in jail?

All in all, too many leads, not enough fleshed out, book finished with everyone all wrapped up and satisfied. I wouldn't recommend it to a friend.

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beautifully written book and it touches your heart. Like the way the narratives shift from different point of view. giving us different perspective on the situations.
All the characters were well written , specially the kids point of view was an interesting one.
It leaves you with a warm feeling and understanding that you never know what other person is going through so never assume and never judge.

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When a family member dies it is hard to pick up and move on..I get the big gap I really do.
It's a big hole that's hard to fill. Even if it's an adult that passes on but here we're talking about a 6 year old. Which is even harder.
My heart went out to this family but honestly I just couldn't finish it. It was too sad and too many POV
I do and will recommend it for others.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Where Butterflies Wander is a gripping, beautiful novel about a grieving family looking for a fresh start, a way to heal from their loss. This emotional story is told from the points of view of the remaining family members, as well as the woman known as “the river witch”. There are so many layers to each of the characters and their stories; aside from grief, there is guilt, anger, and even, buried deep, there is hope. I was thoroughly engrossed by this book, compelled to keep turning pages as they all grappled with pain and disappointment. I read on, hoping they’d come out on the other side, if not completely healed, then well on their way. Everything about this extraordinary book felt genuine and sincere; it was raw and gritty, but it was also uplifting and hopeful.

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First, thank you Netgallery for the ARC.
I was SO into this book! The multi POVs, short chapters and characters kept me super entertained and engaged with the story. There was a huge age range in characters and the author did a great job when switching between their POVs, this was by far my favorite part.
I wish there was a better ending or epilogue. Some things just weren’t tied up neatly. However, there are discussion questions at the end that really made me think about how and why and feelings towards certain issues or topics that happened. It made me rethink my discomfort about the ending and I had a newfound appreciation for it.
I would recommend this book and I’ll probably pick up other by Suzanne as well.

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Where the Butterflies Wander
Suzanne Redfern

4.5 Stars

Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for my copy of Where the Butteflies Wander by Suzanne Redfern. I have not received any rewards or compensation for this review and therefore all views and opinions are of my own, the reviewer.

In summary: A multi perspective story that revolves around a family, the Egides and a returned veteran who is a self proclaimed witch. The matriarch of the Egide family, Marie declares her own war against the witch Davina in the name of an inheritance.

This is my first Suzanne Redfern story, and I have to say I was impressed by the end.

The theme about money ruins people’s relationships and families was interesting. I don’t think the Egides were really worried about the money but more escaping family tragedy and trying to heal themselves. I liked the evolution of the characters who overcame personal biases and hurt to mend the bridges at the end.
I felt the beginning was slow moving ending was too quick. I expected more for the ending.

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I had high expectations going into this bpok because I loved In An Instant. I liked the story overall, but I had a hard time connecting with the characters. Marie's and Brendon's characters were all over the map; one minute angry and spiteful, and the next empathetic and compassionate, and then back again. The others seemed more consistent and believable. I would have liked to hear more about Marie's grandfather. He was in many ways central to the story but was somehow missing from it.

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I love this author and so far, after reading this one, this is my new favorite.
I love any story that has suspected witches and anything with midwives.
The characters were engaging and real. The storyline was easy and interesting to follow. Keep up the spectacular writing Suzanne.

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Marie Egide is trying to rebuild her family after the tragic loss of one of her young children and feels the only way to do that is to sell her grandfather's home in order to build a new life in a new town. But, when the Egides arrive, they are met with a war veteran, known locally as "the river witch" who has made her home on her grandfather's land and has no intentions of leaving!

The River Witch, Davina, is a loved healer and midwife in the community and was promised lifetime rights to the land by Marie's grandfather so when Marie attempt eviction, the town turns against the family! Marie begins to deplore Davina especially when she realizes her daughters have begun to find their own healing, emotionally and physically with Davina!

What will it take for Marie's family to heal? What secrets are the Egide's hiding? All will be revealed in this heartbreaking tale!

I loved, loved, loved In An Instant and set the standards pretty high for Where Butterflies Wander but it just didn't hold me the same way! It was an interesting read that I didn't hate, I just didn't love it. I had a hard time relating to most of the characters and felt they were a little inconsistent. Overall, if you're looking for a heartbreaker, this is a decent one to read!

Thank you Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I like this book that primarily deals with grief and PTSD but felt some parts were to slow and it jumped around to much but was an okay book .
Thank to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book

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I enjoyed how the story was told from the perspectives of the different characters providing an insight into their varying thoughts, feelings and actions. The storylines helped the reader to feel empathy with numerous characters for different reasons, with a good mix of positive and negative events throughout. Although I enjoyed the ending, I did feel like it ended abruptly and I would have liked to have learned more about what became of the family.

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DNF! Didn't care for the story, although from the descriptive summary I thought I would. It's hard to give a positive feedback (or ant feedback) for that matter when you haven't read past several chapters.

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They say that money is the root of all evil, but is that true for everyone? This gripping story explores that concept without saying such in so many words. The tragic loss of a little girl impacts every member of her family in very different ways, making you wonder if they will ever over come this and see their way through to living life again. Greed and the search for a perfect life consumes Marie, the child’s mother, and eventually pits her against the entire town. Divina, the other woman in this tale has no use for money, and just wants to live a simple life in peace. Each woman has her own issues with life, the world, and each other, and that, along with its impact on the rest of Marie’s family, is what this book is about. It is a well written book which inspires introspection and questions about what this life is all about. I would highly recommend this book and would like to thank NetGalley for the advance read copy.

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We follow several points of view in this book, and I would have to say that Davina's was definitely my favorite, and I would have enjoyed reading a book just about her and her life. The only members of the family that were likeable were Hannah and Penelope, although by the end of book we do have character development for Marie and Brendon, in particular.

This women's fiction book deals with topics of grief and PTSD. Overall, I liked this, but it's probably the kind of book that I'm not going to be thinking about much later. The ending felt a little rushed to me, and as I said before, some of the characters were just grating.

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Marie Egide has inherited her grandfather's family estate property in New Hamphire . Needing much renovating and Marie's plan to sell, brings on heavy burdens . The fmaily is already tore apart with loss and greif.
Bee, the twinset of ten yr old Pen, accidentally drowned in their pool.. Marie feels their move to this property will be a fresh start for the whole family.
Pen beleives wandering butterflies are her twin sister's spirit that flies around them now and then.
This story is a personal ,emotional battle of truths and survival between family ,neighbors and a war veteran senior, Davina. She is living in the cabin that Marie's grandfather gifted her years before.
Davina knows the land well and made it her home. Marie however doesnt beleive her grandfather passed this property over to Davina and wants her out.
Davina is a heroine to most of the occupants in the area, especially to Marie's two daughters, ten yr old Penn and 15 yr old Hannah.
Their brother Brendon, is taking his mother's side,, beleiving Davina is the "river witch" , a name some people named her ,because of the herbal medicine garden. She is also scarey looking, her face scarred from a war fire.
This book is an emotional and personal battle that grips your emotional being, fighting alongside Davina's heart and her own battle to survive on her own. It is a battle which Davina finds she is well loved by the surrounding neighborhood and their battle to protect her from being evicted.
Marie's husband Leo , doesnt stand up to Marie ,and yet Davina captures his heart with her care and helping Hannah with the migraine headaches that tear her in pain.
Children have the most empathy and understanding through their innocent eyes and I loved how Penn and Hannah carry on a love and empathy for Davina as their mother tries to get Davina evicted. After all, that cabin must be renovated and empty,in order for Marie to gain wealth from her grandfather's property.
It turns into greed and insensitive actions . I couldnt put this book down , The surprise ending made me shriek in delight. It will hold you to the end of its chapter and wanting to hear more of these characters. The butterflies do manifest to help us beleive they carry us through greif and bring hope to our hearts and to beleive.
I want to thank Lake View Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC,which is due out Feb. 6,2024. All opinions are my own.

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I appreciated the ARC, and overall enjoyed the book- BUT It felt like so much was going on. So many little stories happening and it was hard to keep track. I did like Davina. I didn’t feel the grief that you’d expect of a family who lost a child 6 weeks prior. Everyone was happy and everything was too pat.

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After a terrible accident Marie and her family want to make a new start.
They decide to sell the family home and the estate they inherited to buy a new property.
When they arrive at the family estate they find a woman living on the grounds and they need to ask her to leave but this proves to make life more complicated than they imagined.
I really enjoyed this story, it had some great characters.
Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first book by Suzanne Redfearn. The description sounded so good. And I wanted to love it so bad, but it fell flat for me
I still see this as a potential 3 star read for the right readers!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC

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3.5 stars

Thanks to Netgalley, the publishing company and or the author for giving me the chance to read and review Where Butterflies Wander.

It's about how the rest of the family deals with the grief of losing a love one.

Loved all the characters and how they interacted with each other.

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Lots of raw emotions, entrenched positions and questioning of life choices.
A family return to their country estate deciding to sell it to help them restart their lives after the death of their young twin daughter. Each family member deals with their loss in a different way.
They find that a ‘river witch’ who is also an injured war veteran lives in the woods on the property. She is well liked locally and provides midwife and other nursing help to the locals, free if necessary.
Battle lines are drawn with some split loyalties.
There is a strong message that money cannot buy happiness or satisfaction.
The story is told by several of the protagonists, which works. Good story telling and the strong emotions well managed.

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