Member Reviews

This being a first time read for me by this author, I had no specific expectations going into it. It was a cute, light story and I have never been to Rome so it was nice to get a little taste of it through this book. The story centers around Josefine and Leland, who meet by chance and they end up spending one unforgettable night exploring Rome together. They have such a lovely time together and after just one night, their lives are most certainly changed. They begin to speculate if this could turn into something more, or does their journey end before it really even began?
A very nice and enjoyable story, good for a light summer read. The book does conclude on a cliffhanger, so you will have to pick up the next one to see how things end.
I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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This story depicts two strangers having the cutest night in rome. It is packed with emotions, good and bad, and it is thrilling til the end. I cannot wait for part 2!

Thank you to netgalley and the author for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review

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Title: Just One Night in Rome: A Mediocre Experience

Rating: ⭐⭐✩✩✩

Having heard so much about "Just One Night in Rome," I was excited to finally experience it for myself. However, my expectations were met with a mixed bag of impressions.

Let's start with the positives. The setting of Rome is undeniably charming, and the ambiance created within the narrative does justice to its beauty. The author's descriptive prowess shines through, painting vivid scenes of the city that transport you there in an instant. Additionally, the premise of the story had potential, promising intrigue and romance against the backdrop of one of the world's most romantic cities.

Unfortunately, where the novel falls short is in its execution. The characters, while initially intriguing, lacked depth and development. It felt like they were merely going through the motions, adhering to clichés rather than evolving into fully fleshed-out individuals. Furthermore, the plot, while promising, felt rushed and predictable. It seemed as though the author was ticking off a checklist of typical romance novel tropes without adding any fresh perspective or originality to the story.

Moreover, the pacing of the novel felt uneven. At times, it dragged on with unnecessary detail, while at others, crucial moments were glossed over, leaving me feeling disconnected from the narrative. This inconsistency hindered my ability to fully immerse myself in the story, preventing me from truly investing in the characters' journey.

Overall, "Just One Night in Rome" is a decent read for those seeking a light, escapist romance set against the backdrop of a captivating city. However, if you're looking for a novel with substance, depth, and originality, you may want to look elsewhere. While it has its moments, ultimately, it fails to leave a lasting impression.

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I chose this book for review simply because I fell in love with the cover. Italy equals gelato, gelato means love, love shall be written about in this book - simply because of the cover.
I had high expectations, as indie books sometimes have ugly covers that simply deter me from reading the story. But in this case, the cover was brilliant, but I had a hard time connecting with the story. Sadly, this can happen, but I was bummed, as I loved the originality the cover suggested, which fell flat for me in the storyline - the book was rathe one dimensional, not really cutesy of fluffy to cover up some gaps and inconsistencies.
Hopefully, the next story by the author will grab me by the heart and tug along!

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Thank you netgalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed this one, including most aspects from the characters to how they and the plot developed. Would absolutely recommend to anyone interested in the genre. Taking all of this into consideration, I am giving it 4/5 stars. Can’t wait to read other works from this author.

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I had really high expectations for this and I definitely judged a book by it's cover. The cover is a 5/5 but the story and plot fall flat and did disappoint.

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Another beautiful cover along with a beautiful story! This book had all the things you would love and need in a book. The storyline, the characters, the cover!!! Perfection.

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This book was ok I had a hard time connecting to the story line but I enjoyed the flow of the story.

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A good book with good characters. This is definite fun read that is well written and has a well thought out plot.

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This book was not for me. I thought I would be interested in it, but from the beginning I didn't like the writing style. I also didn't like either of the main characters.

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A short romance that enticed fellow travel-loving romance readers - unfortunately this failed to deliver for me.

I was expecting fluff, banter and travel fuelled love. From the get-go, I struggled to get along with the writing style. I found the characters to be irritating at times, lacking relatability, depth and chemistry. This led me to not feel as invested in the story as I usually am and as a result I found myself not really caring for a happy ending and just wanting the book to be finished.

There was also A LOT of drama and gossiping which I do not like to dominate my romance reads. I found it to take away from the story and made me only able to read this in short-bursts,

Unfortunately the story did not flow for me and I found quite a few grammatical errors and structural mistakes (in my opinion). This, alongside a ton of inner-monologues and the cliff-hanger ending means I will not be continuing the series.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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received a copy from netgalley in exchange for an honest review. this book had so many grammatical mistakes that made it difficult to want to continue. it didn’t seem like the main characters had much of a connection and i felt like it was too insta-love

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DNF’d at 10%. I could not get into the writing style, and I believe it was because of the translation.

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This was a cute, easy read that was set in the most romantic place, Rome. Josie just found out that her best friend and boyfriend were making out and she needed to get the heck out of dodge. Leo is a super nice Chilean man who is also staying in the hostel with Josie. On the last night of her trip Josie finally pulls herself out of the mood she has been in the whole trip and decides to entertain the last night of her trip with Leo.

There was a lot of inter monologue in this book and the majority of it was the question game when you go back and forth answering each other’s questions. I did like how the author connected each other’s heritage and connected it back to Italy.

I did enjoy this quick read and would recommend it for anyone who’s suffering from wanderlust or the travel blues in the dead of winter.

Thanks to NetGalley and Tiziana Olbrich for the eARC in trade for and honest review.

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"Just One Night in Rome" was the good part of this story. The night Josie and Leland spent together captured the essence of fleeting time and made me think about similar encounters through vacations.

Outside of their meeting and date night, there was just too much information that wasn't developed well or seemed irrelevant. This story switches to dual pov about halfway through, which was odd to me and didn't serve that much purpose though they were apart. The plot in the second half was all over the place. Josie is battling with her job, her ex, her best friend who her ex cheated on her with..., her parental relationship issues are brought up, etc. Not only was it too many of her personal issues, but after her one night in rome, she went from someone who was getting walked all over to instantly confident. The pacing for this just didn't seem realistic.

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As a travel lover, adventure seeker, I thought this would be a cute rom-com/chic lit read that had all the things.

In reality, this book was messy, heart break, lots of office drama/growth, and a crap boss.

At the end of the book, I just want to know what actually happens, instead of a cliff hanger.

Thank you NetGalley for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

*link on Goodreads ->

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I received this book as an ARC from Netgalley for my honest review! Thank you Netgalley! This is a cute, simple romance. For me, this is a very particular vibe for me to read. This is a good book for a mental break between some of the heavier or darker books I read. I had an Enjoyable time.

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Thank you net galley and Tiziana Olbrich for giving me the opportunity to read and review ‘ Just One Night In Rome’

First things first I did enjoy this book. The characters were likeable and I do feel like they had good chemistry. The writing wasn’t anything special unfortunately HOWEVER this is the authors first book and I believe everyone starts somewhere. For a first ever book I think this was good. I probably would’ve just liked a little more. For what it was, I’d definitely read it again and will keep my eye out for the second book.

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I went into the book thinking it would be a quick, light-hearted, romantic read, but was let down when I realized the writing was just not for me. I would recommend it if you're not a big writing fanatic in romance novels!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for sending me an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review. I will be dnfing this book at 11% due to a few reasons. I know this book has been translated from its original language of German, however it feels like after being translated there was no editing done to make sure it still made sense or flowed. This makes the dialogue and storytelling very choppy. I am also not sure if sensitivity readers were used for this book as there is one part where the main characters are discussing where they are from and the fmc bases her guess simply on how the mmc looks. I just feel like there could have been a better approach to this conversation and it could have been handled differently. Due to these reasons I will not be finishing this book.

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