Member Reviews

A very cute book!
It was very fluffy and I really enjoyed the characters and the romance... but it took me so long to read.. i was so bored.. and I struggled so much

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Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC!

Unfortunately, I just could not get into this book. I feel as though the concept was really interesting however it was not executed well whatsoever. And for this very reason, I kept putting the book off and picking up more engaging reads instead. (I did spot a Taylor Swift lyric in there though which was absolutely awesome!!)

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"Just One Night in Rome" by Tiziana Olbrich presents readers with a charming escape into the heart of Rome, where the lives of two strangers become intertwined during one unforgettable evening. However, despite the delightful setting and the potential for romance, the novel falls short in delivering a compelling and engaging narrative.

The central characters, Josie and Leo, lack the chemistry and tension needed to drive a convincing romance. The insta-lust trope, rather than enhancing the story, feels forced and fails to establish a genuine connection between the characters. The slow pace of the book, characterized by extended conversations between Josie and Leo, contributes to a lack of momentum and fails to create a sense of anticipation.

While the premise of a spontaneous adventure in Rome holds promise, the execution leaves much to be desired. The book leans heavily on the translated text, resulting in occasional issues that may disrupt the flow of the narrative. This linguistic aspect, combined with the slow pacing, diminishes the overall impact of the storytelling.

On a positive note, the novel succeeds in providing a delightful escape, capturing the allure of Rome's streets and creating a vivid backdrop for the unfolding events. The setting, with its romantic ambiance, adds a layer of enchantment to the story.

In essence, "Just One Night in Rome" is a light and pleasant read, perfect for those seeking a simple escape into a world of adventure and romance. While it may not fully deliver on the promise of a captivating love story, the book offers moments of charm and a brief respite for readers looking for a delightful, albeit uncomplicated, literary journey.

3.2 rounded down to 3/5.

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This is a cute beach read but not my favorite.

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Thank you for a copy of this book but unfortunately I could not finish it. I lost interest about 50 pages in. It just felt slow and the main character was bothering me.

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This was so beyond cute!!! I love romances that take place in places other than America, gives me a fresh look at things. Took me a while to get invested, but I love the characters!!!

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Thanks for this copy! This was a sweet, cozy book. You fall in love with the city, and the relationship that blooms! Highly recommend to romance readers.

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"Just One Night in Rome" by Tiziana Olbrich is a light and breezy romantic novel that takes readers on a whirlwind journey through the enchanting streets of Rome. While it offers an enjoyable escape, the book falls into familiar tropes and lacks the depth needed for a more memorable experience, earning it a three-star rating.

The novel's setting, Rome, is undoubtedly a highlight. Olbrich's vivid descriptions capture the magic and allure of the city, providing a picturesque backdrop for the unfolding romance. The author's love for the setting shines through, creating a charming atmosphere that adds to the overall appeal of the book.

The characters, while engaging, follow somewhat predictable archetypes found in many romance novels. The protagonists embark on a journey of self-discovery and love, but their development lacks the complexity that could elevate them beyond stereotypical romantic leads. While their chemistry is palpable, the emotional depth is somewhat lacking.

The plot, centered around the classic "one night stand turned into something more" trope, doesn't offer much in terms of originality. Readers familiar with the romance genre may find the storyline predictable, and the lack of unexpected twists or turns may leave them wanting more substance and complexity.

The pacing of the novel is generally steady, but there are moments where the narrative feels rushed. Some scenes that could have been explored in greater detail are glossed over, leaving readers craving a more immersive experience.

In conclusion, "Just One Night in Rome" is a pleasant, if somewhat formulaic, romantic escape. While the setting adds charm and the characters have a certain appeal, the novel doesn't break new ground in the genre. It's a lighthearted read for those looking for a simple and sweet love story set against the backdrop of one of the most romantic cities in the world.

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i love a good travel romance and italy??? so romantic! this book was really fun and i think it is a strong book !!!!

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I loved this! It was such a quick and fun read. I cruised right through it and enjoyed every second of it!

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I tried and tried to read this book but for some reason it was extremely hard to finish. The biggest pull for me what the ties to Italy, especially Rome, and even that couldn’t hold my interest.
I also struggled with the writing. I’m not sure if the author didn’t have a good translator or not, but the English seemed off several times.
While I did look forward to this book, I ultimately did not enjoy it and couldn’t even finish it.

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i honestly don’t know what to think, i kinda like it but i guess it was just not for me.
i really couldn’t connect to the characters like i usually do and the story was not that good.

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Unfortunately this was not the book for me. I really enjoyed the very beginning and the setup of why the character was there but could not get into the relationship Josie and Leo. Maybe it as due to how Josie referred to the characters or how Leo came off a little creepy and annoying at first. As someone who has experienced traveling in hostels this felt really uncomfortable rather than sweet. I made it only part of the way through the book as I couldn't feel the chemistry between the characters and thus had a hard time connecting to the story.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the author for send me a digital copy of the book in exhange of an honest review.

Pucha, mi experiencia con esta lectura fue en su mayoría "meh", lo que significa que no logré conectar con los personajes ni con sus conflictos en la historia. Primero pensé que esto ocurría por el poco contexto que se tenía de cada uno, sin embargo, en la segunda mitad de la historia SÍ se muestra un poco más de las vidas de los personajes (principalmente de Josie), y aún así no conecté con ellos.
Fuera de eso, y pese a que rara vez dejo un libro sin terminar, porque la curiosidad sobre lo que va a ocurrir es mayor que todo. Esta vez, eran pocas las ganas que tenía de continuar la lectura, al menos durante los primeros 2 tercios del libro. En fin, sí lo terminé, pero no me gustó tanto. Ahora, mis apreciaciones al respecto:

-Son chilena (de Chile), y aunque el co-protagonista, el interés amoroso es "chileno", no lo parece. Algunas de sus expresiones me parecieron forzadas. Y a ratos sentí que pudo ser de cualquier país de América Latina, y hubiera dado igual.

- Las inseguridades de la prota eran muchas, pero las olvidaba durante varias páginas cuando estaba con Leo, por arte de magia, y a solo horas de conocerlo.

-El instalove (amor instantáneo, o amor a primera vista) en la historia está intenso. Los personajes no alcanzan a conocerse ni 24 horas y ya se sienten sumamente atraídos el uno al otro (más Leo que Josie), uno de ellos incluso declara que si pierde el contacto con el otro, dejará pasar al amor de su vida... Era mucho drama para mí la verdad.

En fin, tiene sus cositas buenas el libro, está bien escrito, y las personalidades de los protagonistas sí son distintas cuando tienen sus POV de narración.
Recomiendo la historia solo si estás dispuesto a encontrarte en ella con exactamente lo mismo que promete el título, "Solo una noche en Roma".

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This was a cute, fun romance that I fond myself kicking my feet and giggling at. I am adding it to my bookstore order for us to start selling :)

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Wow! This book is absolutely amazing. The descriptions are so touching and vivid. As soon as I started reading it I couldn't put it down. I recommend this book to every other reader out there.

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This wasn't exactly the cute fluffy romance I thought it was. The instalove was a bit much, but the characters were cute. My favorite part was when Josie and Leo kept asking each other questions, and that was pretty much the main plotline of the book. I think my main issue was that the translation was a bit rocky.

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Thanks to Netgally for giving me early access to an
ARC in exchange of an honest review!!! Meh, the translation was terrible 😭 the story was very ordinary, skipped some (many) parts, very boring. Overall didn’t like it

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I was not able to finish the book and therefore do not feel that I can give an unbiased review about the book, its plot, characters, or the author's work. I might revisit this book at a later time and finish it then, but not right now.

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Review: A quick little cutsey read! I liked how quick it was for the romance to happen, but that ending made me a tiny bit mad (I know, there's a second book, but I really don't like open endings). Apart from that, I think that the story dragged a bit sometimes, and the other times the whole romance was a bit too quick and rushed. But to be honest, this made me read it quickly, even as busy as I currently am.
I'd recommend it if you really want a quick read, but honestly it was a bit forgettable...
 I really appreciated reading a book written by a German author, and I loved the Harry Potter and Taylor Swift mentions, as well as the spotify playlists!

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