Member Reviews

I have some mixed feelings about this books. I think the plot is adorable and I know many people I would want to recommend it to. However, for me, I was a bit disconnected. I think I just didn't like the characters. I don't think they were bad characters, I just wouldn't be friends with them if they were real, ya know? Either way I was glad to watch them find happiness. And if this book interest you I highly suggest you give it a try.

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Definitely had potential but ultimately fell a little flat for me. I liked the premise but I was bored and found myself skimming.

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I think that this book was very cute. I could really relate to Josie and her feelings after finding out that she was cheated on. I think that the author described really well the want to go talk to your best friend, but then realizing that you can't do that anymore because of how they betrayed you and how that changes you. I loved Leo and how genuine he was and how he helped to bring Josie out of the shell that she was living in.

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Who doesnt love love books about getting away and not expecting to be with anyone. Because that is what the main character Josie was doing. She was leaving for Rome to get away from her ex and men. Just had enough. But she doesnt expect to find someone to catch her eye. Starting a romance with a guy you barely know and it could possibly be the best you have ever done. Reading the story between Josie and Leo was just beautiful its a wonderful romance set in Rome. Its beautiful and very well written. I recommend this i will read again for sure.

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I loved this!!!! It was such a fun read and really enjoyable. I definitely recommend it. Thanks so much to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC on exchange for an honest review.

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I think I need to book my trip it Italy!!!!
Josie just wanted to rid of her worries and stress of men.
Leo causually backpacking in Italy and running into Josie = love at first sight.
I wish there was more chemistry connection between these 2 but i loved the concept of the storyline. Everyone would love to have a overseas love in a new beautiful location.

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The book "Just One Night in Rome" was sadly a little disappointing. It consists of two parts, the first part takes place in Rome, the second part the two main characters where seperated from each other. The first part was a little boring in my opinion. I would have wished to see more of Rome instead just reading about the conversation they had for 200 pages. The second part was better, but the ending was a little weird.

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I enjoyed this and really had a good time reading it. I read this quickly and highly enjoyed it.
I just reviewed Just One Night in Rome by Tiziana Olbrich. #NetGalley
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I think the author had a really good concept for the book and the story seemed good but there were some details in there that weren’t exactly what the book needed to develop the storyline to its fullest, the idea was great and I got to enjoy reading the book, it’s just that this book had so much more potential if it were to have more details and more of the story itself.
In the book we see Josie a girl who has decided to go in a spontaneous trip to Rome after having some troubles with her boyfriend, so she could distract herself and feel better, at the hostel she meets a guy named Leo who wants her to enjoy the trip and explore the city, we get to see how their story goes from there. A cute and light romance read to spend an afternoon reading.

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Josie thinks she can escape her problem with a trip to Rome to help forget and heal from her past. But the unexpected happens when she arrives and she is force to share a hostel with a cute boy named Leo. They start a friendly while exploring but then it turns into more of a love connection. While Josie is trying to heal and escape she falls in love with Leo who is a cute Latino and sparks fly between the two of them.

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If you’re looking for an easy-to-read story that’s light and will make you happy, this is it. The first book in a duo-logy, Just One Night in Rome by Tiziana Olbrich is one of those reads that has you thinking it’s too unreal to happen in real life, and then you find out it happened to the author. Are you hooked yet?

Meet Lily. She crosses paths with a man named Matteo one night in Rome. Readers are then taken on an Italian journey so descriptive, you feel like you’re there with the characters. Infused with genuine emotions, twists, and cobblestone lanes (do not wear heels on these streets, I repeat, do NOT), the author will keep you entertained until the final sentence.

I truly loved how you could feel the heart and connection Olbrich has with the story. I enjoyed learning more about the Italian, Chilean, and German cultures and this book really spoke true of the hostel lifestyle. I cannot wait for the next installment… I need to know what happens next! Don’t let the familiar chance meeting narrative fool you, this is a fresh read for everyone.

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Just One Night in Rome is a sweet and romantic story about two strangers who meet by chance and spend an unforgettable night together in the beautiful city of Rome. Josie is a young and adventurous woman who wants to escape from her cheating ex and explore the world. Leo is a handsome and charming Italian who works as a tour guide and loves his hometown. When they cross paths at a bar, they feel an instant attraction and decide to embark on a spontaneous adventure. They visit the most iconic places in Rome, share their dreams and secrets, and fall in love.

I liked this book for its light-hearted tone, its vivid descriptions of Rome, and its cute and relatable characters. The author does a decent job of capturing the magic and excitement of traveling and meeting someone new. The book is also funny and witty, with some hilarious dialogues and situations. The romance is sweet and realistic, with some steamy scenes and some emotional moments.

The reason I gave this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I felt that the plot was too predictable and clichéd. The book follows the typical formula of a one-night stand that turns into something more, with some obstacles and misunderstandings along the way. I also felt that the ending was too rushed and unrealistic, and that some of the conflicts were resolved too easily. I think the book could have been more original and creative in its plot and characters.

Overall, Just One Night in Rome is a fun and enjoyable read for fans of contemporary romance and travel. It has a lovely and lively setting, a charming and charismatic couple, and a heartwarming and humorous story. If you are looking for a book that will make you smile and swoon, then you might want to give this one a try.

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Insta-Lust is so hard for me. Either the author nails it, or falls so far short it’s depressing. This book unfortunately included the latter. I saw this book, read the blurb, and thought “Hey a cutesy little fluff romance” Boy was I WRONG. I couldn’t connect to the characters, No tension or chemistry between them. I expected to get the little giggly feet kick feelings like I usually do when reading cutesy romances, but this book just left me feeling completely empty inside. It took me a few minutes at the end to even process what I had just finished reading. A major WTF moment honestly. Also… what is up with this book’s playlist? I wasn’t even aware that it had one until halfway through the book, and by then, purely pointless. The writing style was not my cup of tea either.

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. This review is honest, unbiased, and completely my own.

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I had a very hard time enjoying this book unfortunately. It felt so incredibly slow and dull to me. The description was giving fluffy romance vibes but the book definitely fell short. While I love a good game of 20 questions I was 20% into the book and it’s just been half pity party and half questions between the two main characters.

Another aspect that turned me off was Josie’s personality. She felt so much like a doormat and added with her inner monologues I continuously found my attention drifting anywhere else. I wanted to like this book but for me personally I just could not. There are definitely some perks to the story and the MC’s relationship IS cute but overall the negatives outweighed the positives for me.

This is part of a Duology but I will not be continuing the story.

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"Just One Night in Rome" whisks you away on a delightful journey with Josie and Leo. The backdrop of Rome adds enchantment to their story, and their chemistry is undeniably sweet. However, the book could benefit from injecting a bit more action and excitement into the plot. It's perfect for those seeking a heartwarming romance, but I couldn't help but wish for a dash of unexpected drama to truly make it unforgettable.

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This was a cute concept and I thought it would be fun to live the backpacker experience vicariously through this book, but it honestly wasn't my cup of tea- the female main character was a little too negative for too much of the book and the male main character was just a little bland. I guess they lacked a bit of character development for me, personally. The story had potential and it was cute, maybe I'm just too picky.

Thank you NetGalley for the complimentary ARC in return for my honest review.

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"Just One Night in Rome" by Tiziana Olbrich promises readers a whirlwind romance set against the backdrop of one of the world's most romantic cities. The book's description hints at a captivating love story that begins with an unexpected encounter between two strangers from opposite ends of the globe.

Josie, the protagonist, embarks on a trip to Italy with the sole intention of escaping her past and the complexities of romantic relationships. However, fate intervenes when she finds herself sharing a hostel room with Leo, a Chilean backpacker whose charm and inquisitiveness challenge her worldview.

The narrative seems to revolve around the transformative power of a single evening. Leo's invitation to explore the enchanting streets of Rome with him sets the stage for a passionate and unforgettable night. This chance encounter ignites a spark between them, prompting Josie to reconsider her life choices.

The novel appears to explore themes of serendipity, adventure, and the idea that sometimes, all it takes is one extraordinary night to change the course of one's life. The allure of a budding romance that transcends geographical boundaries adds depth and intrigue to the story.

"Just One Night in Rome" promises readers a tale of romance, self-discovery, and the possibility of love defying all odds. Tiziana Olbrich's novel invites readers to believe in the magic of fleeting moments and the potential for love to unexpectedly turn their world upside down, making it an enticing choice for those who enjoy heartfelt and adventurous romance stories.

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I had a great time reading this book. I can feel the connection and heart behind the whole story.
I wish I could be Josie and meet someone just one night in a travel destination and start a new friendship and maybe a new romance. This book ends up a cliffhanger. So excited for the next book from her because I need to know does the romance work out and what may happen with Josie and her job as well.

I enjoyed learning about German and Italian culture and also about hostel life because I haven’t been a hostel before. I can't wait for more of the fun loving adventurous Leland who happen to smitten with Josie. Josie reminds me of any real woman in the world. She doesn't have the perfect family life growing up and her heart was just broken. Yet, she still has to worry about work and life and ultimately.

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this was cute! it took me a bit to get into but once i did i liked it. this definitely made me want to visit rome! i really empathized with what josie went through with her ex. i did find it slightly annoying how she was upset that she wouldn't see leo again yet didn't want him to do what it took to be there for her. definitely a good, quick, summer read.

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“One Night in Rome” was a fun and cute read. Two travelers meet at a Hostel and have the best date ever in a matter of hours. Their lives change after just ‘one night in Rome! 🤭 Some aspects I enjoyed were the talks of travel, meeting new people, and creating new adventures for yourself. I loved the character of Leland. He was an outgoing friendly globe throttler. He was also a great listener and sweet to Josefine. At first I did not like Josefine’s character too much as she came across as uptight and too controlling, but as the story progressed, we come to find she came to be this way because of her familial upbringing. There was good character development for her in the end.
Of course the book ended on a cliff hanger and I am quite curious to read “Just One More Adventure” because I need to know what happens to Leland and Josefine! 😊

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