Member Reviews

“One Night in Rome” was a fun and cute read. Two travelers meet at a Hostel and have the best date ever in a matter of hours. Their lives change after just ‘one night in Rome! 🤭 Some aspects I enjoyed were the talks of travel, meeting new people, and creating new adventures for yourself. I loved the character of Leland. He was an outgoing friendly globe throttler. He was also a great listener and sweet to Josefine. At first I did not like Josefine’s character too much as she came across as uptight and too controlling, but as the story progressed, we come to find she came to be this way because of her familial upbringing. There was good character development for her in the end.
Of course the book ended on a cliff hanger and I am quite curious to read “Just One More Adventure” because I need to know what happens to Leland and Josefine! 😊

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This was a super fun, forced proximity, vacation romance set in Rome. Full of adventure, romance and lots of feels. I really enjoyed this new to me German author's newest book! Perfect for fans of 24 hours in Italy or Remy vs Rome. Many thanks to NetGalley and the author for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Book explores themes of long distance relationships, taking charge of your own life, complicated friendships and moving forward from break ups. The last thing Josephine expected when taking a trip to Rome is to make friends with her hostel mate on her last day there. Leo’s and Josephine’s friendship is something everyone can appreciate and understand. I have to read the second part now!

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It was fun to read. Loved the characters too. Enjoyed till the end. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me a free e-book.

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I need to read the next book ASAP!
I saw the description of this book and thought about a cute romance... and is so much more than that. You can see how both of them grow up through the pages and... that ending is... I need more!

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Just One Night in Rome by Titiana Olbrich is the first part of a duology where Josie and Leo meet on their holiday in Italy and spends an unforgettable together. However, they live across the world.

Okay, this book was okay. It was kind of expected that this book ends in a cliffhanger since it’s part of a duology but ugh… Also, I love how we got to know the characters as they’re getting to know each other, however, when they went their separate ways, it’s like they lost their personalities? Maybe that was on purpose? That they only come alive when they’re together?

Secondly, I really did not appreciate how the FMC just cannot seem to make her own decision about her situation. She was written much like a doormat, not able to stand up for herself even when her best friend stole her boyfriend from her and even the comfort of her job. Furthermore, she seems so reliant to just do what makes her happy. I get that she’s comfortable with her life but it literally just imploded and she’d just rather go back to it?

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Man I tried so hard to love this because the idea was so cute! But the ARC seemed to have some errors in it and I just couldn't get into it!

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Unfortunately I wasn’t a fan of this book. I don’t know if it was the poor translation (which is not the author’s fault) that made it hard to connect with the character and follow along with the story, or if it was genuinely how the story started. Maybe I’ll give this another try in the future, but for now, DNF.

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There was potential in this one. I don't know if the translation makes me feel this way or if it's a fault of the writing, but some writing and dialogue felt clunky and strange. I didn't connect to characters, so I didn't care about if they stayed together or not. You don't actually learn about the characters until 50% or more through the book. It was cute and there were things that I'm able to acknowledge id have actually liked if I also liked and cared for the characters.

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One Night in Rome is follows the Josie and Leo, strangers from opposite parts of the world. Josie travels to Italy to escape from Germany, after finding out that her boyfriend had been cheating on her with her best friend. She spent her vacation in a hostel wallowing on the things she's been regretting in her life and things she feels she has missed out on.

On her last day in Rome, Josie finally gets out of the hostel and attempted to enjoy her vacation. By the afternoon, she finds awkwardly sharing her life with the stranger in the bed across from her. Josie and Leo continue to get to know each other and explore the night life in Rome. As the night goes on, Josie and Leo finds themselves getting closer and more comfortable... but what happens when morning comes and they have to go back to reality?

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Tiziana Olbrich for the chance to read this novel in exchange of an honest review.

Unfortunately, this book was a miss for me.

The story itself was meh. It was interesting enough for that I finished reading the book but I don't think I will read the second book if the duology.

The characters were relatable and but didn't really have much depth to them. The FMC had some character growth but honestly, spent most part of the book being too negative. She was very pessimistic regarding her own life, her career, and even the possibility of falling in love again. There wasn't much for me to say regarding the MMC. I found him boring? The MMC himself also has self-esteem issues and/or finds himself in a "quarter life crisis" that he I can't find myself to like him at all.

Yeah... this was a flop for me.

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It was hard to get into at first, really picked itself up in the middle, and then by the end I think I was left not really satisfied by the ending. I do love the idea though, dealing with a heartbreak and falling in love with a new country and the people. But, again just fell flat at times for me.

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Just One Night In Rome
By Tiziana Olbrich
August 1, 2023

Josie is trying to get away from her ex so she takes off. Beyond his good looks, Leo challenges Josie in ways she didn’t expect. But the problem is that Leo lives on the opposite side of the planet from Josie and she doesn’t know when she will ever see him again.
This was a predictable book. A girl meets a guy, sparks fly instantly, they travel around for a night, they fall in love, blah blah blah. I think the characters had no chemistry or no personalities whatsoever. They were flat. The background was pretty great though.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this early copy to review in exchange for my honest opinions.

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The premise is very good, and Rome as a background is also amazing. But I could not relate to both the main characters, there was something missing for me.

Considering the second part is in Lisbon, my home town, I might give it a try.

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Book explores themes of long distance relationships, taking charge of your own life, complicated friendships and moving forward from break ups. The last thing Josephine expected when taking a trip to Rome is to make friends with her hostel mate on her last day there. Leo’s and Josephine’s friendship is something everyone can appreciate and understand. I have to read the second part now!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book. All feedback provided is voluntary and my own opinion.

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Wanting some distance between her and her ex, Josie takes an impromptu trip to Rome. After ignoring him for most of her trip, Josie spends one evening with her hostel roommate Leo, before they both set off in different directions.

I know this book has been translated, and I am not sure if something weas lost in translation, but this book left a lot to be desired.
I was not a fan of the story, or the writing and this just set me up for disaster.

The MC was irritating and she was constantly contradicting her past thoughts, and vacillating between maturity and childishness.
I also found myself increasingly annoyed that the author flipflopped between calling the male protagonist Leland and Leo with reckless abandon.
In the end this was not the book for me and, one I will not recommend.

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Such a quick and adorable read, with an interesting ending. I loved that the story was very dialouge-y, I felt like it suited the plot and characters. The plot flowed smoothly and the characters decisions made sense with the story. The relationship between the main characters was so warm and fun. I loved it.

Grateful to NetGalley, the author and the publishers for this ARC.

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I’m a sucker for a romance set in Italy, so I naturally gravitated right to this book. Never judge a book by its cover works both ways. The book really didn’t do it for me. The biggest issue for me is the writing style, and translation. There are so many awkward phrases, passages that seem directly translated from another language into English but not nuanced to the correct slang, and ultimately, every time I noticed it, it took me out of the story. I’m not trying to be the English police here, but when it’s so often that my brain stops the flow of reading, it becomes a problem. I kept reminding myself that our MC is German, and to push through. Again, this is a me problem, and potentially won’t be an issue for you. But if you also tend to get stuck on language/phrasing- skip it.
As for the romance, I also felt somewhat letdown. Since finishing, I’ve noticed there is a second book, so perhaps the romance picks up in the second half of the duet. Josie, our MC, is fresh off a breakup and betrayal. She hastily booked herself into a hostel in Rome and now is bunking with a group of men from all over the world, including Leo, a sexy Chilean (Pedro Pascal influenced?). They have chemistry, but again, choppy because of the writing. Also, I have to note that this seems to be more of a women’s fiction with a sprinkle of romance than a full romance. Josie is having an “eat, pray, love” experience- meaning her personal growth is way more expanded upon than the actual romance in my opinion. And there is zero sexiness. I’m not saying the book needs full smut, but a little sexual tension would have helped make for a whirlwind romance, as intended.
It’s a cute concept, but didn’t work for me. 2.5 ⭐️
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC, in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

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This was a really cute book that I enjoyed reading!! The romance was so cute and I love the idea of an adventurous one night in Rome.
(Well I did enjoy this book there was a character that goes against my religion but other than that I thought the book was enjoyable and fun)

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This book was so good! I completely enjoyed it and loved it so much 🤌🏻
How the FMC was shy, introverted type but opened up with him 🥺

So excited to read the second book . Honestly can't wait to read about their long distance relationship and it's obstacles which they will face together and get their happily ever after <3

After reading this book i just want to go on adventures and travel the world the only problem is my bank balance lmoa😭
I'm definitely gonna reread this book


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This book was Alright.
It did feel a little as though the title is misleading.
I thought there would be more to the "Night in Rome" But the majority of the story doesn't actually take place that way.
The connection between Josie and Leo was sweet, and I love a good meet-cute. This book however was so focused on josie and sadness a lot of the good stuff fell to the way side.
I love a good self disocvery book but this one kind of missed it for me.
The end was also extremely disappointing. The cliff hanger was awful... and not at all what you were expecting.

💚Thank you Netgalley and Tiziana Olbrich for this ARC💚

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