Member Reviews

thank you for the publishers and Net Gallery for allowing me to review this book. where do i even begin? i LOVE this book. i flew through it. Leo and Josie are SO cute together and i love how much character development Josie has. this book left on a cliff hanger, so i’m excited to pick up the second book! this is a perfect summer read or if you need a cute fluffy romance novel to read. it has no spice, so it’s perfect for the people who don’t like spice. the only thing i found boring in the book was the work place scenes between Joise and Sara. i feel like the author was dwelling on their friendship in the office a little too much. i would have been more interested if Sara sent Josie a text after they got done with work. all in all, i would recommend this to anyone.

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This one was a cute and quick read. Leo and Josie had this fun relationship about them. Though the story was dialogue heavy, it felt like it flowed naturally and helped propel the story along. The ending left on a cliffhanger that has left me curious to what will happen to this pair in the next book.

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One night in Rome was all it took...

After finding out some troubling information about her relationship Josie travelled to a place where she was hoping to find happiness. As her travels were concluding she discovered that the trip wasn't fulfilling the need she thought it would until an afternoon nap. From there Josie and Leo embark on an adventure that changes them both.

Overall, this book for me was a quicker read. I felt that Josie was in her head alot of time and needed this to really expand out of her comfort level to achieve more in her everyday life. This a great read for someone that might be open to the romance genre but doesn't know where to start.

I am hoping to continue the series to figure out what happens after the ending.

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This was a very cute book! I recently went to Rome, so it was really cool to know if a lot of the places mentioned in the book. However, it bothered me that a lot of the book was just Leo and Josie asking each other questions. It was cute, don’t get me wrong, but it was a little slow to me. It took me a while to get into it, but when I did I enjoyed it! A cute book and I’ll read the next to see what happens since I didn’t really like the ending.

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From the cover and the title, I thought this romance book would be a fun summer read. Nothing too long or complicated but entertaining none the less. Unfortunately I was disappointed. The premise is that Josie is in Rome, alone, after discovering her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend. She’s in a shared hostel room with a few odd ball roommates but one mystery man is in the bunk next to her. He introduces himself as Leo, a Chilean traveller who recruits Josie for a night of adventure around Rome before she goes home to Hanover, Germany. What I thought would be the plot of the majority of the book was actually only the first quarter. As to the rest of the book we mostly hear from Josie’s POV as she returns to work and faces her former best friend and the odd chapter from Leo who is still travelling whilst he attempts to dodge cheating on Josie. Although the two never formally got together.
There were many points where nothing really happened. I didn’t feel any connection to the characters and their actual interaction was limited to the small portion at the beginning and then through messages. There were many instances of grammatical or spelling errors which I overlooked mostly. Instead, I found there wasn’t much plot and the characters were fairly surface level. The discovery then that you have to read the second book, releasing in October 2023 was infuriating because it could have easily been a standalone romance, hopefully with more actual romance.
I think the idea of the two meeting, tackling the idea of a relationship from two countries would have been a good read but unfortunately it didn’t work.
Thank you for the eARC.

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First of all I would like to thank NetGalley, the publisher and everyone involved in me getting this arc.

When I saw the book and read it's premise I genuinely thought I would love it. It's a romance set in Europe, what more could I want?
The truth is this book didn't work for me, there was to much unnecessary (in my opinion) monologues from the protagonist that made me disconnect from the story when I was starting to enjoy it. There seemed to be a huge shift in the characters from one chapter to the other that didn't make a lot of sense to me, for example in one chapter she is super happy with him and in the next one she is thinking that maybe he may want to hurt her.
If it wasn't for these things I would have loved the book, the story seemed interesting, the characters were good, even though they didn't have that much chemistry, and the Italian atmosphere was divine.

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This contains minor spoilers, beware!

Fırat of all, special thanks to the author and NetGalley for the eARC, this review is mine and contains my personal opinions♥
Cover; 3/5 stars: I prefer creative covers instead of this kind of drawings but It's pretty!
Map; no sci-fi no fiction, perfect! P
Playlists: 4/5 stars
Plot twists; There were no plot twists and overall cute story line. Not much predictable

I thought i would love it. Then read some reviews and I was disappointed by them😅. But the story actually turned out pretty well and I'm writing this at 02.52 am and COULDN'T LEAVE IT to morning.
I also liked how they ended things between Sara and Josie, in all the books I read they always end bffs or sisters mad and broken to each other. But loved that in this book!
I think the author could improve with some cliches and long paragraphs because I literally skipped minimum 5 chapters if you add all my skips of long and unnecessary paragraphs.
And some cliche scenes were a little bit 🤏 predictable but that's okay! Loved the book! ♥

I also loved how supportive Leland was about Josie, unlike her ex! Leo always encouraged her about writing <33
I can't wait for the second book! I would definitely read it if it is on NetGalley!

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This book was amazing, I loved the plot and the characters and look forward to book two. It was amazing how Josie and Leo connected and it will be interesting to read whether they get their happy ending in book two.

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To be absolutely honest I DNF'd this book. I was hard to follow with the translation to english being an issue also all the internal monologe bothered me a whole lot. This just wasn't the book for me. I certainly hope it finds it's readers and does well with them. Thanks for letting me read this book.

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This was such a cute and believable romance. I loved the development of their romance and how it wasn't forced.

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2/5 stars. thank you netgalley, the publisher and author for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

i adored the premise of this book and was looking forward to something cute, fluffy and lighthearted - this book was those things while also falling incredibly flat.

58% of the book is their time in rome, which is ultimately a lot of telling and minimal showing. there is way too much dialogue, and very little of anything else. the translation from what i assume to be german to english also makes some of the wording weird and the conversations seemingly stilted and awkward. there also seems to be a lot of latino stereotyping in regards to leo, the mmc.

i also thought it was strange once josie arrived back in Germany were suddenly information dumped about her actual life - her career, family, co-workers and friends which weren’t even mentioned in the first half of the book.

overall it wasn’t for me but i wish the author success in their sequel!

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Overall, a very cute quick read.
I loved the growth of the main character, Josie, and how much she learned to live for herself instead of how she thought others wanted her to live.
I wish that there was more times with the dual POV. It didn’t start until halfway through the book and was sporadic but I’m glad it was there. It was good to have Leland POV as well at points to help better understand their chemistry.

Thank you Tiziana Olbrivh and NetGalley for this ARC read in exchange for an honest review.

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4.25 stars

Received this from NetGalley. This is my first book I received from there. Below are my own thoughts.

I had a great time reading this book. This book gives me happy thoughts perhaps because it felt so unreal to happen. And yet, this does happen. It happen to the author. I can feel the connection and heart behind the whole story.

I wish I could be Josie and meet someone just one night in a travel destination and start a new friendship and maybe a new romance. This book ends up a cliffhanger so things are left up in the air. So excited for the next installment. I need to know does the romance work out and what may happen with Josie and her job as well.

I enjoyed learning about German, Chilean, and Italian culture. I also learned about hostel life which isn't common practice in USA. Being from America, I don't know much about South America and Europe The little tit bits were enjoyable. I can't wait for more of the fun loving adventurous Leland who happen to smitten with Josie. Josie reminds me of any real woman in the world. She doesn't have the perfect family life growing up and her heart was just broken. Yet, she still have to worry about work and life and ultimately, a chance at love.

This is not literacy work of genius, but it makes me happy. I can't wait to read the next book in this duology.

Thank you for opportunity NetGalley, Olbrich, and others with allowed me the chance on a simple book lover.

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I received this book as an ARC from Aria & Aries through NetGalley and this review is based on my own opinion.

After her ex boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend, Josie went on a spontanious holiday to Rome.

At daytime Josie wanders around Rome for a bit, but her evenings are mostly spent in her hostel room. A thing her roommates make fun of her for.

She isn't really enjoying her stay in Rome, until the last day, when she finally gets into a conversation with her roommate Leland, who then takes her on an adventure through the streets of Rome.

It's such a cute story which almost made me buy a plane ticket to Rome to go on my own adventure. I loved ever bit of the book and after that cliffhanger at the end I definitly need and can't wait for a sequel!

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I thought the cover was cute and hoped maybe they would do something a little different with this story. Nope, it’s the usual except the MC has a lot of thoughts on things and constantly shares them with us. Didn’t really feel too much chemistry between the two characters and couldn’t make myself care about the MC. Not a fan of the writing style so I’m sure this book is not for me.

Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for the arc.

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I thought I would enjoy this one, I really did. But it was not for me. I put it down not too far in.

I wish the characters had more chemistry and it derailed my enjoyment. It could still work for other people though, it’s just a personal disinterest.

Thank you publisher for the free copy!

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

I found this to be a slow burn for sure, but overall thought it was super cute! The one aspect I struggled with was how Josie was so upset that she wouldn’t be seeing Leo again but yet didn’t want him to do what it took to be there for her, maybe a little too unbelievable and hypocritical for me?

I empathized with Josie with all the stuff she went through with her ex, I can imagine how that would be hard to deal with. And I also understand the struggles of dealing with crappy roommates as I have had them in the past, so I feel like I really related to her on some levels while I was reading. I love when I can relate to the FMC. I also would DIE to go back to Europe and Rome is on the top of my bucket list so I loved living vicariously through Josie while I was reading. Visualizing all the things I would love to do while in Rome, the food, the culture, the landscapes and scenery. Beautiful.

Overall, this was the perfect summer read. It was light and cute, the perfect romance you can read in one sitting while sipping on a cup of coffee out on the deck. I look forward to reading the next one in the series to see where the story takes us! I have a few things I’m hoping for.

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<b><i>Kids don't judge a book by its cover 😗. </b></i>

Nah honestly I wanted to read something fluffy and cute when I saw this book on NetGalley. So what did I do? Of course I send a request 🙂. So what's the problem?

Well this book was something very disappointing. The writing style wasn't for me. I read this book but it didn't give me feelings. You know does giggling blushing frustrating feelings.

There was no chemistry and tension between our two main characters. What's worse than no chemistry? 😭

I couldn't connect to the characters. Yep this was so annoying. The whole book felt nothing.

Josie had so much inner monologs and it annoying af. 😒 The dialogues between Leo and Josie were so messed up.

Let's talk about the worst thing 😃 Insta lust. Yep you read it right. Ok maybe I should guessed it by the title but nah she just broke up with her bf. 😭

Omg not to forget, this book has a playlist! Oh no I mean two playlists. Don't worry they appear in the second half of the book 💀.

All in all, I don't recommend this book. It was a disappointment.

<b>● Just random:</b>
There is apparently another book but I'm not going to torture myself again.

<i>Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a arc in exchange for an honest review. </i>

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Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and or the author for giving me the chance to read and review this book.

It's a sweet romance.

What is the best way to get over a cheating ex & ex best friend is to take a trip to Rome Italy.

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Should not have been reviewed yet - will come back and finish this. Update will be coming soon! Sorry this is my first time 🤦🏽‍♀️

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