Member Reviews

This is one of those books that I had a hard time putting down until I'm done. I truly enjoy the story and I want more. An easy and light read. I can relate to the main characters because the same scenario, with a different version, happened to me and hubby. Looking forward to book 2. :)

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I received this book from NetGalley.

This book took a while to get into. Leo and Josie really spent a lot of time asking each other small talk questions, even though that's what Leo said he didn't want.

I'm not sure if it's because the book was translated or if it's an editing problem, but there are parts of the book where the English doesn't translate well and it's clumsy to read. I understand that Josie is German but she would presumably be thinking in German, so that should be correct. The same goes for Leo and Spanish.

It's frustrating that Josie is so upset about not getting to see Leo again and yet doesn't want him to come and see her, or go somewhere else with him. Wouldn't it just have been better to say goodbye at the airport and have no contact? Otherwise it's worse and also gives him false hope.

Josie has too many inner monologues in the story. For me, it's just a bit too much. Also, it's through one of these that we find out her greatest wish is to have a family - how is this her greatest wish but we're finding out about it 80% of the way into the story?

Apparently there is a second book and while I'd like to know what happens next, I'm not sure it's something I'd buy.

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In many ways, this novel stressed me out but not particularly in a bad way. After catching her boyfriend cheating, Josefine goes on a trip to Italy where she meets Leland, a fellow roommate living in a hostel with her. The day before they’re to depart to their next destinations (him elsewhere and her back home) they embark on an adventure that lasts for only one night.

I have to say, while I was uncertain about the book when I first began reading, I found myself becoming more absorbed in its tale and soon found myself struggling to sneak in as much reading as possible between daily tasks. Very well written, in my opinion. The author captured the magic of the evening where Josefine and Leland talked, laughed, danced and ate the night away. It made me wish I could get on a plane somewhere and experience something similar.

I enjoyed the conflict afterwards, the disappointment and discontent in having to face reality when returning to life. Josefine’s reluctance was believable and entirely relatable - as was Leland’s determination to make things work. It was an enjoyable read and that ending absolutely killed me. Now I need to get my hands on the second book. I NEED to know what happened.

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_happy pub day_
First I have to say I adore this cover art! So simple but so gorgeous!
Just One Night in Rome by Tiziana Olbrich was such a fun and cute read. I loved our main characters.
They were swoony and really their personalities held me captive.
Tiziana Olbrich’s writing style is engaging, characterized by its charm and vivid descriptions.
This author does an amazing job at writing loveable characters and you’ll find your self rooting for Josie and Leo. It’s sweet and fast paced and will have you staying up late to finish.
This was such a fun read! I can't wait for more by this author.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Tiziana Olbrich for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing

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Love the adorable cover, and I have a soft spot for romance set in Italy. I really wanted to love this! It started out okay, with Josefine's cheeky observations about everyone and everything keeping it fun, but the story seemed to get lost in her narrative and soon bored me. It felt too slow for me--too much thought, not enough action--but I'm just a very impatient kind of reader. For someone else, it's probably perfect. Giving it 3 stars because the cover and premise are super cute and I loved Josefine's character. She seems like the kind of person I'd be friends with.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free copy in exchange for my honest review.

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The cover design on this book is phenomenal. It instantly drew me in, even though I am not the biggest fan of new adult romance. Blame the cover for me not looking at the genre of this book! This book was a fine read and I think that should be down to the translator. It was obvious that the translation was a verbatim one and that took me out of the story, more focused on the grammar itself. I did enjoy Josie and wanted to know more based on that cliff hanger. I would love to revisit this after publication day and see if the translation has change.

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I am stoked! I am left quite speechless as soon as I finished the book.

Spoiler alert! (Just in case some words slip but trust me, I’m trying my best not to!)

So how should I put it? Josefine, a woman, who recently experienced betrayal travelled to Rome to soul-search and to recover. Her accommodation during this travel was a shared bedroom space with other travelers. Since she focused mainly on her self-recovery, she has not dealt with nor had long conversations with any strangers - even those in her shared space.

Then, on the last day of the trip, Leland (Leo) strikes up a conversation with her, and eventually, they ‘clicked’. They spent the last hours they have together and had to go on separate ways at the end of their leisure trip. What comes after?

Reality. Reality happens. I admired how their separate lives were exquisitely described - Josefine in her job and Leo in his being a wanderlust - but also, their longing towards one another amidst doubts, fears, and second-guessing. I loved Leo so much for how he handles the Josefine-ness of Josefine. (Kind of reminds me of how Chandler is to Monica in FRIENDS)

We all know that LDR is a thing but it’s definitely not for all. What about Josefine and Leland? Can we even say that they are in a relationship? Or perhaps a “situationship”?

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This was a great book with wonderful characters and an engaging plot. I loved how the book played out and I would recommend it to others

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I really enjoyed the boom for the most part. The author has a way with words that I really loved. My only criticism is that plot gets a little muddled about 50% into it but overall I am excited for the second book!

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I loved this book! Josie was fantastic and I really resonated with her. Leo is wonderful and I adore him. I absolutely am going to look for the sequel right away so I can read it asap

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

Josie finds her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend and goes on an extended vacation to Italy. While staying in a hostel, Josie meets Leo and they share one night together where they build a strong connection that neither have felt before. When they part ways, they plan to stay connected and meet up again one day.

I finished at 55%. I just couldn’t finish. They idea and the plot seemed like something I’d be interested in but I just found the back and forth to be boring and I couldn’t get into the plot.

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Beyond excited for this one! I love the idea of vicariously traveling to Italy since I can't see the real thing this summer and I love the idea of the main character bumping Into swoonworthy Leo and then going on an Italian adventure! I also love the thought of what happens after... Will being on two opposite sides of the world keep them apart! I can't wait to share my full review and thoughts on this one! Our readers are going to devour this like gelato

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