Member Reviews

The Calling
Collecting the Fading Embers of God’s Kingdom
by Mark A Walton
Pub Date 01 Sep 2023
ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op
Christian| Nonfiction \(Adult\)| Religion & Spirituality

Victory Editing and Netgalley provided me with a copy of The Calling for review:

The process of deconstruction must be followed by reconstruction. It was Jesus' plan.

The purpose of Jesus' ministry was to destroy the power structures around human pride and misguided faith. It was accomplished through the messianic secret and riddles related to parabolic teaching.

The Calling is marked by unsettling revelations, codes, symbols, and coincidences that only God could conceal. A paradoxical tension exists between mankind's pride and the Bible's encoded rules.

The cavernous vacuum is where God's work is completed. Through Jesus' potent parabolic language and each biblical author's mysterious code, God remains hidden in plain sight.

 During our exploration of the valley of darkness, dry bones gain breath. In pursuit of mutual glorification, fallen angels and humans undergo specific trials. As this project systematically dismantles the messianic secret, people hidden in the shadows of life are discovered. 

The Problem:

Through a deeper dive into biblical teachings, The Calling addresses the modern problem of the church exodus. A deeper understanding of why mankind was created adds invaluable nuance to the Bible. 

Though deconstruction has become mainstream, it often ignores Jesus' love for everyone. Although The Calling approaches faith similarly, it dives deeper into the text.

I give The Calling five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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I've really enjoyed this book. It has given me so many new things to think about and shown me just how amazing God is.

It looks at some big challenges and how these can be overcome to find Christ.

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