Member Reviews

I was initially really excited to get started with this book. However, as I dove into the book it became increasingly more challenging to follow. After getting through 1/3 of the book I realized why - it's the second book of the series and there were some major things I missed by not reading the first book. (Which, would have been nice to know prior to my requesting the book - I typically don't request books without first reading prior books in the series...I'm not sure how I missed that this was a Book 2.)

I will need to read the first book and attempt to re-read this title at a later point. That being said, this book started very slow and was hard to maintain interest in. (Again, my opinion of that might change if I had been more invested after reading Book 1.)

Thank you for the opportunity to review this book. I will revisit after reading Book 1 in the series.

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⚙️ Ash Like Vengeancee ⚙️

By J. L. Delavega


I’ll start by saying I haven’t read the first book in this series, I tried for days to get my hands on it but it wasn’t available on iBooks or kindle uk for some reason. I’ve seen the blurb and reviews for “Smoke and other storms” and I’m gutted as it seems amazing - “Ash like vengeance” is a follow on. It took me awhile to try put together what had happened roughly in the first book, by reading this one. So yeah, pick up the first one guys.

“ Everything else, steeped in red. But red is the colour of revenge.. “

Wow. Wow, that’s all I can say - the first page giving you goosebumps is a good sign you’ve came across something special, I’ve been reading for years, every genre under the sun but I’ve never read anything quite like this!

Ash like Vengeance focuses on what’s left of the Revere family as they deal with ghosts, enemies and revenge in a bleak place known as The Rim. It’s an awesome mix of Wild West meets girl power meets steampunk, truly unique.

Oh and there’s even a Spotify playlist! (Even though it’s not related to the words inside the book - the book cover designs and the authors IG aesthetic are everythingggg!).

The Reveres are badass, everything I would have wanted to be when I grow up. They kick ass and take no prisoners, each of them have qualities that make them stand out and aids in their survival in this unforgiving world - the stranger, the slip, the raven, the rook — not women you’d want to cross.

You need to read this for yourself to appreciate how unique it is.

“They can’t erase us if we cut so deep into the rims history, we find blood”



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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me access to this arc.

5 stars / 5 stars

Things I loved:
Was sooo blood filled!!
Need the next book asap
Had soo many emotions while reading this book
Love the banter
Love how much more ruthless it was then the first book

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