Member Reviews

In Dirty Thirty by Janet Evanovich, Stephanie Plum is asked by the local jeweler to find his former security guard, Andy 'Nutsy' Manley, whom the jeweler suspects of stealing from him. Stephanie is also searching for one of Nutsy's friends, Duncan Dugan. Dugan is a fugitive from justice who was arrested for robbing the same jeweler store on the same day as Nutsy's theft. There are the usual side stories (fires/wrecked cars/murder/romance) as well as those involving Grendel appearances, exhumation of dead bodies in shallow graves, and unsuccessful clown/mime employment. Our dear Stephanie also is watching Bob, her 'friend' Morelli's dog. Since Morelli isn't around to 'assist' Stephanie in her dilemmas, she has to solely turn to Ranger. Tough, huh? The combination continues to work and is as entertaining as ever. The author also includes thirty quotes from Stephanie Plum books in honor of this thirtieth entry in the series.
Thanks to Atria Books, Janet Evanovich and NetGalley for this ARC.

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Love Janet Evanovich and she presents another solid story. Lots of twists and surprised. Especially at very end

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As a die-hard Stephanie Plum fan, I look forward to the annual Fall entry into Janet Evanovich's fun series. This year, I was able to secure an early copy, which I devoured in two days, enjoying this one every bit as much as the last 29. Evanovich has kept the series running solidly and the quality has improved again, after a bit of a dip in the 'teens. The relationship(s) between Stephanie, Morelli and Ranger took an interesting turn in this one, with Morelli out of town for almost the entire book, and somewhat lesser involvement of Rangeman in the events of the story, even though Stephanie is staying in Ranger's apartment for a time. As always, the ending leaves the reader wanting more, and I must admit that I am ready for Evanovich to resolve the ever-present conundrum: Ranger or Morelli.

I rated Dirty Thirty 3.5 stars (rounded to 4) because the storyline didn't have the level of humor and tension that many of the books have had. It is a solid entry into the series, but seemed a bit tired and even lackluster at times. Grandma Mazur and Stephanie's mother make only a few appearances (a car-chase scene is classic) and Vinnie is a no-show, although we do get to spend a great deal of time with Bob, Morelli's dog, who shows us a different side of his lovable personality. One of my favorite parts is the 30 quotes from 30 books that are included at the end, they brought back some great memories of the years spent with this terrific series.

Thank you to Netgalley and Atria Books for the digital ARC of Dirty Thirty by Janet Evanovich. The opinions in this review are my own.

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I enjoyed this one. It is the typical Stephanie Plum story, which I love. I wish Morelli had been in it a little more, but I did like how it ended and am looking forward to the next one.

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You have to love Stephanie Plum and I am glad she is back. Her bounty hunting skills are put to good use tracking down a former jewelry store security guard and a fugitive arrested for robbing the same jewelry store. Her boyfriend Morelli is away on business so Stephanie has his dog Bob. This means when she needs help, she has to call on Ranger. Thee books are always a good romp.

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So thankful for the ARC I received via Netgalley. Janet blows me away every time I read one of her books and I cannot be more thrilled to say that Dirty Thirty is easily one of her best works yet. The plot, characters, and overall writing keep me coming back for more. Anyone who’s read any of her books before will not want to miss this one!

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I've been reading this series by Janet Evanovich for a very long time. Stephanie Plum is a fun loving character, and all the surrounding characters bring life to this series set in Trenton, New Jersey.
I've missed the last few books, but starting Dirty Thirty sent me right back to Vinnie's bail bonds office, where I see Lula eating a donut and reading her magazine, while Connie updates Stephanie on the latest FTA's she needs to apprehend.
Stephanie is hired by a business owner to locate an ex employee who believes he stole some diamonds.
As Stephanie starts asking questions, she finds out there's much more to the story, and once again she finds herself being targeted, as well as those she's close to.
I'm still hoping Stephanie ends up with Ranger, and even though I like Morelli, I think she deserves to be treated like a queen.
Lula is my favorite character! Everything about her makes me smile, and her "when I was a 'ho" stories never fail to make me laugh.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of the book.

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I receivers Dirty Thirty as an ARC from Netgalley.

I enjoyed this book. It follows some of the usual Plum action, but also included some pleasant character growth. I was quite surprised to see how things go with the two men in her life. I wonder if we are coming to a conclusion in the love triangle and possibly the series. I’m eager to read 31 to find out.

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This quirky, entertaining, witty series is always good for bringing a smile to my face. This one had the zany stuff we usually see – firebombed apartments, car smashes, viewings at the funeral home, grave digging – all of it. Then, to add to it, the mystery in this one was more front-and-center than they usually are, and I liked that. Yes, the books can be silly – really silly – but there is something about the outlandish characters and bizarre crimes and situations that keep me wanting to read more. I love everything about the series except the love triangle between Morelli, Stephanie, and Ranger – it is okay on-page I guess, but if I were to know Stephanie in real life, I suspect I wouldn’t have much respect for her. More about that later…

There haven’t been too many bail-skips lately and Stephanie is running short of money. So, when a jewelry store owner who has recently been robbed wants to hire her to find the man he is sure robbed him, she agrees. The person she is hired to find is someone with whom she went to school – Andrew Manley, AKA Nutsy. Stephanie cannot imagine Nutsy doing what he is accused of doing and wants to know more, but then, there is a rash of bail skippers and she has to juggle finding them while she is also trying to find Nutsy and solve the jewelry theft. During all of that chaos, it seems Lula has either lost her mind totally, or she is being stalked by someone/something she has named Grendel (from Beowulf) because he is a tall, hairy, monster who sneaks into her room at night. How in the world will this can of worms ever get sorted? Insanely, of course!

Joseph Morelli, Stephanie’s mostly significant other is in Miami testifying at a trial, so he isn’t there to give her backup and support when she needs it. However, she isn’t without resources – definitely not. Ranger is there to step in and save her – loan her cars, give her a place to stay when her apartment is firebombed – coax her into his bed. The book ends with a cliffhanger (I hate cliffhangers) that, when resolved in the next book, will certainly change the course of the series, and the romance, and could perhaps, I guess, be the end of the series. It will be interesting to see where it goes and how the author handles it. For my two cents worth – Stephanie isn’t IN love with either of them – nor are they IN love with her. I think Stephanie loves each of them – and I think each of them loves her – but the IN LOVE, to me, just isn’t there for any of them. I like all of them and am not rooting for one man over the other because I don’t think either of them is just the right one for Stephanie. If one was the right man – Stephanie would have already made a choice instead of flip-flopping between them.

So, we had a nice wrap-up of the mystery and a cliffhanger along with lots of zany shenanigans. I had a smile on my face the whole way through and cannot wait to read the next installment to see the resolution to the cliffhanger.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was my second Stephanie Plum novel and it was pretty fun and mostly charming. It was easy to follow along even though I hadn't kept up with the series. Also the ending did leaving me wondering how Stephanie's love life is going to end up so I'd be interested in reading #31 when it comes out.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I’ve been with Stephanie Plum for 29 books now, so obviously I’m going to stick around and read number 30 and continue to stick with her until the end…though I would like to see her progress in her relationship with Morelli and stop this flirting around with Ranger…I don’t feel like the back and forth almost love triangle adds anything to the plots of these books, and if anything detracts from Stephanie’s likability.
I was provided with a free advanced copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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the stephanie plum books are such a comfort series for me. after 29 books, i thought i knew what to expect, but the last 10% has me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next one! i cannot wait to see what happens with her apartment and with her love triangle. i will always be team ranger! i loved that bob was a main character in this one and the mystery was pretty interesting as well. book 31 needs to come out soon!

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Dirty Thirty by Janet Evanovich

OMG!! What an ending!

Another Stephanie Plum story full of the usual laugh-out-loud antics. This story is light on Joe Morelli and features more of Ranger (my favorite).

With her love triangle going strong and keeping her confused, Stephanie works her bail bond’s job with her usual mishaps and flair. “Fun” times ensue for her and Lula with a little additional help from Grandma Mazur, Stephanie’s mom, Bob the dog, and Simon Diggery, the grave robber.

I love this series and will continue reading it forever. Can’t wait for the next one!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC

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I was beginning to wonder if i wanted to keep reading this series, after all, this is book 30! The one thing I wanted to see was some growth in Stephanie Plum, and I think she's getting there. Stephanie and Lula still make mistakes in trying to apprehend their FTA's, but they were actually able to accomplish some stuff without the help of the men in Stephanie's life. Yippee!

Cars get destroyed, places get blown up, all in a day's work in one of these books. If it works, why change right? The ending gave me even more hope that Stephanie is growing up and life may change for her, it's about time in my mind.

I keep reading because the mysteries are good and the humor is delightful. I would love to meet a real-life Grandma Mazur or a Lula.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Stephanie Plum and her group of interesting and unique characters are at it again. Not the best of the thirty adventures, but still a fun romp. Had I not read many of the previous ones I probably would have really been entertained. But since I have, I kind of expected too much in the way of surprises and laughter. There are many amusing moments and a surprise or two. I wonder what 31 will be like. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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Stephanie is back! After the last terrible book (someone else clearly wrote it), the write character details and language is on point! Stephanie and Lula had me in stitches, and the grave digging experiences are just part of their norm now, like cars and apartments being blown up. The mystery had more than usual to it, and Stephanie's grandma is always a maniacal laugh. the ending, moving the three-part relationship forward between Ranger and Morelli hits a new high, and honestly, I can't see there being another book after this next one. She has to make a decision, and it's time to move on... and it better be Ranger!

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This was another very good Stephanie Plumb book. I have read all of them and a lot of Janets other books too. I was going to buy this one Tuesday when it came out. So thanks the publisher Janet and NetGalley for the chance to read it early.

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As per usual, I loved this book! I'm a huge Stephanie Plum fan and this was another winner! Made me laugh out loud a few times and left me wanting more!

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O..M..G!! I've been waiting for the proposal, but wow! This book was so good! I love that it focused a lot more on Stephanie than her relationships, even though they were still mentioned. I'm on the edge of my seat for the next one already!

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I've been a fan of Janet Evanovich since she wrote her Loveswept romances wayyyy back in the day and have devoured every Stephanie Plum book since the beginning. I finished this book in 3 hours.

That said, the thing that I immediately do now is go to the back and see if she has chosen Ranger or Morelli. and then go and read the book. (Team Morelli!)

This book is just like the other 29 books in that she has crazy adventures at her cousin's bail bond, with Lula, Connie, Grandma Mazur, Bob the dog, and some quirky new characters. What I mean is that after 29 other books, Stephanie needs to choose between Ranger and Morelli - or not - but I feel at this point Ms. Evanovich is just dragging us along to buy new books to see who Stephanie chooses, because the stories are starting to all run together.

Dirty Thirty involves a local jeweler who thinks his security guard has stolen some diamonds and Stephanie and the gang try to find them. Lula has craziness (of course she does) and Grandma Mazur and Steph's mom are along for more hijinks. While Morelli is out of town, Ranger moves in. Again.

I guess after this many books, I'm just ready for things to get settled. The adventures don't have to end, they can be different.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC. All opinions are my own. My rating is 3.5 because I think we need some conclusions.

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