Member Reviews

Dirty Thirty is #30! in the Stephanie Plum series. (wow! That in itself is amazing.) I'm guessing that most folks planning on reading Dirty Thirty have read at least one other Stephanie Plum books. So its understandable that Dirty Thirty jumps right in. I really hate to admit it, but I've only read one other book in the Stephanie Plum series (book #1). I didn't feel at a loss regarding jumping from #1 to #30. Stephanie Plum series are so entertaining with never a dull moment ... and #30 is no exception!

At the end of the book contains a "best of" quotes from prior Stephanie Plum books. Loved it!

And I'm anxious to get my hands on #31! (But oh so glad that I read #30 before #31.)

Stephanie is a bails bondswoman in New Jersey. She has her boyfriend's 75lb dog Bob in tow throughout this book, Bob can be a handful.

I love how creative and fun Janet Evanovich is with this series! Who can resist the next Stephanie Plum book ... I just wish that I had discovered this series sooner. I have a lot of back reading to do!

Dirty Thirty was just released Oct 31, 3023 by Atria Books. Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for approving my request to read the advance review copy of Dirty Thirty in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Janet Evanovich for keeping this series interesting, light and fun. Once I started this one, I was hooked.

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Another fun escapade in the Burg, with Stephanie Plum and company, always on the hunt for bail skippers. This time, she has a new team member- Bob the Dog, who occasionally proves useful, if he's not otherwise engaged eating something. Lula has a serious wardrobe catastrophe- will she ever recover? Missing from this book was the usual Grandma Mazur musings on life. I can't believe there weren't any good viewings! Also Morelli was out of town, leaving the door open for hottie, Ranger. Babe! While some of the usual characters were less featured, Stephanie still manages to get in over her head with her skips, who always have and extenuating, but ridiculous reason for their behavior, which Stephanie takes in stride. I'm always delighted when a new book comes out and look forward to the next one. I hope it isn't to long- we have to find out what happened!

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That cliffhanger! I don’t know how I’ll ever survive waiting on book 31. I loved this story and the progression of Stephanie and how she was transforming to be more like lula in her “when one door closes another one opens” way. Then bang definitely Dirty Thirty! The plot was 5/5 and it really was starting to seem like a longtime coming decision was being made solidified before wrenches were thrown in. True to the title it does us dirty. Bring on book 31!

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Stephanie Plum and her entire circle of co-workers, friends and family are back in Dirty Thirty. Bail bondswoman Stephanie is looking for a bunch of bail jumpers and a possible jewel thief. Former lady of the evening Lula is her irrepressible self trying to avoid a stalker, who just happens to be a mythological beast. Stephanie’s boyfriend Morelli is out of town and Stephanie is once again turning her wandering eye towards the hunky Ranger. All is well in Trenton, New Jersey.

I adore this series. It is still as fresh and as laugh-out-loud funny now as it was in the beginning. It is amazing how one woman can have so many unusual events occur. Dirty Thirty Is highly recommended. Just a fun ride. 5 stars and a favorite!

Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.

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Another fun Stephanie Plum book. Slightly disappointed that Grandma Mazur and Morelli were barely mentioned in the story. Interesting ending, excited for thirty-one!

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Dirty Thirty
By: Janet Evanovich
Publisher: Atria books
Pub Date: 10/31/23
Number 30 for Stephanie Plum! She has 2 very gorgeous problems, Ranger and Morelli.
Stephanie and Lola are back in it. With Morelli headed out of town it’s Stepahnie’s job to take care of Bob and since he eats everything he has to go with.
This time they are looking for a dead body, a security guard and a thief who are both involved in a jewelry store robbery. Something is going on in the background that Stephanie needs Ranger’s help
Lola thinks she’s being stalked by an Ogre, probably Grendel.
Of course we can’t get through a book without Stephanie losing a car and an apartment. But the shocker at the end still has me thinking about when book 31 comes out!

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I have been a fan since the first Stephanie Plum book. Stephanie and Lulu are up to usual antics trying to find out who robbed the jewelry store along with trying to collect on her skips. Bob, Morelli’s dog plays a big part in this book. Stephanie’s love triangle just got way more complicated. Can’t wait to see how that plays out.

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Just finished Dorty Thirty. I don’t know how Janet Evanovich does it but each novel and the characters’ exploits seem fresh and new with each novel. A fun, fast paced read!.

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Only Janet Evanovich could turn a crime novel into a laugh-a-minute fast-paced ride. Fun and satisfying, this one has Stephanie Plum and her resourceful, sometimes clueless, gang making all the right moves. Thank you Net Galley for the advance copy.

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Stephanie has her hands full. Martin Rabner wants her to find Andy Manley who he believes took diamonds from his jewelry store safe. She is also looking for Duncan Dugan, a man believed to have robbed the same jewelry store … on the same day. She probably could have handled both of those issues, but when her boyfriend leaves town on police business, she has to dog-sit Bob … and he can’t be left alone. Of course, Ranger and Lula must throw their own issues into Stephanie’s crazy life. What odd activities will be uncovered in Trenton?

Dirty Thirty is the thirtieth book in the Stephanie Plum series. This story had me laughing constantly and I kept thinking, I need to tell someone about that! There are many quotable moments … then you get to the end and Evanovich has picked 30 of her favorite quotes from the series. I always expect that the next book will be ho-hum since the series is long-running, but if it is going to happen, it wasn’t this book! I will say there is a small cliffhanger at the end. When is the next book going to be released?!

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Dirty Thirty was similar to all the other Stephanie Plum books but at the same time it was less chaotic so to speak.
There was still things blowing up and funerals to go to. There was Morelli and Ranger and oh how this one ended. To think
It’s going to be another 6 months to a year to read 31.

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I am a longtime fan of this series. This is a good book. Continues development of the characters. Goood read

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I have been reading the Stephanie Plum series since I was in high school. I can't even tell you how many times I have re-read this series. I legitimately love reading about the exploits of the most "under appreciated bounty hunter" in Trenton, NJ. In the 30th book in the series, Stephanie finds herself in another hilariously troubling situation with a few of the fugitives that she is supposed to be tracking down. Her boyfriend, Morelli (my favorite) is away on police business so we have a lot of Bob's presence but also Ranger. Talk about complications. Stephanie, Lula and the whole gang are back and bring a whole lot of excitement for you, with a jewel theft, lots of dog adventures and a whole lot of drama.

I really enjoyed this one. I think that there was a lot happening but as usual, Janet Evanovich knows how to put it all together in a page-turner. Are there a lot of unbelievable situations that Stephanie finds herself in? Yes, but that's what makes this series so great. It's slightly believable for Trenton, NJ (yes, I'm from Jersey, no I've never lived in Trenton) but it's the culture that she embodies that makes these books so good. It is funny, it is entertaining, you feel bad for all that goes wrong for Stephanie (and it's quite a lot in this one) but I definitely didn't want to put it down. Also! There is a M A J O R dilemma that comes up in this one and it has me waiting very impatiently for the next book.

Thank you NetGalley, Atria Books, Simon & Schuster and Janet Evanovich for the eARC of Dirty Thirty!

Publication Date for Dirty Thirty by Janet Evanovich is 14 November 2023 (day after my birthday). If you haven't, check out this series and grab the latest as soon as you can!

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There were many twists and turns for Stephanie Plum and her crew to find her latest FTA and uncover the details of a diamond theft.

But does anything ever go smoothly for Stephanie and her partner in crime Lula? Lula's home catches on fire, Stephanie's car gets totaled (again), Stephanie's apartment is firebombed (again), and they are end up on the receiving end of an attempted murder. Just another day in the life of Stephanie Plum.

After her most recent firebombing Stephanie finds herself staying at Ranger's apartment while Morelli is out of town for work. But things become a bit complicated when she ends up with not one but two marriage proposals. What's a girl to do?

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I am a long time fan of the Stephanie Plum series, and I'm going to be honest, some of the books in the recent past were very unrealistic and unenjoyable, but Dirty Thirty comes in strong. It had more than a few laugh out loud moments and the plot was enjoyable. I'm over the love triangle but I'm guessing that isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

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Another great Evanovich book! My only complaint (not really), is that she left us with a cliff-hanger on this one, and I can't wait another year to see where it leads! Grandma, Bob, Lula, and Ranger are all up to their usual antics, and I couldn't be happier about that! I don't know how she continues to make each book better than the last, but she never disappoints! Thanks so much NetGalley for my ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Yes, these books seem very much the same; nothing really seems to progress in Stephanie's--or any of the characters'-- life. But I often turn to Janet Evanovich for "comfort reading." Dirty Thirty didn't disappoint in giving me a few laughs and smiles, and that's exactly what I was looking for.

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There's never really much to say about Stephanie Plum books anymore. They're always fun to read but nothing really ever happens. I wish there was more going on personally in these books to keep some sort of other plot moving besides just solving an unconnected crime each book. There's BARELY something to maybe move Stephanie's life forward in this one... I guess we'll see in the next book.

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No one can get into a situation more complicated than Stephanie Plum. This book shows you everything isn't always as it seems or is exactly that you choose which way you see it.

When Stephenie is hired to help fine the man she already has an FTA on she thinks her luck may be turning around. You read and decide for yourself.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Atria Books, Net Galley and the author for the opportunity to read the ARC for review. I absolutly love this series and was thrilled to receive the ARC. My review opinions are my own. This is an amazing accomplishment for the author as the "30th" book in this beloved series. Congratulations to the author. I have read the entire series and always love returning to Stephanie Plum and her mishaps, her merry band of great characters and laugh out loud fun.

This is one of my favorite escape reading series. The author has a talent for writing bold characters that entertain the reader and captured us for 30 books in the series . This book I read cover to cover as I was laughing out loud and enjoyed it from page one. A 5 star read. This is pure enjoyment and wonderful escape reading.

Stephanie is at her best in this next in series. She has evolved, has definitive limits with Ranger and is professing her loyaty to Morelli which was nice to see. Her ability as a bail bonds person has improved with her sidekick Lulu by her side. She has care of Bob the dog while Morelli is out of town and fun with Bob is a wonderful part of this book. Stephanie and Lulu are on the case of a local jewelry robbery which evolves into multiple characters and danger for Stephanie. Lulu, Grandma Mazer and Mrs. Plum join the excitment and it was nice to read Mrs. Plum stepping out of her normal role.. The antics are many , the mystery of the robbery takes a turn unexpected and Stephanie is on the case with her personal determination to catch the real crook. Its a fun ride that you will enjoy with a wonderful surprise ending that leave the reader excited for book 31. A fun addition to the series and my favorite book of the series. Well done to the author. Thank you Ms. Evanovich for continuing this series.

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